Hobbit Characters

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Another of the dwarves who is almost caught by Smaug when he bursts from Lonely Mountain.


Another of the two youngest dwarves, he is almost always shown doing something alongside Kili. The pair are practically inseparable. The die together in the battle at the end of the novel. He has the best sight of all the dwarves. He is the one who throws the hook at the end of the rope when they must cross the stream in Mirkwood.


Mean hungry catured dwarves but they escaped by gandalf


One of the 1st dwarves to arrive at Bilbo's House. Brother is Balin.


One of the thirteen dwarves who is almost caught by Smaug when he bursts from Lonely Mountain.


One of the two youngest dwarves, he is almost always shown doing something alongside Fili. The pair are practically inseparable. They die together in the battle at the end of the novel.


The fattest dwarves hungry


The underground creature Bilbo meets after he gets lost in the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. It is Gollum's ring that Bilbo finds on the ground when he first wakes up. Bilbo wants Gollum to show him the way out, but Gollum gets increasingly more interested in eating Bilbo. He tells the Hobbit that he received the ring as a birthday present. The two have a riddle contest and Bilbo wins. He follows Gollum out of the caverns.


a dragon who guards the treasure that the dwarves and Bilbo are after. Killed by Bard in the end, an Evil dragon who stole the gold of Dale. His only weak spot is his left breast


carried Bilbo in the Misty Mountains, fifth dwarf to arrive


eighth to arrive of the dwarves


helpful strong kind big live in mountains


horrible, cruel, untidy,creatures that live under the Mountain. Eat horses ponies and donkey. Badhearted and create instruments of torture.


kills smaug kind becomes leader of laketown battle of five armies. Leader of humans


king of the nice elves. gives the dwarves a place to sleep during the night. reads moon runes for the dwarves


lives in mountains passes info.


magical capture dwarves superior believe in themselves

Bilbo Baggins

main character who overcomes his lack of adventurness to find the treasure in the Lonely Mountain. Hobbit. Kind Determed small two sided


ninth to arrive, White hood


one of the main dwarves. son of Thrain and dies at end of the book in the War of Five Armies. Good leader and determined to get the Arkenstone


one of the thirteen dwarves


powerful wizard who accomponies the dwarves on part of their journey. helps them in times of need. wise old


really good eyesight big, red eyes, rage!


second in command of the dwarves. Whenever Thorin is not present, he makes the decisions.


selfish greedy loses leadership after smaugs death


sixth dwarf to arrive Confident


smart proud of being king kind determined potective against kingdom in mirkwood captured dwarves but they escaped by bilbo. love treasure

The Wargs

wolves who chased the dwarves into trees

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