History Thirty Years' War Quiz

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What did the Peace of Prague do?

it protected northern Protestant leaders in Germany

What did Louis XIII do and why?

Declared war against Spain and the HRE because he was afraid they were becoming too powerful

Who won the third phase of the Thirty Years' War?


When and where did the Thirty Years' War take place?

1618-1648 in Central Europe

When did the Thirty Years' War end?

1648, at the Treaty of Westphalia

Who did Christian's allies lose to?

Albrecht van Wallenstein, a Bohemian nobleman

Why was Spain interested in the German states?

Because they held the Spanish Netherlands in the western part of the Empire

Where did Ferdinand II take the throne and why?

Bohemia (modern-day Czech Republic), to weaken Protestantism throughout the land

What was the first phase of the Thirty Years' War?

Bohemian Phase

What were the four phases of the Thirty Years' War?

Bohemian Phase, Danish Phase, Swedish Phase, French Phase

Where did uprisings occur after Arras fell?

Catalonia and Portugal

Who won the second phase of the Thirty Years' War?


What was the second phase of the Thirty Years' War?

Danish Phase

What were some outcomes of the Thirty Years' War?

Decline of feudalism, Further decentralization of the Holy Roman Empire, Franco-Spanish War until 1659, Substantial decline in the power and influence of the Catholic Church, Devastation of many German states

Where was Christian IV king, and was he a Protestant or Catholic?

Denmark, Protestant

When were the Swedish defeated?

During the First Battle of Nördlingen by the Spanish army

Why were Christian's allies useless?

England was weak and internally divided, France was in a civil war, Sweden was at war with the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, and neither Brandenburg or Saxony wanted to change the peace in eastern Germany

When Matthais (HRE) died, who was weak and who did he need help from?

Ferdinand II was weak and needed help from Philip IV of Spain.

When Ferdinand II died, who took the throne and what did he want to do to end the war?

Ferdinand III, wanted to end the war through negotiations

What was the fourth and final phase of the Thirty Years' War?

French Phase

Who came to the aid of German Lutherans and helped stall the HRE to gain footing around the Baltic Sea?

Gustavus Adolphus

Where was Ferdinand II emperor?


Who did Ferdinand II release and who did he then rely on?

He released Wallenstein and relied on the Catholic League

Who was on the Catholic side during the war?

Holy Roman Empire (HRE), Catholic League, Habsburg Monarchy Austria, Bohemia (after 1620), Spanish Empire, Hungary, Kingdom of Croatia, Denmark-Norway

Who was involved in the war?

Initially, it was a religious war between the Protestants and the Catholics

What happened as the war went on?

It became less religious and more political, more of Europe was engulfed into the fighting

What did Wallenstein fear?

Losing his north German gains to a Danish-Swedish alliance

Who were two Protestant supporters?

Ottoman Empire, Russian Tsars

Who was a Catholic supporter?


Who won the fourth and final phase of the Thirty Years' War?


What was the Peace of Augsburg?

Signed by Charles V of the HRE, ended war between German Lutherans and Catholics, establishing that a) German states could choose the religion (Lutheranism or Catholicism) of their realms and b) Lutherans could keep the territory they had captured from the Catholics

Who was on the Protestant side during the war?

Sweden, France, Denmark-Norway, Bohemia, Electoral Palatinate, and England

What was the third phase of the Thirty Years' War?

Swedish Phase

What did Christian IV think?

That Ferdinand II was a threat to Protestants everywhere

Who did the Bohemian states get to be their only ally?

The Ottoman Empire

What was the Peace of Westphalia?

The Peace of Westphalia treaties involved the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III, of the House of Habsburg; the Kingdom of Spain; the Kingdom of France; the Swedish Empire; the Dutch Republic; the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; and sovereigns of the free imperial cities

What did the Ottoman involvement with Bohemia cause?

The Polish-Ottoman war which ended in a draw.

Why did the Ottoman Empire support the Protestants?

They had lost control of trading to the Austrians. They thought aligning with the Protestants would weaken Austria-Hungary (HRE).

What treaty allied the Swedish with the French?

Treaty of Bärwalde; French gave Swedish money to stay in Germany to protect against Habsburgs (French Finances, Swedish Swords)

How long did the French and Spanish fight?

Until France captured Arras

What was the Defenestration of Prague?

When Protestants seized Catholic political leaders and threw them out the windows (69 feet high). They survived, however. This started the Bohemian Revolt.

Where did Wallenstein return?

at the Battle of Lutzen, when Swedish leader Gustavus Adolphus was killed

What did the death of Matthais (HRE) cause?

for Protestant Western Germany and Austria to join the battle

What were Sweden and Denmark interested in?

northern German states bordering the Baltic Sea

Where did Christian IV lose another battle?

the Battle of Wolgast

Who won the first phase of the Thirty Years' War?

the Catholics; Spain destroyed the Protestant rebels

Who joined Denmark's cause?

the German States, since they were faithful to Protestantism and also France, who financially backed Denmark

What also ended at the end of the Thirty Years' War?

the Protestant Reformation

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