History molloy test term 1

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important phrases

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes."..... "The Shot Heard 'Round the World"

In response to the Boston Tea Party, when American colonists dumped more than ten thousand pounds' worth of tea into Boston Harbor to protest British taxation policies, Parliament

passed the Coercive Acts (also called the Intolerable Acts), a series of punitive measures aimed at subduing the Massachusetts colony....... The Coercive Acts levied fines for the destroyed tea, sent British troops to Boston, and rewrote the colonial charter of Massachusetts, giving broadly expanded powers to the royally-appointed governor.

Which of the following pieces of legislation was passed in 1764 in large part as a reaction to the changes illustrated in the chart?

The Stamp Act.... The Stamp Act was passed in 1764 to address the British national debt.

Which of the following was a direct effect of the rise in national debt after 1762 shown in the table?

The creation of new taxes on the American Colonies.

Why did Native American tribes join together against the British in the rebellion known as Pontiac's Uprising (1763-1766) following the Seven Years' War?

Unlike the French, the British did not maintain trade relations with Native Americans, and refused to sell them the weapons and ammunition they needed to hunt.... The French traded freely with the native tribes and provided them with ample hunting supplies. & They objected to the British taking over territory that had been ceded by the French, claiming that the French had no right to give away Native American lands Since the French who previously lived there respected Native American traditions, when the English failed to do the same, the Native Americans rose up against them.

Which of the following statements best explains the reason that the British government passed the Proclamation of 1763?

In order to reward Native Americans for fighting alongside the British in the Seven Years' War.... The Proclamation of 1763 was meant to placate Native Americans after the Seven Years' War.

Salutary neglect (also called benign neglect) characterized the relationship between the British Empire and its American colonies from the mid-1600s until the end of the Seven Years' War. What did salutary neglect entail?

Lax enforcement of British law and trade regulations in the American colonies...... Following the Seven Years War, the British imposed much tighter control over their colonies.

The map most directly depicts the ways in which the British government attempted to

Limit the westward expansion of British colonial settlement... The Proclamation of 1763 forbade colonists from moving westward past the Appalachian Mountains.

The minute men, American Revolutionary War soldiers so named for their willingness to fight at a moment's notice, reflected

colonial leaders' preference for local and state militias over a standing army in times of peace, as codified in the Articles of Confederation..... The militias could be called upon to fight at very short notice.

At the First Continental Congress in 1774, delegates from each colony met in Philadelphia to

coordinate a unified colonial response to the Coercive Acts....... The Coercive Acts angered colonists throughout the North American colonies, and the First Continental Congress gave them a way to deliver one cohesive message through the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances.

Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the Proclamation of 1763?

Colonists disobeyed the Proclamation of 1763, moving westward past the Appalachian Mountains.... The colonists started to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, directly disobeying the Proclamation of 1763.

what caused the conflict between the French and the British?

Competing claims to colonial land.... The conflict was over which European power owned the Ohio River Valley.

Which of the following was an immediate result of the conflict described in the excerpt?

France lost major territorial claims in colonial North America.

Which of the following were contributions women made to the American Revolution?

Spinning and wearing clothes made from homespun cloth to boycott British goods.... This was a common practice of the revolutionary women's group, the Daughters of Liberty. & Actings as spies against the British..... One woman even disguised herself as a man to serve in the army! & Raising money for the Continental Army Esther DeBerdt Reed, the wife of George Washington's former secretary, raised over $300,000 for the Continental Army.

Parliament passed the Coercive Acts (also called the Intolerable Acts) intending to isolate the "troublemakers" in Boston from the other colonies, but their gambit backfired. Why?

The Acts helped to unify the American colonies, who sent delegates to the First Continental Congress to coordinate a response to the British empire..... The perceived unfairness of these new Acts incited more revolutionary spirit in the colonists.

The Olive Branch Petition demonstrates that

The American colonists were attempting to repair their relationship with the British Crown rather than separate from it as late as 1775...... Many colonists still felt connected to the British, even as the American Revolution was well under way.

British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765. The Act levied a tax on all printed material in the American colonies, leading to widespread protests. Why did the American colonists object to the Stamp Act?

They believed that Parliament had no right to tax them as they had no direct representation in that legislative body... No taxation without representation! The Stamp Act popularized this phrase within the colonies.

How did American colonists respond to the passage of the Townshend Acts of 1768, which aimed to raise revenue by imposing taxes on glass, lead, paint, and tea?

They formed committees of correspondence to rally opposition to British policies and educate colonists about their rights.... The committees would contact townspeople and update them on any happenings at town meetings, rallying opposition among the colonists. & They organized boycotts of British goods, and merchants signed nonimportation agreements vowing not to buy or sell British goods.... By boycotting British goods, colonists applied pressure to Parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts.

Which of the following was an action taken by colonial representatives at the Second Continental Congress

declaring independence from the British Empire.... The Second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

The Treaty of Paris in 1763

granted all of North America east of the Mississippi to the British Empire..... It effectively ended the military threat of the French on the east coast. & ended the Seven Years' War. The Treaty officially ended the Seven Years' War, but it did not end British violence against Native American tribes.

The Boston Massacre is an example of

how the presence of British soldiers in American cities fueled many of the colonial resentments that brought on the American Revolution..... A mob of angry colonists surrounded the British soldiers, or Redcoats, and the British soldiers opened fire, killing five Bostonians and wounding several others.

The British Empire's Proclamation of 1763 prohibited white settlers from crossing over the Appalachian mountains into territory reserved for Native Americans. White settlers responded by.

ignoring the Proclamation Line and protesting against the British Empire's attempt to contain westward migration..... The Proclamation Line served the political purpose of quelling Pontiac's Rebellion, but its boundary did not last.

The Sons of Liberty were

members of a secret society that rebelled against the British Empire through protests that were often violent and destructive..... The Sons of Liberty boarded British ships with thousands of pounds of East India Company tea and dumped nearly 350 crates into the harbor in protest of taxation without representation.

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