History of Japanese Art Final Terms

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Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1430-1490)

-Yoshimitsu's grandson -liked the higher/expensive life -1459 started to build another palace, but was shamed for his extravagance. -Temple of the silver pavilion


-sliding doors in traditional japanese buildings that separate rooms or serve as cupboard doors. -set of panels constructed of wooden frames with layers of heavy paper. -medium of painting.


-"dutch studies" -study of western sciences and humanities in Edo -Availability of dutch books -Started in Nagasaki but soon spread all over -They didn't see it as threatening


"Japanese style painting" -Meiji period -a new approach to traditional japanese painting taking into account some western techniques -using traditional techniques and media including water and mineral based pigments -modern japanese style -used both foreign and indigenous themes. -in contrast to yoga

Shoin (monk's study)

-Writing hall/study room in the abbot's quarters of Zen monasteries.


-"Dutch style painting" -Emphasis on perspective -illustrated books on anatomy, botany, etc -from heavy western influence


-"Paintings of beautiful women" -portraits of courtesans/beautiful women -Pictures had clues as to identify the woman

Rakuchu rakugai

-"Scenes in and around the capital" -Invented by Tosa Mitsunobu -bird's eye view of Kyoto spread over six panel screens.


-"Southern barbarians" -Traders/missionaries from Europe (Portugal) -First portuguese ships arrived in kyushu in 1543 -Namban art: Arrival of European ships and processions in European quarters. Imagines views of western rulers/cities. and christian imagery.


-"great name" -started in eleventh century -Applied to anyone of a large estate -Started to take on a military association as it became dominated by Samurai -Primary retainers of the shogun during muromachi period -During Edo period they were ruled by local authorities under the bakufu.

Doboshu (1397-1471)

-"guest hall companions" -Helped with room display/decoration -in charge of purchase, evaluation, storage, and display


-"pictures of the floating world" -prints of the pleasure districts in Edo and Kyoto such as brothels and theater -Bijin, actors, landscapes, playful pictures, erotic pictures, current events/fashion -chonin primary consumers -Moronobu father of ukiyo-e print


-"southern painting" -From Dong Qichang, great chinese art critic -division of painters between north and south -North: Rigid adherence to ritual practice -South: intuitive understanding through art, expression of thoughts and feelings


-"western painting" -using western perspective and chiaroscuro -using oil paints


-"western style painting" -Introduction of oils -Perspective, light and shadow -stimulated by the interest in realism and practicality

Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582)

-1573 he chased out the last ashikaga shoguns -a daimyo -his generals were hideyoshi and Ieyasu. -1576 moved gov to Azuchi -died in 1582. Surprise attack from allies. -commissioned Azuchi castle

Kano Eitoku 1543-1590

-4th master painter of Kano school -invented new dynamic composition for large scale wall and fusuma combining ink brushwork with vivid colors and gold leaf -served nobunaga and hideyoshi -commissioned decoration of castles such as Azuchi and Osaka


-A quasi buddhist artist group that koetsu started from the request of Ieyasu -Traditions created here would be the foundation of the Rinpa School -Where koetsu and sotatsu collaborated


-A small fan shaped artificial island built in Nagasaki harbor in 1634 -1641-1843 active dutch trading

Geiami (1431-85)

-Ami= pure land buddism -didn't really participate in buddhism -Produced art catalog of Chinese paintings, first art criticism -wrote manuals for decoration/display

Noami (1397-1471)

-Ami= pure land buddism -didn't really participate in buddhism -Produced art catalog of Chinese paintings, first art criticism -wrote manuals for decoration/display

Soami (1455-1525)

-Ami= pure land buddism -didn't really participate in buddhism -Produced art catalog of Chinese paintings, first art criticism -wrote manuals for decoration/display


-Appreciation for simplicity and humility -tranquility and purity that is expressed in rustic and plain tea ceremony -small rooms and host served tea himself

Earnest Fenollosa (1853-1908)

-Born in Salem MA -1878: came to Japan to teach philosophy and political economy at Tokyo Imperial University -Denounced western art and encouraged traditional art and the creation of a new approach to traditional painting -Admired Kano school -involved in the start of Tokyo School of Fine Arts

Okakura Kakuzo (1862-1913)

-Born in Yokohama -1869 began studying English at the age of 7 -1878: Met Fenollosa -1887: Established Tokyo school of Fine Arts -1888: Became the director of his school -1890: Began teaching japanese art history. -nihonga movement founder

Josiah Conder (1852-1920)

-British Architect -invited by Meiji gov to teach t the University of Technology from 1877 -Educated first generation of Japanese modern architects such as Tokuma, Kingo, and Tatsuzo. -served as a consultant for the ministry of engineering -Designed many public/private buildings including Ueno imperial museum 1881, and Navy ministry of Japan 1895.

Shoin-style architecture

-Chigaidana: interconnected shelves with different heights -Tsuke Shoin: shallow alcove with a wide ledge used as a desk -Sliding shoji windows -expresses relationship between samurai lord and retainer -Tokonoma: a shallow raised alcove where a scroll is hung with other valuable objects -Fusuma: Sliding doors with paintings -Tatami mats important, used as a measurement.

Sankin kotai (alternative attendance)

-Daimyo were required to maintain living in Edo and spend alternative years in attendance to shogun and their han. -Families stayed in Edo as hostages -Prevented Daimyo from threatening shogun authority -Starts a vast network of routes and inns along the routes. and more exchange between urban and rural culture.

Maruyama-shijo school

-Founded by Maruyama Okyo 1773-1795 -focused on western influenced realism -Shijo refers to its location in Kyoto -Important in the inspiration for nihonga -attempts to combine decorative style of Kano school and realism -naturalism, sketching from nature -members of this school developed their own personal style -not as rigid of a hierarchy


-Indicating a cultural group that emerged in the 1970s consisting of obsessive consumers fascinated by various post war japanese popular culture manga, anime and video games -typically males who live in the fantasy realm for entertainment and even sexual fulfillment -characters usually regarded as their, "virtual lovers"

Kano School

-Lineage of painters established in the 15 cen -popularized in 16 ken when it received many samurai and imperial patronage -mixed yamato-e and kanga styles -In the Edo period it was the school of the tokugawa regime -influential in formation of nihonga style in meiji period -known for monochromatic ink paintings -known for use of bright colors with gold leaf -standardized shogun style -started with Kano Masanobu


-Military gov led by the shogun, first established by Minamoto no Yoritomo

Shubun (1460)

-Monk at Shokokuji -had many different skills -traveled to korea on behalf of bakufu -1430s well known painter -depicted ideal world and spatial depth -"Reading in the Bamboo Study"


-Most popular theater form -Only male actors -developed 15th-16th centuries alongside puppet shows -gorgeous costumes and elaborate sets -deals with historical events, conflicts of moral duty and personal desire, ghost stories -usually accompanied by a samisen player offstage


-Ogata Korin started it and was greatly influenced by Sotatsu and Koetsu -more like an association of aesthetic and design values started by different artists following Korin. -lavish use of bright colors and gold and silver -reminiscent of Heian period -Style flattens out and simplifies images into combinations of near abstract form -literary themes


-Primary form of gov 1185-1868 -Ruled by name of the emperor -Head of Bakufu

Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591)

-Son of wealthy merhcants in Sakai -Tea master for Oda Nobunaga and Hideyoshi -Influenced tea ceremony greatly -Didn't invent wabi but popularized it, developed it, and used it in tea ceremony

Muarta Shuko (1423-1502)

-Tea master for Yoshimasa -Made tea commonplace and a ritual -Concepts expressed in Dojinsai tearoom at Yoshimasa's Gingakuji


-The only gov licensed prostitution quarter in Edo period -located northern edge of Edo -Many geisha working as singers, dancers, and entertainers

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598)

-Took over where Nobunaga left off -1591 had entire archipelago under control -came from very low ranking family -very charismatic -launched invasions on Korea -He rebuilt Kyoto extravagantly -Momoyama Castle even more lavish


-Zen painting where Chinese monochrome painting is combined with poetry. -Often an imaginary landscape -Often hanging scroll format


-around 1765 -Multicolored single block prints -Created through collaboration of: Publisher, designer, carver, and printer.


-became monks to escape low social class -were not affiliated with any temples -helped with cultural events/arts with Ashikaga Shogunate

Super Flat

-brilliant color, planar surface, stylized features, and the absence of illusionistic space found in traditional japanese art and postwar manga/anime -Shallow emptiness of Japanese consumer culture -Lack of distinction between high and low art in premodern japan -nature of postwar japanese culture and society.

Mokkotsu (boneless)

-capture the motifs without outlines but with expanses of flat color


-central tower/main keep -Surrounded by deep moats and outer walls -massive stone base -large timber frame structure -hipped gable roof -ceramic tiles -authority with height strength technical sophistication and aesthetics.


-craftsmen and merchants -became wealthier and started to participate in cultural events only usually allowed for the elite -lots of money but still low class rank -huge patrons of the art


-end of 15th cen -ritual of tea drinking -Popularized by samurai and intellectuals -influenced all arts, especially ceramics and lacquer ware.

Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147-1199)

-established Bakufu in Kamakura away from corrupted aristocracy. -1192 became first shogun -Brought country under united control mostly 1185

No drama

-evolved from Kagura dances -dramatic preformance narrated by chorus of wind instruments/drums -Emotion conveyed through chanted dialogue and dance -About one characters resolution of inner conflicts to reach peace -Developed by father and son, Kan'ami and Ze'ami in 14-15th centuries with ashikaga patronage.

Ogata Korin 1658-1716

-family owned a textile shop -rediscovered koetsu and sotatsu -after his father died he mismanaged the business causing to go to work as a painter -founder of rinpa school

Daruma (Bodhidharma)

-founder of zen buddhism -sixth cen in China -enlightenment = intense meditation -meditated so long his legs fell off


-game of tea judging -Guests ability to tell tea from one and other -winners received ornaments, furniture, and karamono chinese artifcats -Allowed hosts to flaunt wealth


-great audience hall in Nijo castle. -appointments to see shogun there -two different floor levels -huge pine tree painting to signify power -elaborate decoration -shoin style architecture

Sesshu (1420-1506)

-greatest painter of his period -learned from Shubun -Early age went to temple of Shokokuji -Later came to the attention of the ruling Ouchi family which helped him travel to China

Mincho (1352-1431)

-head of ebusshi (temple painters) -worked at Tofukuji -famous zen painter -painted death of shaka buddha

Raku ware

-lead-glazed -fired at low temperatures -traditionally hand formed -came from a family of Kyoto potters -simple rustic


-literati painting -Developed in China during Northern Song dynasty by Su Dongpa -artist is supposed to be of the educated elite and master calligraphy, poetry and painting -painting for your own pleasure -calligraphic style -movement in Edo period


-main port city of Japan -Chinese immigrant painters -lot of foreign influences coming in there. -Dejima is built here

Tenmoku ware

-name derived from Mount Tianmu in China where this type of ceramic was first created. -associated with zen and Chanoyu -Conical tea bowl. Matte/iridescent browns and blacks. -May have streaks of dark/silvery color or blue bursts.

Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616)

-obtains control after Hideyoshi's death -1603 forced people to make him shogun and reinstated bakufu -held people as hostages to ensure loyalty -1615 defeated hideyori and followers -even after he resigned he still remained very politically involved.


-one of five major highways connecting Edo and Kyoto -most traveled -popularized because of alternative attendance and new travel culture.

Shasei (sketching from life)

-painting from first hand observation from nature

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1409)

-persuaded the South to give up -1368 shogun -moved gov to muromachi -1395 retired to Kinkakuji -patron of the arts (especially No drama and renga)


-pictures, mostly prints, using western style perspective to show a sense of depth/space. -very important in 19th century landscape prints

Ashikaga Shogunate

-ruled unified north and south -Strict rule -muromachi period -when ashikaga family took over kamakura -made imperial family a figurehead -patrons of the arts


-seclusion policy -1620s-1630s edicts reinforcing ban on christianity and foreign influences -1635 foreign contact prohibited -1641 dutch are allowed on Dejima

Sukiya-style architecture

-style of artlessness -subdued effect achieved with painstaking attention to detail -combine elegance of shoin style with relaxed atmosphere and artistic taste -characterized by the understatement and irregularity borrowed from tea taste

Karesansui (dry landscape)

Dry landscape garden. Developed as an aid to zen buddhism meditation. Uses naturalistic elements such as rocks, shrubs, moss, and raked sand. resembles Chinese style landscape painting

Tarashikomi (in-dripping)

Started by Sotatsu. Colors are applied over a still wet layer to achieve subtle variations in shading.

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