History II Midterm Chapter 18

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What strategic possession did Great Britain obtain from Spain in the Peace of Utrecht?

The key coastal territory of Gibraltar

How did patronage connect King Louis XIV of France to the provincial nobles?

The king rewarded high-ranking nobles, who in turn rewarded low-ranking nobles.

Oliver Cromwell's military dictatorship enforced ideas of morality drawn from


In settling the Hungarian revolt, what did the Habsburgs grant to the Hungarian nobility?

Recognition of traditional privileges

What was the result of the attempts by Charles I of England to rule without Parliament?

A civil war broke out in 1642.

Which of these best describes the Glorious Revolution?

A political revolution that left power in the hands of the elite

What power did the royal women exercise at Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV?

Advising the king on policies

What feature of the Anglican Church did the Puritans want to get rid of in the seventeenth century?

Bishops selected by the king

What did the seventeenth-century English colonies of Virginia and the Carolinas have in common?

Both were based on plantation agriculture.

Why was the British gain of Gibraltar through the Peace of Utrecht important?

Britain could control access to the Mediterranean.

which of the following statements reflects the state of North America in 1714?

By 1714, Britain claimed the original thirteen colonies, remote northern regions of what would be Canada, and a few islands.

Who served as first minister of the French crown under Louis XIII and strengthened royal control?

Cardinal Richelieu

In what region did Spain face serious revolts in the 1640s?


Why did Jean-Baptiste Colbert embrace mercantilism as an economic policy?

Colbert wanted to strengthen France financially in order to maintain its army and fight wars.

What type of government did England develop in 1688?

Constitutional monarchy

What did Spain do in an attempt to overcome its revenue crisis when its American silver mines started to produce less silver after 1620?

Devalued its coinage

Which of the following statements describes an aspect of Dutch commerce in the seventeenth century?

Dutch spices came primarily from territories they controlled.

Why did the Irish gentry rebel against English rule in 1641?

Fear that the British Parliament would order an invasion

The 1609 expulsion of what group had a significant negative impact on Spain's economy?

Former Muslims

Kings in absolutist states believed they were responsible to which of the following?


Of King Louis XIV, it was written that, "Nothing could be regulated with greater exactitude than were his days and hours. In spite of all his variety of places, affairs, and amusements, with an almanac and a watch one might tell, three hundred leagues away, exactly what he was doing." What does this description tell us about Louis XIV's style of rule?

He established his position and identity using carefully scheduled events.

Which factor was a constraint on the absolutist power of Louis XIV of France?

He had to enlist the support of nobles.

How did Henry IV attempt to rebuild France's economy in the late sixteenth century?

He invested in infrastructure.

What steps did the French king Henry IV take to bring religious peace to France?

He issued the Edict of Nantes, which allowed Protestants some freedoms.

What was Cardinal Richelieu's attitude toward Protestantism?

He opposed Protestantism in France but tolerated it elsewhere in order to weaken the Habsburgs.

What step did Louis XIV take to eliminate Protestantism in France?

He revoked the Edict of Nantes, which had granted toleration to Protestants.

Why were many people in Britain uneasy when James II became king in 1685?

He was a Catholic.

Which of Cardinal Mazarin's policies led to the Fronde uprising of 1648-1653?

His attempts to increase revenues

Which of the following statements describes the results of the Glorious Revolution in England?

It produced a government with power shared by the monarch and Parliament.

Which group, restricted from owning land or holding many occupations in Europe, established strongly linked mercantile communities across many different empires in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?


What English philosopher argued that a government that oversteps its proper function becomes a tyranny?

John Locke

Which individual wrote a treatise that used the idea of natural rights to defend the Glorious Revolution of England?

John Locke

Who was Prince Francis Rákóczy?

Leader of the Hungarian nobility's rebellion against the Habsburgs

What weakened the many economic achievements of France during the reign of Louis XIV?

Louis XIV's constant wars

Who was Jean-Baptiste Colbert, a figure in seventeenth-century France?

Louis XIV's controller general and a major proponent of mercantilism

What was the significance of Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV?

Louis made the renovated palace of Versailles the center of his government.

Who was the military dictator in charge of the "Protectorate" in England?

Oliver Cromwell

To regain authority in Hungary, whom did the Habsburgs have to drive out of their kingdom?


Which of the following ended the War of the Spanish Succession?

Peace of Utrecht

In 1688, Spain had to recognize what territory's independence?


Which European nation did the Dutch challenge and expel from numerous East Indian islands, such as Ceylon?


What had caused civil wars in France in the sixteenth century?

Religious differences

What were two major issues that provided the spark for the English civil war that began in 1642?

Religious divisions and taxes instituted without parliamentary permission

What form of government existed in England between the years 1642 and 1660?

Republicanism followed by military dictatorship

What was the basic disagreement between James I and the Parliament of England?

Rights of kings versus rights of the subjects

Which of these statements describes the situation during the English Civil War?

Royalists were concentrated primarily in the north and west of England.

Spanish revenues declined after 1620 as the export of what commodity from the Americas decreased?


John Locke wrote, "When any one, or more, shall take upon them to make laws, whom the people have not appointed so to do, they make laws without authority, which the people are not therefore bound to obey; by which means they come again to be out of subjection, and may constitute to themselves a new legislative, as they think best, being in full liberty to resist the force of those, who, without authority, would impose any thing upon them." According to this excerpt, what was John Locke's understanding of society?

Society imbues a person or group of people with the power to make laws.

Which of the following statements reflects the relationship between Spain and its New World colonies?

Spanish trade with the colonies decreased because the colonies developed new industries that reduced their reliance on Spanish products.

Which of the following was a policy of Ferdinand II toward Bohemia after the Thirty Years' War?

Taking steps to erase Protestantism from Bohemia

Which of these is an example of an "in-between" people?

The Cossacks

In what way were the seventeenth-century Dutch unique in Europe in terms of their religious attitudes?

The Dutch practiced widespread religious tolerance.

How did English colonial efforts in North America in the seventeenth century compare with French colonial efforts during that period?

The English were more interested in colonization than the French, who were more focused on trade.

Who opposed France in the War of the Spanish Succession?

The English, Dutch, Austrians, and Prussians

In what way did the Thirty Years' War increase the power of the Austrian Habsburgs?

The Habsburgs defeated Bohemia, gaining more authority there.

Why were Louis XIV's wars in the 1680s and 1690s more of a strain on France than his previous wars?

They cost a great deal and resulted in no land gain.

How did the Navigation Acts help the English build their colonies in North America?

They gave English and colonial ships a monopoly on trade with English colonies.

Why did the French nobles agree to Louis XIV's demand that they spend part of every year at Versailles?

They had to agree if they hoped to receive titles and positions in the king's government.

How did intendants help to increase royal power in seventeenth-century France?

They were appointed by and responsible to the king and ran his administration.

What was Louis XIV trying to accomplish by waging so many wars?

To expand France to what he considered its natural boundaries

What group had the major hold on political power in the seventeenth-century Dutch republic?

Wealthy businessmen

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