History of the Computer

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When did the age of the modern computer begin?


Who was Joseph-Marie Jacquard?

He invented the loom or punchcard machine.

What was the key in the third generation of computers?

Integrated circuits, online terminals, and disk storage. The computer became smaller, more reliable, and less expensive than ever before.

World Wide Web?

Introduced in 1992 but BROWSERS were invented in 1994 so it was easier to use the internet.

What is the fifth generation of computers?

It is marked from the mid 1990s until now. It heralds the super-fast computer chips capable of carrying out trillions of calculations per second.

What person's inventions replaced Hollerith's machines for IBM?

James Powers

What was the key in the fourth generation of computers?

Microprocessor chip or the brain of the computer.

In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded what?


Hollerith developed a company called what? This name changed to what in 1924?

Tabulating Machine Company; IBM

Ada Byron developed the language for what?

The Analytical Engine

John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built what?

The first electronic digital computer. They called it the ABC or the Atanasoff Berry Computer.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen -

They wrote the first BASIC interpreter for the Intel 8080 microprocessor, the language called MBASIC, was licensed to MITS and sold with Altair computer.

The second generation of computers had what?


The first generation of computers had what?

Vacuum tube technology.

The ENIAC introduced what?

Vacuum tube technology. It was classified as the first generation of computers.

What about the fifth generation?

We're currently waiting on the fifth - that movement for the generation was initiated in 1982.

What is networking?

Connecting a group of computers and peripherals to a communication system. Emerged in the 1980s and 1990s.

Howard Aiken -

He helped build Mark I, similar to Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. It was called Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator. It was built in 1939.

Who invented these transistors?

John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley - they created it in 1947 and won a nobel prize for it in 1956.

Who developed the ENIAC during WWII?

John Mauchly and J. Prespert Eckert worked on it in 1946

What is the first generation of computers called?

Mark 1 - Vacuum tubes - very slow

What/When is the third generation? What did it consist of?

1960s - Integrated Circuit Boards

At the same time, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs were trying to sell their Apple computers in their garage for $666.66. They developed a fully functional machine known as?

Apple II

What did these two developers provide PCs with?

DOS - Disk Operating System

Who was Herman Hollerith?

He developed the tabulating machine that eventually took charge of the census. He is the father of IBM.

Who was Charles Babbage?

He was the father of computers. He invented the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs. He completed the difference engine and the analytical engine.

What is the second generation of computers called?

Mark 2 - 1950s - Transistors invented

Herman Hollerith's invention was used for the ________.


Herman Hollerith developed a _______ in _______.

tabulator; 1887

What/When is the fourth generation? What did it consist of?

1970s;80s personal computers - microprocessors

What was the internet originally?

ARPAnet developed in 1969. The DOD created it (Department of Defense).

Who was Blaise Pascal/Pascaline?

He invented the first arithmetic calculator in 1642.

How many generations of computers are there?

5 Generations

Who designed the microprocessor? When?

Edward "Ted" Hoff. 1968. While working at Intel.

What does the ENIAC stand for?

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

The Analytical Engine was developed in 1835 by

Charles Babbage.

What was the Mark I computer?

Colossus - electronic compute that was used to break the German Enigma cipher - engineers worked on this machine - they were Alan Turing, Max Newman, Ian Fleming, and Lewis Powell

Who devised Boolean algebra and what is it exactly?

George Boole - it is a system logic based on the binary system.

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