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What did the Parisian Women do to move Louis XVI and his family back to Paris?

On October 5 1789 thousands of Parisian women armed with broomsticks, pitchforks, pistols,and other weapons marched to the king's palace at Versailles. They insisted that the royal family return to Paris. On October 6th the royal family returned to Paris and became virtual prisoners of the revolution.

Forcible overthrow of a government in favor of a new system


Who were the "bourgeoisie"

The Bourgeoisie were the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people.

Which Estate adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, what was it modeled after and what did it attempt to do?

The Third Estate adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen and it was modeled after the English Bill of Rights and the American Declaration of Independence.

Why was the Third Estate angry with the First and Second Estate and what did the Third Estate do On June 17, 1789?

The Third Estate which had almost 600 representatives (as many as the 1st and 2nd Estates combined) wanted to set up a constitutional government that would make the clergy and nobility pay taxes too. The Third Estate demanded that each deputy in each Estate have one vote instead of the traditional one vote per Estate. This would allow the Third Estate with some defections from the 1st and 2nd Estates to reach a majority. The king however declined this system and stuck to the old way. On June 17 1789 the 3rd Estate declared t;hat it was the National Assembly and would draft a constitution. When they returned to their meeting place the doors were locked so they went to a tennis court and swore to continue to meet until they had a constitution. This became known as the Tennis Court Oath.

What were the "immediate" cause(s) of the French Revolution.

The immediate cause of the French Revolution was the near collapse of the French budget which led to food shortages, rising prices for food and unemployment.

What step(s) did the revolutionaries take to reform the Catholic church in France ?

The revolutionaries seized and sold off Church lands and gave the money to the National Assembly which increased the states revenues. A new Civil Constitution said that bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and not appointed by the pope and the Church hierarchy. The state would pay their salaries and this caused many Catholics to become enemies of the revolution.

Why was voting in the Estates General unfair

each estate got the same number of votes

What is the significance of the Tennis Court Oath?

it led to a new constitution for France

When the other estates refused to change voting rules the 3rd Estate

met separately Created the National Assembly took the Tennis Court Oath

France was deep in debt because

money spent on the American Revolution the queen's lavish spending the 1st and 2nd estates did not pay taxes

During the Reign of Terror, who was safe from the Guillotine?

no none

During the revolution many of these people left France for fear of their lives.

nobles relatives of the King members of the Third Estate

Marie Antoinette was famous for

saying "Let thm eat cake." her spending going to the guillotine

When the people of Paris heard that the military was going to stop the revolution their response was to

storm the Bastille

The National Assembly set down the ideas of the Revolution in

the Declaration of the Rights of Man

The idea that reason should guide society rather than tradition helped cause the revolution and came from

the Enlightenment

How did the Enlightenment and the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

the people of France overthrew their absolute monarchy

What do these pie charts reveal about the causes of the French Revolution?

the poorest classes paid all the taxes

Before the French Revolution, why did the representatives of the Third Estate form the National Assembly?

voting in the Estates General was not fair

Most of the people of France belonged to the

3rd Estate

About what percentage of France's population belonged to the Third Estate?


Which of the following would be a member of the Firstst Estate?

A village priest

What was an "estate" in French society and what comprised the First Estate, the Second Estate and the Third Estate?

An estate was one of the three classes into which French Society was divided before the revolution; the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the rest of the country (townspeople) (Third Estate).

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and The Citizen proclaimed

Equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women

French King who was executed during the Revolution

Louis XVI

What was Louis XVI's reaction to the "Tennis Court Oath" and how did the peasants react?

Louis XVI prepared to use force against the 3rd Estate but on July 14 1789 900 Parisians stormed the Bastille, and cut off the warden's head and destroyed the building. The king was informed he could no longer count on his royal troops to shoot at the mob and the king's authority in Paris had collapsed. The Great Fear began.

The Second Estate was composed of


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