History Final Part 3

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What action did Hitler take six months after the Munich conference that indicated he was not really interested in keeping the peace?

He invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia

On June 6, 1944 (D-day), United States and Great Britain opened up a Western front against the Axis powers on the continent of Europe by landing troops in an amphibious assault at...

Normandy in France

All of the following were members of the Axis powers except:


President Kennedy supported an attempt by Cuban exiles to return to Cuba to overthrow Castro. There attempt failed. Where did the battle take place that repelled these Cuban refugees?

The Bay of Pigs

Perhaps the most visible sign that the cold war was coming to an end occurred in Germany in November of 1989 when a despised physical symbol of the Cold War was dismantled. What was this physical symbol that began to be demolished in Germany in late 1989?

The Berlin Wall

During the early years of the Cold War, Eastern Europeans were escaping to the West through West Berlin. The Communists tried to stop this by...

building the Berlin Wall to keep Easterners from entering West Berlin

Nixon's Vietnam policy included all of the following except:

continued build up of American armed forces in Vietnam

The Battle of the Coral Sea:

helped turn back the Japanese threat to Australia

The attack on Pearl Harbor:

is correctly represented by all the above statements

In the area of civil rights, President Truman:

issued an executive order banning racial segregation in the armed forces

Faced with the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba, President Kennedy:

ordered a naval blockade or "quarantine" of Cuba

In response to the Little Rock Crisis of 1957, Eisenhower:

sent 1,000 federal troops to protect black students

One reason that the countries in Eastern Europe were able to overthrow communism was due to Gorbachev's new policy concerning Eastern Europe. What was this policy that allowed the Eastern European countries to be liberated from communist control?

the Soviets would no longer use armed force to keep repressive regimes in power in Eastern Europe.

When North Korea Communists invaded South Korea:

the United Nations authorized military intervention against the aggressors

The protest tactic initiated by black students at a Woolworths lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, was:

the sit in

The primary reason President Truman ordered the use of atomic bombs was:

to prevent an invasion of Japan

In response to a Soviet blockade of West Berlin, Truman:

used a massive airlift to supply the city

Americans suddenly became concerned about the apparent "missile gap" between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1957:

when Russia launch Sputnik

The United States was able to bring an end to World War II because they were able to force Japan to surrender by:

Dropping atomic bombs on two Japanese cities

In the 1938 agreement signed at Munich:

Britain and France agreed to let Hitler have the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia

During the Korean War UN troops under the commander General MacArthur had almost accomplished their goal of liberating North Korea from communist rule. What happened to prevent them from achieving this goal?

China entered the Korea War and helped the North Korean communist drive the UN troops out of North Korea

True or False: Shortly after World War II Germany was divided into two countries; One in the East from the Soviet occupation zone, and the other in the West from the combined occupation zones of the other allies.


True or False: Some six million Jews were killed in the Nazi holocaust.


The Lend-Lease Bill, introduced in Congress:

authorized the president to sell, transfer, lend, lease, or otherwise dispose of other equipment and supplies to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution:

authorized the president to take whatever means were necessary to defend American forces and prevent further communist aggression.

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