HL and LL programming languages
Mnemonic codes is...
instruction codes used in assembly language
Machine Code
A computer programming language consisting of binary or hexadecimal instructions which a computer can respond to directly.
What is a high-level programming language?
A language which enables a programmer to write programs that are close to human language. A problem oriented programming language that uses English like statements and symbols to create sequences of computer instructions
Assembly Language is...
A low level symbolic code converted by an assembler
Examples of high level languages
C++, Delphi, Java, Pascal, Python, Visual basic
Low level language speedt
Faster to process and return output
What is a low-level programming language
Low level languages refer to the architecture and hardware of a particular type of computer. Low level languages are machine code and binary that a computer understands
Low level language uses
More appropriate for developing operating systems
High level language speed
Slow as they have lots of layers of code before it reaches the hardware