HONORS BIO - Finals Study

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The enzyme rubisco is important to the process of

carbon fixation

The chromosomes in a homologous pair

carry the same genes

Some kinds of drain cleaners use enzymes rather than strong, more dangerous chemicals, These enzymes must be able to

catalyze a catabolic reaction

Which of the following pairs of processes encompasses the entire cell cycle?

cell division and interphase

The enzymes needed to perform photosynthesis in plant cells are closely associated with the membranes in


Observational studies that follow a particular group of individuals over a certain time period are ______ studies.


The pH scale measure the

concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution

Homologous chromosomes

consist of a maternal and paternal copy of each chromosome

Some daughter cells are described as cloes. For this description to be appropriate, the daughter cells must

contain a set of DNA that is identical to that of the parent cell

A small, potentially living object was found. For this object to be considered alive, the object must...

contain one or more cells

Carbon atoms are bound to each other by ______ bonds.


You are given an unknown substance and acked to determine wheter it is polar or nonpolar. The easiest way to do this would be to

determine whether the compound dissolves in water

Therapeutic touch (TT) is a type of "energy" medicine that involves the pactintioner moving his or her hands over the energy field of the patient, without actualy touching the patient, to redirect the energy field and heal the patient WHich of he following would be the first concept to investigate to help evaluate the claims of TT practitioners?

documentable and repeatable evidence that an external energy field actually exists for humans.

This subatomic particles that possess a single negative charge and surround the nucleus are the


Enzymes can catalyze a reaction only if they

encounter a substrate that fits their active site

When ATP breaks down into ADP and a phosphate group,

energy is released and can power cellular activites

A factory with an offic that controls the information sent to separate rooms for each of the manufacturing and shipping processes would be analogous to a

eukaryotic cell with a nucleus

If the Centers for Disease Control's recommended vaccination schedule is delayed, the children who do not receive ther vaccines on schedule...

experience and increased risk in disease

Although it seems Contradictory, real science does not intend to "prove" a hypothesis to be true. THis is because...

future experiments or discoveries may provide data that refutes the hypothesis

In making her morning tea, Dorothy drops a sugar cube into some hot water. She stirs the mixture but no longer sees the sugar cube at the bottom of her mug. Based on her observation of sugar dissolving in hot water, she can properly conclude that the sugar is...


New medications undergo extensive human testing before receiving FDA approval. These tests represent an experiment, and variations in the dosage given to participants represents the...

independent variable

A pool of cells is treated with a chemical that halts progress through the cell cycle. In which stagge of the cell byble would most cell be found?


When calcium (Ca++) and chloride (Cl-) interact with one another, they bond using ________ bonds


Laura's supervisor provides her with lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids and asks her to determine their chemical components. Which of the following elements would she NOT expect to find in these items?


The endoplasmic reticulum is a single membrane continuous with the nuclear envelope and a series of interconnected sacs throughout the cell. Why might it be beneficial to the cell for the ER to be continuous with the nuclear envelope? It might be beneficial for the ER and nuclear envelope to be connected becuase it...

is easier for messages to get from the nucleus to the ER where proteins an lipids are made for the cell; this would require the use of less energy

the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

is the site where lipids destined for other cellular compartments are manufactured

Which of the following events in a cell would require ATP?

linking together amino acids to form a protein

The capture and use of energy by living organisms involves numerous chemical reactions. Collectively these processes are known as...


Which of the following is an organic compound?


The boundary that surrounds the contents of the nucleus is the

nuclear envelope

A scientist observed a chemical that changes to bright red in the presence of organic compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorus. To test this chemical, a set of test tubes each conatining a purified sample of one of the following organic compounds is prepared. The chemical is then added to each tube. The test tube containing _______ will always turn bright red.

nucleic acids

Bats use echolocation to orient themselves and locate objects. Doing this requires special adaptations in their inner ear, midbrain, and auditory corex of their cerebrum. The echolocation system of bats is an example of a(n)

organ system

Whihc of the following is a product of the light reactions of photosynthesis


The reliebility of primary scientific literature is stengthened by the _____ process, in which the work is examined by other leaders in the smae field. For instance, a scientific paper examining the evolution of tetrapods would be reviewed by other evolutionary biologists and paleontologists.


Which of the following is LEAST likely to include unchecked bias when making scientific statements?

peer-reviewed scientific journals

Hydrogen and oxygen atoms are held together within an individual water molecule by _____ bonds

polar covalent

Macromolecules are typically formed by repetitively adding small monomers together. Which macromolecule is properly matched with the appropriate monomer?

polypeptide-amino acid

A researcher studying a group of individuals of the same species living and interacting in shared environment is said to be working at the level of a


In photosynthesis, the carbon used to make sugars is

povided by carbon dioxide

The outcome of meiosis is the

production of eggs and sperm

The process of cell division is different for prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells because

prokaryotes have a circular DNA molecule

Which of the following is the largest in size?


Ribosomes are very small nonmembranous organelles that can either exist freely in the cytoplasm or be embedded in the endoplasmis reticulum of a cell. They are associated with the synthesis of


The plasma membrane of some white blood cells contain _____ proteins that bind with proteins of cells such as bacteria that have invaded the human body.


You are reading an article in Discover magazine about Tiktalik roseae, the organism though to be the link between fish and terrestrial tetrapods. The researcher that disovered Tiktaalik was publicly funded. This article represents a _____ literature presentation of ______ research.

secondary; basic

O2, also termed atmospheric oxygen, is formed by a covalent bond between two oxygen atoms. This type of bond involves oxygen atoms

sharing electrons

If a bottle of perfume was spilled in the corner of a large lecture hall, the students sitting near that corner of the room would vey quickly smell the perfume. What phenomenon has occurred to the perfume molecules that have entered the air

simple diffusion

The energy carriers NADPH and NADH differ structurally. Functionally they are

somewhat different; NADH is produced from catabolic processes, wheras NADPH is used in anabolic processes

Which of the following cell types is produced by meiosis?


Which of the following could be built solely from glucose molecules?


Once supported by a predictable experimental outcome, a scientific hypothesis...

still cannot be considered to have been proven true.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both complementary and relatively balanced, but early history of life on Earth showed increasing oxygen concentrations. This indicates that...

the amount of photosyntesis occurring exceeded the amount of cellular respiration

Which of the following statements best describes the differences between the nuclear envelope and the plasma membrane?

the nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers, while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. Both membranes are selectively permeable and have pores

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best demonstrate that a becterium found on an asteroid originated in outer space?

the presence of right-handed amino acids in the bacterium's proteins

Astronauts returning from outer space studied samples taken from their lunar landing. They found that one of their samples was coated wiht organic compounds. Which of the following statments must be correct about their samples?

the samples must contain carbon atoms

In many organelles, groups of different enzymes are located on membranes in close proximity to each other because

these enzymes are involved int he same metabolic pathway, and keeping them closer together increases the efficiency of the pathway

Which of the following is a similarity between photosynthesis and respiration?

they are both metabolic processes

A species of butterflies gradually becomes darker in color over many generations; this is an example of which characteristic of living organisms?

they can evolve as groups

Which of the following statemetns is true of choloroplasts?

they capture energy from sunlight

What characteristic is NOT shared by all living organisms?

they make their own energy

The krebs cycle functions to

transfer chemical energy from pyruvate to energy carriers

The selective permeability of a phospholipid bilayer membrance can be increased with help from

transport proteins, channel proteins, and passive carrier proteins

Which of the following would be likely to move through a plasma membrane by simple diffusion?

water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen

The successful union of one male and one female gamete forms a new single cell known as a


Of the following values, which indicates the mOST basic pH?


How many different amino acids are used to build proteins?


If a plant has a total of 18 chromosomes would be present in each of its gametes?


Which of the following examples indicates a situation where the researcher is MOST liekly to have a possible bias regarding his or her work?

A privately funded researcher is working on developing a genetically engineered and patented microbe to quickly digest oil spills. If successful, the microbe would be marketed worldwide.

When determining whether a claim about a new cleansing juice diet is scientific or pseudoscientific, which of the following is NOT a helpful question to ask yourself?

Are there a lot of people, including celebrities, endorsing th product as a healthy weight-loss method?

Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes a selectively permeable membrane?

Certain solutes move freely across the membrane by simple diffusion, while others must be helped accross by active or passive transport proteins; some substances are completely excluded from crossing the membrane

A scientist notices a population of birds has decreased dramatically within one year and suspects that a newly introduced snail population may be affecting the bird population. Some individuals within the bird population eat snails, primarily, while other individuals avoid eating snails. Which of the following statements represents a prediction based on a well-constructed hypothesis for this observation?

If birds are affected by eating snails, then there will be a difference in the survival rate of birds that eat snails and those that avoid snails.

Researchers hypothesized that a North American fungus not only caused symptoms of white-nose syndrome (WNS) but also caused death. the results from their experiment are shown in the graph below. Based on this graph, which of the following hypotheses would be the MOST logical hypothesis for surther studies?

Other species of bats injected wiht European fungus will experience death.

What is the importance of photosynthesis to organisms other than plants?

Photosynthesis captures energy that other organisms access when they eat with plants or organisms that eats plants.

Which of the following would be a theory?

Specific pathogens are directly responsible for specific diseases and conditions.

A patient is coughing and producing a wheezing sound as she breathes; she also has a fever. She goes to the doctor who listens to her chest, takes X-rays of her chest, and determines that she probably has something called croup. Which of the following are the facts in this scenario?

The patient is coughing, wheezing, and has a fever.

Which of the following would be a positive consideration when evaluating a researcher's expertise regarding a particular scientific claim?

The researcher has a PhD, MD, or at least an MS and years of experience in the field in which he or she is making a scientific claim.

Which of the following statements is true?

The scientific method or precess can help people make informed medical and environmental decisions.

Which of the following is NOT a reason to scientifically eveluate the plausibility of claims made by a psychic who states that a missing child is alive and located in a particular area of the countryside months after the child is missing?

There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that psychics can predict the location of missing children

Why would hydrophilic substances such as sodium ions, hydrogen ions, sugars, and amino acids be unable to simply diffuse across a plasma membrane?

They do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tials froming the core of the phospholipid bilayer, therefore, the only way they can move into the cell is by endocytosis

Which of the following is correct about dyfrogen bonds?

They form due to partial positive and partial negative charges on atoms

The roots of a sunflower plant growing downward while the shoot grows upward and the flower turns toward the sun are examples of what characteristic of all living organisms?

They sense the environment and respond to it.

Which of the following accurately describes viruses?

Typically a piece of genetic material encased in proteins, viruses are small, noncellular infectious agents that are only capable of reproducing when inside a living cell such as those of plants, animals, fungi, protozoans, or bacteria.

Your own scientific literacy would NOT be helpful in answering which of the following questions?

Which movie should I watch this weekend?

Some questions fall outside the realm of science. Which of the following questions could NOT be answered using the scietific method?

Why is it unethical to test newly developed drugs in animals?

a tissue is defined as

a group of cells that performs a unique set of tasks in the body

Whihc of the following would be the best analogy for the function of the golgi apparatus

a worker in a factory who places labels on products and then packs them into a shipping box

A solution with a pH of 3 is...


A researcher in a laboratory tests a food item and identifies protein in it. The food item must also contain...

amino acids

Antibodies are an important class of human proteins that function in immune defense, If scientists fragmented antibodies under laboratory conditions, what chemical building blocks would they recover?

amino acids

A chemical reaction that uses ATP to build cellular components is


Scientists working for a major cosmetics company are attempting to detrmine if a new face cream can reduce the number of fine lines and wrinkles on a person's face. This is an example of...

applied research

Cells that demonstrate anchorage independence

are primed to become metastatic

The processes of mitosis, meiosis, and binary fission all

are used to produce daughter cells

Which of the following statements describe the function of the light reaction in photosynthesis

as electrons move throuhg the light reaction, they release energy that is used to concentrate protons in the thylakoid

A research team funded by federal grants is studying the coevolution of pain receptors in grasshopper micce and the neurotoxic venom of scorpions to determine how the mice have adapted to the vonom of their prey. THis is an example of ____ research.


Whihc of the following types of organisms are single-celled?

becteria, yeast, and many protozoans

Which of the following is a difference between binary fission and mitosis?

breakdown of the nuclear envelope

Whenever we ________, we are proceeding scientifically.

c. try to solve a problem by systematically evaluating the plausibility of various solutions.

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