HMD 307 Chapter 1 and 4

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What percentage of the action plan steps in a developmental plan should be job related?


Which of the following is not included in a definition of personality?

A discussion of person's history

Which leader development technique focuses on learning by doing?

Action learning

Soft Tactics

Agents are at a disadvantage

Successful influence attempt

Choosing influence tactic that would improve employee's self-esteem or morale

Policeman giving a ticket is an example of ______________ power


According to the OCEAN model, which personality trait is more important to manufacturing jobs?


Improving team building skills would be part of which element of an individual development plan?

Development goals

The tendency for many leaders to react to failure by blaming external factors reflects poor _____________- loop learning


An agent influences a target by giving and taking favors. This exemplifies influence tactic


Which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is concerned with where people get their energy?


True and false: as compared to the OCEAN model, the mixed model of emotional intelligence is significantly better at predicting performance


True or false: Leader development and leadership development refer to same phenomenon


True or false: once an individual has completed a formal education, he or she has the necessary tools for success


Does not help explain shift towards more women leaders

Geography has changed

Which of the following types is least likely to be a leader


Which technique is especially useful for assessing and improving a manager's planning and time management techniques?

In-basket exercises

Which type of worker is not likely to be more willing to work extra hours on a time-critical project?

Individual who's motivation is solely monetary

Person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors refers to _____________ tactics


Hard Tactics

Influencer has upper hand

Individual's formal or official authority is called __________ power


According to E. Van Velsor and M.W. Hughes, categorize the aspects women and men managers learn from experience

Men: - coping with ambiguous situations - technical or professional skills - persevering through adversity - shouldering full responsibility - all about the business Women: - recognizing and seizing - knowing what excites you - personal limits and blind spots - coping with situations beyond your control - taking charge of your career Men and Women: - directing and motivating employees - self-confidence - basic management values - how to work with executives - understanding other people's perspective - dealing with people over whom you have no authority - handling political situations

Which type of job would require a higher score on the openness to new experiences dimension of the OCEANs model of personality?


Another name for the Five Factor Model is ______________ model of personality?


Match the types leadership training programs for leaders and supervisors in industry or public services with their description

Programs for first-level supervisors: they focus on developing skills such as training, monitoring, giving feedback, and conducting performance reviews with subordinates Programs for midlevel managers: they often focus on improving interpersonal, oral communication, and written communication skills, as well as giving tips on time management, planning, and goal setting

What is not part of the A-O-R model?


NOT an example of how researchers have defined leadership

Success and failure of an organization

Which theory focuses on what a leader does when solving complex mental problems?

The Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

True or false: 3M's commitment to leadership development is illustrated by its decision to make talent development a core business strategy


True or false: According to CRT, experience hinders performance in situations where stress is low


True or false: differing definitions of emotional intelligence have contributed to the conflicting research results


True or false: research shows that coaching may be more effective at changing behavior than traditional learning and training approaches


True or false: studies show that personality is more predictive of leadership emergence and effectiveness than analytic intelligence


Leaders with ____________ intelligence tend to be quick learners, do well in school, see the connections between issues, and have the ability to make accurate deductions, assumptions, and inferences with relatively unfamiliar information


Explanations we develop for the behavior of actions we attend to are called


Which type of measures are many companies today using in the promotion process for leaders?

both cognitive and non-cognitive measures

The five step informal coaching process is most efficient for

both high and low performing followers

Which of the following is a leader development method involving the use of leadership situations as a vehicle for leadership discussions

case studies

Unsuccessful influence attempt

choosing one because it's a way to put a subordinate in his place

Ability to produce work that is both novel and useful uses which type of intelligence


The amount of information a leader needs before feeling comfortable making a decision is concerned with which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test?


Which dimension of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test would be concerned with an individual who prefers to have an agenda, stick to it, and make as many decisions as possible in a meeting?


A leadership development program that uses wilderness survival techniques is probably focusing on

personal growth

Findings of a classic study of sex roles by Schein

-there is a high correlation between the ways both male and female respondents perceived "males" and "managers" -no correlation between respondents perceiving "females" and "managers"

Studies show that women make up about __________ of senior executive positions in United States


Rational Tactics

Parties are equal in power

All of following will stifle creativity in followers except

encouraging collaboration and coordination

Which of the following are pairs in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

extraverted or introverted

Rick Aberman defined emotional intelligence as

the degree to which thoughts, feelings, and actions were aligned

Which is not true of a feeling leader?

they pay attention to bottom-line considerations

Recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior refers to the person's _______________


Unfamiliar, ambiguous situations in which traits are especially important in determining how people behave are called ____________ situations


Which best identifies when informal coaching takes place?

whenever a leader helps a follower change their behavior

Likely to be leaders


Which does describe a leader who is high on the conscientiousness dimension of the OCEAN model of personality

- planful - earnest - organized

Which of the following is true regarding the measurement and development of emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence can be developed

Which leadership development technique can help identify "blind spots" an individual may be unaware of?

Feedback-based approach

First researcher to formally recognize the importance of leader, follower, and situation in leadership process

Fred Fiedler

Influence tactics, agent attempts to get a target person in a good mood before making a request, ______________ occurs


Decision by San Francisco postmaster following 1906 earthquake and fire to allow people to send letters regardless of whether they had stamps or not is an example of which type of response to natural disaster

Leadership initiative

Coercive Power

Potential to influence others through administration of negative sanctions or removal of positive events

Which type of intelligence is important when leading in familiar situations?


The findings by Eden and Shani that individuals placed in high potential group were perceived to have higher potential than those placed in an unknown or regular potential group even though potential was never actually assessed reflects

a self-fulfilling prophecy

The dimension of OCEAN model of personality that is concerned with how one gets along with, as opposed to gets ahead of, others is referred to as ____________________


The ________________ extraversion dimension of the OCEAN model of personality involves behaviors that are more likely to be exhibited in group settings and are generally concerned with getting ahead in life


True or false: individuals who have completed undergraduate courses in leadership are always better leaders


A leader's job in a complex situation is to

generate new ideas and ways of thinking among everyone

The _________________ theory represented the dominant way of conceptualizing leadership for a long time, but has now been largely discredited


Robert Hogan, who is recognized around the world for his research on leadership over the last 30 years, probably scores ___________ on the openness to experience dimension of the OCEAN model of personality


The notion that a person being coached must want to change; assessments are important; some behaviors cannot be changed; practice is critical; and there is no substitute for accountability are all

"best practices" for coaches

What is the A-O-R model?

- action - observation - reflection

How researchers have defined leadership

- complex form of social problem solving - creating conditions for team to be effective - directing and coordinating work of group members

What is included in the definition of personality?

- description of the person - impression of a person makes on others - evaluation of person in the eyes of others

Which would most likely be part of a leadership program for senior executives?

- developing public relation skills - developing and communicating a vision - strategic planning - developing interpersonal skills NOT - conducting performance reviews with subordinates

Building blocks that are more difficult to change

- intelligence - personality traits and types - values, interests, motives/goals

Identify the conclusions of research studies summarized by Ralph Stogdill that looked at whether certain personality traits, physical attributes, intelligence, or personal values differentiated leaders from followers

- leaders were not qualitatively different from follower; many followers were just as tall, smart, outgoing, and ambitious as the people who were leading them - some characteristics, such as intelligence, initiative, stress tolerance, responsibility, and dominance, were modestly related to leadership success

Helps explain shift towards more women leaders

- leadership roles have changed - organizational practices have changed - women have changed

Categorize characteristics of leaders based on trait of neuroticism: Leaders higher in neuroticism

- lose their tempers when stressed or criticized - usually are passionate, intense, thin-skinned, moody, and anxious

According to Robert Kelley, what are the basic styles of followership?

- passive - alienated - exemplary

Which is a good source of information about behaviors leaders need to change?

- performance appraisal - direct feedback from others - 360 degree feedback NOT - program on new leadership techniques

Which are good ways to find out about an individual's public reputation?

- reviewing individual's facebook profile - searching the person's LinkedIn profile - talking with mutual friends NOT good - using MBTI test

Building blocks that are easier to change

- skills/competencies - knowledge - experience

Categorize characteristics of leaders based on trait of neuroticism: Leaders lower in neuroticism

- tend not to take mistakes or failures personally, and hide their emotions - usually are thick-skinned, calm, and optimistic

An INFJ would be good at all of the following

- therapist - painter - editor NOT good - pilot

Identify the true statements about psychological typologies

- they are often expressed in terms of polar opposites - they tend to put people into discrete psychological categories

Identify the features of psychological typologies

- they tend to emphasize the similarities among all people in the same category - they tend to emphasize the differences between people of dominant and submissive types

Which is true of a feeling leader?

- value humanness and social harmony - approach decisions personally and subjectively - naturally empathize and appreciate

How Parrado managed to convince the survivors of 1972 Andes Plane Crash to stage and support final expedition would be most likely examined by researchers who define leadership as

influencing organized group toward accomplishing goals

____________________ describes a person's all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought


Mick has taken a new hire, Brian, under his wing and is helping Brian by giving him knowledge, advice, challenge, counsel, and support about career opportunities, organizational strategy and policy, office politics. This process can be described as


The less one looks like, acts like, dresses like, and talks like other leaders in organization the

narrower the band of acceptance of behavior

Knowing how things get done and how to do them requires _____________ intelligence


Which is appropriate for decision-making in complex situations?

probe, sense, respond

The question "how do you feel about it now?" is asked in which part of the A-O-R model?


The dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test that is concerned with how people look at data is


Academic programs to develop social responsibility and engagement in local community use

service learning

Reviewing data and facts and identifying the underlying root causes from the information gathered refers to ______________ -loop learning


Actions such as providing insufficient resources, creating tight time lines and rigid processes, and creating fragmented work schedules all act to

stifle the creativity of followers

CRT defines ________________ as the result of conflicts with superiors or the apprehension associated with performance evaluation


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