History Midterm Review

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What impact did the sinking of this ship have?

it fueled anti-German sentiment in Britain and the United States and hindered diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States.

What effect did George Pullman's sleeping car have on transportation?

made overnight train travel more appealing to those who could afford it.

What was the role of settlement houses in late 19th-century America?

organizations that provided support services to the urban poor and European immigrants, often including education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources.

How were these major strikes similar?

people died, tried to force employers to increase wages or make working conditions safer.

Where did political machines such as Tammany Hall derive their strongest support?

poor immigrants and ethnic communities in inner-cities

What was a positive impact of political machines in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

restructuring city governments to centralize authority, improving facilities and services, helping to assimilate immigrant groups, and encouraging the growth of business and industry

How did the Committee of Public Information prepare Americans for war during World War I?

the Committee on Public Information (CPI) fed material to newspapers and magazines, commissioned advertising campaigns, and produced propaganda posters. It even arranged for thousands of public speakers to appear all over the country, making the case for Americans to fight in Europe.

How did the federal government pay for the costs of World War I?

the Federal Reserve used inflation to help pay for US participation in World War I. It did so by creating and issuing dollars in return for government debt. ... By discounting or lending cash to banks on real bills, the Fed could increase the money supply.

How did the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1927 promote international peace?

the Pact renounced the use of war and calls for the peaceful settlement of disputes.

Which statement describes how the Thirteenth Amendment affected African Americans?

the Thirteenth Amendment freed slaves throughout the United States.

How did U.S. intervention in World War I represent a turning point in American foreign policy?

the United States actively maintained a stance of neutrality, and President Woodrow Wilson encouraged the U.S. as a whole to avoid becoming emotionally or ideologically involved in the conflict.

What was one effect of railroads on the growth of the United States?

the United States was becoming an urban nation, and railroads supplied cities and towns with food, fuel, building materials, and access to markets. The simple presence of railroads could bring a city economic prosperity.

Attacks on American cargo ships by German submarines led to the development of which of the following?

the convoy system

What were the economic effects of demobilization after World War I?

the demobilization process led to an economic depression during the 1920s. Many war supply industries suffered substantial monetary loss after war contracts were abruptly cancelled during demobilization

In 1861, which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven southern states?

the election of Abraham Lincoln as president.

How did the implementation of trench warfare affect the course of World War I?

trench warfare was a defensive military tactic used extensively by both sides, allowing soldiers some protection from enemy fire but also hindering troops from readily advancing and thus prolonging the war.

Which group of Americans fought under French command during World War I, but did not have combat roles in the U.S. Army?

American Expeditionary forces- A.E.F.

the venn diagram below compares two industrial revolutions. which best completes the diagram

Both saw improvements in transportation

Which title best completes the diagram?

Causes of the Civil War

What role did Cuban-American communities in Florida play in the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?

Cuban-Americans in Florida raised money and awareness in support of the war, and United States troops gathered in port cities around Florida.

How was the leader that got all of this done in Florida?

Henry Flagler

How did the Selective Service Act prepare Americans for war during World War I?

It gave the U.S. president the power to draft soldiers

Why did World War I lead to a "Great Migration" for African Americans?

It is conservatively estimated that 400,000 African Americans left the South to take advantage of a labor shortage in industrial cities during the First World War.

In this excerpt, what view does Lincoln express about future Reconstruction?

Lincoln spoke of mutual forgiveness, North and South, asserting that the true mettle of a nation lies in its capacity for charity.

How did Lincoln's plan for reconstruction differ from that of the Radical Republicans in Congress?

Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan made it easy for the southern states to rejoin the Union by requiring that only 10 percent of its voters took an oath of loyalty and offered amnesty to some former Confederates; the Radical Republicans required 50 percent take a loyalty oath

Which problem did American factory workers face in the late 19th century?

Low wages and unsafe working conditions

Which contribution did Madam J. Walker (1867-1919) make to the American economy?

Madam C.J. Walker was a businesswoman and philanthropist who was one of the first black female millionaires in the United States.

Which characteristic does this movement have in common with political machines?

Maintaining control

Why was the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti in 1921 socially divisive?

Many saw their conviction as the result of prejudice against immigrants.

What was one reason why government leaders generally opposed strikes by labor unions in the 19th century?

Most employers were very hostile toward workers' efforts to organize. Most factory workers were satisfied with their wages and working conditions. The Federal Government declared that unions were illegal.

What was the impact of these muckraking activities during the early 1900?

New laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

What were the major consequences of the Civil War?

Over 600,000 Americans died in the Civil War, more than any other American wars combined. The South was destroyed. The power of the federal government was never again seriously challenged. Slavery was abolished.

What was President Roosevelt trying to build?

Panama Canal

Which practices were introduced to Southern states after Reconstruction to avoid following this amendment?

Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens.

What did the British and French leaders want Americans to do before they would excuse Germany from further reparations payments?

Punish Germany

How did this phrase affect businesses? Fill in / Complete the diagram.

Targeted political machines and their bosses

Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens?

The 14th Amendment

Why was the Dawes Act a significant step towards the assimilation of Native Americans?

The Dawes Act annihilated the Native Americans cultural and social traditions; forcing them to adopt European-American culture

Which economic policy did Bryan warn against in his speech?

The Gold Standard

Why was Hawaii important to America during imperialism?

The Hawaiian islands, located in the center of the Pacific, provided a strategic location for a U.S. military base and would help to establish the U.S. as a world superpower.

Which group of immigrants was most reduced by new immigration legislation in the 1920s?

The Immigration Act of 1924 reduced the quota to 2 percent; altered geographic quotas to further favor those born in Western Europe, Britain, and Ireland; and completely prohibited Asians

Which immigration was most reduced by new legislation in the 1920s?

The Immigration Act of 1924 reduced the quota to 2 percent; altered geographic quotas to further favor those born in Western Europe, Britain, and Ireland; and completely prohibited Asians

Which American plan helped to restore prosperity to Europe in the mid-1900s?

The Marshall Plan

Based on the map, why did President Theodore Roosevelt and others want to build the Panama Canal?

The US wanted to save time and money for both commercial and military shipping. Roosevelt ordered US warships to Panama to prevent Colombian interference.

What was the primary object of this treaty (and its name)?

The Washington Treaty reduced the size of the world's navies. also known as the Five-Power Treaty. The treaty limited naval armaments of these countries.

How did the Zimmermann Telegram contribute to U.S. involvement in Wo Id War I?

The telegram was considered perhaps Britain's greatest intelligence coup of World War I and, coupled with American outrage over Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, was the tipping point persuading the U.S. to join the war.

Why did the United States Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?

There was fear that the League of Nations would supersede U.S. authority

How did most labor union members feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900?

They feared that the immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages

How did U.S. tariffs affect the economy during the 1920s?

They hurt the economy by limiting American producers' ability to sell goods overseas.

What type of business style does this diagram represent?

Vertical Integration

What was the main economic challenge faced by American farmers in the late 19th century?

declining farm prices, prohibitively high tariffs on items they needed to purchase, and foreign competition.

What was a benefit of the laissez faire policies practiced during the Second Industrial Revolution?

entrepreneurs, workers and firms have an incentive to work hard and create goods that consumers want.

Which issue divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction Era?

he Radical Republicans strongly opposed slavery during the war and after the war distrusted ex-Confederates, demanding harsh policies for Reconstruction.

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