Homicide Final

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Amber Alert System

America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response For missing persons obviously.

Educated Guesses on Homicide rates

Confrontational Homicides likely to increase, killing in poor neighborhoods increase.

Laura's Law

Court Ordered assisted out-patient treatment for those with severe mental health issues.

Houston Texas homicide increase

Large increase of people from New Orleans with high crime rate were displaced from Katrina

Mincey Vs. Arizona

Ruled that a homicide crime scene itself did not constitute probably reason to enter a residence / area without a search warrant.

Atkins V. Virginia

Ruled that you could not be put to death if you were mentally disabled when you committed the crime (Cruel and Unusual Punishment)

Roper V. Simmons

Ruled that you could not put to death a person who was a minor when they committed the crime. (Cruel and Unusual Punishment)

What category of person is most likely to kill a child (race-wise)

Same race as the child

Governor George Ryan Grant to 167 deathrow inmates

Saw a flaw in the system so he took all 167 inmates off of death row.

U.S Common law states the youngest age to form an intent to kill

Seven years old

Most Common hate crime to show overkill

Sexual orientation hate crime

Provocation (In Murder Trials)

The idea that if you were provoked into killing someone it could be used as a mitigating circumstance.

Retribution Rationale (Death Penalty)

The idea that the act the person committed was so bad, they deserve to literally die for it.

Prelude to rampage: what conditions factors, behaviors, etc. are present after the rampage is over.

There is usually no escape attempt

Serial Killer Myths

They are all white male (Majority but not all) Serial killers can' stop killing (Look at Zodiac killer) All want to be caught (No they don't they want to keep on doing what they are doing.)

Psychotic (Mass murder)

They are crazy, hears and sees things. Often on a psychotic break where they can not see reality, lose grip of themselves.

Disciple (Mass murder)

Trying to gain acceptance from a charismatic leader, like poisoning themselves to join a cult or something dumb like that.

What does recent research indicate about the extent to which African Americans engage in serial homicide?

Under represented, especially when they kill white-people.

Homicide trends for age 14-17 from 1985-1993

Very rapid increase, plummet to lowest levels after 1993


Violent Criminal Apprehension Program / FBI Database for Sexual and violent crimes

Manner of Death

Ways to classify death. Like Natural, Suicide, Homicide, accident, undetermined., etc.

Most of the strangers murdered by serial killers are

low social class.

According to Hickley, what type of victims do most serial killers target

strangers that are lower class, making the "less dead" because they were "less alive" before.


term coined like a genocide specifically to "delete" the gender of a population.

Brutalization Hypothesis:

the idea that executions reduce peoples respect for life, so they actually kill more.

According to the textbook, what is a "reasonable" estimate of the number of serial killers active in the U.S


The Substantial Capacity Test

A test used in the attempt to plead for insanity in a murder case.

Age interval of children in which there is the highest number of homicides


Trend in homicide clearance from 1976 to 2004

Clearance rates got lower and lower

Kathleen Heide: Three types of children who kill

1. Severely abused children, feel trapped. 2. Mentally ill children 3. Dangerously anti-social children.

Three reasons to transfer to adult court.

1. The current crime for which the child is being charged must be serious. 2. He / she must be of a particular minimum age. 3. he / she must have a previous record of serious offending

Katherine Newman 5 Causes of School Shootings

1. shooter has self perceptions that they are marginal. 2. shooters are experiencing psycho-social problems that make their marginality more extreme than reality. 3. A cultural script of masculinity in our society suggests that shooting people will gain them respect. 4. Organization of public schools in U.S makes it difficult to identify warning signs. Signs are missed by teachers and admins. 5. The easy availability of guns in the US

Children make up to ___ to ___ percent of all U.S homicide victims, approximately ___ per day.

10-20% of victims, approximately 6 per day.

Paulozzi and Wells finding about comparative homicide rate during first day of life compared to any other time

10x greater on the first day.

U.S Cost yearly for murders

22billion dollars

National center for Analysis of Violent Crime estimates of number of serial murders in the U.S from 1960-1991

357 Serial Killers

Juvenile Homicide Offenders (JHOs) and race especially among African Americans and Whites.

56% African American

CDC finding on child homicide rate compared to 25 other countries

5x higher in the U.S

How many victims does the average serial killer have?


Percentage of Male JHOs who used a firearm to kill

75% of males use guns 41% of females use guns.

Approximate percentage of persons under the age of 18 arrested for murder and non-negligent manslaughter


Levin and Fox Definition of mass murder

A mass murder is having 4 or more victims in a single ongoing event

New York Times Series on Rampage Killing

A planned, not impulsive killing of multiple people in a sequence.

Most frequent relationship between male JHO's and Female JHO's



Action Americans: Murder must End Now! Organization to raise awareness of of treatment of murder in the U.S

James Byrd

African american man brutally murdered by KKK as a hate crime, Lawrence and King dragged him behind their truck.

Findings on race, emergency medical care, and death

African americans were more likely to die from injuries than whites or other races.

State laws regarding the abandonment of newborn children

Allowed to abandon in emergency service places. (Hospitals, firehouse, police station, etc.)

Characteristics of Rampage Killers

Anxiety, Rage, Precipitating events (Like getting dumped, losing your job), Attacks and warning signs. (like depression, threats, etc.)

Definition of a "Cleared Crime"

Arrest is made, or offenders dead but they know the suspect is the offender.

Set and Run (Mass murder)

Bombing or poisoning kind of mass murder. something they can set up and get away from to allow their own escape.

Death Penalty: Deterrence and Incapacitation

Deterrence: Convinces people not to kill because they could be killed. Incapicitation: take away the ability to commit murder by killing them.

Peacebuilders program

Early intervention programs to teach kids to deal with things in healthier, non-violent ways, very successful

Disgruntled (Mass murder)

Employee / someone gets pissed off and comes at someone for revenge (IE. The youtube shooter)

Hate crime statistics act

George bush made this in 1990 to help track the rising number of Hate crimes in U.S

Pseudo-commandos (Mass murder)

Highly millitaristic, well organized and planned out event. Good / obsessed with weapons and guns, ample supply of weaponry, suicide often after. (IE: Vegas killer)

During which season are increases in homicides of children under the age of two most likely to occur?

Homicide under 2 most common during Winter, above two in the summer time.

Homicide clearances and victims race / ethnicity

Homicides in African American communities are less likely to be solved.

Cleared exceptionally

Identity of at least one offender known, and they could arrest them if they were alive.

Current definition of Serial Killers

Kills many different victims @ different times & places, important to remember that serial killers have a cooling off period between murders

Are most JHO inter or intra racial.

Intra racial, ~90%


Killing a child less than 1 years old


Killing a child within the first 24 hours, usually the mother but not always. Went down when parents had places to drop off unwanted children (like fire department.)

What is the relevance of being "less dead" or "less alive" with serial killers

Lower social class members (Like prostitutes, homeless, etc.) are "less alive" in society. Meaning they likely have less people that would notice them missing, or looking for them, etc. When these people are killed, it takes longer to realize which makes them "less dead" than other high profile people.

Differences in reasons that fathers and mothers commit filicide - suicide

Male - Involving marital issues / Child custody. Female - Take children with them so they aren't alone when she kills herself.

Comparative Homicide rate for boys and girls under 13 years of age

Males higher but get closer until 13 and than are way different

According to Fox and Levin, most serial killers are ____ in their ____ to _____

Males in their 20s to 30s

Cause of Death

Medical cause of death, diseases / injuries that lead to the death

Based on data presented in the text, who is the most likely person to murder a baby


Characteristics of organized and disorganized murder scenes, what to the differences suggest about murderers

Organized: Well planned out, likely to use some restraints and include rape / torture of the victim. Disorganized: Not planned / Chaotic, usually rape happens after the death of the victim, leaves weapons at the scene. Discovery: They tend to get less organized as the spree continues and they get comfortable not getting caught.


Parent kills the child less than 5 years old Most common weapon (Personal Weapon)

Children under 5 are most likely to be be killed by (People wise)

Parents, 61% or fathers

Diathesis-Stress syndrome as an explanation for serial murder

People who are unable to come to terms with lives stressors (death in family, fired, etc.) needs to find a way to come. When they kill it relieves that stress for a short period of time, but it will come back and they will murder again.

Weapon most used in homicides of children under the age of four

Personal Weapons (hands feet)

Most common weapons in hate crimes (if used)

Personal weapons.

Most common hate crime (Religious based)

Property Crimes (vandalism)

Victims of Crime Act, Victims right's movements

Provide assistance and awareness of victims of homicide crimes, to raise awareness that they need help too

Project Ceasefire

Pull all the levers and punish very severely anyone who was convicted of committing a crime with a gun

What is generally they relationship between serial killers and their victims


Generally, how do male serial killers prefer to murder their victims.

Strangling, or other forms of "intimate" killing. Because guns or other easy ways would take away part of the pleasure derived.

M'Naughten Rule

Test applied to determine of someone was sane during the commission of a murder

Restorative Justice

The act of having the victims left and offender communicate and work through what happened.

Age of JHOs and having a co-defendant

The older the offender, the greater chance of a co-defendant.

Mass Murder Typologies

The specific names for the different type of mass murderers

Australian study of hate crimes against gay males

They were more likely to have multiple offenders helping out, along with being beaten brutally with personal weapons.

Family Annihilators (Mass murder)

Those who kill their whole family, and often themselves in an event.

PTSD in murder suvivors

Those who lose friends / family to murder suffer PTSD symptoms compared to those who lose them in accidents.

Comparison of those who lose loved ones to murder vs accident

Those who lose loved ones to murder have deeper and longer lasting side effects and trauma.

Parricide, Patricide, Matricide

When kid kills a parent, when a kid kills father, when a kid kills mother.

What is a hate crime

When the crime motivation is hatred, bios, or prejudice, based on actual / perceived race, color, or religion, national origin, etc. on an individual or group

Victim Impact Statement

When victims make statemtns in the legal process about the homicide. It's also shown that people involved do better in their lives after the fact.

Race (African Americans and Whites) an JHO murder of a family member

White and native american killed family 47% of time. AA ~7% of the time.

Homicide of children under the age of two is more prevalent during which of the four seasons?


Naveed Afzal Haq

anti-Semetic man who yelled about Jews and stared mass shooting people in the Seattle Jewish Federation Office.

Involvement of step parents versus biological in filicide-suicide case

biological much more common

Characteristics of fillicide-suicides

children & parents are both older Biological parent more likely than step-parent Kill all children most likely, no survivors. Parents who do kill all their children are most likely to commit suicide. Mom: First thinks about suicide, takes children with her Father: wants to kill the kids, than himself after-thought

Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy

feel symptoms of Munchhausen Syndrome even though they don't actually have it themselves.

Male adolescents are most likely to be killed by... (weapon wise)

firearms (86.1%)

Time of day in which murder of children is most likely to occur

higher during the day, peak on Wednesdays

Murder Wall

travelling memorial of those lost to murder.

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