History Chapter 4 Qs

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What were the start and end years for the Hundred Years' War?

1336 - 1453

The Slavic people divided into how many groups? What were they?

3 groups: Western, Eastern, and Southern Slavs

When and where did the Vikings' expansion begin?

793 C.E - Lindisfarne Monastery, England

When did the West Frankish nobles make Hugh Capet their king?

987 - Established the Capetian dynasty of French kings

What does the Bayeux Tapestry commemorate?

It commemorates a struggle for the throne of England between William and Harold.

Why is the Magna Carta significant?

It was the first document limiting the king's power

Where were Europe's main medieval trading centers?

Italian cities, Flanders, Baltic, and the North Sea region

Where did the Italian and French popes live?

Italian pope - Rome French pope - Avignon

Who settled in Ukraine Russia after the early settlers did? Who took the land away from them?

Kievan Rus - Control large territory until conquered by Mongols from Easy

Who lost Normandy and France?

King John

Why was the Magna Carta created?

King John was cruel and raised taxes to pay for more wars

Who brought Church under German control and was crowned Roman emperor?

King Otto I

Who engineered the election of a French pope? When? What did it result in?

King Phillip IV of France - 1305 The papacy was moved to Avignon in southern France

How much power did the Capetians have?

Kings had very little power.

Who had a great social prestige and formed the backbone of European aristocracy?


What formed the House of Commons?

Knights and townspeople

What relationship was considered an honorable one on fedualism and what did it imply?

Lord-vassal relationship implied a sense of servitude.

Who owned the land that serfs farmed?


Why was manor life "good?"

Manor life was considered as preparation for heaven-obedience and good behavior would be rewarded in the afterlife.

How are universities now similar to the first universities that were started in the Middle Ages?

Many courses taught through lecture School term is broken into 2 semesters Students pay tuition Courses end with final exams Have liberal arts and teachers Bachelor's/Masters's/Ph.D

Why was Gothic architecture considered to be so innovative?

•The style was different from the previous, relatively basic building structure that had prevailed. The Gothic grew out of the Romanesque architectural style and contained more complex designs. •The Gothic style replaced the dim and narrow Romanesque naves with brighter, more spacious interiors filled with light •Romanesque buildings were practical and could double up as defensive structures. Gothic buildings were unworldly. They sought to inspire people and to express complete faith in the perfection of God.

How religious was Louis IX?

Very religious - He was a saint made by the Catholic Church

Who settled in Ukraine Russia during its early settlement?

Vikings - to create new trade routes

What was the most influencial invasion that occured in Western Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries?

Vikings invasion

What was the main concern of the European feudal society?


What were the 3 factors that helped bring change in agriculture?

Warmer climate, political stability, and new technologies

What formed the core of the Kingdom of France?

Western Frankish lands

Who was the main character of the Bayeux Tapestry?

William of Normandy

With what crimes did the English charge Joan of Arc with after she was captured? Why did her clothing play such a big part in this?

Witchcraft and heresy She was told that for a woman to wear men's clothing was a crime against God. Her determination to continue wearing it was seen as defiance and sealed her fate.

What French action caused Edward III to declare war?

With the French king, the nobles attacked Aquitaine

Did the leaders take care of their vassals?


What were the three "French Disasters"?

1. Losing control of the English Channel 2. Losing their finest knights at Crecy 3. Losing Calais, which gave England a base in Northern France

What were the causes of the Hundred Years' War?

1. Status of Aquitaine - England possessed it and France wanted it 2. As the closest relatives of Charles IV, Edward III claimed the crown of France.

What was a manor in the economic system of manorialism? What was the relationship of serfs to the manor? (manor, serfs)

A manor was an agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked. Serfs were legally bound to the manor and were subject to the lord's control. Peasants used some of the land to grow food for themselves. They got protection and shelter out from the lords.

What part of southwestern France did England have control over before the war?


What land did the Capetians control?

Area around Paris - Ile-de-France

How did increased trade give rise to commercial capitalism?

As trade increased, so did the demand for gold and silver coins. Slowly, a money economy emerged. New trading companies and banking firms were set up.

What was Louis IX known for?

Bringing justice to his people by hearing their complaints in person

After France has driven England out, what was the only French area that England still had?


What are 2 types of vernacular literature?

Chanson de geste and troubadour poetry

Who did not come to the aid of Joan even though she was a large part of him becoming French king?

Charles VII

Why did German lords create independent kingdoms? What did it effect?

Due to the absence of leadership, German lords create independent kingdoms. This severely weakened German monarchy. Eventually, the Holy Roman Empire had no effective control over either Germany or Italy.

During the ___________, educated people wanted what? What did this desire lead to?

During the 1100's, educated people wanted new sources of entertainment. In response, a market for vernacular literature appeared.

When the French King, Charles IV, died without an heir, what English king claimed the French throne because he was related to the French king?

Edward III

As Burgundy expands in northern France, who are they allies with?


Where is Calais located?

English Channel

What lands did Phillip II Augustus take control?

English held lands in France

What was feudalism characterized by?

Feudal contract

Who attempted to conquer northern Italy? Were they successful?

Frederick I and Frederick II - They failed.

Compare and contrast Gothic and Romanesque architecture.

Gothic: Ribbed vaults, high buildings, flying buttresses, and pointed arches. Romanesque: Barrel vaults, large internal structures, thick walls, and semi-arches

What benefits did guilds offer to craftspeople?

Guilds played a leading role in the economic life of cities. Crafts guilds directed had control of the production, standards, and marketing of particular crafts.

Why was Phillip II Augustus imporant?

He contributed to the development of the French monarchy by expanding its income and power by gaining more control over English held lands in France. He brought more financial stability and prosperity to France.

How did William of Normandy develop the English law and government?

He developed more fully the system of taxation and royal courts begun by earlier Anglo-Saxon kings

How did King Henry II develop the English law and government?

He introduced jury by trial to England. His methods became common law. He increased the number of criminal cases tried in the king's court. He moved property cases from local courts to the royal courts. Royal courts were now found throughout England.

Why was Phillip IV important?

He made the French monarchy stronger by expanding the royal bureaucracy.

What did Pope Gregory XI do after the papacy had been resident for almost seventy years at Avignon, under the shadow of French royal power?

He moved from Avignon to Rome in 1377 and died soon afterwoods.

What happened about Pope Gregory XI died?

He was followed by an Italian pope. Soon after, French cardinals elected their own pope.

What were the technologies that helped change agriculture?

Heavy plow, horse collar, and crop rotation

The weakened King of France agreed to let who take the crown on France after his death?

Henry V

What is a difference between the Roman and Germanic systems of justice?

In the Roman system a crime such as murder was considered an offense against society or state. Thus, a court would hear evidence and arrive at a decision. But Germanic law was personal, so to avoid bloodshed wergild was developed.

The Frankish policy of settling the Vikings and converting them to Christianity was a deliberate move to...?

Incorporate them into the European civilization

Why did feudalism become complicated?

Instead of a single government, many people now held power. Vassals of a king might have vassals as well.

What was the House of Lords composed of?

Nobles and common lords

What area did the Vikings, come from and what impact did they have?

Normandy - Viking culture had a lasting impact on the art, religion, technology, and trade of every population they encountered across Europe and Scandinavia

What two factions arose when France split after the death of Charles IV?

One sided with a French cousin and another that allied with Edward III

What 2 things formed checks on power in England?

Parliament and Magna Carta

How did King Edward I develop the English law and government?

Parliament emerged during the reign of King Edward.

What were the reactions during the Black Death?

People didn'y know the causes of the plague. Many believed that God sent it as a punishment for their sins or the devil sent it. Some blamed the Jews; they caused the plague by poisoning town wells.

Who created the French Parliament? When?

Phillip IV - 1302

What was Phillip IV's nickname?

Phillip the Fair

Who did the French support duing the Great Schism?

Pope in Avgignon

Who did the English support during the Great Schism?

Pope in Rome

Describe the Papal power in the 5th Century

Popes of the Catholic Church claimed supremacy over the affairs of the Church. They had gained control over territories in central Italy (Papal States). The Church became involved in the feudal system.

Why were the Vikings considered a threat to the Europeans?

Rulers found it difficult to defend their subjects as organized governments were torn apart. This led to the development of feudalism .

What did Parliament grant?

Taxes, discussed politics, and passed laws.

What two groups did the royal family divide into that started this civil war (1407)?

The Armagnacs and Burgundians

What happened during the Great Schism of 1378, and what was the result?

The Great Schism of 1378 was caused by a dispute over the authority of the Church. Three people simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. The dual popes created confusion and political tension.

How did both the Magna Carta and the development of Parliament help to place limits on the power of monarchs in England? (Magna Carta, Parliament)

The Magna Carta gave written recognition to the fact that the king-vassal relationship was based on mutual rights and obligations. The king could not do whatever he wanted to do. People were getting more rights. Prisoners were being treated more respectfully. Parliament was a government that consisted people from different parts of the hierarchy. Therefore, there was more perspective on what was right for the country, including the limitation of the monarchy's power.

What point of view is the tapestry in?

The Normans'

What did the Bayeux Tapestry depict?

The events leading up to the Norman conquest and culminating in the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

Explain the importance of the fief in feudalism. How did the feudal contract help to define the relationship between a lord and his vassal?

The fief was a vassal's source of income. A fief was the central element of feudalism and consisted of heritable property or rights granted by a lord to a vassal in return for a form of feudal loyalty and service. The feudal contract helped define the relationship between a lord and his vassal by implying a sense of servitude. It specified the responsibilities of the lord and vassal. The vassal was obligated to perform military duties and provide advice to his lord. The lord was to grant his vassal land and protect him, whether it was militarily or by taking his side during a dispute.

In the feudal system, what did the peasants receive from the knights? What did the peasants give back to the knights?

The knights provided food, shelter, and protection to the peasants. The peasants gave the knights farm land, rent money, and defense (fought as soldiers).

In the feudal system, what did the knights receive from the lords? What did the knights give back to the lords?

The lords provided food, shelter, and protection to the knights. The knights gave back loyalty and military service to the lords.

In the feudal system, what did the lords receive from the king? What did the lords give back to the king?

The lords received land from the king. The lords gave the king military aid and loyalty.

After Charlemagne's death, the Carolingian Empire was divided into 3 sections:

The western Frankish lands, the eastern Frankish lands, and the Middle Kingdom.

What was the goal of the First Crusade?

To "liberate" Jerusalem and the rest of the Christian Holy Land from Muslim control.

Why did the king expand parliament to include more people?

To increase taxes due to a series of expensive wars. To avoid open revolts, he had to open up the assemblies to those beyond earls and barons, to those below the social hierarchy.

What were the long term effects of the Black Death?

Trade declined and shortage of workers caused a rise in price of labor. Decline in the number of people lowered demand for food, resulting in falling prices. Landlords' incomes from rents fell. Some peasants bargained with their lords to pay rent instead of owing services. This change freed them from serfdom. The Church declined in power because it couldn't do anything about the plague. People came to the Church for help. When it didn't, people rejected papal claims of supremacy.

What principles from the Magna Carta has carried over into many democratic governments today?

Treating prisoners well and justice for all

True or False: Vassals held political authority within his fief.


True or False: Vassals swore an oath of loyalty to their leaders and fought in battles for them.


Cons of being a serf?

• Lords had political authority over their serfs • Serfs had to pay to use common land, streams, and ponds • Serfs were legally bound to work the lord's lnd and give him a percentage of their harvests • Serfs weren't permitted to leave the lord's land or marry without his permission

Pros of being a serf?

• Lords provided protection for their serfs • Serfs were given land to grow crops • A lord couldn't easily take away the serfs' land from them • Frequent feast days or holidays gave the serfs time off from work and a chance for celebration

Pros of being a townsperson:

• Townspeople could buy the rights and liberties they wanted and needed • They had the right to buy and sell property. • A written law guaranteed them their freedom, including freedom from military service to the lord • Craftspeople could join guilds and make a living from a trade • Women could lead lives of some independence

Cons of being a townsperson:

• Tows were tightly cramped, with narrow streets • Towns were overcrowded, insanitary, and smelly. Water was often polluted and unsafe to drink. Diseases could spread quickly. • Elections were often rigged so that only members of the wealthiest and most powerful families could be elected to public office.

What were the causes of the Middle Ages?

•Crowning of Charlemagne •Political stability •Less German tribes roaming around •The king and tribes begin settling down •Feudalism develops

How did the Catholic Church's role evolve in Europe?

•During the Middle Ages, the Church served to give people spiritual guidance and it served as their government as well. It was the center of every village and town. The Church was the unifying force in Europe. Cathedrals were the site of Europe's first universities, so the Church was a center of learning and scholarship. Since the Church owned monasteries, it had a lot of land. Kings and queens needed papal approval since the pope was above them in the social hierarchy. The pope could excommunicate them if they did something he didn't approve of. The Church contributed to the political, economic, and social life of the Middle Ages. •Due to the failure of the Crusades, Black Death, Great Schism, revolts, and other factors, the Church declined in power. People came to the Church for help during the epidemic, but since it couldn't, people respected the Church less.

Why was Charlemagne's coronation as the "Emperor of Rome significant in European history?

•It gave him more credibility and meant he was equal in power to the emperor of the Byzantine Empire. •It fostered the growth of Europe and showed the strength of the idea of an enduring Roman empire. •It took place 300 years after the fall of Western Rome.

What were the factors that contributed to the shift from a barter economy to a money economy in the High Middle Ages?

•Markets grew •Trade increased •Easier to deal with •Recognized currency •Interchangeable •Durable

How did the Islamic civilization influence Europe?

•Muslims made many advancements in fields such as science, mathematics, medicine, and literature. (Provide examples) •The Crusades were between Muslims and Christians. By entering Europeans in the Islamic world and their close connection with Muslims they became acquainted with various aspects of Islamic culture and civilization and tried to adopt it and import it to Europe •After the Crusades, merchants traded with the Middle East. This led to an exchange of knowledge which contributed to the European Renaissance.

When did William successfully conquer England? Why was this event significant?

1066 - He became the first Normandy king of England

What were the 3 estates of the French Parliament?

1st Estate - Clergy 2nd Estate - Nobles 3rd Estate - Townspeople and Peasant

What did Parliament consist of?

2 knights from every county, two people from every town, and all the nobles and bishops throughout England.

What was the effect of the longbow at the Battle of Crecy?

20,000 English soldiers defeated 60,000 French soldiers.

When was the Carolingian Empire divided into 3 sections?


What was one thing that made the Vikings superior?

Advanced seafaring technology (boats)

Who set the foundation for centralized government in England?

After William conquered England, he declared all of England as his personal property, then he granted fiefs to loyal Norman lords.

What did the nobles form?

An aristocracy/nobility that consisted of people who held political, economic, and social power.

What were the causes of Black Death?

Black rats infected with fleas carrying a deadly bacteria. Bad weather conditions, famine, and shorter growing seasons increased the mortality of the plague.

What was the universal language of medieval civilization?


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