History Study Guide/ First Semester

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-Europeans sought new markets for their goods -Many Europeans migrated to the cites in search of jobs -Europeans middle class gained political power What was the major cause of these changes in Europe? A. Industrial Revolution B. rise of feudalism C. Congress of Vienna D. French Revolution


A country desiring to expand its power and wealth by seizing control of another country is engaging in A. imperialism B. communism C. militarism D. capitalism


How was African affected by the Atlantic slave trade? A.many cultures lost their fittest members, and families were torn apart B.all African countries prospered from the trade and grew to be world powers C.kings were able to stop rebellions with the firearms they received in trade D.African civilizations became safer because they captured and traded away their criminals


Johannes Gutenberg's invention has been described as revolutionary because A. with easier access to books, more people learned to read and more books were printed. B. With oil paints, Renaissance artist could paint much more detailed than they could with watercolors. C. coupled with a large pool of unemployed workers, it lead to early industrialization in parts of Central Europe. D. until guilds were created, craftspeople were unable to control the goods they produced


Read this sentence. An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; But someone still was yelling out and stumbling, And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime . . Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. The new technological advancement from World War I that Wilfred Owen is alluding to in his poem, "Dulce Et Decorum Est" is A. Poison gas. B.The machine gun. C.Trench Warfare. D.the airplane.


The first major invention for the textile industry during the Industrial Revolution was the A. flying shuttle B. water frame C. spinning mule D. spinning jenny


What type of policy did Japan institute to control foreign ideas? A. a closed country policy. B. a policy of persecution. C. a policy of colonization. D. a Zen Buddhist policy.


What was the main reason for the Crimean War? A. Russia wanted land on the Black Sea to gain access to the Mediterranean Sea. B. Russia wanted oil and other raw materials found in Ottoman lands. C. Russia refused to pay an export law levied by the Ottoman Empire. D. Russia broke a treaty that limited the amount of gain it could send through the Bosporus.


What were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution? A. land, labor, capital B. government, military, colonies C. raw materials, natural resources, man-made goods D. road, railway, and water transport


Which Spanish system of colonial governance compelled American Indians to work fields and mines for no wages? A. encomienda B. mission C. plantation D. hacienda


Which group of people revolted against the Russian revolutionary provisional government in 1917? A. the Bolsheviks B. the Czarists C. the nobility D. the clergy


The migration of people from rural areas to cities during the 19th century is an example of which trend? A. emigration B. urbanization C. feudalism D. nationalism


What was the Industrial Revolution? A. increased purchases of land by wealthy landowners to cultivate larger fields. B. increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century. C. a widespread use of teenagers as factory laborers who worked 14 hours days, 6 days a week D. increased populations of urban areas during the 1800s.


What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights? A. It allowed for the bloodless overthrow of King James II B. It made clear that the royal monarch's power was limited C. It restored absolute power to the monarch. D. It established the group of government ministers known as the Cabinet


Which motivation for imperialism is best reflected in this quotation? Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule . . . for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? —Cecil Rhodes, British Imperialist, 1877 A.the demand for raw materials. B.a belief in a superior culture. C.the need to expand foreign markets. D.a desire to expand democracy.


Which of the following factors MOST contributed to the shorter life span of those living in cities as opposed to those in the country? A.long working hours. B.illness caused by unhealthy living conditions. C.Inadequate housing D.excessive garbage


Why was communism viewed as a threat in industrial nations like Great Britain and Germany? A. Communism required greater participation of the working poor in government. B. Communism called for the violent overthrow of those in power and did not protect private property. C. Communism demanded an end to the colonial system so that workers in the home nations could demand better pay and benefits. D. Communism would create a political system that did not protect the special privileges of the nobility or middle class.


" Behold an immense people united in a single person; behold this holy power, paternal and absolute; behold the secret cause which governs the whole body of the state, contained in a single head: you see the image of God in the king, and you have the idea of royal majesty." This passage best illustrates the concept of A. sovereignty B. absolutism C. divine right D. parliamentary government


Acting as a religious figure, which person gained significant influence over the Russian royal family during the early 20th century? A. Alexander Kerensky. B. Vladimir Lenin. C. Gregory Rasputin. D. Leon Trotsky.


Based on information below, which term describes a major driving force of the Industrial Revolution? During the Industrial Revolution, business owners and investors were able to earn immense profits. Many used these profits to develop new technology, processes, and products that helped advance the Industrial Revolution." A. communism B. direct taxation C. free enterprise D. overproduction


Which natural resources best complete this chart? Natural Resources- Entrepreneurship- James Watt and Richard Arkwright Labor- Growing population and influx of foreign immigrants Capital- Joint stock companies and strong banking systems A. iron ore and draft animals B. Gold and silver deposits C. Coal and river networks D. Fertile soil and steady winds


Which of the following most accurately identifies the theme of Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden? A. oppression of non-western peoples. B. Preservation of colonial cultures. C. modernization of non-western peoples. D. restoration of traditional economies.


Which of the following statements is an accurate comparison of the Ottoman, Russian, and Qing Empires in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? A. Prior to their collapse, each of the empires attempted a series of Western-style reforms, but the ruling elites eventually failed to support the needed changes. B. Over expansion of empires caused each to face economic turmoil as taxes were increased to pay for military expenditures. C. The Ottoman and Russian Empires survived because of the adoption of some Western-style reforms while the Qing failed because it refused to alter centuries of Chinese tradition. D. The Ottoman Empire and Qing dynasty both lost territory to aggressive European powers while Russia, acting as an aggressor, expanded its empire during this time.


Which opinion on economic production would Kari Marx most likely express? A. A free best supports the needs of workers B. The role of the government is to regulate the means of production. C. Ownership of the means of production should be shard equally by all workers D. Businesses should own the means of production to effectively increase economic output.


Which policy is a country using when it regulates its' colonies colonies' imports and exports to produce a favorable trade balance? A. embargo B. outsourcing C. mercantilism D. transmigration


Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope? (He did not sail on to India) A. Prince Henry B. Vasco da Gama C. Bartolomeu Dias D. Christopher Columbus


General from Item Central All the Powers exercising sovereign rights or influence in the aforesaid territories [Congo Basin] bind themselves to watch over the preservation of the native tribes, and to care for the improvement of the conditions of their moral and material well- being, and to help in suppressing slavery, and especially the Slave Trade. Berlin Conference General Act (1885) We set off marching very quickly. My sister Katinga had her baby in her arms, and was not compelled to carry a basket; but my husband was made to carry a goat.... We had nothing to eat, for the [Belgian] soldiers would give us nothing.... [On] the fifth day...the soldiers took my sister's baby and threw it in the grass, leaving it to die, and made her carry some cooking pots.... On the sixth day we became very weak from lack of food and from constant marching and sleeping in the damp grass, and my husband, who marched behind us with the goat, could not stand up longer, and so he sat down and refused to walk more. The soldiers beat him, but still he refused to move. Then one of them struck him on the head with the end of his gun, and he fell upon the ground. One of the soldiers caught the goat, while two or three others stuck the long knives they put on the ends of their guns into my husband. —"To the white men's town at Nyangwe, Belgian Congo," as told to American Edgar Canisius, 1903 The events of the second passage were allowed to happen because the agreement reached in Berlin A. did not apply to Belgium. B. failed to include the use of coerced labor in its protections. C. did not include any formal requirement that nations enforce the obligations it established. D. failed to include any means of monitoring the actions of nations in the Congo to make sure they fulfilled their obligations.


The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe is the A. development of socialism in France B. Industrial Revolution in Great Britain C. establishment of the Common Market, D. unification of Germany and Italy.


What did William Wilberforce fight for in the 1800s? A. to establish public schools B. to limit the length of the workday C. to abolish child labor in factories D. to abolish slavery and the slave trade


What happened as a result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885? A. France and Britain agreed to govern their African colonies jointly. B. There was less fighting between African leaders and European powers. C. African leaders voiced their suggestions for better relations with European powers. D. European divided African into colonies without consulting African leaders.


What is the laissez-faire policy? A.a policy that allowed labor to set working conditions based on votes on issues relevant to their industry. B.a policy where labor created a committee to set working standards without interference from industry owners. C.a policy that taught owners of industry how to set working conditions based on government standards. D.a policy that let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference.


What was the Thirty Years War a conflict over? A. the closing of Catholic churches by Ferdinand II B. the alliance of Maria Theresa and French kings C. the invasion of Silesia by the King of Prussia D. Religion, territory, and power among European ruling families.


Which writer opposed political absolutism? A. Niccolo Machiavelli B. James I C. Jacques- Benigne Bossuet D. John Locke


At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference Britain and France were concerned with Germany threatening a.their African and Asian empires. b.their industrial dominance. c.their national security. d.their relationship with the United States


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