History Unit 5 section 1

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How do Henry IV encourage mercantilism?

Foreign trade was encouraged and the manufacture of textiles. Subsidies and monopolies are also established.

Versailles cost about ___ dollars to build.

$100 million

Define mercantilism. ___.

A system of government intervention to promote national prosperity and to increase the power of the country.

Henry III

Assassinated in 1589

Describe the causes of the Fronde. ___.

Bad harvest, decline in grain prices, discontent of provincial governors and office holders encouraged by English civil wars.

Why did parliament vote Charles tunnage and poundage for only a year?

Because Charles believed in the divine rights of king's and disliked the puritans; thus parliament was suspicious of him

Henry IV

Began bourbon dynasty

Colbert's policies regulated ___ and ___.

Business practices Product quality

Why was the English defeat of the Spanish Armada important?

England remained independent and protestant. England became a sea power.

Admiral Howard

English commander against Spanish Armada

Cromwell trustee most of the common people and gave them his support. True or false?


By accepting the petition of right, to what three things did Charles I agree?

No taxation without parliamentary consent, no one could be imprisoned without trial, no soldiers would be quartered in homes during peacetime

The estates general was not successful because of the conflicting aims and hatreds of the ____, ___, and ___.

Nobility, clergy, third estate

Who supported Charles?

Northern and western England, Catholics, moderate Anglicans, aristocracy, and conservative agriculture interest

Which law did James II violate?

Test act

What were the test act and disabling act?

Test act required office holders to be practicing anglicans Disabling act barred Catholics from parliament

France was established as the strongest nation in Europe as a result of the ___.

Thirty years' war

Versailles required ___ men to help build it.

Thirty-five thousand

The palace of the Versailles took ___ years to complete.


Louis XIV ruled with ultimate powers.


Some four hundred thousand Huguenots fled France to escape persecution. True or false?


The ministers in the government had no duties but to obey the king. True or false?


Henry VIII

Tudor king

When did England become involved in a war with France?

When Charles I sent naval expeditions to aid the French Huguenots of La Rochelle

Royal officials who were directly responsible to the king were called ___.


This new parliament was known as the ____ because it lasted twenty years.

Long parliament

William Cecil

Prime minister

The Archbishop of Canterbury, ____, suppressed the puritans.

Richard Bancroft

Elizabeth I

Stabilized English government

The act of union was passed in ___.


What did the long parliament do?

Abolished ship money and taxes without their consent, abolished prerogative courts, and passed the triennial act.

Define ship money. _____.

By custom, coastal towns gave ships to navy in emergency. Charles I asked for money.

Maximilien dé bethune

Duke of sully

England and France wanted to break up the ____ monopoly of the Mediterranean trade.


Philip II

King of Spain

Cabot landed at ____.

Nova Scotia, Canada

The chief minister in France in 1624 was ____.


What did the victory mean for England?

The expanded trade enriched English merchants, and the raw material would give England an advantage in the industrial revolution.

Richelieu' two goals were ___ and ___.

To make the king all powerful in France To make France supreme in Europe

England became a republic after the death of Charles. True or false?


England was established as a commonwealth. True or false?


Louis was a strong persecutor of the Huguenots. True or false?


Some wanted full political rights for all male citizens. True or false?


What was the issue of the French and Indian war?

Control of the Ohio valley

The commonwealth was supported by Ireland, but not by Scotland. True or false?


Louis was attended each morning by ___ persons.

One hundred fifty

Edict of Nantes

granted freedom of worship and political rights to Huguenots

In the seventeenth century ___ colonies were more important because of the ___ located there.

Caribbean Sugar plantations

Louis XIII became king at the age of ___.


What was the instrument of government?

England's first and only constitution

Founded in 1600 the ___ gave effective mercantile organization to England's enterprises in India.

English East Indian company

Sir Francis drake

English pirate

The French legislated body was also know as the ___ .

Estates general

What is meant by a favorable balance of trade?

Export more goods than imported

Cromwell died his son governed for almost twenty years. True or false?


Louis XIV did not believe in the divine right of kings. True or false?


Louis increased the power of the local officials and nobles, but decreased the power of the intendants. True or false?


The official language of many royal courts was ___.


The English and French colonial rivalry climaxed with what war?

French and Indian war

What gold was to Spain ___ was to France.


Describe the state of France and the French government by the late 1700s.

Government more arbitrary - king and ministers supported by bureaucracy and army; France bankrupt and weak from wars

The gunpowder plot was led by ___.

Guy fawkes

What were important developments of Charles II's reign?

Habeas corpus act

In order to make France supreme, Richelieu had to weaken the power of the ____.


What three devices could be used to achieve a favorable balance of trade?

High tariffs to reduce imports Bounties on exports Encourage manufacturing to produce as many goods as possible

Henry Hudson discovered ___ and ___ in his attempt to find the northwest passage.

Hudson Bay The Hudson river

Why was the French East Indies company begun?


Why did Cromwell' government fail?

It never had support of Majority of England

John Cabot, an ____ sailor, was the first to seek the northwest passage for ____.

Italian England

Queen Elizabeth's replacement was ____.

James I

The first permanent English colony, ___, was established in 1607.


In order to raise money Charles sold ____ titles for high fees, sold _____, and told judges to increase ____ criminal cases.

Knighthood, monopolies, fines


Land tax on the peasantry

Louisiana was named for ____.

Louis XIV

Louis' mother, ____, became regent.

Marie de Medici

Two other English men who sought the northwest passage in the late 1500s were ___ and ___.

Martin Frobisher John Davis

Why were the French settlements smaller than the English settlements?

Most people did not want to emigrate, government did not encourage it, non-Catholics were excluded, and land system discouraged small farmers.

The Dutch settled in ___ and ___, which were later taken by England.

New York New Jersey

King James held only one ___ from 1610 to 1621.


Describe a joint stock company.

Part ownership was acquired by buying shares which were the wealth of the company. Profits depended on success and share of stocks. If the company failed, one was responsible only for his share.

English colonies in the new world included ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, and the ____.

Plymouth Massachusetts bay Connecticut Those island Maryland Pennsylvania Delaware Carolinas

What were the three issues of the english civil wars?

Political - supremacy of king or parliament Economic - new economic groups wanted role in government Religious - national church or freedom for several Protestant groups

Established in 1608, ___ was the first permanent French settlement.


Name the three reasons Philip II sent the Spanish Armada.

Resented english intervention and aid to the netherlands, wanted to return England to the Catholic Church, wanted to stop English interference with Spain's new world trade

England first tried to find a route around ____.


Charles was forced to call parliament again because of new revolts in _____ and discontent in ____.

Scotland and England

Who supported parliament?

Southern and eastern England. Puritans, Presbyterians, middle class, and merchants

The Hapsburgs surrounded France in a ____, ____, ____, ____, and ___.

Spain Spanish Netherlands Alsace Austria Franche-comete


Tax on the offices of state

Describe the navigation acts.

The first required colonial exports to be carried in English ships. The second required exports go to England first before continental ports.

One reform wanted by the puritans and allowed by James I was ___.

The king James translation of the Bible

What were the three features of mercantilism? ____, ____, ____.

The more gold and silver a country had, the prosperous it was Self sufficiency Colonies

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