History Quiz 3 Unit 4

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The food supply of fishing communities is easily depleted. True or False


The size and cultural characteristics of a group of people ultimately depends upon the soil and climate of the area. True or False


In making an alliance, Yanomamo women of the ________ village are married to men of the ________ village.

Weaker Stronger

Exhaust by using up resources.


Able to withstand wear, decay.


Relatively permanent shelters are used in:

fishing societies horticultural societies

Which of the following do the Nuer get from their cattle?

food fuel grooming supplies wall plaster

The Yanomamo can be primarily described as:


Portable or disposable shelters societies include:

hunting and gathering societies

a permanent and essential quality or attribute


Marriage between members of different groups.


A shelter open on one side.


Characteristic manner of living.


Following a formula for doing things that are beyond one's personal power is:


Alliances for support can be made with an unrelated group by _____.


Giving and receiving help to and from each other.


required for life and growth; nourishment


Duty on account of kinship relation.


According to the text, the relationships of the stars and planets and other natural events are considered by some people to be:


Animal product shelters are used by:

pastoral societies

Divination is any method for getting information about hidden things by:

reading signs

For everyday problems requiring a quick answer, the Zande use a:

rubbing board

How did a Crow obtain a vision?

some came unsought through a form of ordeal

Keep alive; live.


Supply with food and provisions.


Tract of land.


Coming at the end; final.


The Crow Indians sought power through:


Region drained by a river system.


A slender, easily bent branch or twig.


Most large societies are made up of groups of kin. True or False


Which of the following are reasons why an igloo is an ideal shelter for seal hunters on the arctic ocean?

It is made from local materials. It protects against the wind and cold.

Which of the following are reasons why a brush shelter is ideal for desert nomads?

It is made of local materials. It gives protection from the sun and wind. It can be built quickly.

In a Yanomamo alliance, the men of the_______ village expect the men of the _______ village to help them in their wars.

Stronger Weaker

Fishing communities are not nomadic. True or False


Select the statements that are TRUE of the Arunta.

They carry few possessions with them as they move about. They have social celebrations at a water hole during the dry season. They leave their camp after a food supply in an area is used up.

Why are most pastoralists nomadic?

They must move their herds to new grazing land.

Select the statements that are TRUE of Horticulturists.

They rely on the natural fertility of the soil. In bad times they must resort to hunting and gathering. They live near their crops to give them protection.

a chemical derived from plants


A joining formed by mutual agreement.


Families that claim descent from a common ancestor.


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