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Olmec means

"People of the Land of Rubber" Refers to the solid rubber balls they made for ritual ballgames.

What does pre-columbian mean?

"pre-Columbian era" literally refers only to the time preceding Christopher Columbus's voyages of 1492.

How many ethnic groups live in the Inca empire?

100 different ethnic

How many people lived in the inca empire?

12 million inhabitants

How long was the incan road system?

14,000 mile-long network of roads and bridges.

What symbolized the power of the incan state?

A marvel of engineering, the road system symbolized the power of the Incan state.

What did all healthy people in the incan empire have to do?

All healthy people had to work for the state a certain number of years.

Technology inca

Ambitious Road System

What did incans do before attacking?

Before attacking, they typically offered enemy states an honorable surrender.

What did they believe about the inca ruler?

Belief that the Incan ruler was descended by the sun god, Inti.

What did the ayllu do?

Building irrigation canals, cutting agricultural terraces into steep hillsides. Stored food and other supplies to distribute to members during hard times. (Chuno- freeze dried potatoes)

Mayan calendar

Calendars were circular, and they carefully represented and recorded key astronomical phenomena—usually solar and lunar cycles—on which they based their time cycles.

How did the Incas conquer such a large domain ?

Combination of Diplomacy & Military Force

from where did olmec emerge?

Emerged into what is now southeastern Mexico

What happened in practice... what does pre-columbian mean?

In practice the phrase usually is used to denote the entire history of American indigenous cultures until those cultures were conquered or significantly influenced by Europeans, even if this happened decades or centuries after Columbus's first landing.

What was the inca sun god name?


What dis mita require?

It required all able-bodied citizens to work for the state a certain number of days every year: Labor on state farmlands Produce craft goods for state warehouses Help with public works projects (infrastructure)

writing system Inca

No writing system, only a language. History and literature were memorized.

Incan language

Quechua - Imposed a single official language of the empire.

What was the Olmec government?

Surviving sculpture indicates that the Olmecs created an authoritarian theocratic society ruled by a hereditary king or high-priest ruler and a small, elite group of priests of the official religion.

What did Elites in Olmec?

Technology] Elites created a writing and numerical system in order to keep records, which would later be used by other civilizations.

How did they incans divide?

The Inca divided families into groups of 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000.

Who were the Incas?

The Inca were a people who built a vast empire supported by taxes, governed by a bureaucracy, and linked by excessive road systems.

ayllu inca

The Incan social system was based on an age-old form of community cooperation called the. The ayllu or extended family group, undertook tasks too big for a single family.

Mayan mathematics

The Mayan understanding of mathematics included the concept of zero and was far more advanced than European mathematics in the 12th Century. Their calendar was the most accurate of its time.

Mayan writing system

The Mayan written language has enabled scholars to more accurately reconstruct the events portrayed in rich pictorial images of Mayan Stonework.

What did the olmec eat?

The Olmec people made good use of Maize tortilla—fairly imperishable flatbread that provided portable meals to farmers and to traveling merchants.Maize is still a staple of the Mexican diet today.

What was mita?

The main demand the Incan state placed on its subjects was for tribute. It was a labor tribute called the mita

From where was the olmec power?

Their regional ascendancy was based on compelling religious practices rather than political power.

What did the in cans not have?

They did not have iron tools and did not use a wheel, Incan builders carved and transported huge blocks of stone, fitting together perfectly without mortar. [some parts remain today]

What the olmec establish?

They established trade networks in Central America, from Guatemala as far south as Costa Rica.

What helped them launch the incas empire?

They established traditions and beliefs that helped launch and unify their empire.

What would the in cans allow the conquered people keep in exchange for what?

They would allow them to keep their own customs and rulers in exchange for loyalty to the Incan state.

What did the olmec trade?

Traded rubber, pottery, and decorative ceramics for obsidian, jade, and cacao beans.

What did Pachacuti do?

Under his leadership, the Inca conquered all of Peru and then moved into neighboring lands

Olmec religion

Worshiped ancient feline gods was the inspiration for much of their art and architecture The Jaguar—a species indigenous to that region was particularly revered.

Was the Incan diplomacy effective?

Yes, diplomacy won loyalty of the people and helped ensure longevity of the empire.

Olmec tehcnology

[Technology] Developed highly accurate calendars to regulate the cycles for agriculture and religion.

Social groups identified Inca

by how they dress

Capital incan empire



freeze dried potatoes

From where to where did the inca empire stretch?

northern Ecuador to central Chile and

Heart of incan empire has what?

temples, plazas, and palaces

Olmecs were

the earliest known Mesoamerican civilization

What is diplomacy?

the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different countries skill in dealing with others without causing bad feelings

Incan made an effort

to gain loyalty

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