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Read the sentence. The Albany Plan was the first step in determining how to establish a government that would _[blank]_ the colonies. Which option correctly completes the sentence?


Why did the Proclamation of 1763 lead to colonial dissatisfaction?

Colonists were prevented from settling territory taken from the French.

Who were the Quakers?

Members of a more liberal religious order

Quartering Act

a law that forced local colonial assemblies to house British soldiers and reduce costs for the British government

Declaratory Act

a law to repeal the Stamp Act but extend the British government's legal authority over the colonies

Molasses Act

a tax to protect molasses from British West Indies, later increased by the Sugar Act

Which tribes were from the southwestern part of North America? Select all that apply.

- Anasazi - Mogollon - Hohokam

Which of the following signs appear in the Boston Massacre engraving? Select all that apply.

- Butcher's Hall - Custom House

What disadvantages did American Indians experience in their trading with Europeans?

American Indians became reliant on European technology.

Fearing that smallpox would eradicate the majority of the Continental Army, Dr. _[blank]_ began to inoculate troops by vaccinating them.

Benjamin Rush

What effect did the outbreak of fighting at Lexington and Concord have on the Second Continental Congress?

Delegates realized they needed to take action.

What type of government did the colonies have in common?

Elected assembly

The French and Indian War led to the American Revolution because the colonists decided to raise taxes without the consent of Great Britain.


The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to seek independence from Great Britain.


What was a main effect of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

France lost all of its North American territories to Britain and Spain. Spain gave up Florida to Britain and Cuba to France.

Who trained colonial troops at Valley Forge?

Friedrich von Steuben

Why did southern economies rely on indentured servitude and slavery?

Growing tobacco and rice required a great deal of labor.

Which accomplishment is Olaudah Equiano known for?

He wrote and worked to influence England to abolish the slave trade.

What did the British Proclamation of 1763 do?

It forbade colonists from settling land west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What was the significance of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

It gave Portugal the chance to establish colonies in the Americas.

What was an effect of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

It strengthened the Patriot resistance.

Why is the Mayflower Compact important?

It was the first document of self-government in the New World colonies.

Who introduced tobacco to Virginia?

John Rolfe

Who was the governor of Virginia who helped make agreements with the Powhattan Indians to trade for food?

John Smith

Which Puritan minister famously said that Puritan communities must be like a "city on a hill?"

John Winthrop

How did European goods impact the lives of native tribes?

Native tribes shifted from hunting and gathering to acquiring animal hides for trade.

Which European country originally settled Manhattan Island, today's New York City?


Which colonies had major fur and lumber industries?

New England

Match the region with the main economic activities. New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

New England: Fur trading, Shipbuilding, Rum Middle Colonies: Wheat Southern Colonies: Tobacco, Rice, Indigo

Where did the British make the largest amphibious military landing in history, until World War I?

New York

Which were some of William Penn's Quaker beliefs that influenced the development of Pennsylvania colony?

Nonviolence, religious freedom, and charity

How did Parliament respond when protesters raided its ships and threw the cargo overboard?

Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts, which closed Boston Harbor and declared martial law in Boston.

Which describes the trade between the Caribbean and the American colonies?

Raw materials from the Caribbean supplied colonial industries like rum.

Which period was marked by a new interest in science, philosophy, art, architecture, and literature?


Which Puritan minister established Rhode Island colony based on religious toleration?

Roger Williams

Which group carried out the Boston Tea Party?

Sons of Liberty

What were expectations of the British from the Albany Congress in 1754?

The British sought the aid of their North American colonies to fight the French. The British wanted to establish a loose confederation that would support taxation of the colonies.

What did traders call the route from West Africa to the Americas?

The Middle Passage

What was important about the scientific innovations discovered under the rule of Prince Henry the Navigator?

The famous discoveries of the Portuguese inspired countries to compete for new colonies and trade routes.

Why did New England depend on shipbuilding and long-distance trade of rum, fish, furs, and lumber?

The ground was too rocky, and the climate was too harsh to grow cash crops.

How did trade with Asia impact Italy?

The increased trade with Asia led to an economic boom that sparked a cultural revival.

How did the introduction of the horse to North America change the native people's way of life?

They could explore and exploit the land more quickly and efficiently.

Which accurately compares a benefit of Jamestown's environment with a disadvantage?

The marshy ground was good for growing tobacco, but it attracted mosquitoes that caused malaria.

Townshed Acts

These acts imposed heavy import taxes on 72 different commercial goods to raise revenues for Great Britain.

Navigation Acts

These trade rules regulated commerce between Great Britain and the colonies.

How were the Middle Colonies different from the Southern Colonies?

They had more social and political equality.

Why did so many Pilgrims and Puritans move to the New World?

They were persecuted for their religion in England and wanted religious freedom in the New World.

Which of the following descriptions best describes the native tribes of the Mogollon, Hohokam, and Anasazi?

They were tribes whose members lived in small farming communities.

During the winter at Valley Forge, the Spanish signed an alliance with the Continental Army to aid it in its fight against Great Britain.


What was the main objective of Spain's exploration efforts?

finding gold

The introduction of the _[blank]_ changed the ways in which American Indians could interact with their environment.


Workers who agreed to work a certain number of years in exchange for food, shelter, and transportation to the New World were called _[blank]_. Which accurately completes the sentence?

indentured servants

Read the sentence. Tobacco flourished in Virginia because the _[blank]_ soil was ideal for its cultivation.


Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government brought forth the ideas of social contract and the _[blank]_ of man.

natural rights

Why did the Puritans migrate to America?

religious freedom

Who was John Smith?

the soldier who led and organized the first colonists

The colonists were angry about the Stamp Act because they felt they were paying taxes without representation.


Which tribes were Plains Indians? Select all that apply.

- Comanche - Sioux - Blackfoot

What effect did Europeans have on natives of the Americas? Select all that apply.

- Europeans drained natural resources from the Americas that would go toward funding their further explorations. - Europeans brought diseases that wiped out a majority of native populations. -Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America and would transform peoples' lives.

Which scientific innovations were promoted by Prince Henry of Portugal? Select all that apply.

- Improved maps - Invention of the compass

In The Spirit of the Laws, what are the powers in government that Montesquieu describes? (Select all that apply.)

- Legislative - Judicial - Executive

Which methods of resistance were used by slaves? Select all that apply.

- Pretending to be sick or working slowly - Violent rebellions - Acts of sabotage like breaking tools

Why did southern planters switch from using indentured servants to using slaves? Select all that apply

- Slaves could be controlled more easily than other workers. - Indentured servants were charging high fees for their labor.

What decisions were made at the First Continental Congress? Select all that apply.

- To call another meeting if Britain did not repeal the Intolerable Acts - To continue the boycott of highly taxed imported British goods

Which was the colonial reaction to the passage of the Townshend Acts? Select all that apply.

- to boycott British goods - to produce colonial goods

Read the question. What is an agricultural product grown for export called?

Cash Crop

Which of the following explorers was influenced by The Travels of Marco Polo?

Christopher Columbus

How were the plantation system and the growth of slavery connected?

Colonies that had plantation-based economies became dependent on slave labor.

In some areas, nearly 90% of American Indians were killed by diseases introduced by Europeans.


Read the sentence and enter the answer in the space provided. Who was the Puritan minister who delivered the sermon "A Model of Christian Charity"?

John Winthrop

One of the most famous preachers during the First Great Awakening was _[blank]_.

Jonathan Edwards

What were Gullah and Geechee?

Languages that developed among slaves with African roots

Which of the following statements best describes how the First Great Awakening influenced the American Revolution?

Political leaders found religious meetings to be perfect forums for their views on how the colonies should separate from Great Britain. or People were encouraged to voice their disagreements with church leaders, which led to people voicing their opinions about government.

What is the term for a colony whose charter is held by a private individual who governs on the king's behalf?

Proprietary Colony

_[blank]_ was the unofficial policy where the British government relaxed control over the American colonies by only loosely enforcing certain laws.

Salutary neglect

How did culture help slaves survive the brutality of slavery?

Slaves combined African and local traditions to form new cultures like Gullah.

Rousseau believed that people are born free and surrender their freedom for the good of _[blank]_.


Which colonies used large plantations to create income?


The First Great Awakening was one of the long-term causes of the American Revolution.


The Travels of Marco Polo described aspects of the Chinese culture and helped inspire Christopher Columbus's journey.


Intolerable Acts

These were also known as the Coercive Acts; the laws included the Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act, Boston Port Act, Administration of Justice Act, and the Quebec Act.

Why did George Calvert's sons draft the Maryland Toleration Act?

To protect Catholics after England fell under Puritan rule

What trade route between the Americas, Europe, and Africa resulted in the exchange of goods and slaves?

Triangular Trade

In response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts, which were specifically intended to reinforce British authority over the colonies.


Why did colonist leaders hold a conference in Albany, New York, in 1754?

to determine how to defend the British colonies in North America

The Battle of Saratoga became known as the _[blank]_ of the American Revolution because it showed Americans that they could defeat the British. This convinced France to ally themselves with the Americans.

turning point

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