History of India- Mr. Taylor's class

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According to Hinduism, what is a person's reason for living, or what they were born to do, called?


What are the core beliefs of Hinduism?

Dharma, moksha, and brahman

Which Hindu god is the remover of obstacles? (This is the one with the elephant head).


Which Hindu god was part human-part monkey and known for his extraordinary and daring feats and strength (he defeated the Hulk, totally)?


What was the third dynasty of India?

The Haryanka Dynasty

What mountain range was created when India crashed into Asia and that is still growing today?

The Himalayas

What was the largest cut diamond in the world that was cracked by British diamond cutters and put in the British crown? This diamond was also called the "Mountain of the Moon."

The Koh-i-noor diamond

And FINALLY, what was the sixth dynasty of India?

The Mauryan Empire

What was the fifth dynasty (or empire, I guess- idk)?

The Nanda Empire

What was the second dynasty of India?

The Pradyota Dynasty

What was the oldest Veda text?

The Rig Veda

What was the fourth dynasty of India?

The Shaishunaga Dynasty

What is the desert from India to Afghanistan called?

The Thar Desert

What were the sacred texts of Hinduism written in Sanskrit?

The Vedas

What conflict erupted between Pakistan and India?

Both sides claimed an area in northeastern India, called Kashmir

Which Hindu god is "the creator"?


What was the British Raj?

British rule in India

What was important about the Ganges River?

It was sacred

What does Brahmaputra mean and why is it special?

"Son of Brahma" and it was masculine.

What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?

1: All life involves suffering (the Truth of Suffering). 2: Suffering is caused by desire and attachment (the Origin of Suffering). 3: Desire and attachment can be overcome (the Truth of Cessation). 4: The way to overcome them is by the Eightfold Path (the Truth of the Path).

What are the eight parts to the Eightfold Path?

1: Right seeing and understanding. 2: Right thought or intention. 3: Right speech. 4: Right action. 5: Right work or livelihood. 6: Right effort. 7: Right mindfulness. 8: Right concentration.

What were the "four signs" that Siddhartha Guatama saw?

An aged man, a sick man, a dead man, and a religious monk

What are the three universal truths of Buddhism (you don't have to memorize them all, I think, just one and not its name, but I very well may be wrong)?

Annica- Nothing lasts forever and everything on Earth is always changing Dukkha- All living things suffer, either physically or emotionally. Anitta- Do good for the sake of good, not for yourself (I think).

Who was the first Portuguese explorer in India?

Bartolomeu Dias

What were the mountain ranges in eastern and western India?

The Eastern and Western Ghats mountains

Which Hindu god is the god of protection, compassion, tenderness, and love? He was also supposedly the avatar of Vishnu.


What is the geographical feature in the center of India?

The Deccan Plateau

What was notable about India crashing into Asia?

It accelerated

Who was the leader of multiple rights movements in India, created the idea of "Passive Resistance" (non-violence), and who's most famous quote was "You must be the change that you wish to see in the world"?

Mohandas Gandhi

What did the Harrappans hold to high esteem?


Which Hindu god is "the destroyer" and who's most recognizable feature was is third eye?

Shiva (or Kali)

Who was the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Guatama

I am so so sorry that I was not here for Monday when we did notes on India's physical geography. The few questions from those notes you will have to study yourselves


Who were the first people to live in India (supposedly)?

The Aryans

What was the first dynasty of India?

The Brihadratha Dynasty

What caused the Sepoy Rebellion?

The British wanted Indian soldiers to use rifle cartridges that were greased with animal fat.

What are the two branches of Buddhism?

Theravada and Mahayana

What, supposedly, made the Harrappans different from other empires?

They were peaceful

What are the recent interpretations of the Vedas called?


Which Hindu god is "the preserver"?


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