history test 2

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The French Revolution was precipitated by

the impending bankruptcy of the monarchy

According to your text, which social class benefited the most from the Industrial Revolution?

the middle class

Thomas Mulpus said

the population would outgrow the food supply

Henry Bessemer developed

the process of turning iron into steal

The French Revolution gave women

the right to run for office could share in inheritancy

What caused the Third Estate to abandon the Estates General and led to the formation of the National Assembly

the unit method of voting by estate taxes

In 1789, French peasants were upset with

the unjust and corrupt system of taxation

The diest believe

their is a God but he does not interfear no miracles

Great Britian switched to coal because

they burned all the forest

Great Britian became first industrialized country because

they had lots of resources, free enterprise, and good transportation

Why did great Britain unite?

transport, free enterprise, coal iron, business and government cooperation

Who was the pope when Italy was put together?

Pope Pius 9th

Which group was the first to condemn slavery?


Who is the general will associated with?


The French Revolution became most violent when this group demanded equality


This group resented the bourgeoisie, believing they had become the new aristocracy


The island to which Napoleon is exiled to and later dies on was

St. Helena

What two groups did Carl Marx think society broke into?

Capitalists/ Protariats

Who used dialectic thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis?

Carl Marx

Who is responsible for the 10 epics and was decapitated? (French)


Napoleon was born on the island of


The "iron law of wages" is associated with

David Ricardo

Who is associated with the encyclopedia?

Denis Dedero

What island was Napoleon initially put on?


Who created the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

This classic liberal promoted an extreme form of rugged individualism and laissez faire

Herbert Spencer

Which country had a horrible famine in the 1840s?


Who invented the steam engine?

James Watt

Utilitarianism is associated with

Jeremy Bentham

Who came up with idea of imperialism?

John Locke

Who had the idea of Tabla rasa?

John Locke

Which of the following is correctly identified as Bastille Day?

July 14, 1789

What is a coup d'état?

Military takeover

Who said 3 branches of gov should be separated?


What is the movement to give Jewish people a home?


What is merchantilism?

a country should export more the it imports make country rich

Opposition to the Revolution and the National Assembly came from

a large segment of the clergy

What is deism?

acceptance of god but denial that he intervenes with earthly happenings

Which of the following best describes Napoleon's military ideas?

always go on the offensive; avoid defensive fighting

What is the table rasa?

blank slate


blank slate (John Lock) learn through experiences and reflection

What did people do for leisure and recration?

blood sports both common people and aristocrats

What is imperialism?

cant see touch feel or taste; don't believe

Who was mostly exicuted during the Reign of Terror?

common people

The goals of the Directory were to

confine suffrage to the property-owning class

Napoleon first made his reputation as an inspired leader of armies while fighting in


Napoleon was first exiled to the island of


Napoleon shaped public opinion by

employing secret agents summary trials

The Principal goal of the Terror was to

end chaos and restore order so as to assure the survival of the Revolution

Voltare believe in

enlightened despate- nice dicator

The French peasants were upset about


John Stuart Mill argued that

excess profit should be confiscated by the state

The cahiers, the grievance petitions drawn up by the localities,

expressed views that were far more radical than those of the leaders of the Revolution

Who are the quakers?

first group to seriously question slavery and did not like war

The rise of the Thermidore in 1795

gave rise to Napoleon was a reaction to the Jacobins and ended the popular phase of the Revolution

Who is Hegel?

german philosopher

Which was NOT true of life as a factory worker in the early nineteenth century?

government regulation protected workers from cyclical unemployment

The Napoleonic Code

granted all citizens the right to equal treatment under the law, freedom of religion, ownership of land, and free choice of occupation

Agruement that Napoleon died because

he was poisened

Napoleon was seen by some as an heir of the Revolution because of

his commitment to equality of opportunity

According to the Brunswick Manifesto, issued by the Prussian military.

if Louis XVI and his family were executed, Prussian forces would destroy Paris

Which was NOT true of Napoleon's Continental System of economic warfare?

it proved highly effective in stopping trade between the continent and the outside world

Which was NOT a reason why 18th century aristocrats were often at odds with monarchs?

kings wished to curtail aristocratic privileges and tax exemptions.

Napoleon's Concordat with the papacy contained all but one of the following provisions

lands confiscated and sold during the Revolution were to be returned to the church

As schools developed they taught

literacy and obedency

Acodata means

military takeover of government

They ___ the church in the French Revoluation


Legislation passed by the Assembly in 1790

nationalized church property and issued paper money backed by the land

Convertible husbandry refers to

new system of farming that permitted a farmer to use all his fields at the same time by using nitrogen fixing grasses that would feed livestock

Conservative believed

no natural rights of individuals

Napoleon developed the contenental system

no trade with Great Britian

The Spinning Jenny

permitted an operator to work several spindles to make cloth quicker

Which was NOT a part of the constitution drawn up by the National Assembly?

permitted torture

The Congress of Vienna wished to

restore the balance of power

The Great Fear consisted of

rumors spread among the peasantry that aristocrats were going to attack them

Where were most people killed in the reign of terror?

rural and urban areas

The Industrial Revolution wiped out

small scale business

What statement does not explain industrial change?

small scale manufacturization

Which concept is NOT representative of conservative thought as it evolved in response to the French Revolution?

social order

Which of the following ideas was NOT part of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?

taxes were not necessary

The first industry to enjoy growth due to the Industrial Revolution was


Napoleon defeated ____ after the French Revolution

the Directory

Rousseau believed in

the General Will- is infallible

Napoleon called the British

the Nation of shopekeepers

Which was NOT true of the foreign policy of the French Republic?

the Revolution's leaders had a conscious goal to overthrow the "old regime" across Europe

Who united Germany?


Which of the following best describes Napoleon's attitude toward religion

. Napoleon viewed religion as a means to promote social and political control. Napoleon considered religion unimportant.

According to your text, this country is credited with the creation of modern guerrilla warfare when fighting against Napoleon.

. Spain

Which of the following was NOT part of Napoleon's character and beliefs?

. he disliked the philosophers

The delegates elected to represent the Third Estate in the Estates General were primarily

. lawyers, professionals, and officials

Which best describes the extent of the disaster that befell the Grand Army in Russia?

. only 100,000 of 600,000 survived

The 3 estates consisted of

1st estate- church 2nd estate- nobles 3rd estate- everyone else

As a result of Napoleon's attempt to rule Spain

300,000 French troops were tied down in the peninsula

Laissez Faire economics is associated with

Adam Smith

Although Napoleon conquered most of Europe, the one country he was unable to defeat was

Great Britain

Nation of shopkeepers (what country?)

Great Britain

What country first experienced the Industrial Revolution?

Great Britain

What country pioneered the extraction of coal and iron?

Great Britain

Which country was Napoleon unable to defeat?

Great Britain

Who united Italy?

Guiesspe Garibaldi; Cavour

Who is associated with the Red Shirts?

Guiseppe Garibaldi

who was the first to turn iron into steal?

Henry Bessemer

Who said population would outgrow the food supply

Thomas Mathlus

Who liked the enlightened despots (nice dictator)?


Which statement is true about nineteenth-century industrial workers?

working conditions made them highly susceptible to diseases such as tuberculosis

Napoleon thought religion was a way

you could control people

John Lock, imperialist, says we learn

you have to experience something to know it original douting Thomas believed in democracy

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