History New Deal

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Speech of Jan. 1935 by FDR

"When man sick, cure symptoms and remove cause." 2nd ND, reforms in labor and economic security for retired.

What was the New Deal?

*Roosevelt's plan and program to alleviate the Great Depression.* Phrase from his campaign speech when he promised "a new deal for the American people."

3 Rs of New Deal

*relief for the needy, (economic) recovery to help stimulate the economy, (financial) reform to ensure a depression doesn't happen again.

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934's 3 areas of mandated change

1. economic: Indian lands belong to entire tribe. This strengthened Indian land claims by prohibiting gov from taking over unclaimed reservation lands and selling them to non-Indian people. 2. cultural: number of boarding schools for Indian children reduced. Children could attend reservation schools. 3. political: Tribes allowed to elect tribal councils to govern their reservations.

Bio of FDR

1882-1945. Family was old, wealthy NY family. Entered politics as state senator in 1910 and later assistant secretary of navy. 1921 stricken with polio and partially paralyzed from waist down. Struggled to regain use of legs, eventually learned to stand with leg braces. Governor of NY 1928. Would not let bodily disability defeat his will and became pres in 1933. Always interested in people, had more compassion because of his physical disability.

Eleanor Roosevelt Bio

1884-1962. Niece of Theodore Roosevelt and distant cousin of her husband. Parents died when she was young. Raised by strict grandmother. As 1st lady, urged pres to take stands on controversial issues. Popular public speaker. Especially interested in child welfare, housing reform, equal rights for women and minorities. When presented booklet on human rights to UN in 1958, "Human rights begin with the world of the individual person like the neighborhood, school, factory, farm, office."

John Collier

1933, appointed by FDR as commissioner of Indian affairs. Helped create Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. In picture talks with Chief Richard, one of several Indian chiefs attending Four Nation Celebration at Niagara Falls, NY in Sept. 1934.

Flying Down to Rio

1933. Light romantic comedy featuring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers who made many movies together and became nation's favorite dance partners.

American Liberty League, ALL

1934, strong conservative ND opponents got together. Opposed measures that violated individual rights, property. 3 of the men had views that appealed to the poor.

Public Utility Holding Company Act

1935. Aimed at financial corruption in public utility industry. Outlawed ownership of utilities by multiple holding companies, practice called pyramiding of holding companies. Lobbyists of holding companies fiercely fought the law, and it was very difficult to enforce. ND struggled to help farmers, workers overcome GD. Helped many groups like women, blacks, Native Americans.

Films like Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

1936 by director Frank Capra. Presented social, political accomplishments of ND positively. Portrayed honest, kind-hearted people winning over the greedy. In similar way, ND represented interests of average Americans.

AAA unconstitutional

1936, ag a local matter, should be regulated by states rather than fed gov.

Fair Labor Standards Act

1938. Set maximum hours at 44 hours per week, decreasing to 40 hours after 2 years. Set minimum wages at 25 cents an hour, increasing to 40 cents by 1945. Set rules for employment of workers under 16 and banned hazardous work for those under 18.

Rural Electrification Administration, REA

2nd ND had laws promoting rural electrification and regulation of public utilities. 1935, 12.6% of American farms had electricity. REA financed and worked w/ electrical cooperatives to bring electricity to isolated areas. By 1945, 48% farms, rural homes had electricity. 90% by 1949.

1936 presidential election

2nd New Deal under way during election. Republicans nominated Alfred Landon, governor of Kansas. Democrats nominated FDR for second term. Great victory for Democrats, presidency and large majorities in both houses. 1st time most blacks voted Democratic than Republican. 1st time labor unions gave united support to a presidential candidate. Vote in confidence in FDR and ND.

Blacks and ND; A. Philip Randolph

30s had growth of black activism. Randolph organized nation's 1st all-black trade union, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Laid groundwork for civil rights movement. FDA appointed +100 blacks to key government positions.

Stats about profitable movies, radio

30s profitable golden age for motion pictures, radio industries. By late 30s, 65% attending movies once a week. 15,000 movie theaters, more than number of banks and double the number of hotels. Radio sales increased from 13 mil to 38 mil in 1940. 90% households had a radio. Movies, radio took country by storm.

Sit-down strikes

A main bargaining tactic of labor movement. Instead of walking off jobs, workers remained in plants but didn't work. Prevented owners from producing with strikebreakers or scabs. Some disapproved and thought it was violation of private property. Effective bargaining tool.

Labor Union problems

AFL, American Federation of Labor was traditionally restricted to craft unions like carpentry and electricians. Most AFL leaders opposed industrywide unions that represented all workers in an industry like car manufacturing. Key labor leaders like John. L. Lewis of United Mine Workers of America and David Dubinsky of International Ladies Garment Workers were frustrated by such position and formed the Committee for Industrial Organization organize industrial unions. The committee quickly signed up unskilled and semiskilled workers. In 2 years, gained union recognition in steel, automobile industries. 1938, Committee for Industrial Organization was expelled from AFL and changed names to Congress of Industrial Organizations, CIO. Split lasted to 1955 when it merged back.

New deal fights the depression main idea and relevance

After becoming president, franklin delano roosevelt used government programs to combat the depression. Americans still benefit from programs like bank and stock market regulations and the Tennesse Valley Authority.

Tennessee Valley Authority, TVA

Ambitious program of regional development established May 18, 1933. Focused on badly depressed Tennessee River Valley and renovated 5 dams and made 20 new. Created thousands of jobs, provided flood control, hydroelectric power, more.

Blacks take charge w/ ND

Blacks recognized need to fight for their rights and improve conditions ignored by ND. 1934, helped organize Southern Tenant Farmers Union that tried to protect white and black tenant farmers and sharecroppers' rights. In North, union made tenants' groups and launched campaigns to increase job opportunities. Blacks generally supported FDR and ND, seeing it as best hope for future. "FDR touched the temper of black community. Didn't see him as white, black, blue, or green. He was FDR."

Federal Art Project

Branch of WPA that paid artists a living wage to make public rt. Goal to increase public appreciation of art, promote positive images of American society. Made posters, taught art in schools, painted murals on public building walls. Murals, inspired by revolutionary work of Mexican muralists like Diego Rivera, typically portrayed dignity of normal Americans at work. Industries of California mural 1934 Ralph Stackpole. Decorates San Francisco's Coit Tower, one of best preserved sites of WPA mural projects. Artist Robert Gwathmey said, "Director of Federal Arts Project was Edward Bruce, friend of FDR, from polite family, painter, had broad vision, insisted be no restrictions. If painter, sculptor, do your work. Very free, happy period." Painters like Edward Hopper, Thomas Hart Benton, Iowa's Grant Wood who made famous painting American Gothic.

Effects of ND

By 1935, Roosevelt seeking to build on programs established during 100 days. Economy had improved in 1st 2 years in office, but gains not as great as expected. Unemployment still high despite gov work programs, production lagged behind 20s levels. ND had widespread popularity.

Effects of such programs

By end of 100 Days, millions benefitted. Confidence in nation's future up. FDR reluctantly agreed to deficit spending, spending more money than gov gets in revenue, cause it was a necessary evil only to be used in great economic troubles. New Deal didn't end depression. Opposition grew.

NIRA unconstitutional

By mid-30s, conservative opposition had boost from Supreme Court Justices. 1935, NIRA decision. Law gave legislative powers to executive branch and enforcement of industry codes within states was beyond fed gov's constitutional powers to regulate interstate commerce.

Pedro J. Gonzalez story

Came to US from Mexico in early 20s and became US citizen. 1st Spanish disc jockey in LA and used his radio program to condemn discrimination against Mexicans, who were often blamed for social, economic probs during GD. Was arrested, jailed, deported on trumped-up charges. Later, reflected and said, "Treated Mexicans badly. Could've started a rebellion. Now could be cultural understanding. Mexicans here before Anglos. We aren't undesirables or wetbacks. Say we came and it's not our home. Actually, vice versa. Became hero to Mexican Americans and symbol of Mexican cultural pride. His life reflected difficulties faced by Mexicans and minorities in US during GD.

Labor Unions Flourish

Cause of Wagner Act, other prolabor legislation of ND, union members had better working conditons and more bargaining power. Thought FDR was "friend of labor". Unions donated money for his reelection campaign, union workers pledged their votes to him. 1933-41, union membership grew from less than 3 mil to +10 mil. Unionization especially affected coal miners, mass-production industry workers like automobile, rubber, electrical industries. In such, dominance struggle in labor movement developed.

Securities and Exchange Commision

Congress made June 1934 to regulate stock market. Goal to prevent people w/ inside info about companies from rigging the stock market for their own profit.

The Arts

Contrast to radio and movies, art, music, literature was sober, serious. Had grim tones but much conveyed more uplifting message about character strength, democratic values of Americans. Artists, writers embraced social, political change of ND. Many received direct support through ND work programs from gov officials who believed art played important role in national life. Harry Hopkins, head of WPA said, "They've got to eat just like others."

The Resettlement Administration

Created by FDR in 1935, provided monetary loans to small farmers to buy land.

Robert F. Wagner

Democratic NY senator especially interested in workers' welfare. Introduced National Labor Regulations Act in 1935.

1 of 1st worldwide radio broadcasts

Described the horrific crash of the Hindenburg, German zeppelin, rigid airship, in NJ May 6, 1937. Such immediate news coverage became society staple.

FDR fails to support civil rights

Despite efforts to promote racial equality, FDR never committed to full civil rights for blacks. Afraid of upsetting Southern white Democratic voters, majority of his supporters. Refused to approve federal antilynching law and end to poll tax, key goals of civil rights movement. Many ND agencies discriminated against blacks, like NRA, CCC, TVA. Gave lower wages to blacks and favored whites.

Don Congdon story

Editor of book, The Thirties: A Time to Remember. High school student when ND began. Writers, artists in 30s made works reflective of important issues. Movies, radio most clearly captured public imagination. "Lots enjoyed leisure at movies. Like tempting candy. Escape from drag Depression living. Entranced by stories. Hollywood supplied more the next night." During GD, movies gave way to different, exciting world. Despite money probs, people paid 25 cents to watch movie. With radio, movies more dominant feature in American life. Motion pictures, radio, art, literature blossomed during ND.

Mary McLeod Bethune

Educator who dedicated herself to promoting opportunities for young blacks and an appointee. Hired to head Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration. Worked to ensure the NYA hired black administrators and provided job training and other benefits to minority students. Close friend of Eleanor, strong supporter of ND. Helped organize a "Black Cabinet" of influential blacks to advise FDR on racial issues. In the group was William H. Hastie and Robert C. Weaver, appointees to FDR's Department of Interior. Never before had so many blacks have voice in White House.

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

Extreme change in gov policy. Moved away from assimilation to Native American autonomy. Helped restore some reservation lands to tribal ownership

Court-packing bill

FDR feared more Court decisions would dismantle ND. Proposed in Feb. 1937 that Congress enact court-reform bill to reorganize federal judiciary and let him appoint 6 new Supreme Court justices. Lots of protest in Congress and press. Believed it was violating principles of judicial independence, separation of powers. Pres got his way w/out reorganizing judiciary. 1937, elderly justice retired, so FDR appointed liberal Hugo S. Black, shifting court balance. Next 4 years, FDR appointed 7 new justices due to more resignations.

21st Amendment

FDR had Congress approve bill allowing manufacture and sale of some alcoholic drinks. Main purpose to raise government revenues by taxing alcohol. By end of 1933, 21st Amendment completely repealed prohibition.

Eleanor Roosevelt's influence

FDR prodded by Eleanor. Social reformer who combined deep humanitarian impulses with great political skills. Traveled country, observing social conditions and reminding FDR about the suffering. Urged him to appoint women to government positions. Visits children's hospital in 1937.

Conservative critics argued...

FDR spend too much on direct relief and used New Deal to control business and socialize economy. Particularly angered by AAA and NIRA, which gave gov too much control over ag and industry. ND interfered with free-market economy workings.

Women and ND

FDR, encouraged by Eleanor and seeking women voters' support, appointed 2 female diplomats and a female federal judge. But women workers still discriminated since took jobs from men. 1936, 86% Americans said wife shouldn't work if husband had job.

1934 National Housing Act made what?

Federal Housing Administration, FHA. Still furnishes loans for home mortgages and repairs.

Bank Holiday

First step to make reform in banking and finance. By 1933, many banks failed and Americans lost faith in banking system. March 5, one day after taking office, bank holiday declared. All banks closed to prevent further withdrawals. Persuaded Congress to pass Emergency Banking Relief Act, which authorized Treasury Department to inspect banks. Sound banks soon opened. Insolvent ones that couldn't pay debts remained closed. If needed help, could receive loans. Revived public confidence in banks since customers had greater faith that banks were better financially.

Democrat candidate for 1932 election

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR, 2-term governor of NY and distant cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. When governor, was effective, reform-minded, combated unemployment and poverty. Unlike Hoover, had can-do attitude, friendliness and confidence.

FDR's support from religious, ethnic groups

From Roman Catholics, Jews, Italians, Irish, Polish, Slavic, Black. Appeal based on ND labor laws, work relief programs that aided urban poor. FDR made direct, persuasive appeals to urban voters at election time. Appointed officials of urban-immigrant backgrounds, especially Roman Catholic and Jews, to important gov postions. Women, black, Indians, Mexicans, all workers affected by ND.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration, FERA

Funded w/ $500 mil to give direct relief to needy. Half of money given to states as direct grants-in-aid to furnish food, clothing unemployed, aged, ill. Rest given to states for work relief programs. For every $3 within state program, FERA donated $1. Harry Hopkins headed program. Believed meaningful work let people gain confidence, self-respect when money just let people buy food.

American Gothic painting 1930

Grant Wood's. Famous portrayal of life in Midwest during GD. Style is Regionalism. Wood painted familiar subjects realistically. House in background in Eldon, Iowa while Wood looked for subjects to paint. Returned home with a sketch and photo, used his sister and dentist as models for the farmer and daughter.

WPA's Federal Theater Project

Hired actors to perform plays, artists to make stage sets, props for productions around country. Work of American playwrights, Clifford Odets play Waiting for Lefty 1935 that dramatized 30s' labor struggles.

Social Security Act and its 3 major parts

Important achievement that made Social Security system. Passed in 1935, created by committee chaired by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. Not a total pension system or complete welfare system, but provided substantial benefits to millions. 1. Old-age insurance for retirees 65+ and spouses. This insurance was a supplemental retirement plan. Half of funds came from worker, half from employer. Some groups excluded, but it helped make retirement comfortable for millions. 2. Unemployment compensation system. Funded by federal tax on employers. Administered at state level. Initial payments ranged $15-18 a week. 3. Aid to families w/ dependent children and ones with disabilities. Paid by federal funds made available to states.

Farmers and John Steinbeck in GD

In mid-30s, 2 of every 5 farms mortgaged, thousand of small farmers lost their farms. Novelist Steinbeck described tenant farmer and family, "tractor crushed little house." Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath.

John Maynard Keynes

Influential British economist who promoted deficit spending to stimulate economic recovery. Thought country should spend way out of depression by giving money to consumers. Make possible to buy goods, services, and fuel economic growth. Even if gov goes into debt, should spend much to help economy. When depression began, many thought his ideas were revolutionary.

Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Burns & Allen duo

Made reputation in radio and later worked in TV, movies. George Burns, Gracie Allen were comedy couple on radio and later TV.

Deportation of Mexican Americans

Many were long-time residents or citizens. Other came in 20s to work on farms in TX, CA, AZ. Valued cause of low-cost labor during good times, were target of hostilities in GD. Many returned to Mexico willingly, others deported by gov. In 30s, 400,000 of Mexican descent, many citizens, were deported.

1st fireside chat

March 12, day before 1st banks reopened. FDR had radio talk about issues of public concern, explaining in clear, simple language his New Deal measures. As if he spoke directly to Americans. Explained why nation's welfare depended on public support of gov and banking system. "We provided machinery to restore financial system, up to you to support and make it work. Deposited money not in safe vault. They invest your money. Small amount in currency to cover average cash needs." Explained when too many demanded their savings in cash, banks would fail. Not because banks are weak. Even strong banks can't meet such heavy demands. Over next few weeks, many returned savings to banks.

Mexican Americans and ND

Mexicans tended to support ND, but received fewer benefits than blacks. Many came to US in 20s and settled in Southwest. Worked on farms, job mostly unprotected by state and fed laws. During GD, farm wages as low as 9 cents an hour. Farm workers who tried to unionize met with violence from employers, gov authorities. Although CCC and WPA helped some, also discriminated against them by disqualifying migrant workers w/out permanent address.


Monkey Business 1931, Duck Soup 1931 starring zany Marx Brothers.


More than movies, radio embodied the democratic spirit. Families spent hours a day together, listening to favorite programs. No accident that FDR chose radio as the medium for his fireside chats. It was most direct means of access to Americans. Like movies, radio offered range of entertainment. In evening, offered excellent dramas and variety programs.

Gone With the Wind

Most famous film of era, very popular in all time. 1939. Starring Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Drama about life of Southern plantation owners during Civil War.

Huey Long

Most serious challenge to ND. Senator from Louisiana. Early supporter, but turned against FDR like Coughlin. Wanted to be president. Proposed nationwide social program called Share-Our-Wealth. Banner was "Every Man a King". Promised something for everyone. "We owe $252 in debts, so every child born $2,000 in debt. Want every child guaranteed home, food, clothes, education." Very poplar. By 1935, 27,000 Share-Our-Wealth clubs, 7.5 mil members. 1935, shot and killed. Much more needed to help people and solve economic probs.

What was the 20th Amendment and why didn't apply to Roosevelt?

Moved presidential inaugurations to January. It wasn't ratified until February 1933 and didn't apply to 1932 election. 4 months between Roosevelt's election in November and his inauguration as pres in March 1933.

New Deal and minorities

ND represented important opportunity for minorities and women, but they had limited gains. Traditional patterns of prejudice and discrimination continued to plague them and prevent their full, equal participation in national life.

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

NIRA promote industrial growth by making fair practice codes for individual industries. NIRA made NRA that set prices of many products, established standards. Aim to promote recovery by interrupting trend of wage cuts, falling prices, layoffs. Economist Gardiner C. Means tried justifying by stating industrial goal planning. "created in response to demand that elements in policy not be left to market but to administrative bodies." Codes made in joint meetings of businesses, workers, consumers. Limited production, established prices. Businesses given new concessions, so workers demanded too. Congress agreed by passing NIRA section guaranteeing workers' right to unionize, bargain collectively. Businesses, politicians critical of NRA. Charged that codes best for large businesses. Increasing code violations.

ND, women results like with National Recovery Administration

NRA set wage codes, some set lower minimum wages for women. Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civil Works Administration hired much fewer women. CCC hired only men. But women still worked. Overall percentage of working women increased slightly in 30s. Percent of married women working grew 11.7% in 1930 to 15.6% in 1940. Widespread criticism of working women didn't stop the long-term trend of women working outside the home.

Soap operas, Children TV

Named cause sponsored by soap companies. Usually played late morning to early afternoon for homemakers while children's programs like The Lone Ranger on in late afternoon after school.

Liberal critics argued...

New Deal didn't go far enough to help poor and reform nation's economic system.

Strike at Republic Steel plant in Chicago on Memorial Day, 1937

Not all labor disputes in 30s were peaceful. Police attacked striking steelworkers outside plant. One black strikers said, "saw people drop. Mexican, black by me fell. I fell. Crawled in grass, saw people getting beat. Police beat white women with sticks." 10 killed, 84 wounded. Memorial Day Massacre. Soon after, National Labor Relations Board stepped in and required head of Republic Steel, Tom Girdler, to negotiate w/ union. This helped labor gain strength in 30s.

War of the Worlds

October 30, 1938. Radio listeners stunned by announcement: Martians had invaded Earth. Panic when Americans were convinced world was ending. Story was just radio drama based on H.G. Wells' novel, W of the W. Describes Martians' fired gas canisters as releasing "big volume of heavy, inky vapour that when touched or inhaled was deadly." Broadcast narrated by Orson Welles and revealed power of radio when Americans received fast-breaking news over airwaves.

Gangster films

Other films that combined escapist appeal with more realistic plots and settings. Images of in dark, gritty streets, skyscrapers of urban areas. Hard-bitten characters struggling to succeed in harsh environment where they faced difficulties understandable to Depression-era audiences. Little Caesar 1930, The Public Enemy 1931.

Public Works Administration, PWA as part of National Industrial Recovery Act, NIRA. Changed to Civil Works Administration, CWA.

PWA made in June 1933 as part of NIRA. Provided money to states to make jobs mostly in school, community building construction. Failed to make much dent in unemployment, so FDR made CWA Nov. 1933. Made 4 mil immediate jobs in winter 33-34. Some critics said programs were make-work projects and waste of money. Built 40,000 schools, paid salaries of 50,000 teachers in rurals, built 500,000 miles of road.

Works Progess Administration, WPA

Part of 2nd ND, FDR and Congress set up programs for youths, professionals, workers. One of largest was WPA, headed by Harry Hopkins, former chief of Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Wanted to create as many jobs as quickly as possible. 1935-43, spent $11 bil giving jobs to 8 mil workers, many unskilled. Built 850 airports, made or repaired 651,000 miles of roads and streets, made 125,000 public buildings. Women workers sewed and made 300 mil garments for needy. Some criticized it as make-work project, but WPA made public works of lasting value and gave working people hope and purpose. "Really great. Worked, got paycheck, had dignity. Raked leaves, paid, dignity." Employed professionals to write guides to cities, collect historical slave narratives, paint murals on school, building walls, perform theater troupes. Eleanor had WPA make special efforts for women, minorities, youth.

Doreothea Lange's story

Photographer of life during GD and ND. Spent time getting to know her subjects, destitute migrant workers, before she and her assistant photographed. "Stay for a while. Some wear heart on sleeve and tell everything. When people hide, you'd better find out why." Her distinct limp, result of childhood polio, to her advantage. Seeing that Lange suffered, people more kind and at ease. Lange's work funded by federal agencies like Farm Security Administration, established to alleviate rural poverty. Her photos of migrant workers drew attention to conditions in rural America and underscored need for direct relief.

Eleanor Roosevelt and African Americans

Played key role in opening doors for blacks in government. Instrumental in starting dramatic cultural event of the performance by black singer Marian Anderson in 1939 from steps of Lincoln Memorial on April 9, 1939. When Daughters of the American Revolution didn't allow Anderson to perform in concert hall in DC, Eleanor arranged for Anderson to perform on Easter Sunday. Walter White, an official of NAACP said of girl in crowd, "Hand forward to touch singer. Had manual labor hands. Tears, askew hat, eyes of hope and ecstasy. If Anderson could do it, girl could too."

Civilian Conservation Corps

Programs to give relief through work projects, cash payments. Put young men, ages 18-25, working by building roads, developing parks, planting trees, helping soil-erosion, flood-control projects. 3 mil men from 1933-42. Paid small wage, $30 a month, $25 automatically sent home to family. Gave free food, uniforms, lodging in work camps under strict regime. Most camps racially segregated. Many camps on Great Plains, where in 8 years, 200 mil trees planted, reforestation to prevent another Dust Bowl. By 1938, 11% black. Planted +3 bil trees, made +800 state parks, made +46,000 bridges.

National Youth Administration, NYA

Provided education, jobs, counseling, recreation for youth. Provided student aid to high school, college, graduate students. In exchange, students worked part-time at schools. "Took paper home and typed all night to deliver to school next morning. Good program. Got necessary work done. Gave teens a chance to work for pay. Bought me clothes, shoes, school supplies, movies, mad money. Candy bars, pickles. Gave my mother relief from my necessary demands for money. For graduates unable to find jobs or drop-out youths, NYA gave part-time jobs like working on highways, parks, public building grounds. Helped young like dental assistant receive training and job opportunities.

Native Americans and ND

Received strong government support from ND. In 1924, had received full citizenship by law.

Federal Securities Act

Regulate stock market since many faith in after 1929 crash. Passed May 1933. Required corporations to provide complete info on all stock offerings and made them liable for misrepresentations.

Glass-Steagall Act

Reorganize banking system 1933. Established Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts of up to $5,000, reassured customers that money was safe. Required banks cautiously act with customer money. Reform.

Farm Security Administration, FSA

Replaced Resettlement Administration in 1937. Loaned +$1 bil to help tenant farmers become landholders and established camps for migrant farmers, who usually lived in squalid housing. Hired photographers like Dorothea Lange, Ben Shahn, Walker Evans, Arthur Rothstein, and Carl Mydans to photograph rural towns, farms, people. Used photo to make pictorial record of difficult situation in rural America.

Hoover and election of 1932

Republicans renominated Hoover as their candidate but recognized that he had little chance of winning. Too many people blamed Hoover for doing too little about depression and wanted new president.

Charles Coughlin

Roman Catholic priest from Detroit suburb who broadcast radio sermons w/ combination of economic, political, religious ideas every Sunday. Initial supporter of ND, soon turned against FDR. Favored guaranteed annual income and nationalization of banks. When very popular, had radio audience of 40-45 mil people, but his anti-Semitic(anti-Jewish) views cost him support.

1932 election results

Roosevelt with overwhelming victory, nearly 23 mil votes to Hoover's 16 mil. In Senate, Democrats had nearly 2/3 majority. Almost 3/4 in House, most since before Civil War.

Second New Deal, Second Hundred Days

Second burst of activity. FDR asked Congress to provide more extensive relief for farmers, workers.

Frances Perkins

Several women named to important government positions. Perkins 1st female cabinet member. As secretary of labor, played major role in creating Social Security system and supervised labor legislation.1882- 1965. Attended Mount Holyoke College and lectures that introduced her to social reform efforts. Her initial work in settlement houses sparked interest in pursuing emerging social service organizations. Witnessed Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, so pledged to fight for labor reforms, especially for women. Pioneer for labor and women's issues. Changed name from Fannie to Frances to be taken more seriously.

Attitudes toward Indian Act

Some Indians who valued their tribal traditions thought act was important step forward. Others who had become Americanized as individual landowners under the previous Dawes Act objected cause they were tired of white people telling them what was good for them.

Home Owners Loan Corporation, HOLC

Some about housing, home mortgage probs. HOLC gave government loans to homeownrs facing foreclosure cause couldn't meet loan payments.

Farming laws

Supreme Court stopped AAA in early 1936. Congress replaced it with the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. Paid farmers to cut production of soil-depleting crops. 1938, Congress approved 2nd AAA that had features of 1st. 2nd didn't have processing tax to pay for farm subsidies, provision of 1st declared unconstitutional. 2nd New Deal helped sharecroppers, migrant workers, poor farmers.

Wagner Act

Supreme Court stopped NIRA in 1935 cause gave fed gov legislative authority for states. One of 1st reforms of 2nd ND was National Labor Relations Act, Wagner Act after sponsor, Senator Robert F. Wagner of NY. Reestablished NIRA provision of collective bargaining. Protected workers' right to join unions and engage in collective bargaining with employers. Prohibited unfair labor practices like threatening workers, firing union members, interfering w/ union organizing. Set up National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, to hear testimony of unfair practices and hold elections to learn if workers wanted union representation.

Who did Roosevelt work with before becoming president?

The "Brain Trust", a team of carefully picked advisers- group of professors, lawyers, journalists. He was not idle and formulated policies for his new administration.

30s movies already easily known

The Wizard of Oz 1939, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937, showcased Walt Disney's dazzling animation.

Agricultural Adjustment Act, AAA

Tried to raise crop prices by lowering production. Gov paid farmers to leave part of every acre unseeded. Theory was reduced suppy>boost prices. Sometimes crops too far advanced for acreage reduction to affect. So gov paid cotton growers $200 mil to plow/destroy 10 mil acres of crop. Paid hog farmers to slaughter 6 mil pigs. Upset many cause of destruction of food with many hungry. Helped raise farm prices, gave farmers more money.

Union membership soars, big increase from '36 to '38.

Union workers like CIO strikers at Fisher automobile plant in Flint, Michigan 1937 found sit-down strike extremely effective for getting demands met. Labor movement, 33-40

FDR's support from cities

Urban voters important to ND Coalition. Support for Democrats surged in large North cities like NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago. Such cities had powerful political organizations that provided services like jobs for votes. In 1936 election, FDR carried 12 largest cities.

Movies a hit

Wacky comedies, lavish musicals, love stories, gangster films. End of silent films, rise of talkies. Stars like Clark Gable (Gone w/ Wind), Marlene Dietrich, James Cagney rose from Hollywood, center of film industry. Stars launched era of glamour, sophistication in Hollywood. Some films offered escape of GD by presenting visions of romance, wealth, good times.

FDR and people

While helping banking and finances, had programs to provide relief to farmers, hardest hit group by depression. Aided others and tried stimulating economic recovery.

Hank Oettinger's story

Worked as printing press operator in small town of Wisconsin. Lost job in 1931, unemployed 2 years. 1933 FDR created work programs. Through Civil Works Administration (CWA), went back to work. Enabled men to have jobs repairing typewriters and sewing machines. Celebration. First check in 3 years. Raised the hopes of people, sparked enthusiasm for new president. Appeared like country turned a corner and was emerging from depression. 1932 election proved people were ready for change. Suffering from lack of work, food, hope.

Orson Welles

actor, director, producer, writer who created one of most renowned radio broadcasts, The War of the Worlds. Later directed movie classics like Citizen Kane 1941, Touch of Evil 1958.

New Deal Coalition

alliance of diverse groups, including Southern whites, blacks, unionized industrial workers, various urban groups, who supported the policies of the Democratic Party in 30s, 40s. ND was mixed results for minorties, but most backed FDR. So Democrats dominated national politics in 30s, 40s.

Hundred Days

period of intense activity lasting from March 9 to June 16, 1933. During which, Congress passed +15 major New Deal legislation pieces. Expanded federal gov's role in nation's economy.

Dr. Francis Townsend

physician, health officer in Long Beach, CA. Believed FDR wasn't doing enough to help poor, elderly, so devised pension plan to give monthly benefits to aged. Had strong backing from elderly, took elderly support from FDR.

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