Honors Social Studies 9 MIDTERM!!!

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How did the Roundheads win?

They= had Oliver Cromwell as their leader who= a skilled general and was able to organize the "New Model Army" for Parliament into a disciplined fighting force.

Canterbury Cathedral

Thomas Becket= buried here

Who annulled Henry the VIII first marriage?

Thomas Cranmer (Archbishop of Canterbury)

What came out of the War of the Roses with power?

Tudor Family (specifically Henry VII)

What US colony was named after Elizabeth?

Virginia- she= VIRGIN queen

How did having a prime minister come to be?

When George I became king, there= lang barrier because he= bad at English. So, he made Robert Walpole the prime minister so he could translate for him

Renaissance Papacy

When Ren moved to Rome, it= paid for by pope -*Popes weren't supposed to= secular (wordly) but many popes= got position by Simony (selling church positions) - many popes were popes who should not have been -*this made there= popes who= more secular than religious* *ex:* Sixtus IV did simony -Popes= Sixtus IV, Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X, Clement VII

Bayeux Tapestry

William wanted whole world to know his greatness so he made the town make him a tapestry (in town of Bayeux) *tapestry tells story of William the Conqueror killing Harold (with arrow in eye) + becoming king (rex)

Did Anne get pregnant again?

YES, she thought it= a baby boy because it= carrying differently, BUT when Henry VIII had his accident, she= so stressed that she lost the baby BOY.

Did Jane Seymour give Henry VIII what he wanted?

YES, they had son- Edward


a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor. -like manor in feudal system


a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god

Mostly any ruler in 1600s (17th century)= a _____________ monarch


What did the English Civil War pose a threat to overall?



act/offense of speaking disrespectfully about God/ sacred things -*profane talk*


action of being unfaithful to a spouse/ partner -*cheating*


alcoholic- got drunk+ got in fight (murdered someone in fight) -Works= The Calling of St. Matthew (models= people he ran into at bar), Conversion of St. Paul


along with being an important city in Andalusia due to size, it was also famous for its Mosque (Muslim palace of worship) *had more geometric shapes in buildings because thought pics of animals/ people could= recreate God *by 1000 Cordoba= largest city in Europe+ most cultured*


an attractive but empty-headed young woman, especially one perceived as a willing sex object.


an economic system in which private owners control trade/ industry and private businesses operate in competition and = largely free of state control.

Ponte Vecchio

another ICON of Florence - Ponte= "bridge" + Vecchio= "old" - famous for its marketplace within it - "old bridge"- *only bridge left in Florence from Medieval time* ^ still used in Italy today

Spanish Steps

another landmark of Rome -*seen as meeting place for young people in ROME*


art museum *where all ren art is - made by vasari


artist of low countries -Works= the concert + the art of painting


artist of low countries -famous for self portraits -Works= Night Watch (most famous work of Netherlands art history, HUGE), The anatomy lesson (fashion shows that Neth= Protestant)


assembly of German princes

Papal Supremacy

authority of medieval popes over all secular rulers

Canon Law

body of laws of a church -if disobey, you= faced with range of penalties worse being excommunication

Schism of 1054

break between the Roman Catholic Church (western) and the Eastern Orthodox (eastern) -causes= political, cultural, economic+ social differences *ex:* -Eastern Church (Constantinople) spoke Greek as the Western Church (Rome) spoke Latin -calendar (Easter) Split= Poland and Hungary border *Christianity breaks in 2- Catholic (Roman) + Orthodox (Eastern)*

Rialto Bridge

built 1591- end of Ren - acted as a hub of commerce in Venice - had bonco (benches), market, + popular site for moneylenders -*Most famous bridge* -*1st major stone bridge in Ren*

The City

business + financial district of London

John Hawkins

captured people in Africa and sold them as slaves to Spanish settlers in the Caribbean

Thomas Cromwell

cheif minister for Henry VIII - played large part in English Reformation - beheaded after he set up marriage with Anne of Cleves

St. Andrews

city in Scotland -*birthplace of golf* (1552)


common/ average person in Catholic Church structure -like serf/ peasants in feudal system

Mary Tudor (daughter of Henry VIII)

daughter of Henry and Catherine -*Catholic*

Baroque Fashion

depended on where you live -Protestant Style= black+ white+ simple (thanks to Calvin) - Catholic style= more showy

The Courtier

describes the manners, skills, learning, and virtues a member of court should have -ideal courtier= well educated, well-mannered aristocrat who mastered many fields from poetry to music to sports

Leonardo as engineer

designed/ invented many things *designed/ sketched ideas in notebook but didn't publish all *ex:* bike *invented... - wings (after fascination with birds), parachuete, gig mill, helicoptor, war machines (tanks), flying machine, undersea boats <- not all worked

Magna Carta

document that declares a long list of feudal rights *Signed by King John on June 1215 at Runnymede* -it... 1) protected noble rights of townspeople and church 2) protected every freeman from arbitrary arrests, imprisonment, and other legal actions that weren't by legal judgement or law *"due process of law'* 3) King can't raise taxes without first consulting his Great Council of Lords and clergy 4) Sell to no man/ deny any man justice and rights *Basically said that nobles= certain rights and made it clear that monarch must obey law*

Christine de Pizan

educated Italian women who earned her living as a writer - smarter than men of her time (spoke French, Italian, and maybe Latin) - wrote- "The City of Ladies" which examined men's negative views of women, etc.

Ottoman Empire

empire of Muslims from Middle East (Turkey?) -constantly threatened Europe

Don Quixote

entertaining Spanish tale by Miguel de Cervantes which follows the adventures of a foolish but idealistic want-to-be knight (Don Quixote) + his faithful servant (Sancho Panza) -Characters: Don Quixote + Sancho Panza -*classical book in Spanish lit* -*one of most published books of all time*


equivalent in rank to Earl

Saint Chappelle

famous Gothic church in Paris -small, private chapel of king *built by *Louis IX* (St. Luis) in 1239 *Important Relic- Crown of Thorns (brought by Louis who= got crown on Crusades and built Church for him)

Don Quixote

famous person of Castile -one who= attacked by a windmill


favoring relatives by giving them jobs

Last Supper

final meal that Jesus shared with his Apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixation

Union Jack

flag of *United* Kingdom/ Great Britain -combination of flag of England, Scotland, and Ireland which= UNITED

Gregorian Chants

form of unaccompanied sacred songs to the Roman Catholic Church that= actual prayers + text vital to the worship


formed from Peace of Westphalia -most of it=below sea level - interested in tulips- *Tulipmania* (1st major financial bubble where the price of tulips increased fast then suddenly dropped because bubble popped) -Royal family= House of Orange -language/ people= Dutch -most famous region/state= Holland

Robert Boyle

founder of modern chemistry, Boyle's law -effect of temp+ pressure on gases


frescoes in building tell of Francis of Assisi's story

Jan Huss

from Bohemia (Czech Republic) -died from execution- he= burned at stake for heresy against doctrines of Catholic Church *Ideas:* 1) emphasized Bible 2) expanded authority of church councils + lessened the popes 3) promoted moral reform of clergy


give up/ take back views


gold coin of Florence+ what Medici used in banking -why "basic of Medici power= gold"


group of people sworn to make a decision in a legal case


group that though that poor men should have as much say in gov as rich

At this time what did having hair as a women mean?

hair= provacative/ sexual


having to do with worldly, rather than religious matters

What was the popes response to Henry VIII marrying Anne?

he excommunicated him

John Wycliffe

he translated the Bible into English venacular (Middle Englis)

Plaza Mayor

heart of madrid -town square- *one of the most famous landmarks in all of Madrid*


helped French capture English held castles and defeat England's army

Christopher Newport

helped establish 1st permanent English colon in NA at Jamestown

Why was Catherine of Aragon so rich?

her parents (Ferdinand II/ Isabella I of Spain) discovered the new world at this time

Johann Tetzel

highered by pope Leo X to sell indulgences in Germany (from 1516-1517) -*most famous seller of indulgences*


highest, most powerful of noble ranks (ranked below royalty, specifically, a prince)

Galileo Galilei

his book= cause contralversy with Catholic Church -discovered that objects of different weights fall at the same speed in a vacuum -improved telescope + thermometer -discovered four moons of Jupiter

Who technically came after Oliver Cromwell?

his son Richard Cromwell but he= forced from throne soon after so Charles II could= king + England could return to a monarchy


huge in middle ages -journey to a church to pray before its relics (thought if pray at that Church you= forgiven for sins) In England= Canterbury Spain= St. James France= Charles Germany= Three kings shrine/ Cologne

Brandenburg Castle

iconic symbol of Berlin

Invisible Hand

idea that Good business= do well, bad business= go under+ Gov should NOT help bad businesses


idea that gov should NOT get involved in economics

Division of Labor

idea that people should branch out and do what they want not just what family did *ex:* Scotland didn't make wine like everyone else because they weren't good at it. They made scotch instead because they= good at that

Describe an ideal male in "The Courtier"

ideal man= wrote, athletic/ engages in activities (hunting, swimming, tennis) but not overactive, neither least nor greatest in size, good at games but not gambler, plays musical instrument, can handle many weapons, knows lit. + history, is not arrogant


ideal society


in Loire Valley -now a bridge


in Loire valley -Where Leonardo da Vinci= buried

Franciscan Lifestyle

included Franciscan missionaries preaching the Gospel throughout countrysides and towns and ministering the sick and poor. They would give a piece of their garment or a portion of their scanty meal to a ragged beggar. They would not accept $ for any labors and worked to obtain food and shelter. *Life of poverty*


intellectual movement at the heart of the Italian Renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on the religious issues that had occupied medieval thinkers *most hoped to use wisdom of the ancients to increase their understanding of their own times - humanists believed education should= stimulate the individuals creative power so they returned to the humanities taught in ancient Greek + Roman schools *ex:* Francesco Petarch

Zacharias Janssen

invented the first optical telescope


island/ part of Venice where glass= made -there= many glass blowers here -*in 1500s, glass making= major industry*

What did the English Rev do?

it changed the type of gov in England

What did converting the Church of England to protestant do?

it opened the spread of Luther+ Calvin's ideas in England

Mary Queen of Scots third marriage

it= even less popular and ended in force abdication (leaving thrown)

Enlightened Despot

leader who= influenced by enlightenment/ exercises power for benefit of people rather than just themselves

Peasants Revolt/ War

led by Thomas Muntzer -when German peasants demanded to= freed+ end serfdom -*inspired by writings of Luther which declared freedom of the Christian Man* -Luther sided with the German aristocrats + wrote "Against the Murderous Peasants" where he told princes + nobles it= right + lawful to slay at the first opportunity a rebellious person, "just as one must slay a mad dog." -So, the nobles + their armies used Luther's words to repress the revolts slaughtering 100,000 peasants -*shows how Luther's writings= most influential*


list of works considered too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read - if caught reading books, you= heretic - *Luther + Calvin's books= top of list*, Casanova= also wrote some


lived in Florence -famous painting= Birth of Venus+ Primavera


loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their land holding among lesser lords

Palladian windows

made by Palladio

West End

main commercial, entertainment, + theater district of London -*London's theater district* - Piccadilly Circus- like times sq but in England

Why did the Cavilers expect a fast victory?

many Cavilers= wealthy nobles who= well trained in dueling and warfare while the Roundheads were mostly gentry, town- dwelling manufacturers, and Puritan clergy


married + you cheated on your spouse *ex:* Anne Boleyn + Catherine Howard

Eleanor marries Henry II

married heir to throne of England 8 weeks after 1st marriage ended -Soon, Henry= king of England -Had 5 sons and 3 daughters -Henry didn't share power and after Henry fell in love with someone else, Eleanor took Richard back to Aquitaine as her heir -After Eleanor moved back to Aquitaine, Henry put her under house arrest where she learned politics from guards -When H died, Richard= new king + E= set free

Mary Tudor (daughter of Henry VII)

married into royal fam of France

Margret Tudor

married into royal fam of Scotland

Eleanor married Louis VII

married prince Louis VII who= become king of France -Marriage= disappointment + didn't work 1) Louis= too religious and didn't understand Eleanor's love of pleasure (ex: Eleanor tried to recreate court) 2) Louis didn't let Eleanor govern equally -Broke up when... 1) Eleanor accompanied Luis on 2nd Crusade 2) While on, age= awed by Constantinople and Antioch and met her uncle 3) She wanted to stay, but Louis dragged her back to Paris 4) Marriage ended- E said blood relations, Louis wanted wife that will bring him a son




noble in Europe who served as a mounted warrior for a lord in the Middle Ages -many nobles trained from boyhood for a future occupation as a knight.

Loire Valley

nobles stayed near Loire Valley during 100 year war because wanted to stay near Paris but away from English, so they put $ to make more houses in Loire valley *ex:* Francis I built Chambord in Loire Valley

Papal dispensation

pope allows you to do something you are normally not allowed to do

Mona Lisa

potrait of a woman whose mysterious smile= baffled viewers for centuries *most famous painting ever*


practice of lending money with interest

Song of Roland

praised the courage of one of Charlemagne's knights who dies while on a military campaign in Muslim Spain. -Roland sacrificed life out of sense of honor -Author= unkown -nation of origin= France

Franciscan Order

preached poverty, humility, and love of God


private meeting for the election of a pope Steps 1) Pope dies+ need to elect new pope 2) In Sistine Chapel, Cardinals gather + elect new pope (2/3 majority needed) 3) When picked new pope, white smoke= sent out

Puerto del sol

public square which= and icon of Madrid

Antoine Lavoisier

published work on the true nature of fire/ combustion

"Men= simple + in declined to obey immediate needs that deceiver= never lack victims for his deceptions."

quote from "The Prince" - There= many people to deceive+ fool

"Politics= no relation to morals"

quote from "The Prince" -need no morals to= politician- can lie + cheat to get what want

Royal Mile

ramp down the volcano -city= built along the ramp


region in Central- Eastern Germany


region in+ around Prague


religious belief that is contrary to the official teachings of a church


religious group formed by women who joined the reform movement. This group welcomed women without the wealth to enter a regular convent and used funds from selling weavings and embroidery to help the poor and set up hospitals and shelters


rounded end of a church

Capetian king

ruler of the dynasty founded by Hugh Capet which ruled France from 987-1328 AD

What= a new monarch?

ruler who unified their respective nations, creating stable + centralized gov *ex:* Henry VII united House of Lancaster + York in England


sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church -if participate in can= be lead to heaven


says that the marriage NEVER happened


seat of a bishop

Venetian Ghetto

separate area where all Jews= put -opened 1516 -3000 Jews= lived there -compared to Spanish which= burned Jews, it= tolerant -In 1797, Napoleon came in + got rid of ghetto -*where term ghetto comes from*


series of wars beginning in 1096 where Christian battled Muslims for control of lands in the Middle East


set of principles/ beliefs

Why was the Spanish Armada significant?

showed Spanish (who= one of most powerful nations during Philip II rule) can= beaten - spanish dominance= ended (not as powerful after)


small circular chapel built in 1502 in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio in Rome -*built to mark the spot where Christ's disciple St. Peter= believed to= crucified* -commissioned by Ferdinand + Isabella of Spain -designed by Bramante -*masterpiece of High Ren architecture design*

Lord (noble)

social class in aristocracy, normally ranked below royalty but possesses privileges, actual power, responsibility, and a higher social status than other classes in society (Duke-> Marquis-> Earl (Count)-> Viscount-> Baron)


spy in Venice + only person ever to escape Venice jail -*most good looking guy*+ had over 100 romances -if you= ladies man you= Casanova

Major Shift in War

started out having to do with religion (Protestant vs Catholic) BUT by end it= over politics (France, Turks, + Papal States VS HRE)

Common law

system of law that is the same for all people, based on court decisions that= become accepted legal principles

Dominican Order

taught, preached, and combated heresy


tax/ payment to a church equal to 1/10 of a person's income -needed to support the Church+ its parishes

Henry V (play)

tells the story of king Henry V of England + the events before, during+ after the Battle of Agincourt in 1415 during the 100 year war -Henry embarks on an expedition to France+ defeats the French at Agincourt even though he= greatly out-numbered


the chief bishop responsible for an archdiocese

What started the War of the Roses?

the war started over the debate of who would dominate/ rule England - because there= no son to succeed the last king

Why was the Parliament side called Roundheads?

their hair= cut close around their heads

How did Mary+ Elizabeth= become rulers if they= baster children?

they rewrote the rules saying they couldn't

Was Catherine Howard related to Anne Boleyn?

they= cousins (means related?)

Why did England want a monarch back after Cromwell?

they= tired of military rule+ strict Puritan ways


throw out of Church -could= penalty for refusing to obey Church laws -if excommunicated, person could= not receive sacraments or Christian burial + could= arrested/ burned at the stake (could= sent to hel_)


throw out, excommunicate, a whole community, region, town, or kingdom -If pope= upset at area, could kick whole town out -excludes entire town, community, region, or kingdom from receiving most sacraments+ Christian burial.


to collect

linear perspective

type of perspective used by artists where the size, shape, + position of objects in pic= determined by imaginary lines that converge at a point on the horizon *creates 3D* - Brunelleschi developed this+ tested it by developing a pic of the baptistry of the Duomo 1) draws pic of baptistry with linear perspective + puts small hole on horizon 2) Holds pic (which=facing away) in front of face+ looks through hole at baptistry 3) puts mirror up+ sees reflection of pic 4) takes mirror away+ compares


upper region of Belgium (which= split in to 2 regions) -Bruges= most important city in Flanders - spoke Flemish

Vasari Corridor

walkway across "Old bridge" (Ponte Vecchio) so the Medici don't walk in public because afraid of assassination after Pazzi - walkway= above arched (where windows are)


wandering poets -adopted view of chivalry placing women on a pedestal and and calling for them to= protected and cherished and wrote love songs praising the perfection, beauty, and wit of women shaping the Western idea of romantic love

Danish Phase

war expands- Denmark (the Danish)(Protestants) realize Catholic= winning in Bohemia, so Denmark jumps in to help Protestant brothers

What did Charles I collect taxes for?

wars (with Spain), troops, courts, and entertainment

Council of Clermont

were the Pope Urban II called for a crusade to free the Holy Land expel the Seljuk Turks from the Christian lands before they killed the Christians in those lands.


when prices go down- terrible for economy


when prices go up

10 Downing St.

where the prime minister lives -Prime minister= most important figure in Parliament (almost like Pres)

How did Cortes + Pizarro conquests/ Spanish wealth cause the rise of pirates?

where there= wealth (gold+silver) there= crooks - pirates tried to steal gold+ silver from Spanish ships

Royal Society

world's oldest national scientific institution in the world -founded in 1660 by Charles II, Wren, etc. -members= Charles, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Darwin, Robert Boyle

Rene Descartes

wrote Discourse on Method which studied nature and philosophy by mathematical analysis

Dante Alighieri

wrote The Divine Comedy in Italian- heaven, purgatory, hel_ (9 levels)

Geoffrey Chaucer

wrote the Canterbury Tales - 1st significant major author in English history

Dante Alighieri

wrote the Divine Comedy -*greatest writer in Italian history* - *father of lang. of Italy*- so popular, that his dialect= became lang of Italy *FAMOUS*

The Last Judgement

years after Michelangelo painted ceilings of Sistine Chapel he= asked to paint another sec -*painted WALL with Last Judgement* - In Last judgement, Jesus decides if go up to heaven or down to hel_. - M put himself going down to hel_ - Minos= guarding gates to hel_ + M carved face of Cardinal who he hated as Minos

Anglo-Saxon influence on England

*Influenced lang. greatly* introduced German words -locations with ending like... -ing (ex: Reading) -stowe -stead (ex: homestead) -ton

Norse influence on England

*Infuenced lang. and appearance* -look different (ex: Norse= blond hair, blue eyes) -introduced new words - *Valhalla* (viking heaven) - *Berserk* - ugly, cake, knife, slaughter, husband, hel_ -introduced new terms - Norse= raise a child VS England= to rear a child -introduced new endings - by= Norse for farm (ie Derby) - Thorpe- plot of land - Scale- hut

Plague effect on Italy

*Italy= largest hit nation and first nation to go through it and first to get over it* *ex:* Siena (4/5 of pop= whipped out)- Siena= one of important European cities -*NEVER recovered from plague* *ex:* building of church, but plague= killed workers and church= never finished

Who= ruler of England after Elizabeth died?

*James I of England* -Elizabeth= no kids so they go back to past descendants (Margret Tudor) (Henry VII daughter) -Margret Tudor= married into royal family of Scotland so they took the monarch of Scotland at that time (James IV of Scotland) and made him king of England -was supposed to= Margret Tudor's granddaughter Mary Queen of Scots, but she= executed by Elizabeth so it went to next ruler James -*this changed royal family of England from Tudor to Stuart family*


*most famous battle* 1) English invaded France and got caught trying to leave -French (25,000, tons of cavalry (horseback+knights) VS - English (6,000, no cavalry, peasants with longbows, hungry, sick, and tired) *However, Agincourt= narrow and rained night before so very muddy which eliminated advantages of French* -narrow= negates French large # -mud= knights= trouble walking in armor/ horses can't run 2) English used longbows and shot arrows which could penetrate French armor and they won battle


*rebutal to Renaissance* - monk who gave sermons in Florence+ told everyone they= burn in hel_ because follow Medici, use makeup,+ read books by ancient Greek + Romans. *turned back the clock* - said should= read Bible+ follow Saints (like St. Francis) +Churcj *created theocracy + got huge following that threw out Medici+ their setup* *caused bonfire of Vanities* *turned back clock in Florence+ when criticized pope (Alexander VI) he= excommunicated+ citizens chose to follow pope

Spread of disease

*spread by fleas on rats* - in pre-modern world, rats infested ships, towns, and even homes of rich and powerful so no one took notice - fleas jumped from those rats to infest the clothes and packs of traders, spreading the disease

Augustinian Monastery Life

*tried to copy the sufferings of Christ* -ate little, slept with no covers, exposed themselves to the cold, + whipped themselves ^battled the forces of evil within them/ thought only way to earn salvation= cutting off from world which= do these things *Luther almost died because did everything 100% (thanks to father) + went hard because he CARED about giving to heaven. Because of this, he almost died from the physical challenges*

Cortes leading up to the Aztec Conquer

- 1504, Cortes went to New World+ spent 14 years helping Diego Velazquez conquer Cuba - Velazquez heard stories of rich lands full of gold to the west + sent Cortes to Mexico to see it they= true - Cortes learned that these stories= true + took additional actions to conquer Aztecs

Church as Social Center

- After services, peasants gossiped and danced *Villagers decorated Church buildings with care and some housed relics which locals and visitors took pilgrimages to pray before. - daily life= revolved around Christian calendar which marked "holy days" (ex. Easter)

Medieval Art

- Mostly religious - Flat - Has halos and gold leaf - Subject= Madonna and child (mother of Christ and child Christ) *not anatomically correct* *almost always shows Jesus as adult, but baby body*

Norse (Vikings)

- came from North- Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) - Went Viking which caused *destruction* AND *left their influenced* - Settled in *England*, Ireland, N France, and parts of Russia. - most famous= Leif Erikson - Given Normandy by French

Characteristic of Gothic

- flying buttresses - rose window/ stain glass - rib vaulted ceiling - ornate facades (highly decorated fronts of buildings with carved sculptures) - bell tower - 3 portals in front (doorways) - gargoyles (used for water, drainage- why open mouth) - Gothic arches (pointed) *walls= thin and tall because flying buttresses prevented the building from falling. This support+ the thin walls= more windows and light* *since could build taller, cities= competed to build taller, grander cathedrals

What were the casualties of the Great Fire of London?

- only 6-10 died - 80- 90% of London= destroyed

Merchant of Venice Quotes

-"All that glisters is not gold" -"I am not bound to please thee with my answers" -"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"- *by Shylock talking about Jews*

St. Peter's Basilica (Cathedral)

-3 stories, dome, symmetrical, simple facade= *REN ARCH* - pope Julius II tore down the old+ built the new one in its place then hired Bramante to build/ design it. When B died, Raphael took over + Michelangelo built the dome + more. *R+M modified B design* - started 1506 + finished 1615 or 1626

What is Henry VIII like after his accident?

-After accident, Henry VIII can= barely walk + = miserable, angry + bitter -All that makes him feel better= to eat causing him to get FAT - as he gets fatter, he gets meaner

How did Mary Queen of Scots die?

-After her 3rd marriage and abdication, she fled to England in 1568 hoping for Elizabeth I's help -Mary's presence= dangerous because she= Catholic+ Elizabeth feared Catholic plotting to overthrow her -So, Mary= imprisoned for 19 years and then was executed (beheaded) in 1587 (44 years old)

Who defeats the Spanish armada? Under whose rule?

-Drake commands the naval force that defeats the Spanish Armada -Elizabeth= ruling England at the time

Why was there feudal warefare?

-For feudal nobles, warfare= way of life + rival lords battles constantly for power -However, in 1100s, feudal warfare decreased and tournaments came into fashion

Siege of Orleans

*Critical battle that gave Joan of Arc title- if fell to English, French= prob lose war* 1) Between Oct. 1428- May 1429, English forces besieged the city of New Orleans in France 2) in May 1429, Joan of Arc led troops past the English and into Orleans 3) Joan's clear, direct leadership sparked enthusiasm 4) Broke into battle (Joan= wounded in shoulder, but kept going) 5) Broke siege and drove English out winning Battle of Orleans

Who was the English Civil War between?

*English VS English* Royalists (Cavilers) VS Parliament (Roundheads)

Princes in the Tower

-Richard III's nephews (Richard of Shrewburg) + Edward V (King of England)= lodged in Tower of London for prop for Edward's coronation -However, Edward + R "disappeared" + Richard III took the thrown for himself (*Richard murdered Edward*)

Henry VIII

-STUD- outgoing, had fun, hunted, sung, and was athletic -became king after Arthur -"Defender of Faith"- disagreed with Luther - he= Catholic but changed to Protestant-ish

Dutch Wars

-Series of 3 wars -fought over commerce (trade) -English VS Netherlands (Dutch)

600 AD

-Time of Mohammad- founder of Islam -This century= spread of Islam which begins playing a role in this time period (Pyrenees= block Muslims from France?)

Renaissance Art

-expressed glory of Ren -many artists= funded by patrons 1) reflected humanist concerns + individual achievement *ex:* produced portraits of well-known figured of the day instead of just biblical people+ painted everyday life (*N REN*) 2) Revived many classical (Greek/Roman) works/ forms (*ITALIAN REN*) - still portrayed religious figures, but they= often set against Greek/ Roman backgrounds - Roman art= very realistic so Ren artist improved on human form + landscapes (perspective) 3) Perspective- did with shading (*ITALIAN REN*) 4) Proportional- did with anatomy (*ITALIAN REN*) 5) Detailed (*N REN*)

What= sexist about adultery?

-if men cheated on women, it= expectation -if women cheated on men, women= executed

Luther's father-son relationship

-Luther's father= abusive + punished Luther for failure/ disobedience - *made Luther scared of failure + punishment* -So, to please his father, Luther went to school at Erfurt to become a lawyer -*When Luther went to the monastery, he finally took charge of his own life*

Parts of Germany

-North= Prussia+ military (Protestant) -Central= Dividing line of N(P) and S(C)+ where most of the fighting happened - so it= weakened by 30 year war -South= Bavaria+ traditional Germany (Catholic)


-just outside of city of Madrid -summer palace of Phillip II -Outside= Ren Arch -Inside= Baroque Arch -many Spanish monarchs= buried here

How did Shakespeare describe Richard III? What are some quotes he wrote?

-made him seem evil + hunched over because he= writing when Tudor fam= in rule -*get lots of history from Shakespeare's writings (he named War of Roses?)* -In his play Richard III, he said Richard's last words when he dies at Bosworth Field= "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse" -another quote in Richard III= "Now is the winter of our discontent"

Jan van Eyck

-made portraits of townspeople + religious scenes with a lot of DETAIL -famous painting= *Arnolfini Wedding* + Ghent Altarpiece - Arnolfini Wedding= *DETAILED*- so detailed can infer that lady= died from having a baby -made oil paints- can= used on hard surface+ last centuries

What happened after Charles I= beheaded?

-monarchy+ official Church of England= abolished -England was now a republic (this period= known as Commonwealth) -Oliver Cromwell became leader

How did Cromwell die/ where= he buried?

-natural causes -he= buried at Westminster Abbey


-nickname- *most Serene Republic of Venice* -Dickens said it= like "the Italian Dreamland" or Europe's drawing room -*when founded, people= escaping barbarians + made homes in swamps. These homes/ lands started to develop+ grew into Venice* -There= no cars because it= built on swamp, so people traveled on boats in the Canal -Venice= last part to join modern day Italy - 20% of pop now want to break from Italy

Joan of Arc

-nicknamed Maid of Orleans- thought there would= maid who= lead France to victory, so when Joan of Arc did in Battle of Orleans, they called her Maid of Orleans *She 1) helped lift siege of Orleans* *2) huge moral boost* *3) helped dauphin (Charles VII)= crowned King of France* *2 goals: 1) lift siege of Orleans 2) crown Charles VII king of France

Catherine of Aragon

-no hair (self-respecting woman) -*daughter of Ferdinand II/ Isabella I of Spain* -super religious, not energetic + RICH due to her parents/ their success -*married Arthur then Henry VII Tudor* -*only 1 child- GIRL*


-official name of gov= Holy See -smallest country (900 person pop., 120 acres of land)

Leonardo as a architect

-placed gold ball on Duomo *tech challenge*

Tension Builds

-religious tension= bubble up in Germany, but Peace of Augsburg calms it down a little -Soon, tension= exploded into 30 year war


1) *Bells and loud noises*- thought to scare away plague 2) *Fire*- might keep rats away (ex: fireplace worked in pope room 3) *drinking bacon fat*- man did it but didn't die because ad Delta 32 4) *killing Jews*- thought Jews= started it because Europeans cities put Jews in special quarters which= walled off and had own water supply, so rats couldn't get in so Jews weren't affected as much *2nd act of anti-semitism* (1st= the crusads stole $ from Jews) 5) *prayers and acts if penance/ magic + witchcraft* 6) *Medieval Doctor*= helped people with plague- told people to flee because didn't know what= cause/ how to treat

Events leading up to the Church becoming secular

1) *Donation of Constantine*- Pope= now in charge of religious community and political king 2) *Avignon Papacy*- used/ experienced wealth 3) *Great Schism*- people questioned if church= more secular or more religious

Romans are known for...

1) *HUGE empire*- so big split in 2 (western+ eastern) 2) *capital cities= Rome (western) and Constantinople (eastern)(in Byzantine Empire?)* 3) *Romans conquer + take ideas/make own* - ex: conquered Greece and took/ Romanized Greek Gods 4) *called non-Romans "Barbarians" 5) *did things "right"*- still have bridges and buildings standing 6) *Introduced lang. (Latin) to conquered countries*- why there was Latin in Great Britain

What did Henry do in response to Clement VII refusing to annul?

1) He took over the English Church by passing laws through Parliament - took it from pope's control into his control 2) As leader of Church, he appointed Thomas Cranmer as archbishop of Canterbury -Thomas Cranmer annulled his marriage

Martin Luther's Life

1) Luther= born Nov. 10, 1483 in Eisleben, Saxony (Germany) 2) Father wanted Luther to= lawyer so Luther began his studies at university of Erfurt in 1501 *planning to be a lawyer* 3) In 1505, Luther= caught in a thunderstorm where he pledged to devote his life to God+ become a monk if he lived. 4) 2 weeks after, he became a monk at the *Augustinian monastery* at Erfurt - 1506 he= take monastic vows+ live HARD life of a monk 5) 1507- began study of theology at University of Erfurt 6) 1508- transferred to Augustinian monastery at Wittenburg? 7) 1510- traveled to Rome on a religious pilgrimage - realized city= as much $ as religion + trip brought him doubt (saw there= indulgences in Rome) 8) 1511?-1512- received doctorate (degree) in Theology + became a teacher at Wittenberg - 1511- *came to realization that salvation= ONLY take place between you + God (Faith+ faith alone)* 9) 1516-1517- Johann Tetzel began selling indulgences in Germany 10) So, *Oct. 31, 1517* Luther posted 95 Theses on the Wittenberg church door 11) 95 Theses= taken, printed on printing press + spread throughout Europe 12) 1518- inquisition (questioning)/ fascination of Luther began in Rome 13) 1519- Death of HRE Maximillian- Rome= distracted from Luther 14) 1520- 3 years after 95 Theses, Pope Leo X finally does something. He issued a Papal Bull on June 15, 1520 giving 60 days to recant 15) On Dec. 10, 1520, Luther burns bull + canon law with students 16) 1520- Luther wrote "Address to the German Nobility" 17) 1521- FINALLY, the party pope (Leo X) excommunicated Luther from Rome on Jan. 3, 1521 18) Frederick the Wise protected Luther from being arrested 19) HRE (Charles V) visited Frederick the Wise + the two decided Luther= present his case at most influential gatherings in Europe (Diet of Worms) 20) April 16, 1521, Luther arrives at Diet of Worms + meets Charles V - after unanimous decision, Charles says he promised a safe passage to + from but after 3 days he= slaughter Luther 21) May 4, 1521, on way home, Frederick "kidnapped" Luther + took him to Wartburg Castle 22) 1522- Luther published Bible in German at Wartburg using Erasmus's Greek translation 23) Luther= married Katherine von Bora (an ex-nun) 24) 1524-1525- Peasants' War (revolt) 25) Luther died on Feb. 18, 1546 in Eisleben, Saxony (Germany) by a crippling heart attack

What 2 groups did Luther dislike?

1) Jews- they didn't convert to his teachings 2) peasants- peasant's revolt

Major Figures of the Scientific Revolution

1) Johannes Kepler 2) Francis Bacon 3) Issac Newton 4) Robert Boyle 5) William Harvey 6) Simon Stevin 7) Zacharias Janssen 8) Anton van Leeuwenhoek 9) Galileo Galilei

Why was the Battle of Bosworth field important?

1) King Richard III= killed in Battle becoming the LAST English Monarch to= killed in battle 2) ended War of the Roses/ fight over succession 3) End of war of roses= marked *end of MA in England* 4) made Henry VII king/ started house of Tudor

Division of Protestant Church

1) Lutheran (Luther) 2) Calvinist (Calvin) 3) Anglican (Henry VIII) 4) Anabaptist

768- Inherits Kingdom

1) Pepin (father) died + Charlemagne + bro Carloman inherit his kingdom 2) Charlemagne received smaller share, though he= older + sparked conflict

Division of Anabaptist

1) Quakers (George Fox) 2) Mennonites

Important monks or nuns

1) St. Francis of Assisi 2) St. Catherine of Siena- convinced pope to leave Avignon 3) Thomas Aquinas- book- Samma theologica 4) Benedict- Benedictine rule

What= 3 of the districts of London?

1) The City- financial 2) Westminster- gov 3) West End- entertainment/ theater

What were the 2 early enlightenment figures in England?

1) Thomas Hobbes 2) John Locke

Charles VII= disinherited

1) When English= winning war, Henry IV of England forced French to accept him as heir to Charles VI disinheriting Charles's son (Charles VII) 2) When Henry IV and Charles VI dies, the dauphin (Charles VII)= took control of S France but N and E= held by English

Antisemitism against Jews

1) blamed for plague 2) $= stolen from to fight crusades 3) kinked out of Spain, England, and France


1) boils/ swelling on groin, armpits, and necks (boils= like zit and grew to size of an apple) 2) fever 3) vomiting sometimes red and black liquids *most people died with in a week/ some overnight*

Bronze Doors Competition

-thought to build doors for baptistry + had competition for who= built best *brought artist to Florence* *1401*= start of Ren- because many artists who came stayed -Finalists= Ghiberti vs Brunelleschi -Each had to make a sample panel with biblical story Sacrifice of Isaac+ best one= makes door+ win competition + the prize $ (a lot) - Ghiberti's biblical story= 3D *perspectice* + he won + = famous in Florence + extremely wealthy - Completion of doors took 24 years

Columbian Exchange from America to Europe

-tomatoes -tobacco -beans -vanilla -potatoes -peanuts -cacoa bean (chocolate) -corn

Pieter Bruegel

-used vibrant colors to portray lively scenes of peasant life -*inspired later Flemish artists who painted scenes of daily life rather than religious or classical themes* -painted: *Peasants Wedding* + hamsters - *everyday life + detail= N Ren style*

Why is the painting the School of Athens a great example of Ren art?

1) made in high Ren 2) was of classical world but figures of the present day (Leonardo, etc= used as models) 3) made by Ren person (Raphael) 4) had perspective, shading, + human form

Why did Luther gain widespread support?

1) many clergy saw Luther's reforms as answers to Church corruption 2) some saw Lutheranism as way to throw off the rule of both the Church+ HRE 3) welcomed chance to seize Church property in their territory 4) supported because of feeling of national loyalty 5) didn't want German $ going to support churches+ clergy in Italy

Dome parts

1) orb (decoration)- by Leonardo 2) Lantern (pushes pressure evenly down)- by verrochio 3) ribs (support) 4) circular drum

Characteristics of Baroque Architecture

1) oval shaped domes 2) built on a large scale 3) gold+ silver

Indulgences sold by Tetzel= used for...

1) rebuilding St. Peters 2) Tetzel= get some 3) Charles V to pay back Fuggers - Leo X bribed cardinals to= pope + got $ from Charles V who got $ from bankers of HRE (Fugger)

What were the pros of being HRE?

1) restored Roman Empire ish (linked emerging Europe to glory of ancient Rome) 2) Made C seem like heir of Roman empire 3)revived idea of a UNITED Christian community

Why was it risky to make Mary= queen after Edward?

1) she= baster child 2) she= Catholic in a PROTESTANT nation

How did Spain get gold/ silver from New World to Spain?

1) used slaves to mine gold/ silver (Spaniards didn't want to) 2) melted gold/ silver down 3) shipped melted gold/ silver to Panama (Canal) 4) Sent gold/ silver to Spain in one giant fleet once a year - sent to Spanish ports Seville or Cadiz - sent in big pack once a year to have strength in # + protect from pirates - sailed in fall (Oct.)- hurricane season


1401-1428 *starts to use perspective instead of just flat like in MA

War of the Roses

1455-1485 (30 years) *House of Lancaster (Symbol= Red Rose)(Henry VII)* VS *House of York (Symbol= White Rose)(Richard III)* -fought over *succession* (who= dominate/ rule England) -major battle= Battle of Bosworth Field

Jacob the Rich

1459-1525 -fugger fam -loaned $ to many Monarchs in Europe- like Charles V who paid for Magellan to go around the world

Battle of Bosworth Field

1485 -Henry Tudor (Lancaster)(soon to= king Henry VII) defeated Richard III (York) - Richard III= killed by falling off a horse -Henry married Elizabeth of York to END fighting + united House of York + Lancaster + made Tudor Rose -Henry= crowned Henry VII + he set up the house of Tudor

Barthomew Diaz

1488 -*Born:* Algame, Portugal -*Rep:* Portugal -*First to sail around southernmost tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)*

Bonfire of Vanities

1497 -burning of books (by pagons), mirrors, makeup, instruments, and paintings (including some of Botticelli's work) because Savanola thought it= sin

Vasco da Gama

1498 -*Born:* Sines, Portugal -*Rep:* Portugal -*First European to reach India by Sea*


1508-1580 -born in Padua (outside of Florence) *Italian Architect* -most of work= in/ around Vicenza - made Palladian windows *wrote The Four Books of Architecture which = like bible of architecture*

Religious Pilgrimage to Rome

1510, Luther walked from Germany to Rome on a religious pilgrimage -*went to Rome (capital of Catholic Church + home of St. Peters/ pope) when the Ren= reaching height (M+R+ etc= in Rome) HOWEVER, Luther= disappointed* -realized city= as much of $ as it= religion (this= because people who floated to top= business men) *ex:* indulgences -disappointed because walked from Germany to Rome for a spiritual journey, BUT nothing spiritual about it *felt Rome didn't express Christianity like he thought which brought him DOUBT- was he doing the right things to gain salvation?*


1516-1558 -sobriquet (nickname)= Bloody Mary -tried to restore Catholic Church- you= Catholic or you die -*married Phillip II of Spain (Charles V son)* because she wanted to marry a Catholic guy -wanted a baby *boy* so her son can= king of England + Spain -died of Stomach Cancer

Michel de Montaigne

1533-1592 - developed the essay

Act of Supremacy

1534 -set up Church of England (Anglican Church) which was ruled by King of England, NOT pope in Rome -*changed church to protestant to end popes involvement in English affairs*

Institutes of the Christian Religion

1536 book written by John Calvin which was read by Protestants everywhere -included Calvin's beliefs+ advice on how to run gov. -made Calvin famous -went on Index

Johannes Kepler

1609 -theory of the planets' movement in an oval-shaped orbit called an ellispe rather than a circle

William Harvey

1619 -discovered circulation of blood

Francis Bacon

1620 -invented inductive reasoning

Mayflower Compact

1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony. -*first governing document of Plymouth Colony*

Captain Morgan

1635-1658 most famous pirate -Sack of Panama- sacked Panama because Panama= where all gold waiting for shipment= kept - specifically went after huge thing of gold behind altar in Church, but it= hidden from him -his pirate ship= Salisfaction

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

1683 -described bacteria


1685-1750 -famous German composer -from N Germany which= Protestant -wrote songs for Luther Church *Works:* Bradenburg concerts + St. Matthew Passion

Maria Theresa

1717-1780 -took part in the Enlightenment -involved in Partition of Poland+ 7 year war -16 kids- famous daughter= Marie Antoinette who= marry future king of France -made Vienna the cultural center- *especially for music* -built Schonbrunn Palace just outside of Paris as her summer house

What was put up to try to stop fighting in Ireland

1969, the Peace wall= put up+ divided the city of Belfast in half -*wall= separated Catholics + Protestants in city/ N Ireland*

Bohemian Phase

1st Phase of the 30 Year War -in region of Bohemia -includes Defenestration of Prague -Catholic (Habsburg) VS Protestant (local princes)

Robert Walpole

1st prime minister of England -got 10 downing street as gift from George I

How many marriages did Henry VIII have?

2 -annulled all but Jane Seymour (died) + Catherine Parr

Roman Empire

27 BC - 476 AD (500 AD) -500 AD, barbarians invades and Roman population went from 1 million to 1000 people -After fall, everyone wanted to be like Romans -Roman civilization= one of the most influential to modern world *Greeks started things, Romans ELEVATED them.*

Eleanor of Aquitaine

1122-1204 - daughter of Duke William of Aquitaine - Ruled in Aquitaine (SW France) - brought troubadours into her court - early feminist - married 2 kings (king of France (Louis VII and England (Henry II)) becoming the queen of France, then England. *one of most important women of the Middle Ages *One of most powerful and educated women in MA* * leading force in European politics for more than 50 years*

Duomo Timeline

1296- Cathedral started 1334- Giotto's bell tower started 1380- nave completed 1401- bap. doors started 1418- Brunelleschi wins competition (to build Cupola) 1436- dome completed 1886- Facade added


1313-1375 *Early Ren writer -from Florence -humanist -famous book= *Decameron*- 10 stories (dec=10) on Black Plague ^*how we know about Black Plague*

100 year war

1337-1453 England and France fought series of conflicts *Loire River split France and England (N) (Kings+ dukes of France built castle on river) -Agincourt= most famous battle *Beginning of 100 year war= heart of MA, end= MA= over because can't fight with armor/ castles due to new weapons which MA= known for* *1453*= end of war (Battle of Castillon= last battle) 1) French drove English out (E= only left with port city- Calais) 2) Constantinople (largest Catholic city) falls to Muslims 3) end of MA


A region in northwestern France

Medici Crest

A shield with... 1) six balls on it (5 red, 1 green/blue) 2) two keys behind it (Leo X + Clement VI= pope)

Passage about faith

"The just shall live by faith"- St. Paul -*by faith+ faith alone you= gain slavation* -*sola fide" or "only fate" ^became Luther's words to live by


"boat" people used to get around/ travel on Canal's -had to = black

500 AD - 1500 AD

After Roman fall... -500 AD - 1500 AD= Middle Ages -500 AD- 1000 AD= Dark Ages (death+destruction) -1000 AD- 1500 AD= High Middle Ages (by 1100s, nobody= preoccupied with daily struggles to survive/ wealth, they started to focus on education, literature, and arts)

Wartburg Castle

At Wartburg, Luther translated the Bible into German so the common people could read it

English victories

At first, English won string of victories 1) Crecy- 1346 2) Poitiers- 1356 3) Agincourt- 1415 *owed success to longbow* *victories took heavy toll on French morale and seemed English would win


Beowulf= warrior and hero who rescues king of Danes from being attacked by a monster, Grendel. - author= unknown - Nation of origin= Scandinavian (came to England through Vikings)


Birth place of Renaissance -came to symbolize energy + brilliance of Italian Renaissance + produced dazzling # of gifted poets, artists, architects, scholars, and scientists *2 icons= Duomo and Ponte Vecchio*

Black Plague

Black Death, bubonic plague 1347 *brought to Messina Sicily from trading ship from Middle East - people got sick on boat and black plague= on it *spread by bite of fleas on rats- (cats= slaughtered because thought of as agents of the devil so rat pop went wild *spread beyond Italy to Spain, France, and rest of Europe *25 mil dies, 1/3 people in Europe died* *didn't know what caused or how to treat it

Book of Common Prayer

Book that imposed a moderate form of Protestant service while keeping many Catholic doctrines -first written in 1549 by Thomas Cranmer during Edwards rule

Sforza Horse

Bronze horse to honor Sforza fam in Milan -*Leonardo built model which= destroyed by French army when invaded + attacked* -*was going to = masterpiece* + Leonardo spent years working on it. However, he built clay model then French invaded+ used it as target practice -would have= 70-80 tons, 24 ft tall

Bruges Madonna

Bruge= most important city in N Ren so highered M to make statue for Bruge -*ONLY work Michelangelo did that= intended to= OUTSIDE of Italy* -*Focal point of N Ren for art* -Hitler wanted it but it= hidden from him

Bartolome de Las Casas

Called "defender" of the Native Americas -he defended the rights of the native people of America - saw enslavement+ slaughter of native pop as a crime+ sin

Calvin's "theocracy" of Geneva

Calvin visited Geneva in Switzerland + ended up staying there and gaining a following/ political control - set up theocracy - *strict rules*- least exciting city in the world - Calvin spent most of his life here - *not technically dictator, but dominated city religiously+ politically*


Calvin's religious theory that God has already planned out who will gain salvation/ each person's life

John Knox

Calvinist preacher who led a religious rebellion in Scotland + set up the Scottish Presbyterian Church -*Ideas= from John Calvin* - preached in Scotland


Capital of Scotland -Castle= built on top of dormant volcano+ there= ramp (Royal Mile) down volcano with a city of it+ fortress/ palace at bottom


Capital of the Netherlands

Who was Henry VIII 6th wife?

Catherine Parr

Who was Henry married to when he died?

Catherine Parr

Who did Arthur Tudor marry?

Catherine of Aragon


Charlemagne built huge+ impressive palace at his capital of Aix-la-Chapelle (present day Aachen, Germany) - Aachen= capital+ center of N Europe - modeled after a Church built by a Byzantine emperor in Italy because Charlemagne *wanted to= be seen as heir to Roman Empire* - lived in palace last few years+ invited sons, nobles, etc. (to watch over so didn't get too much power)


Christian Humanist + *"Prince of Humanists" in N* -*had most immediate affect on people* (Shakespeare+ More= long term) -wrote The Praise of Folly where he used Satire to mock/ criticize the Catholic Church + call for reform to the corrupt church *very impactful* -he... 1) was critical to Church 2) influenced Martin Luther (German monk)+ other reformers/ <- through books+ more 3) created a new Greek edition of the New testament + called for a translation of the Bible into the vernacular


Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper where bread+ wine= consumed - also known as "Holy Communion"/ "Lord's Supper"

Westminister Abbey

Church in downtown London -arguably most famous church -built by Edward the confessor -where William the Conqueror=crowned king of England

Catholic Church Structure VS Feudalism

Church= Pope -> Cardinals -> Archbishops/ Bishops (in charge of Diocese) -> Priests (in charge of Parish) -> Monks/Nuns -> Laity Feudalism= Monarch (king) -> (prince) -> Lords (nobles) -> Lesser Lords -> Knights -> Peasants + serfs

Canterbury Tales

Collection of stories pilgrims told, which were soon written down, when they traveled to pray at St. Tomas Becket's shrine - Author= Geoffrey Chaucer - nation of origin= England *possible one of the first books in English history* (argued that= collection of short stories, not a book) *one of most important pieces if literature in English history*

English Bill or Rights

Combination of ideas from... -Locke -Hobbes -Magna Carta -Habeas Corpus Some ideas included... 1) ensured superiority of Parliament over monarchy 2) required monarch to summon Parliament regularly 3) king/ queen = NOT allowed to interfere in Parliamentary debate 4) No Roman Catholic can= be on throne 5) trial by jury/ no excessive fines/ no unjust punishment

Eleanor Early Life

Daughter of Duke William of Aquitaine -brought up in court filled with troubadours where Eleanor learned their songs of love and got a good education. She could read and speak Latin, Provencal, and langue doc (native lang) and learned arithmetic and astronomy - After father died and left her Aquitaine and Poitou, she = desired wife by many so they could control her land

John Cabot

Discovered the coast of NA under Henry VII of England + claimed lands in Canada from England

Frederic the Wise

Duke of Saxony - Took special interest in/ protected Luther from being arrested/ from pope/ Charles V (HRE) - After Diet of Worms, he "kidnapped" Luther + took him to Wartburg Castle for protection

Phillip II's kingdom

During Chales V abdication, Charles split up his kingdom + gave his son Spain, New World, Portugal, +Philippines -*Kingdom now=* Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, New World, Philippines, + kingdom of 2 Siciles

What was Anne of Cleves called?

Flanders Mare because she= from Flanders + she looked like a horse


Eastern Germany (big, ugly, scary people?)

What is the capital/ historical city of Scotland?


Crown of England

Edward the Confessor= no kids so didn't know who should get crown -3 claimed they should= king... 1)*Harold of England (Godwinson)*-brother in law of the king. Claimed: he was English, leader of the military, and Edward promised him the king 2)*Harold Hardrada- Harold of Norway*-viking (he= harsh, cruel leader) Claim: Family ties 3)*William of Normandy*-William the Baster (parents are not married), cousin of king Claim: Edward promised him the throne and Harold of England pledged to support William's claim to throne

Richard and Eleanor in Aquitaine

Eleanor taught R how to govern her land and at Aquitaine she... 1) set up ideal court of her dreams -like father's court, troubadours came 2) created world where women= ruled supreme and men existed to worship them -put ides in book "The Code of Love" *After Henry died, Eleanor picked fav son Richard to = king of England and while he = on Crusades, Eleanor ruled and proved her ability to govern.

After Mary dies who= Queen?


Who= Henry VIII biggest disappointment? Why is this ironic?

Elizabeth -ironic because she= goes to be one of the greatest monarchs

Anglo-Saxon name

England people= sometimes referred to as Anglo- Saxons (because Angles + Saxons inhabited England)

Archbishop of Canterbury

England's top church position *reported directly to pope


English poet and playwright -born on April 23, 1564 at Stratford Upon Avon (Avon= river in old English) -married *Anne Hathaway* -plays= at the Globe -*introduced 1700 new words to English lang* -wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets -Some plays= Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, and Midsummer's Night Dream, Twelfth Night

Other Legislative bodies

Estates Gerneral- French tricameral (3 houses) Cortes- Spanish (Bicameral) Diet- Germany (Bicameral) Duma- Russia (Bicameral)

Why was it hard for Brunelleschi to get the job building the dome?

Even though Brunelleschi knew how to do it, no one thought he could so he said if he could balance an egg, he could build the dome - he balanced the egg+ let him build the dome - Brunelleschi= superintendent + Ghiberti (because goldsmith as well)= co-superintendent

Franco-German Phase

France joined Protestant side so now... *France (Catholic) VS HRE (Catholic)* ^Major figure in France= Cardinal Richelieu+ Lois VIII -*nothing to do with religion+ all= politics because BOTH= Catholic, but France hated Charles V so fought against them* -France formed an alliance with the Turks (Muslims)+ Papal states sides with them all joining the Protestant side ^Again, nothing to do with religion because *different religions= teaming up*

Who= next closest relative of Anne when she dies?

George I from Germany

Fugger Family

German banking fam- equivalent to Medici but in Germany -bankers of HRE (vs M= bankers of Papacy) -most famous= Jacob the Rich

Conquests= Spain= $

Inca+ Aztecs= lots of gold+ silver + mines *ex:* Potosi (Rich Mt) brought 45,000 tons of silver

Printing Press

Invented by Johannes Gutenburg in 1450 *it...* 1) increased # of published books -1518- 150 books published in Germany -1524- over 1000 books published 2) *caused controversy* -*printing press= used to spread Luther's 95 Theses across Germany/ Europe like wildfire* 3) *revolutionized everything in Europe* - most important invention from MA till the computer

Isabella and Ferdinand

Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon married in 1469 joining their kingdoms (Castile and Aragon) - shared power equally - they... *Made Modern Spain* 1) ended Reconquista and expelled Muslims 2) sent Christopher Columbus to America 3) ended religious toleration in Spain (expelling non-Jews) *argue that they= first king and queen of Modern Spain/ most important monarchs in Spanish history*

Mary Queen of Scots second marriage

It= unpopular and her spouse was murdered right in front of her by an intruder at night -after she moved from palace at bottom of Edinburgh to castle at top because she= scared of being killed

Why was Charles I being beheaded a big deal?

It=shocking because no king was ever killed by people in age of absolutism -showed that not every ruler could claim absolute power

Donato Bramante

Italian architect who *intro high Ren style to Rome* -built... 1) St. Peters Basilica (Cathedral) in Rome- assigned by Julius II 2) Tempieto in Rome

Who formed what= now known as UK?

James I of England/ VI of Scotland/ Queen Anne

Who was Mary Queen of Scots son?

James Stuart soon to= James VI of Scotland + James I of England

What 2 places did James settle?

Jamestown + Ireland

Who was Henry VIII 3rd wife?

Jane Seymour

Who= Henry VIII fav wife? why?

Jane Seymour- had son

Papal Bull

June, 1520, Leo X gives Luther Papal Bull giving him 60 days to recant - took so long because Leo X= busy partying *Dec 10, 1520, Luther burns the Papal bull+ Canon law publically with his students + instead develops more new writings* - shows that power of pope means nothing to him + he will not give up because he thinks he= rightE


Large, heavily armed ships used to carry silver from New World colonies to Spain

Monte Cassino

MOST FAMOUS monastery in Europe (in S Italy)

Grand Canal

Major "street"/ canal in Venice -closer to grand canal= more expensive properties

Acqua Alta

Major flooding in Venice due to sea levels (of Med sea) rising, and Venice sinking -Venice= slowly sinking because buildings= slowly sinking in mud

The Moors of Spain

Moors= Muslims -even after crusades, Christian warriors= battled Muslims in Spain for centuries -The Moors however, invaded and conquered most of Spain leaving their influence on S Spain (Andalusia)


Grant by the Spanish crown to a colonist in America to demand labor from Indian inhabitants of the area


Gross Domestic Product -total value of goods produced + services provided in a country during 1 year -*way to measure how economy= doing* *ex:* 8 mil last year, 7 mil now= decrease in GDP


Group of people who thought if you prayed and begged for Gods forgiveness they= survive plague - beat themselves and prayed - beating= blood which= attracted fleas

How was Diet of Worms determined?

HRE (Charles V) visited Frederick to Wise+ the 2 decided that Luther= present his case at the most influential gathering in Europe (Diet of Worms)

Michelangelo's David

HUGE- 18ft -nicknamed "The Giant" -*made of Carrara marble*- had crack so it= considered useless but M worked around crack -portrayed nude, biblical shepherd, David, BEFORE his victory against Goliath. He= tense + relaxed but alert. He holds a sling which he will= use to defeat Goliath -recalls harmony + grace of ancient Greek tradition -*Perspective, 3D*

Where did all events of Tudor Family take place?

Hampton Court

Where did the Tudor's live?

Hampton Court

How was Charles I able to set taxes?

He dismissed Parliament + collected taxes anyway

What are 2 thing Henry VIII did with the $ from closing the monasteries?

He used it to built the largest navy + palaces in Europe

Why was Charles II a popular ruler/ how did he un-Calvanized England?

He... - reopened theaters, etc. - restored official Church of England BUT tolerated Presbyterians, Quakers + Baptists


Head of the Roman Catholic Church -takes new name of someone they aspire to be when they= elected *ex:* Francis (current pope) wants to = St. Francis

Dissolution of the Monasteries

Henry VII claimed they= centers of immorality + ordered them closed -he evicted monks + nuns + burned down the monasteries and convents all throughout England -took their land + wealth *Purpose:* 1) get support for Anglican Church- granted some of these lands to nobles + high-ranking citizens 2) suppressed opposition 3) get wealth + get $ from selling lands -used wealth to build navy + palaces

What did Henry VIII's actions to Cardinal Woolsey and Thomas More show?

Henry VIII killed top advisors/ power so there= less powerful people to stop/ convince Henry VIII other wise

what was the "Great Affair"?

Henry VIII wanting an annulment with Catherine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Boleyn

How did William Penn get Pennsylvania?

His fathers debt for being a hero of Dutch Wars= passed to him+ Charles II payed it off by giving Penn Pennsylvania

When George I becomes king what house rises to power?

House of Hanover


Hungary (<- why Hungary lang.= totally different)

Treay of Tordesillas

Imaginary dividing line (Line of Demarcation) drawn by Pope Alexander VI in an attempt to end Portuguese+ Spanish dispute over land claims - lands west of line= Spain, east= Portugal - All lands founded on Spanish side= Spanish lands+ vise versa - doesn't look even now because most of what we know of as SA wasn't founded yet

Birth of Commerce

N Ren= birth of commerce or exchanging goods/ services (*birth of business*) -*modern day commerce started in N Ren* -developed... 1) stock 2) Bourse 3) bond 4) Stagflation 5) GDP 6) Commodity 7) Speculation

did England like Cromwell?

NO, they hated his strict rules+ taxes

Did Anne Boleyn give Henry VIII what he wanted?

NO, they= had daughter (Elizabeth)

Who= colonized which "states" in US first?

NY= Netherlands -> English Delaware= Swedish Vermont= French Mas= Pilgrims (English) Rhode Island= Roger Williams NJ= Swedish+ Neth -> English ?


National dish of Scotland

Where was William from? What House?

Netherlands, House of Orange

Low Countries

Netherlands/Belgium -low because most of land= below sea level *Art:* 1) everyday life 2) Chiaroscuro *Artists:* 1) Rembrandt 2) Vermeer

What was the Roundhead army called?

New Model Army

Habeas Corpus

No person may be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime

Was Luther the only reformer of his time?

No, during the Ren, Christians at all levels of society accused the clergy of corruption+ worldliness -*There= many reformers in N Europe*

Did Catherine of Aragon give Henry VIII what he wanted?

No, they had a baby girl Mary

Gun Powder Plot

Nov 5, 1605 -Conspiracy of English Roman Catholics to blow up Parliament and James I, his eldest son, + his wife. -They= angry that James refused to grant religious toleration to Catholics -They hoped that if successful, English Catholics could take over English -FAILED ATTEMPT -Guy Fawkes= most famous conspiratorys -Celebrate Guy Fawkes day every year on nov 5 + people wear a Guy Fawkes mask

Royal Observatory

Observatory in England that marks 0 degrees longitude + 0 lat? (Prime Meridian)

Marburg Colloquy

Oct. 1-4, 1529 Debate in Marburg, Germany between Martin Luther+ Ulrich Zwingli on whether the true body+ blood of Christ= bodily present or symbolically present in bread+ wine -clashed over line "hoc est corpus men" in Bible - Luther= "This is my body" + Christ= present at every celebration of a sacrament - Zwingli= "This signifies my body" + bread+ wine= purely symbolic


Peasants bound to the land -made up most of peasant pop, on manor -not slaves because couldn't be bought/ sold, but couldn't leave manor without lords permission -If manor= granted new lord, serf stays

What does Pennsylvania mean in Latin?

Penn's wood

What is the traditional migration pattern of Italy?

People in Italy usually migrate North because Northern Italy provides more jobs and $

How did Philip respond to this conflict with Elizabeth?

Phillip II of Spain launched the Spanish Armada (largest naval fleet in the world) against England in hope to invade England and drive Elizabeth from throne


Pilgrims -form of Calvinism -went to New World on Mayflower (columbus wasn't on) - Mayflower left from Plymouth, England - landed on cape cod then realized that it = not right spot - so, landed on mainland (Plymouth, America) ^so Plymouth rock = not right rock for where they= first landed

Julius II

Pope in Ren papacy from 1503-1513 -nephew of Sixtus IV -warrior pope -*quickest conclave* because realized Borgia= bad news so new pope= decided super fast -*Rebuilt St. Peter's* - tore down old St. Peter's because it= in disrepair+ could possibly fall down (controversal because Charlemagne= buried there+ very religious) + rebuilt as BIGGEST church in the world -wanted his tomb in new St. Peters but his successors put him in St. Peters in Chains -*Paid for tomb by selling indulgence*- got $ from people to forgive their sins - worked with Michelangelo on Tomb/ Sistine Chapel -Hired the Swiss Guard to protect him

Leo X

Pope in Ren papacy from 1513-1521 -*Party Pope*+ more interested in worldly than religious things- "God has given us the Papacy, let us enjoy it" -had a pet elephant +Rhino (Hanno+the Rhino) + shortened mass to hang with the elephant *Not religious* -Son of Lorenzo the Magnificient -interested in learning, art, + parties + *dumped millions into art, buildings +parties.*- *Threw wealth away* -liked to gamble+ enjoyed jokes+ jesters -bankrupted papacy from all spending -Raphael worked for him -accused of Gluttony (overeating) by Martin Luther (German monk)

Sixtus IV

Pope of Ren Papacy from 1471-1484 -built Sistine Chapel + bridge Ponte Sisto (engineering marvel) *wanted to rebuild Rome?* -*Nepotism* (favoring relatives by giving them jobs) - made his fam important by giving them high ranking church positions that they should NOT have. *ex:* he appointed 6 nephews as cardinals + 8 yr old as Archbishop of Lisbon -*created major prob in church* *ex:* Some cardinals didn't know Latin+ Bible= written in LATIN -*restored Vatican Library*- very interested in education -April's Blood Plot (Pazzi Plot)- ordered killing of Lorenzo + Giuliano Medici due to dept with Medici'd -*Interdicted Florence*- when he died, next pope (Alexander VI) removed it

Predestination effect/ questioned

Predestination brought question of "If God= already decided who= saved then why= individual= behave morally? -*answer: because elect= go good because they= chosen to do it*


Prejudice against Jews

What religion= Scots? Why?

Presbyterian (Calvinist- Protestant) because of John Knox

What= some of Elizabeth's policies/ reforms (Elizabeth settlements)?

She attempted to heal the religious differences in England -her policies= a compromise between Protestant and Catholic practices -She... 1) lightened laws against Catholic practice- *C* 2) preserved much Catholic ceremony + ritual but accepted some Protestant too- *C+P* 3) restored a version of the "Book of Common Prayer"- *C+P* 4) reaffirmed that monarch= head of Anglican Church- *P* 5) allowed English to replace Latin in Church services- *P*

What may have contributed to Elizabeth's death?

She constantly used make-up which were extremely toxic and caused blood poisoning which= what she may have died of -as she got sicker, she used more makeup which made her even sicker

What happened to Jane Seymour?

She died form complications from Child birth

How and why did Elizabeth manipulate other rulers?

She entertained several possible husbands who sought her hand in marriage (so they can= king of England) based on which nation/ country would= benefit the English at that time


Raw materials produced that can= bought + sold -*can use speculation to get $ off these without doing anything* *ex:* oil, coffee, copper

Buckingham Palace

Residence of king during Georgian period? + *it= current residence of Royal fam (king/queen)*

What was the result of Cromwell?

Restoration- English wanted a king back because they= tired of military rule+ strict Puritan ways

What happened to Anne of Cleves's marriage to Henry VIII?

Right after marriage, Henry VIII annuls the marriage right after seeing her because she= ugly + looked like a horse

Scotland poets

Robert Burns

In Scotland who would= 1st hero? next?

Robert the Bruce then William Wallace due to a movie about him

Art through the ages

Roman+ Greek= Classical art (look like God) MA= Romanesque+ Gothic (for God+ about God) Ren= Ren Style (rebirth of Classical) Reformation= Baroque art

What= the prob with James settlement in Ireland?

Scottish nobles= Presbyterian (protestant) while Irish which= lived there= Catholic -presently, there= about 50% C and 50% P -this caused fighting between the 2 religious groups *ex:* on St. Patrick's day, Catholic= green, Protestant= orange + on this day there= many fights *ex:* when KFC= built on P side, Catholics= sneak across wall to get KFC+ there= many fights

Robert Burns

Scottish poet -Wrote: "a red, red rose" (most famous poem of Scotland)

Sir Walter Scott

Scottish writer -Wrote: Ivanhoe and Rob Roy

Vatican City

Separate country, surrounded by a wall serving as an international barrier

Battle of Stamford Bridge

Sept. 25, 1066 -After Harold of England= selected to = king by council of nobles, battle of Stamford Bridge took place *Harold (Norway) VS Harold (Eng)* 1)Harold sent army to England (also strengthened by forces William recruited) 2) Harold heard about this and sent an opposing army 3) In battle (in N of England), Harold of Norway= killed and viking army= crumbled 4) Harold of England= excited but then gets message that thousands of French-men just landed on S side, so he marches army from N to Hastings in the S were he fights in the Battle of Hastings

Protestant Reformation

Series of protests against the Roman Catholic Church initiated by Martin Luther

Abbot Berno of Cluny

Set out to end abuses to Church - revives the Benedictine Rule, declared that nobles= no longer able to interfere with monastery affairs, and he filled the monastery and Cluny with men devoted to religious pursuits

Leif Erikson

Set up short-lived Viking community (Called Vinland) in NA. -First European to reach the NA continent 400 years before Columbus.

George Fox

Set up the Society of Friends (Quakers)(Friends) -jailed for blasphemy


Share in the ownership of a company/ business - get some of the company's earnings but at rick of losing your own $ -*more risky than bonds because not guaranteed $ back*


*1600s*= rise of absolution- kings wanted FULL control *1700s*= people questioned absolutism + asked "Why?" ^This= called Enlightenment -Kant= most famous German Philosopher of this time

Georgian Period

*1700s* -period where House of Hanovers= in rule (George 1-IV= rulers of England) -George I= Made 1st prime minister in England -George III= most famous (who US broke away from)

John Knox

Started Presbyterian Church in Scotland -spent time in England by request of Edward

Renaissance Architecture Spread

Started in Florence (Tuscany) because Ren started there -> Rome -> Venice -> N Europe (especially France/ Loire valley


Swedish Royal Family

Divine Comedy

Takes reader on journey into purgatory (land of sins- not good enough for heaven/ bad enough for hel_), 9 levels of hel_ (lowest= traitors/ worst punishment), and finally heaven. *shaped view of after life* - *inferno= trip through hel_* - author= Dante Alighieri - Nation of origin- Italy - "Abandon all hope, ye that enter here", "In the middle of the journey of life..."


Someone who follows Niccolo Machiavelli's rules *ex:* Cesear Borgia= perfect ides of prince according to Niccolo

Charles I of England

Son of James I -had issues with Parliament over taxes -His taxes caused English Civil War -He= beheaded in *1649*


A person of mixed race *ex:* 1 parent= Spaniard, 1= American Indian


A person who does not agree with the beliefs of his or her leaders

What was the speech Elizabeth gave to rally the English to fight the Spanish Armada?

"I have the body of a weak+ feeble women, but have the heart+ stomach of a king."

Grotesque Drawings

"In order to know beauty, you have to know the ugly" - so, Leonardo sketched ugly people

Quotes about Utopia

"In order to know beauty, you need to know the ugly,"- Leonardo -*world without conflict= no stories to tell*

Foundation of Middle Ages

1) Feudalism- political system 2) Catholic Church- religious + social

Columbian Exchange from Europe to America

*disease (wiped out native pop) -livestock (horses, cows, etc) -sugar cane (needed slaves to grow) -onions -grains -peaches -oranges -bananas

N Ren VS Italian Ren

*North:* 1) wealthy merchant class (made $ from textiles) 2) Everyday life 3) *Detailed* 4) Wood- not a lot of marble 5) oil painting *Italian:* 1) wealthy merchant class (made $ from textiles) 2) Classical influence (Greek+ Roman- Plato -"the Cave") 3) *proportion*- Virtruvian man 4) Marble- a lot of marble in Italy 5) frescoes (painting on wet plaster)

Literature in the Middle Ages

*Set basic for modern lang.*- standardized the lang. they= written in because people= like "oh that's how it is written"

Parliament VS US gov

*Similar*: Bicameral, 2 parties, have power figure (P= prime minister, US= Pres) *Different*: -P houses= House of Lords + House of Commons, US houses= Senate and House of Rep -P parties= Consenative, Labour, US= Republican, Democrats *Parliament= influenced US gov greatly*

Geographical religion

*Southern Europe*= Roman Catholic (Spain, Portugal, Italy, S Germany) *Northern Europe*= Protestant (N Germany, Scotland, England, France, Netherlands, Switz, Scandinavia) -Lutherans- N Germany + Scandinavia -Calvinists- Switz, Netherlands, Scotland (Prebyterians), France (Huguenots), England (Puritans/ Pilgrims) -Anglican- England -Anabaptist- Netherlands


*Start of Modern Spain* 1) year Isabella and Ferdinand conquered Granada expelling the Muslims and ENDING the Reconquista 2)Christoper Columbus Sailed to American (some think Queen of Spain (Isabella) sold her jewelry in Alhambra so Columbus could go to America) 3) Isabella and Ferdinand ended religious toleration and expelled all non- Catholics (Jews, Muslims) from Spain

Field of the Cloth of Gold

*Start:* Francis I (of France) invited Henry VIII (of England) to his court to make an alliance against Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) and strengthen the bond between England + France *End:* Francis offended Henry by outspending him and Henry did no agree to alliance; instead, Henry made alliance with Charles V *Name:* got name because each king tried to outshine the other with dazzling tents, clothes, feasts, music, jousting, games, etc.

What= 2 types of Islams?

*Sunni:* Arabs - thought a close friend of Muhammad (the prophet) = next Muslim leader (Friend= Abu Bakr) *Shiite:* Persians (now people of Iran) - thought only person of Muhammad fam= rule *split= why there= fighting today*

How did the Tudor family treat Parliament VS the Stuart family?

*Tudor:* consulted Parliament and kept good relations *ex:* Henry VIII used Parliament to help him break from the Catholic Church (Act of Supremacy/ legalizing his actions) + he got Parliaments permission to collect taxes *Stuarts:* divine right, clashed with Parliament, dissolved Parliament *ex:* James I and divine rule, Charles I and taxes

Describe the use/ effect of Annulment in Catholic Church

*USE:* at that time, in the Catholic Church, after a divorce you can't= remarried unless you= get an annulment *ex:* so Henry VIII got many annulments so he can remarry (why he= only really married 2 times- others= NEVER happened) *EFFECTS:* divorce= kids get $/things as heir while in annulment, kids= baster child + get NO $/things

Who= Ulster Irish/ Ulster Scots?

*Ulster Irish:* Irish in Ulster Plantation/ settlements *Ulster Scots:* Scots in Ulster Plantation/ settlements

Catholic Church

*Universal Church*-Catholic Church became universal religion due to Charlemagne, missionaries, etc. who Christianized the diverse people of W Europe -people= Catholic/Christian or Jewish (small pop) *So, only *ONE* Church which = Catholic Church=... 1) Social center+ place of worship 2) Centered in Rome (Vatican) -Vatican= seat of Catholic Church when St. Peter's basilica was constructed over St. Peter grave on Vatican hill (*basis of Church comes from St. Peter*)

Donation of Constantine

*forged (fake) document* -document in which emperor Constantine the Great transferred authority over Rome and the western Part of the Roman Empire to the Pope (specifically Sylvester 1)+ therefore the Roman Church ^(also bestowed spiritual + secular power to the pope and his successors) *formed in 4th century, but significant because from centuries the Donation= accepted by all, giving the popes great political power + influence* *in 15th century? it= proven forgery *land became known as Papal States (could= argue Vatican= last remains of them/ the Donation) *Church= began to gain secular power- pope= in charge of religious community+ political king for a while which= prob.*

Hanseatic League

*free trade unit in N part of Europe* -economy= booming + city states wanted to make money from trade, so they created the Hanseatic League -*it lowered tariffs+ became a free trade zone* -helped economic boom in N+ protected/ supported trade

Moorish influence in Spain

*funneled info in (brought info/ culture from all over into Spain) - 3 main Moorish cities in Andalusia=... 1) Cordoba- important because of size 2) Granada- Political home of Moors (like capital) *last city to= conquered in Reconquista* 3) Toledo- Center of learning and where schools= made (later= Christian Capital in Spain?)


*inspired by Romans* - thick walls - rounded arches - made from stone - few windows - dark *roof= barrel vault+ so heavy that massive thick walls= needed to support it. So, there= few windows in fear of weakening the walls *ex:* most famous= Leaning Tower of Pisa

Ponce de Leon

-*Born:* Santerva's de Campos, Spain -*Rep:* Spain -*1st European to land in Florida* -*gave Spain claim to Florida* -*served as governor of Puerto Rico*

Henry VII

-*first Tudor monarch/ started Tudor fam* -married Elizabeth of York -4 children= Arthur, Henry, Margret, Mary - *told children that it= job of monarch to have a baby boy* (because just spent years fighting over succession) -he= new monarch (like Isabella I+ Ferdinand II of Spain) -set up Star Chamber -Avoided wars, promoted trade, + enforces royal taxing to the point of ruthlessness *ex:* if didn't pay taxes you= punished (fines, etc)

How did Calvinism affect Europe

-*made N= wealthy*-some believe work ethic led to N Europeans (Protestant) nations to= wealthier -*Capitalism*- Some believe John Calvin's idea of working hard led to the new economic system of capitalism

How many marriages/ children did Henry VII have?

-1 marriage (Elizabeth of York -4 children

Michelangelo+ Lorenzo

-As young man, brought into Medici household + Lorenzo Medici= patron -young M worked on fawn (baby deer)+ took to Lorenzo + he said it= too perfect. M= furious + stabbed it *showed arrogance+ temper*

What happened after annulment with Catherine?

-Catherine= shipped to a swamp + died from poor health -Anne= Queen -England= new Church (Anglican Church) + Protestant nation (yet no different than Rome)

Why did Henry VIII specifically marry Catherine?

-England wanted to keep their relation with Spain, -Henry VIII married her to keep relation in hope that one day England could gain control of Spain + New World

What was the new Church (Anglican Church) like?

-Used English Bible written in ENGLISH -Did NOT change basic religious beliefs/ Dogma + kept most Catholic forms of worship (no different from Rome besides really name + bible)

Treaty of Verdun

-When Charlemagne died, the Treaty of Verdun split empire into 3 parts between C grandsons *West (France), Middle (Lorraine/ Alsace), East (Germany)* -Soon, the grandchild who claimed the middle died first -France (west) + Germany (east)= fought over Lorraine and Alsace + fighting continues past Charlemagne's rule (cont. to go back and forth ex: WWII)

Michelangelo work as architect

1) *San Lorenzo*- M rebuilt church 2) *Medici Chapel*- M built + *Lorenzo + bro Giuliano= buried here* 3) *Laurentian Library*- M built it 4) *Piazza del Campidoglio*- town hall in Rome that M built 5) *Dome of St. Peters*- M designed+ built dome


4th division/group of Protestant Church -includes Quakers+ Mennonites -majority= in Netherlands *Ideas:* 1) Adult Baptism- baptist= only valid when candidates confess his/her faith in Christ + wants to= baptized 2) Separate Church+ State- gov. doesn't give any power over matters of religion

How many Tudor monarchs were there?

5 1) Henry VII 2) Henry VIII 3) Edward 4) Mary 5) Elizabeth

How many weddings did Henry VIII have?



711-1492 *Christian campaign to drive the Muslims from Spain* 1) several tiny Christian kingdoms in N= survived Muslim conquer and as they slowly expanded their borders, the Christians tried to take back Spain and push Muslims out. 2) The Christians slowly began to expel the Muslims and in 1085, they finally recaptured city of Toledo 3) But, Muslims= still had Granada and their influence remained strong helping shape arts + lit in Christian Spain 4) Finally, Isabella and Ferdinand combined forces making a final push against the Muslims and Granada fell in 1492 *start of modern Spain*

Charlemagne timeline

742- Born 768- Became Co-king with bro Carloman when dad died 771- Brother dies + Charlemagne inherits his lands becoming sole ruler 772- attacks Saxons 778- Moors invade 782- Slaughter of 4500 Pagans (Massacre of Verdun) *gave choice- Christianity OR death* 787- Education plan begins 799- Leo III attacked 800- Crowned HRE 814- Dies

What= most important thing with Luther?

95 Theses, then Diet of Worms

What did Henry VIII want after marriage with Catherine?

A baby BOY


A long, narrative poem

Recovery Years for Germany (HRE)

After 30 years of fighting, most of HRE, escpecially Germany (specifically central)= defastated ^Germany because most of the fighting= taken place there -*HRE began to fracture a little+ new families came to power in different places* - N Germany= Prussia (most important of German states) - S Germany= Bavaria - Austria= major place where Habsburg fam lived

Division of the Christian Church

Christian Church= divided into 3 parts 1) Greek Orthodox (split in 1054) 2) Roman Catholic 3) Protestant Church

What allows Henry VIII to marry Catherine of Aragon?

Papal dispensation from pope Alexander VI

Westminster Abbey

London, England - Gothic style - ^ (prob why Gothic) not hurt during Great Fire of London

Gates of Paradise

After Ghiberti finished 1st gates, people= so impressed + wanted him to do another set -2nd set= took 30 years (1425-1452) + called gates of paradise - 20 ft tall, east side of Duomo, weigh 30 tons - too heavy to even open - Doors= installed in 1452 + stood until WWII then put copies up+ put original in museum on display - Michelangelo nicknamed them Gates of Paradise (because thought St. Peter should= behind?)

How did Charles I die?

After being defeated in the English Civil War, he was put on trial at Westminster Hall on 1649 -He= accused of being a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy and was sent to= beheaded -It= cold day and he asked for two shirts so he wouldn't shiver+ be seen as a coward -*thought he= executed he showed no fear*

Power of Church grows secular

After fall of Rome, the church not only controlled the spiritual life of Christians, but also, gradually, it became most powerful secular force in medieval Europe. - due to... 1) *Papal supremacy*- pope began claiming authority over all secular rulers 2) *Papal states*- high clergy= usually nobles owned lots of land, and pope held vast land in central Italy later known as Papal states 3) *Church officials= closely linked to secular rulers*- Since church men= often only educated people, feudal rulers appointed them to high gov positions


After refusing to recant + burning the Papal Bull, Leo X FINALLY excommunicated Luther from Rome on Jan. 3, 1521 - placed Luther open for arrest by any papal/ secular authority

After Roman Fall (5)

After the Roman Empire fell, a wave of invaders swept across Europe, moving into the land of the Romans + taking over/ renaming them. (Groups= Angles, Saxons, Franks, Goths, and Magyars) -Romans linked distant European territories with miles of roads and spread ideas, lang, and Christianity to tribal people in the W Europe. .................VS.............. -The Germanic people who ended Roman rule in west, *shifted focus of European history to the N*

St. Paul's

London, England -*Rebuilt by Christopher Wren after Great Fire of London* - got so hot that stones= expanded+ popped out during fire, destroying building -*dome= one of largest domes in Europe* -English Baroque style


An estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty

Who was Henry VIII 4th wife?

Anne of Cleves

Give an example of how everything in England= named exactly how it is.

Anything built in _____= known as _______ style arch *ex:* 1700= Georgian style architecture during Elizabeth rule (1500?)= Elizabethian? arch

Diet of Worms

April 16, 1521 *most important thing with Luther besides 95 Theses -Luther= ordered to go by Charles V *Luther went expecting to defend his writings, but he= ordered to recant them - said, "Here I stand" + refused to take back statements in front of major political power (ex: Charles V) -*marked dawn of new era- common person standing up for what they believe* - After, Charles V said he promised Luther a safe passage here+ back, but after 30 days, he will= slaughter Luther -*Edict of Worms*

Pazzi Plot

April's Blood plot developed by Pope Sixtus IV+ nephew Girolamo Riario to kill Lorence + his bro Giuliano de Medici *most famous plot/assassination attempt in history* *Sun April 26, 1478 in the Duomo* 1) Pazzi fam thought Medici rein= long enough so when Lorenzo+ Giuliano= praying at the Duomo on Easter Sunday they= attacked by monks 2) Giuliano= stabbed, but Lorenzo= able to defend himself+ escape only slightly wounded 3) Since Lorenco= loved by people of Florence, Pazzi fam= tortured/ thrown out of Florence 4) outcome= Medici= stronger grip/ more control on Florence + Vasari Corridor

Thomas More

Lord Chancellor under Henry VIII -wrote Utopia -was canonized -Beheaded for treason- refused to accept the marriage of Anne Boleyn + Henry VIII


Art form in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid and then uses the plate to make multiple prints

Who did Catherine marry after Arthur died?

Arthur's brother Henry VIII


BIG dome in Rome -Brunelleschi studied Pantheon to see how it stood up/ why there = eye/ circular opening at top -priests said angels kept it up, but B knew it wasn't true * B cut out part of Pantheon + realized how to build it (cut outs lessened weight/ saw double dome?)


Based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe

Start of Renaissance in Italy

Began in Italy (specifically Florence?) because... 1) After plague, Italy= first hit+ first out - inflation= craftsman= extra $ to buy books + bring back interest in learning 2) There= many architectural remains/ structures there 3) Italy= center of Roman Empire *4)* cities survived the MA and N cities (Florence, Milan, Venice, Genoa) grew into prosperous centers of trade and manufacturing - trade route went to Italy (it being in S+ surrounded by water) and brought new ideas in *5)* When Constantinople= taken, scholars fled by boat to Italy 6) Wealthy + powerful merchants stressed education, individual achievement and arts in Italy

What is king of England after James I?

Charles I (Stuart fam, son of James I)

James II

Charles II brother + = king after him -Catholic- flaunted Catholic faith -Overthrown by the Glorious Revolution

Ignatius of Loyola

Founder of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) -After going from Spain to Paris to Rome, he stayed mostly in Rome but also traveled around world to Asia, Africa, etc. -Life: 1) he= Spanish knight + after having his leg shattered in battle, he read about saints who overcame mental + physical torture 2) He soon vowed his life to God + went from a soldier of his country to a "soldier of God" 3) He attended many schools + studied 15 years 4) In Paris, he got a following + made plans to go to Rome *ex:* met Xavier at University of Paris 5) Him+ Xavier= became priests 6) In 1540, Loyola+ Jesuits went to Rome+ Pope Paul III approved of the formation of the new order 7) traveled to distant lands- Africa, America, East Asia trying to convert people to Christianity 8) set up schools because he wanted Jesuits to= educated like he was/ became



Mary Queen of Scots first marriage

Francis II of France -he= died from ear infection leaving Mary widow+ out of French crown


French title for the successor to the throne (oldest son of the king of France)

After Joan death

French= rallied and with powerful new weapon, cannon, they attacked English held castles

Amerigo Vespucci

From Florence -map maker+ discovered/ explored SA (start with Brazil?) -discovered that Columbus= wrong+ lands= New World not India/ Asia -Americas= named after him -worked for Lorenzo de Medici in banks + Lorenzo sent him to one of the branches in Spain where he= got into sailing + exploring/ was soon sent by Spain? to follow Columbus


From Northern Germany -> migrated to England (called it Angle-land which evolved into England)


From Northern Germany -> migrated to England and central Germany (called Saxony)


Lord' estate, which included one or more villages and the surrounding lands -peasants lived+ worked on the manor

Renaissance Architecture Characteristics

In BOTH Italian + Northern Ren... 1) symmetric 2) 2-3 stories 3) simple facade 4) Dome (if church) 5) Aesthetic gardens- just for beauty


In France -112ft tall, 427 ft long - Built 1194-1260 (100 years) - built on previous church *famous rose window *place people went to on religious pilgrimages

Castles/ Cathedrals

In medieval society, Church (religion) and Castle (king)= important -2 types of building types 1) Romanesque 2) Gothic

Why was it hard for Henry VIII to marry Catherine?

In the Bible, you= not allowed to marry your brother's widow (Leviticus 20:21) -This= CANON law

York Minster

In town of York, England -Norman Style (In England call Gothic Norman style)

Charles V

King Charles I of Spain, King Charles V of Germany (1st in Spain so Charles I, 5th in Germany so Charles V) -HRE *most famous person fugger fam gave $ to* - one of wealthiest people ever -in *Habsburg fam* *financed Magellans voyage

Charles V

King Charles I of Spain, King Charles V of Germany (1st in Spain so Charles I, 5th in Germany so Charles V) -*Habsburg fam*- Roman Catholic -related to Ferdinand II+ Isabella I -elected HRE 1519 by bribing electors -*empire= HRE+ Spain/ New World* -abdicated (gave up) his crown in 1556 -loved indulgences (because they paid him back) + hated Luther - made Luther got to Diet of Worms -naive+ busy *ex:* many kings= say they= grant free passage to+ from but they never do, but Charled V did

What Bible= most likely used in US?

King James Bible

Cardinal Richelieu

King Louis XIII was a weak ruler and Richelieu filled the void, more or less running the empire via his advice to the king. -He became a major figure in war

Edward I

King of England 1272-1307 -became king in 1272 -nicknamed "long Shanks" due to great height+structure -seen as ruthless leader -Subsided revolts- Wales and Scotland tried -expelled Jews from England in 1290 -summoned Parliament to approve $ for war with France and then declared common people must= in Parliament too.

Henry V

King of England 1386-1423 Became king 1386 -Warrior king- fought 100 year war -Won Battle of Agincourt which= thought of as most important battle of English prospective ^ they defeated French army losing just 400 of own men and with more than 6,000 French killed when they were greatly out # 10,000 (20,000?) to 6,000 -Shakespeare wrote play "Henry V"

Calvin's Beliefs

Like Luther... 1)Salvation= gained through faith alone 2)Bible= only source of religious truth Own beliefs... 1)preached predestination 2)Calvinists= tried to live like saints - believed world= divided into 2 kinds of people: saints+ sinners 3)All should= educated 4) TULIPS

Did local lords or kings have the most real power?

Local lords 1) could benefit for being a vassal and lord so had more power over weaker people 2) king relied on vassal for military support 3) Nobles (and Church)= as much/ more power because had own courts, collected own taxes, fielded own armies, and guarded rights and privileges which could prevent many rulers from increasing royal authority. *ex:* Magna Carta On the other hand... 4) Monarch strength= tied to middle class so townspeople support him because he is the one who imposes peace and unity needed for trade *ex:* trial by jury, develop taxes, built strong army

Isabella of Castile

Married to Ferdinand of Aragon uniting her kingdom with his (Castile + Aragon) and sharing the power equally. -She= significant because... 1) helped end Reconquista- political unification of Spain 2) funded Christopher Columbus's exploration- resulted in Spain's overseas empire and domination of Europe for centuries + Christianizing Latin America/ using Spanish Lang. 3) Ended religious intolerance- expelled non-Catholics ensuring religious uniformity to the Church

Early Ren Painters



May 4, 1521 - On way back from the Diet of Worms, Luther= "kidnapped" by Frederick the Wise + brought to Wartburg Castle where agents of the pope couldn't find him

Unfinished Pieta

Michelangelo worked on it right before he died

Birth of Venus

One of Botticelli's famous works *tells myth of birth of Venus (goddess of beauty) -has depth -nudes - religious -on display in Florence

Was Charles V pro/con indulgences?

PRO because he= making $ from indulgences - he= gets loan from bankers of HRE (Fuggers) + gives that $ to Leo X so he can bribe his way to pope. Then Charles V= paid back with indulgences + gives what= owed to bank, them keeps the rest?


Southern Germany -*traditional Germany= has festivals, all about culture* -Munich= most important city -Royal fam= Wittlesbach fam

Poem of El Cid

Spain's greatest epic- a story of The Cid (Rodrigo Diaz) who was a Christian lord who fought the Muslims in Spain. - Nation of origin- Spain

Spanish Cortes

Spanish Congress/ Parliament

Event at the chapel of San Damiano

St. Francis heard the figure of Christ on the crucifix over the altar while praying. Francis heard Christ tell him to go and repair his house which= in ruins. Francis interpreted this literally and sold his father's finest cloth and horse to get $ to repair the dilapidated chapel of San Damiano. The priest wouldn't accept the $+ Francis father pressed charges. Francis returned the $ and his clothes and said now he had only a heavenly father, Francis repaired San Damiano and several other nearby churches

St. Francis meets Pope Innocent III

St. Francis walked to Rome to get Pope Innocent III's approval for his Rule. He wore a scruffy , brown cloak and was barefoot. This left a poor impression and the Pope initially rejected the Rule thinking enjoining poverty and rejection of faith in sacraments and godliness of Christ= too impractical. Then after a dream, he approves the Rule

What= official church of pope?

St. John Latern

Fourth Crusade

The Fourth Crusade was a crusade called by Pope Innocent III in hope to conquer the Muslim- controlled Jerusalem by means of an invasion through Egypt. - Goal= to conquer the Muslim- controlled Jerusalem by means of an invasion through Egypt - However, the Crusading knights were going to leave from the city of Venice, but the spent time and too much in Venice and had to repay it. Their repayment was attacking the city of Constantinople. *No Muslims were killed (which was purpose), instead, the largest Christian city was destroyed*

Sack of Jerusalem

The goal of the First Crusade was to capture Jerusalem. So, to do so, the Christians sieged the city. When they got to the city, which was heavily fortified, they built three enormous siege towers. Once the towers were built, they began fighting their way across Jerusalem's walls. Soon, the knights and soldiers poured in, captured the city, and slaughtered tens and thousands of its occupants. The siege of Jerusalem took place on June 7 to July 15, 1099.

Call for Crusade

This crusade was called for because... 1) The Seljuk Turks invade the Byzantine empire and had extended their power over Palestine, to the Holy Lands, and they began to attack Christian pilgrims. 2) So, the Byzantine emperor asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help him fight the Turks. 3) Pope Urban II called for the crusade to... - Free the Holy Land - Expel the Seljuk Turks from the Christian lands before they killed the Christians in those lands (Christians were being abused).

Religious intolerance in Morris Spain

Under Muslim rule, Spain= enjoyed religious toleration (had Jews, Christians, and Muslims) -didn't care what religion as long as you paid taxes *because of this...* -many ideas from China, India, etc. (different religions) funneled to Spain -artisans from Spain then went to Europe spreading these ideas even more. *So, Spain- academically, medically, etc. more advanced than Europe because religious toleration= an EXPLOSION of knowledge* (<- why it= place of learning)

Papal States

Vast lands held by the pope in central Italy

Why did Arthur Tudor marry Catherine?

Wanted to give England a relationship with Spain

What came after the 100 year war + where?

War of Roses (1455-1485)= fought in England

Ceiling of Sistine Chapel

While working on tomb, there= no supplies + couldn't work so Julius made him paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. -wanted to give him busy work -suggested by rival artist who hoped he= fail -*supposed to paint 12 apostles but painted 300 figures* depicting biblical history of the world from the Creation to the Flood - *Creation of Man/ Adam*- when god touched Adam making him human. *most famous sec* - Creation of the Sun+ the Moon - Expulsion from Eden -biblical stories= MIDDLE, important people= AROUND -paintings get bigger+ have less people *ex:* 1st panel= The Flood + Michelangelo out in so much detail then realized that you couldn't see it so next painting= bigger+ less people -Julius II+ M hated but needed each other because M wanted Julius to leave him alone/ let him work, but Julius= curious. + Julius needed M skills + M needed Julius's $ -*controversy because usually don't paint nudes in Church* -M worked at night with hat with candles + worked standing up - only used male models so females= less realistic

Crusades continue

of and on for 200 years -crusaders divided captured lands into 4 small states - Muslims repeatedly sought to destroy these Christian kingdoms prompting Europeans to launch new crusades *constant capturing and re-capturing of Jerusalem*

Papal Bull

official letter/ document from the pope (papal= from pope, bull= official letter seal)


the act of throwing someone or something out a window


the action of attacking/rejecting cherished beliefs or established values and practices.


the group that elects the pope -got together at location where pope died to elect a new pope of Rome -wear red -formation of the College of Cardinals (1059)= turned into more of a modern day thing


the long central part of a church

Hoop stress

the outward, bulging pressure created by a large structure's weight that could cause it to crack/ collapse -*solved this by putting chains (tension rings) around the 1st dome* -covered chains by putting 2nd dome/ skin over

Restoration of Monarchy

the restorement of Charles I fam rule (stuarts) by making Charles II (Charles I son) king


the school of thought that used logic and reason to support Christian belief

Adam Smith famous quote + meaning

"It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." -*people work hard because they want to get $ for themselves*

Council of Trent

(1545-1563) Called by Pope Paul III in order to establish the direction that reform should take -met off+ on for 20 years *Discussed:* -Why people= leaving - what it meant to= Catholic - what, if any, Church laws= need changing *Specifically, it...* 1)Reaffirmed Church Dogma (belief) - salvation comes through faith+ good works - the Bible= not only source of religious truth 2)cleaned up church - ended simony - cleaned up/ removed indulgences - provided penalties for worldliness+ corruption in clergy - established schools to create better educated clergy 3)condemned the Protestants - Inquisition established- heritics= put on trial+ burned at stake if guilty - Index established- if caught reading books you= heretic -Society of Jesus (Jesuits)= established -supported Baroque art

Sack of Rome

*1527* many argue it= end of Ren -Swiss Guard (people who guard pope) VS Charles V troops *Cause:* Pope Clement VII (son of Guliano de Medici) formed an alliance (League of Cognac) to challenge Charles V power in Italy. -Imperial troops (not Charles) attacked Rome because they= not getting paid *Event:* forces of HRE stormed Rome + caused destruction + massacre, terrorized the pop, humiliated pope, + gained control of Italy -Swiss guard protected pope as he escaped down a tunnel to Castel Sant'Angelo where he soon surrendered *Outcome:* Pope Clement VII surrendered+ paid ransom + gave control of territory to Charles V - population of Rome= 55,000 -> 10,000 *Though Charles V= very religious+ troops fought Catholic vs Catholic, Charles took $+ territory because politics= becoming more important than religion*

Defenestration of Prague

*1618* incident of Bohemian resistance to Habsburg authority -*signals/starts the 30 year war* -In Prague (Bohemia), there= meeting between officials - local officials= Protestants (Prague= P) - members of Habsburg fam= Catholic (Charles V= Catholic) -Discussion= got heated+ local officials (Protestants)= threw members of the Habsburg fam (Catholic) out the window - there= 2 stories about how the Catholics survived fall

30 year war

*1618*- 1648 -Began with the Defenestration of Prague -4 phases= Bohemian Phase, Danish Phase, Swedish Phase, and Franco-German Phase -ended with Peace of Westphalia -*started out having to do with religion (Protestant vs Catholic) BUT by end it= nothing to do with religion, had to do with politics* -started as a German Civil War then spread to other parts of Europe -very rarely called German Civil War -*1st modern war because it changed view from just religion mattering to countries mattering*

Peace of Westphalia

*1648*- some argue this= start of modern times where you identify by country NOT religion -series of peace treaties that ended the 30 year war -It... 1) created Swiss Nation+ Netherlands 2) set tone for European politics for 100 years

Great Fire of London

*1666*- lasted 5 days -Fire started by Thomas Farriner (Faynor) in his bakery on Pudding lane which was not attempted to be put out and ended up only killing 6-10 but destroying 80-90% of London

Queen Anne

*1707- OFFICIALLY makes/forms the United Kingdom through the Act of Union -last of stuarts- died without any children

Donatello's David

*1st David+ 1st nude sculptor done in 1000 years in Europe* -represented Renaissance because NUDE+ represented using brain god gave humans instead of just praying and hoping <- because David couldn't beat Galioth with strength so used brain *David wore Tuscan hat+ sword so statue= piece of propaganda saying underdog (Tuscany) could beat France (who they= fighting)

Hernando Cortes

*Born:* Spain *Rep:* Spain *In 1519, he led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec empire+ won Mexico for Spanish Crown* -extended Charles V empire by gaining Mexico


*Born:* Spain *Rep:* Spain *In 1532, led expedition that conquered the Inca Empire+ won Peru for Spain* - extended Charles V empire by gaining Peru *said to men that there= line+ one side= safe+ poverty+ other side= danger+ wealth*

Ponce de Leon

*Born:* Spain *Rep:* Spain -*1st European to land in Florida* -*gave Spain claim to Florida* -*searched for the Fountain of Youth*


*Born:* Spain? *Rep:* Spain? -*established first settlement of the SA Continent -*named Pacific Ocean (Pacific= calm)

Henry Hudson

*Born:* UK? *Rep:* Dutch (Netherlands) -*looked for Northeast? Passage (ice free passage to Asia)* -*during search discovered Hudson Bay, Hudson River, Hudson Strait, + Hudson (NY) harbor at mouth of Hudson River

Francis Drake

*Born:* UK? *Rep:* England *1st Englishman to travel around globe + defeated the Spanish Armada (fleet)*

What= the 2 stories about how the Catholics survived fall?

*Catholic Story:* God sent angels who cushioned their fall so they could live *Protestant Story:* The Catholics fell in horse poop+ the poop went into their mouths + ears but they lived

Catholic vs Calvinist Church

*Catholic:* Wow- Baroque art + South - south= big + expensive+ wow in order to keep people in Catholic religion *Calvinist:* simple+ plain + North

Castile- La Mancha (also called Castile)

*Central Spain* -setting of "Don Quixote) -There= many castles (Castile= castle) + WINDMILLS

Spread of Christianity

*Charlemagne enlarged the Christian area* -people he conquered= Christianity or death -made it easier to adopt by "taking" other religions and adopting some of their concepts -built churches/ sponsored learning with funds he received from conquering others

St. Francis child vs teen

*Child:* warm, exuberant personality but also poor health. Taught by mom to speak and sing in French and learned to read and write Latin at school *Teen:* ringleader of a group of spoiled spirited boys who lived for good times -Francis= acted more stupidly that the rest


*Code of conduct for knights during the Middle Ages* -required knights to = brave, loyal, true to word, fight fairly, and treat captures knights well or even release them if they promised to pay ransom -applied to NOBLES ONLY not commoners -In theory, placed women on pedestal because it called for women to= protected and cherished

Famous Germans

*Composers:* 1) Bach 2) Handel *Writers:* 1) Goethe 2)Kant

Compare North and South Italy

*Economically*- N= industrial/ city center and provided Italy with exports *RICH* S= rural and produce/ harvest crops *POOR *Socially*- N= not most social, assume everyone is busy and doesn't want to small talk *fast-pace* S= small talk, very kind/ social, *Chill* *Culturally (food)*- N= meat+ diary based with grains like polenta, gnocchi, and risotto S= famous for simple, fresh and usually contains pasta. Sometimes spicy ^*ingredients= grown on its fertile hills+ plains

How did the English defeat the Spanish Armada?

*Faster ships + storm* 1) smaller boats= can fire and quickly dodge shots *they= FASTER* 2) At Calais, the English tried to damage/ burn Spanish ships but weren't that successful, then a storm came and did the job for them

Name the houses and rules in order

*HOUSE OF YORK* 1) Richard III *TUDOR* 1) Henry VII -Prince Arthur (not crowned) 2) Henry VIII 3) Edward VI 4) Lady Jane Grey 5) Mary I (Bloody Mary) 6) Elizabeth I *STUARTS* 1) James I of England 2) Charles I *COMMONWEALTH* 1) Oliver Cromwell 2) Richard Cromwell *STUARTS (restored)* 1) Charles II 2) James II 3) Mary II + William II 4) Anne *HOUSE OF HANOVER* 1) George I- IV

Lord to Vassal Feudal contract

*Lord:* -grant his vassal a fief and complete control over it -include any town/ building on land -pledge to protect vassal -include peasant to work the land *Vassal:* -pledge loyalty to his lord -provide certain money payments -provide advice -provide lodging + food for king+ his court when they traveled -provide 40 days/ year military service


*T*otal depravity- sin= in every part of one's being *U*nconditional Election- predestination (unconditionally because it= not subject to any conditions like a persons quality) *L*imited Atonement- the sacrafice of Christ/ cross= for purpose of saving the elect *I*rresistible Grace- when God= chosen to save someone, he will *P*erseverence of Saints- Those who God chose to gain salvation will cont. to believe+ if they fall away, it= only for a short time

Where are the urban centers in Italy and why?

*The city centers in Italy are in the North - the rich= in North *The rural lands= in South - poor= in South *mountain ranges+ land quality influence where cities= are*

What was usually done to put out fires? Why wasn't this done during the Great Fire of London?

*Usually:* they make a firebreak- *ex:* tear down row of houses so fire can't spread *BUT,* they didn't do this because the mayor didn't think the fire was going to= a big deal and he didn't want to tear down houses because then the town= have to rebuild them

When/ how/ where was Richard III body found?

*When:* 2015 *How:* body= discovered by a women who thought Richard's body wasn't buried in mass grave + got funds for a group of students at a nearby school to dig in a parking lot for the body *Where:* parking lot -*body= hunchback (like Shakespeare said)* -*people realized it= possible to have deformities+ fight in battle*

What started the Great Fire of London? Where?

*Where:* Thomas Farriner's bakery on *Pudding Lane* *What:* Thomas Farriner didn't rake out coals in his oven in his bakery and a spark from the oven fell onto a pile of fuel nearby, starting the fire.

How did New Netherland become New York?

*While under rule of Charles II, English forces led by Duke of York took Dutch colony New Netherlands+ named it New York* 1609- Henry Hudson voyage 1621- Dutch established colony - encompassed NYC, Long Island, Conn+ NJ 1626- Dutch buy Manhattan from Indian tribe (Manhattan tribe) for $24 1664- became English colony when Duke of York led English forces+ took colony


*center of learning in Andalusia* and where swords= made -university and center of learning *it= transfer points of knowledge in Middle Ages to Europe+ other places* *key to getting knowledge *famous for swords and jewelry

English language

*comes from middle ages time period*- all different lang. of invaders= thrown into one Anglo-Saxon (German) + Latin (Rome intro it to GB when conquered) + Norse + France= ENGLISH LANGUAGE -28% Latin -28% French -25% Germanic (5-10% Norse) -5% Greek -rest= mess of other things

What prob arose as wealth and power grew in Church?

*discipline weakened* -monks and nuns ignored vows to poverty when religious Christians left their wealth and land to them -clergy live in luxury -priests who= married spent time on family and not on Church -some priests treated priesthood like family inheritance

Development of Feudalism

-Feudalism developed in W Europe at around 800 AD from the remains of the W Roman Empire -started when Roman Empire fell in 476 AD. After centuries of chaos + invasions by Vikings, Muslims and Magyars, the kings and emperors were too weak to maintain law and order - people needed for of a political system to defend themselves, protect themselves and their things, and promote the rise of local power. So feudalism= developed (some historians believe the system= first initiated in France by the Normans)

Medici family

-In 1400s Medici family of Florence organized a successful banking business - got around usury laws because didn't charge "interest", charges a "fee" + set amounts every month. *changed name* ^ with this, convinces costumers/ pope to sign up with them instead of pay Jew's interest causing them to become the Bank of the Papacy -expanded into wool manufacturing, mining+ more which allowed them to give Greek scholars jobs -ranked among richest merchants+ banks in Europe (basic of power= *gold*) *influenced Florence+ politics because $= cultural+ political power* *gave $ to church+ poor *supported+ bought art* (PATRONS) -left Florence one of world's greatest art collections in the Medici palace/ gardens *loved learning- gathered books+ opened 1st public library*

Why is "A Christian man= the most free lord of all+ subjects to none; a Christian man= the most dutiful servant of all + subject to everyone." mean?

-Luther meant that by faith alone, you can go to heaven? -*contradictory because "most free lord of all..." made peasants think Luther thought feudalism= wrong which started Peasant Revolt* - thought writing declared the freedom of the Christian man

Why did Luther become a monk?

-Luther= caught in a huge thunderstorm + said he would= devote himself to God if he lived -When he lived, he joined the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt 2 weeks later *This= moment Luther took charge of his own life + stopped doing what his father forced/ wanted him to do*

On way to Worms

-On way, people= greeted him, thanked him, and gave him things -When got there, people screamed "long live Luther" *showed that people liked him + that many hailed him as a hero/ accepted his teachings + followed his lead+ not the popes*

Why didn't Elizabeth marry Robert Dudley?

-Robert= married and his wife Amy died in a tragic accident -Rumored that Robert= had her killed but he= not charged -So, Elizabeth couldn't marry him because they thought it would look like a plot for murder if they married

Charlemagne appearance

-body= large and strong -tall which= sense of power because believed that man that= towered over everyone/ looked down on people was special and powerful -round head, large, piercing eyes, large nose, white hair, fatish

Savonarola's death

-excommunicated, arrested, hung+ burned at stake -spot where= buried= marked because when ash= thrown in river, golden butterflies flew to the spot where he died. *thought S= from Christ*

What did Henry VIII do after he= excommunicated?

-he had parliament enact 2 laws 1) made marriage legal 2) Act of Supremacy 3) he persuaded parliament to close all England's monasteries (dissolution of monasteries)

What happened to Guy Fawkes when Gun Powder Plot failed?

-he= arrested+ taken to Tower of London -he= tortured there - they had him sign in before+ after torture

Why did Henry VIII want to marry Anne Boleyn?

-he= attracted to her - Catherine did not supply him with a son + she= done period, BUT Anne= young+ could provide him with the son heir he wanted

Henry VIII married Catherine to.... After marriage he wanted too...

-married to keep relation with Spain -after marriage, he wanted a baby boy


-most important German state -*military state with strong military* -In MA, famous for knights - most famous knights= Teutonic Knights -all about being orderly + ON TIME - influenced Germany to= organized + orderly VS France which= many strikes -Royal fam= Hohenzollern -Capital= Berlin -nobles= Junkers -most famous leader= Frederick II/ the Great

El Greco

1 of top 10 best Spanish painters -Works= A view of Toledo


1 of top 10 best Spanish painters -Works= The Waterseller of Seville, Maids of Honor (one of most famous paintings in Spanish history)

Greeks are known for...

1) *Greek mythology* 2) *Being made up of city states* 3) *Gladiatorial games* 4) *Greek philosophers* -Socrates: answering questions with questions (Socratic Method), no writing -Plato: Renaissance, founder of 1st institution of higher learning in W world, wrote books -Aristotle: people thought what he said= true

Effects of 100 years war

1) *Longbows and cannons*= gave common soldier importance on battlefield instead of just armored knights/ these new weapons modernized fighting 2) *Castles and knights= doomed to disappear*- defenses couldn't stand up to the ore deadly firepower 3) *Broke ties between France and England*- England sees self as E, F as F, no longer near relatives 4) *feudal society changed*- monarchs needed larger armies 5) During war, English rulers turned to Parliament for money *giving them power of controlling funds* 6) *gave French sense of national feeling and allowed French to expand power*

Black Plague effect on Europe (7)

1) *Major pop drop*- 25 mil (1/3) dead 2) *Whole towns and villages disappeared* (people dies and left to avoid plague) 3) *Questions about the Church*- Why did God spare some and kill others? - no pope dies (fireplace kept rats out) but priests, etc. did 4) *Anti-semitic behavior* 5) *change outlook on life*- people thought "I could die at any time" so decided to enjoy life instead of waiting to dies 6) *increased value of workers and craftsman* because as craftsman dies, there= less of them and people with skills were more rare and charges more $. *plague caused labor shortages* 7) *inflation*- as cost of labor increased/ less laborers= less production, inflation broke out so profit can= made. Caused farmers to switch to less labor intensive methods 8) *As Europe recovered, pop, manufacturing, and trade expanded* (long term) *Western Europe= not fully recover from its effects for more than 100 years*

Venetian Ren famous people

1) *Vivaldi*- musical composer (4 seasons) 2) *Titian*- most famous painter in Venice 3) *Casanova*- spy/ only person to escape Venice jail. *most good-looking guy* 4) *Paolo Verenese*- painter, painted largest painting in the Louvre (Wedding at Cana)

What 3 words do we get from Venice?

1) *bank*- on Rialto bridge, people who needed $/loans sat on bench (bonco= bench in Italian) + Jewish bankers would loan them $. *so bonco-> bank* 2) *quarantined*- during black plague when trade stuff= put in warehouse it= quarantined for 40 days 3) *ghetto*- part of city occupied by minority groups -Venetian ghetto

Effect of the Crusades (5)

1) *left hatred between Christians and Muslims*- started Reconquista 2) *Byzantine resented Christians as result of 4th Crusade* 3) *Made some rulers famous* ex: Louis IX 4) *influenced travel*- Crusades= realized there= regions they never saw before 5) *encouraged growth, money economy, and trade*- needed $ and supplies to go on Crusades

Rise of Renaissance/ Medici fam timeline

1) 1300-1400: International trade increased - increases wealth in Florence (traded textiles)+ other city states - peasant could now= wealthy by buying and selling (instead of being stuck as poor like in MA) 2) 1439: Byzantine Emperor visits Florence and brings scholars who taught ancient Greek 3) 1439-1492: Cosimo Medici opens academy at Villa Careggi for learning about (Rome+ Greece) - studied Plato (most admired Greek scholar, wrote "The Cave") 4) 1453: Constantinople falls - Greek scholars fled to Florence+ got jobs thanks to Medici

Luthers Writings

1) 95 Theses- Indulgences= wrong 2) "Address to the German Nobility"- German nationalism "ish" - tried to get support of powerful nobility by basically asking them why German $= going to Rome in taxes/indulgences ^because all nobility cares about= $ 3) "On Christian Liberty"- *faith= only way to salvation* -text that started peasant revolt? 4) "Against the Murderous Peasants"- put down rebellions with force (used again+ again in German history) 5) "Babylonian Captivity of the Church"- corruption of the Church - something to do with Church= 7 sacraments but Bible only says 2 (Baptism+ Eucharist) ^Luther said other 5= created by Church + showed corruption *writing style= wrote very well, but rudely *writing= influential+ Luther= one of Europe's most famous authors*

Reformers that helped the Church

1) Abbot Berno of Cluny 2) Pope Gregory VII 3) St. Francis of Assisi 4) St. Dominic 5) Beguines

New weapons

1) Cannon-penetrate Castles 2) Musket (gun) 3) Longbow- penetrate armor (not new but used in battle more effectively)

Henry's wives in order

1) Catherine of Aragon= annul/ divorce 2) Anne Boleyn= annul/ beheaded 3) Jane Seymour= died 4) Anne of Cleves= annul/ divorce 5) Catherine Howard= annul/ beheaded 6) Catherine Parr= survived

Why was it hard to end Henry VIII marriage with Catherine?

1) Catherine= wanted to remain queen+ refused to annul 2) Catherine= support of HRE (Charles V her nephew) 3) Divorce= illegal 4) Pope Clement VII refused to annul the marriage

Characteristics of Baroque Art

1) Chiaroscuro- contrast between light+ dark 2) Movement- ex: process of throwing 3) emotion- have emotion on face/ make you feel something 4) wow factor

What are 2 things that helped extend Charles V empire?

1) Conquistadors spread empire to New World (Cortes (Mexico), Pizarro (Peru)) -conquered Aztecs+ Incas making Spain VERY wealthy 2) Sack of Rome 1527

Members of the Medici family

1) Cosimo de Medici- gained control of Florentine gov in 1434+ fam cont as uncrowned rulers 2) Lorenzo (Cosimo's grandson)- held Florence together in late 1400s during difficult times 3) Giuliano (Cosimo's grandson)- killed in Pazzi Plot 4) Leo X- pope+ Lorenzo son 5) Clement VII- pope+ son of Giuliano 6) Catherine Medici- queen of France+ intro things like macaroons, etc 7) Marie Medici- queen of France

What caused conflict between Elizabeth and Philip II of Spain?

1) Elizabeth let English sea captains/ pirates (like Drake) loot Spanish ships that brought gold and silver from New World 2) Sent aid to areas of Netherlands that= fighting to win independence from Spain 3) Religion- Elizabeth= Protestant while Philip II= Catholic

Causes of 100 year war

1) English rulers= battled for centuries to hold onto the French lands of their Norman ancestors and French extented to extend their power in France *when Edward III of ENGLAND claimed FRENCH crown in 1337, war erupted* - started as economic rivalry, but national pride kept it going

Important N Ren Writers

1) Erasmus 2) Shakespeare- English poet+ play writer 3) More- English humanist/ writer, wrote Utopia

Important N Ren Painters

1) Eyck- Arnolfini Wedding *Detailed* 2) Durer- "German Leonardo", studied Italy, painted animals 3) Holbein- painted wife of king of England 4) Bruegel- peasent wedding *everyday life* detailed*

Northern Ren Places+ their importance

1) France- Loire Valley (architecture) 2) Belgium- Flanders- Bruges (art) 3) England- London (theatre)

Thomas Becket affair

1) Henry II had an Archbishop of Canterbury who wouldn't allow him to do things because they= against canon law. 2) Archbishop died + Henry bought position for his best friend Thomas Becket who didn't car about Church 3) When Becket= Archbishop, he became super religious and didn't let Henry do things because of the Canon law 4) Henry II said out of anger "will no one rid me of this priest." 5) Several knights heart it and killed Becket, while he was praying at the altar, thinking they= get in good with the king. 6) Henry denied any part of attack but was excommunicated by the pope creating a crisis in England because no noble would follow Henry 7) Henry dressed as common person and begged for forgiveness *symbolizes that Church= more important than kings in Middle Ages*

What= 2 parts of Parliament

1) House of Commons 2) House of Lords

What= 3 walls Luther claims Romanists= set up?

1) If pressed by temporal power, romanists stated that temporal power didn't have power over them because spiritual power= above temporal, BUT all Christians= spiritual estates + there= no difference between common person + priests, etc. 2) If threatened with Scriptures, said no one= interpret the scriptures but the pope, BUT no where in the scriptures does it say that 3) If threatened by a council, they= pretend no one can= call a council but the pope, BUT Bible allows+ commands Christians to call councils

William (Normans) Conquest impact (5)

1) Introduced Feudalism to England -William took Anglo-Saxon nobles land to break their power and gave fiefs (land) to soldiers in return for service and tax, Norman lords, and the Church 2) Domesday Book 3) Impact on Lang.- English speaking had to learn French (lang. of Normans from Normandy, France) -English lang.= introduced to French and developed French words merging parts if the languages *ex:* Parliament comes from French word to speak "parler" 4) Built castles- to protect himself from mad Anglo- Saxons -Most famous= Tower of London 5) Created the royal exchequer (treasury) to collect taxes

Charlemagne's Conquests

1) Invaded+ conquered Italy (Lombards) when N Italy caused trouble for the pope -now king of Lombards and Franks 2) 772- fought many years in Germany until he finally defeated Saxons -782 - after many rebellions by the Saxons, he ordered 4,500 of them to= put to death in 1 day (*Massacre of pagans at Verdun*) 3) drove Avars out of upper Danube River valley which= eventually open the settlement of E Europe by Germans 4) 778- attempted+ failed attack on Muslims in Spain *conquests= reunited much of old Roman empire/ showed Charlemagne= ruthless to enemies*

Why was the Mayflower Compact important?

1) It gave the Pilgrims the right to govern themselves- NO king 2) it set the stage for American gov/ freedom of religion

Who= monarchs of the House of Stuarts?

1) James I of England 2) Charles I 3) Charles II 4) James II 5) Mary II+ William II 6) Anne

Feudalism Process

1) Lords lease land (fief) to vassal, or less powerful lord -King-> higher lords (why held largest fiefs) -Higher lords-> lower lords 2) Vassal+ Lords= exchange pledges (feudal contract) establishing a relationship + what they must do for each other 3) Vassals paid + provided their services by leasing their land out the knights who fight for that vassal and thus the king 4) Finally, serfs+ peasants worked their lords land *man could= vassal and lord because need service and $ to = lord* -*Vassal to more powerful lord, lord to less powerful vassal*

Early works of Michelangelo

1) Madonna of the Stairs 2) Battle of Cantaurs ^ both= at Medici palace 3) Bacchus

Who= Henry VIII children + their religions?

1) Mary= Catholic (baster child) 2) Elizabeth= Protestant (baster child) 3) Edward= Protestant

Feudalism Ranking

1) Monarch- the all powerful role, owned large land mass 2) Powerful Lords- held largest fiefs (Duke-> Marquis-> Earl (Count)-> Viscount-> Baron) 3) Lesser Lords- Knights 4) Common People- worked the land (peasants/ serfs) *Everyone= well-defined place in society*

Why might it= difficult to make Italy into one nation?

1) Mountains (Alps+ Apennines) split Italy in half (N+S) physically 2) wealth of N + poor of S split economically 3) foreign countries= interest in Italian peninsula?

Issues with building Dome

1) No flying buttresses (because Florence hated Gothic + Milan + didn't want to look like Milan palace) 2) size of Dome- largest in world 3) weight of Dome- made of brick 4) Lack of wood- Tuscany= vineyard + little forests/ woods 5) How to get materials to top- B invented a way 6) How to get octagon dome

Early Renaissance Writers

1) Petrarch- "Father of Humanism" + poet *bridge person* 2) Boccacio- Decameron- (about Black Plague)

Famous buildings in Florence

1) Pointe Vecchio 2) Santa Croce- where famous people= buried 3) Pazzi Chapel- famous for architect 4) San Lorenzo- market= outside, Brunelleschi+ Michelangelo built 5) Duomo

What= some examples of worldly affairs of Church?

1) Popes competed with Italian princes for political power 2) Fought long wars to protect Papal States against invasions by secular rulers 3) went against powerful monarchs who tried to seize control of the Church within their lands 4) lived lavish lifestyle 5) to finance projects, lifestyles, etc. SOLD indulgences

Division of Calvinist

1) Presbyterian (John Knox)- Scotland 2) Huguenots- France 3) Puritans/ Pilgrims- England

Famous Scots

1) Robert Bruce 2) William Wallace 3) John Knox 4) Adam Smith 5) Robert Burns 6) David Humes 7) Sir Walter Scott

Why did Henry VIII want to break up with Catherine?

1) Spanish- English alliance= less popular 2) fell in love with Anne Boleyn 3) NO SON

What are the 2 most famous Churches in London?

1) St Paul's (rebuilt after Great Fire of London) 2) Westminster Abbey

How did Charlemagne get crowned the Holy Roman Emperor?

1) When Pope Leo III= pope, he tried to clean up the Church and people got angry and instead of killing him, decided to cut tongue+gouge out eyes 2) Pope survived and decided he needed someone to get him back as pope/ help him with rebellious nobles in Rome 3) Charlemagne helped by sending Frankish army to S Italy to crush the rebellion and put pope in top spot 4) *On CHRISTMAS DAY, 800 in Saint Peters in Rome, the pope showed his gratitude by placing a crown on Charlemagne's head+ proclaiming him "Holy Roman Emperor"

Michelangelo's Life

1) born 1475 just outside of Florence (Tuscany) 2) Went to Florence for grammar school but showed more interest in art, + became apprentice to Florentine painter Ghirlandaio 3) Moved to Lorenzo the Magnificent Medici Palace + Lorenzo= his patron - studied sculpture gardens+ art that Medici collected + met famous philosophers, poets, + artists at the time *completed earliest sculptures- Madonna of the Stairs + Battle of the Centaurs* 4) Lorenzo dies in 1492+ M studies anatomy then followed his patrons to Venice then Bolognia 5) After impressing a buyer in Bologna, M= invited to Rome where in 1496 he carved Bacchus + 1497 Pieta 6) carved David from Carrara marble 7) 1505 started Pope Julius II tomb but when there wasn't any supplies, pope made him paint the ceilings of the Vatican Palace's Sistine Chapel until he could finish the tomb 8) Around 1520, Pope Leo X (or Clement VII) had M work on Medici Chapel + San Lorenzo + Laurentian library (1st modern library) 9) Worked on St. Peters Cathedral in Rome until death 10) died 1564

Leonardo da Vinci's Life

1) born in 1452 in Anchiano, Italy 2) raised by dad + did art because couldn't join fathers work 3) never= schooling but studied nature - made sketches/ models of nature in early life 4) When 15 (1467), he went to Florence to = apprentice to artist Verrocchio - learned painting, cask bronze+ make furniture 5) 1473, Verrochio made him paint an angel + Leonardo amazed everyone -angel= movement+ detailed/ life like - surprised Verrochio who then never painted again 6) Great artists= called to Rome+ Leonardo= passed over which made him bitter so he went from Florence to Milan due to unhappiness in Florence -soon= court engineer Ludivco Sforza + designed stages, costumes, + war machines (collapsible bridge, flame thrower) <- afraid they= miss-used so never published them -*Milan= happiest days of his life* 7) Began to build HUGE horse statue to honor Sforza fam, but he only built clay model before Milan= attacked by Frence+ his model= destroyed 8) In 1495, Leonardo= hired to decorate dining room in Milan + Leonardo painted "Last Supper" 9) Went to Florence, then Rome, then back to France with king Francis I + died in Amboise in France

St. Francis of Assisi life

1) born+ renamed 2) good child, reckless teens 3) joined the military and = held prisoner for 1 year 4) received a vision to return home+ wait for a non=military assignment 5) while praying at chapel of San Damiano, he heard Christ tell him to repair the Church 6) Stole from father and started new life at Mt. Subasio (looked over Assisi) 7) repaired churches, got disciples (Friars), and wrote an informal rule 8) went and got rule approved by pope 9) developed 2nd and 3rd Franciscan order 10) helped people of Gubbio with wolf prob. 11) returned to Assisi to die

Strengths of Feudalism (8)

1) brought stability- serfs supported the infrastructure by providing essential goods and services 2) protection- gave protection to the common men from invaders 3) eliminated tyranny of kings- kings didn't directly control vassals 4) prevented slavery- every common man= under protection of one noble so could not= sold into slavery 5) more land owned by local lords+ nobles 6) created codependency between rich and poor- poor need rich for protection, etc. + rich needed poor for goods and services 7) way to get food/ land 8) everyone= certain rights+ freedoms

Significance of the Magna Carta

1) cause rise of parliament 2) helped limit power of English crown 3) unite English people 4) first time in history where king agreed to share power 5) influenced later documents in gov

Disadvantages of feudalism

1) divided classes- divided nobles and vassals ans rich and poor. The rich land owners cont. to = rich+ the poor peasants who worked the land cont. to= poor 2) absence of unity- no real unity between nation, only between lord and vassal 3) Positions= locked in- if born a peasant/ serf, you stayed one 4) warfare became frequent between vassals 5) Serfs and peasants suffered most

Results of 30 Years War

1) ended religious fighting 2) Nationalism became important- people started identifying by nationality NOT religion 3) Germany (HRE)= devastated - lost 20% of pop 4) France+ England rose in power because Germany (HRE)+ Spain declined in power - *Before:* Spain+ Germany= strong - *After:* France + England rose to prominence

Additional Actions Cortes took to conquer Aztecs

1) established a legal basis for command- built a town+ had himself named captain/ rep or Spain 2) made contact with Native American women who spoke Aztec lang. + learned Spanish fast 3) sent gifts he received from Aztecs (gold) to Spain to in approval by king 4) burned his remaining boats- no returning 5) gained alliances with other Native American groups 6) In battle, imprisoned Aztec emperor (Montezuna)+ tried to rule through him

What did Cortes and Pizarro conquests do?

1) extended Charles V empire to New World (Mexico+ Peru) 2) made Spain VERY wealthy (Inca+ Aztec/ land= lots of gold + silver) 3) caused inflation in Spain 4) caused rise of pirates 5) started slave trade 6) Columbian exchange

Eleanor of Aquitaine signifigance

1) fought against statement that men= considered superior to women 2) established and preserved courtly rituals of chivalry 3) Made ideas of courtly romance and women go first -founded shelter for battered noblewomen 4) encouraged justice and generosity -pardoned prisoners she thought = punished enough when ruled England 5) One of most powerful and educated women in MA 6) Leading force in European politics for more than 50 years 7) encouraged culture of chivalry and had far- reaching influence on literature, poetry, music, and folklore

Development of Parliament

1) in keeping with the Magna Carta, English rulers often called the Great Council for advice 2) In 1200s, body involved into Parliament 3) When Edward I summoned Parliament to approve $ for his wars in France, he declared that "common people" should= join lords and clergy because "what touches all should= approved by all" 4) Soon, Parliament developed into a 2 house body -When Parliament= given authority to approve any new taxes, it could make sure monarch met its demands before voting which= *let parliament check/ limit monarch's power*

What is the "Wealth of nations" about?

1) it= about how business should= independent+ Gov should NOT get involved in economics (Laissez-Faire) 2) Good business= do well, bad business= go under+ Gov should NOT help bad businesses (Invisible hand) 3) People should branch out and do what they want not just what family did (Division of Labor) 4) people work hard because they want to get $ for themselves -*It basically set the whole idea for capitalism*

How the dome works

1) lantern pushes pressure evenly down 2) Pressure spreads out through ribs+ down to flying buttresses which= disguised as small domes 3) the eye (oculus) pushes pressure out 4) In ribs, there= double shell + first shell = has chains put around it like a barrel. Chains push in as the pressure of the dome pushes out + down wanting to cave in. -2 nd dome/ skin is to hide chains 5) windows= added to relieve pressure from wind

Joan of Arc Story

1) led typical village girl life until she began to have visions of saints who spoke to her telling her to help the King of France 2) So, in 1429, 17 year old peasant woman went to court of Charles VII and persuaded the desperate king to let her lead his army against the English 3) After Charles gave her rank of captain and equipped her with soldiers, she inspired the French troops and led them to victory at Orleans. 4) As Joan kept pushing N and won many cities, Charles VII= crowned king in city of Reims 5) When Joan of Arc went to Paris against Charles wishes, she= taken captive bu allies of England (Burgundians) and turned over to England who tried her for witchcraft and burned her at the stake 6) later, Church declared her a Saint

What effect might geography have on Italy's development?

1) mountain ranges (Alps and Apennines)= hard to unite nation but also can= protection 2) Rich volcanic soil= ideal for agriculture 3) center of Mediterranean Sea+ coastal cities= great trading position 4) location attracted immigrants + traders from all parts of the ancient Mediterranean world

Why would Charlemagne not want to be HRE?

1) places pope and the Church at a higher position than him, the king, because if they give the crown, they can take it back. *made church seem more important/ powerful than the king* 2) provoked enemies

Luther's ideas/ what he did

1) rejected that good deeds= necessary for salvation -*argued that faith+ faith alone= achieve salvation (go to heaven)* 2) There is no Papal Supremacy (no pope) because it = NOT in Bible 3) NO purgatory (not in Bible) 4) Questioned transubstantiation- he believed the true body + blood of Christ= bodily present in bread + wine/ the Eucharist Others=... 5) Bible= sole source of religious truth 6) All Christians have equal access to God through faith + the Bible (priest, etc. = No special powers) - why Luther translated the Bible into German venacular *DID:* 1) rejected 5 of 7 sacraments (not in Bible) 2) banned indulgences

What did Luther's education consist of?

1) school to= lawyer 2) Augustinian monk (at Erfurt+ Wittenburg?) 3) study of theology at University of Erfurt

Rules of "theocracy" of Geneva

1) stressed hard work, honesty, morality 2) faced fines+ other harsher punishments for offenses like fighting, gambling, swearing, laughing at church, dancing 3) Simple Life- get up early, work hard, read bible, go to bed early 4) simple clothes- black and white, no colors 5) stressed education 6) if didn't follow techniques, executed for heresy 7) attend church every Sun.- if not, you= fined 8) couldn't question/ know fate that God= declared

Duties of Monks and Nuns

1) took car of monasteries *2) looked over rick and poor 3) sometimes set up school for children 4) gave food and lodging to travelers (especially pilgrims) 5) some= missionaries 6) worked farms around monastery *7) copied/ preserved manuscripts/ writings by hand -copied ancient works by hand in Latin *8) kept learning alive by teaching other monks and writing

Charlemagne's value on education

1) tried to revive Latin learning 2) Preservation of Manuscripts (2000)- had priests and monks copy because they= only ones who= educated/ knew Latin (if anything important= written, it= written in Latin even though most people couldn't read it) 3) Carolingian- "font"-makes reading modern/ easier to read 4) Paid greatest attention to liberal arts and bestowed high honors upon those who taught it -tried to learn to rhetoric, dialectic, and write (carried/ kept tablets+writing sheets under couch and bed) -made little advances in writing so needed officials to keep accurate record/ write clear reports (could read though)

What are 2 reasons why Charles I hated Parliament

1)*Religiously*- Parliament= made up of Protestants called Puritans who supported Calvin + didn't like Church of England + Charles= NOT like Puritans 2)*taxes*- parliament refused to let him set taxes

Magna Carta influence on American Documents

1)*The Magna Carta influenced the Bill of Rights/ Constitution.* Just like the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights was written to protect a citizen;s individual rights. -So, the Magna Carta influenced the US constitution by providing a historical example for a document guaranteeing citizens' rights. -Also, Bill of Rights uses some of the same wording/ rights *ex:* Manga Carta- can't raise new taxes without consulting Great Council of lords and clergy Bill/ Constitution- no taxation without representation 2) Magna Carta influenced Parliament which influenced US gov system

Charles V Prob

1)Religious Reformation (Luther) 2)Fought wars against... - France - Ottomans - Invaded Italy (Sack of Rome) - Peasant Revolt (German nobility vs German Peasants) - battled local princes for power (Peace of Augsburg) ^because local princes hated Charles V + sided with Luther (before Charles V, the HRE did nothing+ princes= got power, BUT Charles V= control freak + had to= involved in everything. So, princes lost some power. Now princes hated Charles+ therefore sided with Luther because Luther stood up for nobility (nobles $= stay in Germany)+ Charles V hated Luther)

Edward the Confessor

1003-1066 *last Anglo-Saxon king* -crowned 1042 -deeply religious- why confessor (confess sins) (used religion as cover of being gay ex: no child) *Built Westminister Abbey* <- his claim to fame - died Jan 1066 - no kids so no one knew who would= next king of England

Kings of England

1066- William 1154- Henry II 1189- Richard I 1199- John 1272- Edward I 1386- Henry V

Abbot Suger

1081-1151 -creator of Gothic architecture (first= St. Denis) -felt art= central to religious experiences -In 1440-1144 he renovated the eastern end of his Church (the abbey of St. Denis)


1100 AD- 1500 AD -About name: mean, big, ugly -style of church that was much more ornate to its pre-cursor -Origin= France -created by Abbot Sugar *most famous= Notre Dame

Thomas Becket

1118-1170 AD -Archbishop of Canterbury and once close friend of Henry's who opposed Henry's efforts to extend royal power and was killed by 2 knights trying to please the king *canonized (made saint) after murder*

Henry II

1133-1187 -inherited the throne in 1154 -married to Eleanor of Aquitaine *broadened system of royal justice by introducing trial by Jury* rather than trial by ordeal (put accused in painful/ death or life situations + if lived innocent/ died= guilty) *introduced common law* -Thomas Becket affair

Richard the Lionhearted

1157-1196 -Become king of England in 1189 when Henry II (his father) died -Eleanor of Aquitaine's favorite son -nicknames "Lionhearted" because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior -spent more of time on Crusades so Eleanor ruled for him - one of famous kings in England even though he= barely in England - not very chivalrous - Rival= Saladin who= leader of Muslims raids+ very chivalrous

King John

1166- 1219 -came to rule of England and Normandy (in France) in 1199 when bro Richard died - 3 enemies: King Philip II of France, Pope Innocent II, and English nobles -King Philip II- John lost fiefs in France when lost war to Philip II -Pope Innocent II- got in dispute with John over who should= archbishop of Canterbury and threatened to excommunicate John forcing him to accept England as fief of papacy + pay tax -Nobles- When lost fiefs in France, he wanted to increase taxes on the nobility to fight for fiefs in France. The nobles= saw these oppressive taxes as him abusing his power so they cornered John and forced him to sign the Great Charter (Magna Carta) which protected their rights *First time in history where king agrees to share power*

St. Francis of Assisi

1182-1226 nicknamed Alter Christus (2nd Christ) Patron St. of animals- fended off wolf *monk/ reformer who strengthened the Church with his own example and initiated one of the most extensive, popular, fastest growing reform movements in history (Franciscan order + Friars)

Louis IX

1214- 1270 - nickname= St. Louis - became king of France in 1226 - Started Sorbonne (1252)- university of Paris - built Saint Chapel + put Crown of Thorns in it - led 2 crusades (6th and 7th) + brought back Crown of Thorns - deeply religious man- persecuted heretics/ Jews and let crusades against Muslims - widely respected by chivalry, ethics, justice, and generousity - improved gov by... 1) sending out people to check oh local land 2) expanded royal courts 3) outlawed private courts 4) ended serfdom 5) made France a centralized monarchy

Thomas Aquinas

1225-1274 monk and Dominican friar *wrote one of the most famous books to come out of the Middle Ages*- Summa Theologica (examined Christian teachings in the light of reason) -idea that reason and religion can coexist (can have reason and make decisions on own but still= loyal to God)


1267-1337 *bridge to Renaissance*- little bit MA, little bit Ren - born outside Florence - Painter, sculptor, + architect (Renaissance man) - Fresco painter - Most famous painting= Mourning of Christ+ frescos in Assisi (where painted Francis of Assisi) - Most famous building= Bell Tower of Duormo

Robert the Bruce

1274-1329 -King of Scotland + one of Scotland's heroes -*In 1313 at the Battle of Bannockburn, he won Scotland's defacto (real) independence* -worked with William Wallace

Philip IV

1285-1314 - ruthless king of France - Louis's grandson - expelled Jews in 1306 (*thrown from England, Spain, now France*) - annihilated the order of knight Templar in 1307 - Prob. with pop Boniface VIII- due to taxes 1) Pope didn't want to= taxed so Philip threatened to arrest clergy 2) Philip sent troops and pope escaped but= badly beaten and died soon after ^during, Philip rallied French support by setting up the Estates General in 1302 3) convinced next French pope (Clement V) to move to Avignon


1296-1886 - *Santa Maria del Fiore, Florentine Cathedral* -major church of downtown Florence + one of biggest building projects in Florence *one of ICONS of Florence* *After plaque people= wealthier so thanked God+ showcased $ by decorating a church (Duomo)+ the baptistry (where got baptist) outside the Church.* -Baptistry doors (N- bronze doors+ E- Gates of Paradise)= Ghiberti -Dome= by Brunelleschi (don't exactly how built) -Bell tower= Giotto -Interior= Vasari *started being built down up+ had no idea how to finish


1304-1374 *bridge person* *early Ren writer* -from Florence *founded+ assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts* -poet+ earliest humanist/ FOUNDER of Humanism -considered "Father of Humanism" + thought men can do anything which= BIG cultural fix because... * In MA if prob= pray to god* * In Ren if prob, GOD gave you a brain so use it* -wrote love poems- Sonnets to Laura

Avignon Papacy

1309-1378 (70 years) also know as Babylonian Captivity *Period where the popes lived and operated out of Avignon (France) in the Papal Palace instead on their traditional home in Rome* Start 1) early 1300= election of pope who felt threatened in Rome so he decided to move to France 2) Pope + Papacy left Rome and lived in Avignon 3) Papists had lots of $ so built big houses -Prob= if they= pope officials they should= worried of Church, but they= worried about $ *they= corrupt*(once had wealth, expected wealth) *became more worldly and less spiritual* 4) After popes followed in footsteps for 70 years until Pope Gregory XI was told by Catherine of Sienna to return to Rome because the pope should= in Rome.


1377-1466 -born in Florence - trained as a goldsmith+ sculptor but never trained as a architect which= what he= famous for -famous for: *1)* Cupola (Dome) of Duomo- won dome comp. -dome= largest in world+ still don't know how built today 2) San Lorenzo Church 3) Loser of Bronze door Comp *4)* Linear *Perspective*

Great Schism

1378-1417 *time of 3 popes* 1)After the papal residence returns to Rome after about 70 years in Avignon, the pope (Pope Gregory XI) died in 1378 and a conclave is held 2) 1378, Urban II= elected as pope but was disliked by French Cardinals because he was Italian. *Lived in Rome* 3) Cardinals thought he= shouldn't= pope because they= threatened to vote for him, so in summer 1378 the French cardinals elected Clement VII as pope. *lived in Avignon* 4) *double election= chaos because followers of 2 popes= divided chiefly along national lines+ by threatening to excommunicate the other, their followers were scared who to follow 5) Cardinals tried to solve prob. and arranged *Council of Pisa*. In 1409, Council of Pisa elected 3rd pope John XXIII. *lived in Pisa* 6) Causes more chaos 7) Schism ends with 4th pope= elected in Council of Constance- Martin V in 1417. 1 of other popes die and other 2= step down *Shows that Church= starting to have issues and people in Europe start questioning if church= becoming MORE SECULAR AND LESS RELIGIOUS*


1383-1466 - Born in Florence *1st major sculptor of Renaissance* -works= 1) David- *1st nude sculptor done in 1000 years in Europe* -Inspired by the nude sculptures Donatello saw when he went to Rome with Brunelleschi - *1st David* 2) Mary Magdalene- Mary= in following of Jesus, *made out of wood* 3) Pumpkin head- looks like from Rome


1389-1464 *Banker (weird because Christians didn't bank due to Canon laws preventing usury (lend $ with interests) because it meant charging other Christians with interest - so Jews= bankers in MA because didn't have those Canon laws - However, got around laws by charging a fee+ set amount every month instead of interest. *changed name* *Bank of Papacy- Medici bank became bank of papacy after he convinced the pope to sign up with him and pay fee instead of Jewish interest -bank used Florin -opened academy at *Villa Careggi* for learning about (Rome+ Greece) - there *Plato= studied* because Cosimo loved Plato+ brought scholar to teach about him *gained control of Florentine gov* *Patron of Donatello* (gave Donatello $ to do art)


1435-1488 - born in Florence - painter/ sculptor - *his apprentice= Lorenzo Medici* - *taught Leonardo who= his apprentice* - *built a statue of David*- Leonardo= his model - *made Baptism of Christ* -told Leonardo to paint angels in corner of painting+ leonardo's angels by passed Verrochio's skills ^so Verrochio gave up on painting because his "pupil has surpassed me"

Lorenzo de Medici

1449-1492 -Lorenzo "the Magnificient" *famous Medici -Grandson of Cosimo -clever politician+ held Florence together in the late 1400s during difficult times -*Philanthropist* (someone who gave $ to charity/ supplied poor) but if didn't like you, you= wacked -*gave $/ help to people who needed it+ held dinner parties with rich+ poor -Enemies= 1) Pazzi Plot (April's Blood)- Pazzi fam, Sixtus IV, + Girolamo Riario 2) Savonarola -patron of arts in Florence- helped educate/ payed for art of... 1) Botticelli 2) Michelangelo 3) Leonardo da Vinci 4) Verrocchio -sent Amerigo Vespucci to work at one of banking branches in Spain

Richard III

1452-1485 -maybe Humpty Dumpty -House of York -*Rose to power by murder, trickery, + manipulation* -*ex:* Princes in the Tower -dies at Battle of Bosworth Field- *last English monarch to= killed in Battle*

Leonardo da Vinci

1452-1519 *painter, sculptor, engineer, architect, musician, mechanic* - worked in military as military engineer - 1st modern scientist?: studied botany + anatomy -annoyed patrons because did what he wanted + lost interest before finished artwork -*wrote down his ideas, things he learned, possible inventions, + sketches in notebook* - wrote left to right - notebooks preserved by student *famous for... *1)* Mona Lisa 2) Virgin of the Rocks *3)* The Last Supper 4) Adoration of the Magi *5)* Virtruvian Man 6) Grotesque 7) Battle of Anghiari *Resume... - 15 paintings completed (10 partially completed) - 0 sculptures - 0 buildings - restored marble statue - built silver lyre+ flute (he= excellent musician)

Niccolo Machiavelli

1469-1527 -lived in Florence -*father of modern day political science* -served in Florence as a diplomat + had observed kings+ princes in foreign courts - supported expulsion of Medici fam so to mend bonds with them he wrote "The Prince" based on his personal experience of politics+ knowledge of the past. - *this book= dedicated to Medici fam + offered a guide to rulers in how to gain+ maintain power* -Saw himself as enemy of oppression + corruption, but critics say he= inspired by devil -Students now argue that he provided a realistic look at politics

Albrecht Durer

1471-1528 -"German Leonardo" or "Leonardo of N"- because interests extended beyond art just like Leonardo -*painter, engraver, writer, etc* -*studied in Italy + the techniques/ masters of Italy*- used these in art/ wrote essays spreading these ideas with his homeland/N -*painted animals* which= uncommon+ pic= DETAILED (N Ren art) *ex:* drawing= "Rhino Drawing" -*could have= better than Leonardo but we don't know/ Durer= less publically praised because Vasari wrote a book about Leonardo


1475-1564 -born outside of Florence -*sculptor, painter, architect, poet + fashion designer* yet always considered himself a failure - *wanted to= known as sculptor* -*Sculptures*: Pieta (s) (3?), David, Dying slaves, Moses, etc -*Paintings:* Sistine Cieling, Last Judgement -*Architect:* St. Peter's Dome, Rome Town hall (Piazza del Campidogio), Medici Chapel, Laurentian Library -in scultures, he looked at the rock shape + made men from what he saw in the rock -arrogant+ short-tempered -*considered himself a failure+ thought he= destined for hel_ so painted many pics/ gave $ to church+ poor in attempt to go to heaven - This+ because his dad+bro stole $= why he wasn't very rich

Baldassare Castiglione

1478-1529 -wrote "The Book of the Courtier which describes the manners, skills, learning, and virtues a member of court should have.

Thomas More

1478-1535 -English humanist+ writer -wrote book Utopia- means "no place"/ "no where" - book describes the perfect society on an isolated island where men+ women live in peace+ harmony, all= educated, + justice= used to end crime rather that eliminate the criminal


1483-1520 -born in Urbino -*studied the works of great masters + his paintings blend Christian + classical styles* -took over as architect of St. Peters when Bramante died -Famous painting= *1)* School of Athens- *most famous*- imaginary gathering of great thinkers+ scientists 2) Sistine Madonna 3) Transfiguration- *showed contrast between god+ man* 4) Madonna + Child with St. John the Baptist 5) The triumph of Galatea


1483-1553 -French Humanity -*wrote in Satire*- use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to stupidly, criticize people (ex: Sat. night live) -*Champion of Secular education* - believed NO EDUCATION in Church


1485-1575 -*most famous painter in Venice* - works= Portrit of Philip II

Arthur Tudor

1486-1502 -oldest child of Henry VII -groomed to= next king, but never got to= king? -married Catherine of Aragon but died soon after marriage at 15 from an unknown illness

Anne Boleyn

1501-1536 -had hair (scandalise) -smart, witty, educated -people at court= NOT like her because she= had opinion/ SPOKE in court meeting when she= queen -refused to have a brief love affair with Henry VIII so she ignored him until he left Catherine and made her queen.

John Calvin

1509-1564 -ideas= large effect on the direction of the Reformation -*published Institutes of Christian Religion* -*preached predestination*- *had different belief of how to get to heaven* -*set up strict religious community/ theocracy in Geneva* -super religious *Life:* 1) born in France but moved to Switz to avoid prosecution (studied theology in Switz) -brought up Catholic, but converted to Protestant 2) trained as priest+ lawyer- studied law at University in Orleans

Giorgio Vasari

1511-1574 *artist*- did interior of Duomo+ painted frescoes on interior of dome *architect* -vasari corridor -uffizi *writer*- wrote The Lives of the Artists- biographies all about Italian Ren artists. *How we know about them*

The Prince

1513 *one of the most important books ever* -by Niccolo Machiavelli -*guide to rulers on how to gain+ maintain power* -Says... 1) End justifies the means - use whatever methods= necessary to achieve goals - getting results= more important than keeping promised 2) If can't= loved, be feared 3) When achieving power, eliminate all who helped you achieve it 4) need no morals to= politician 5) there= many people to deceive + fool

Cortes conquers the Aztecs

1519 even though Cortes= small amount of men against large Aztec empire, he= many advantages... 1) had horses, guns, + cannons- scared Aztecs because never saw before 2) Aztecs believed Cortes+ men= God- In Aztec Calendar, it said God= come same year as Cortes + since they never saw anything like Cortes army (pale men, guns, horses) they thought he= God 3) Cortes men= driven by gold/ wealth of Aztecs 4) received support of other native tribes 5) burned ships so men couldn't retreat

Suleiman the Magnificent

1520-1566 ruler of the Ottoman Empire - invaded Europe - Siege of Vienna 1529- first attempt by Ottomans to capture Vienna (got all the way to Vienna) - signed an alliance with France - tried to stop the split in Islam- Sunni/ Shiite


1533-1603- Queen at 25 -*one of England's greatest monarchs* -Virgin Queen- never married -mostly moderate on religion- during her time it= patriotic to= Protestant (most of England= P) + she= P but she didn't want to offend any English Catholics -accused of plotting against both Edward and Mary -Enforced a series of reforms known as the Elizabeth settlements -Period= *Golden Age* -manipulated other rulers who sought her hand in marriage -led fight against Spanish Armada -loved Robert Dudley but couldn't marry him -*restored unity to England* -*caused English to rise to power* -*kept many Catholic traditions, and made England a firmly Protestant nation*

Tournament Accident

1536 -Henry VIII= so excited about the chance of a baby boy that he holds a joust tournament -In tournament, he= has accident by having a horse fall on his leg -*caused Anne to have a miscarriage*

Adultery Charge

1536 People at court= try to get back at Anne+ they accuse her of having an affair with many others+ charge her with adultery -She= found GUILTY + punishment for women= death -Marriage= annulled + Anne= beheaded (Henry brought in swordsman from Able, France so beheading= in one blow)


1537-1553 -*Protestant* - king at 10 + died from Tuberculosis at 15 -*during his rule, he= too young to rule so council members (who= P) helped rule through him* -*they made the Anglican Church ACTUALLY= Protestant* -used "Book of Common Prayer" written by Thomas Cranmer

Lady Jane Grey

1537-1554 -Great granddaughter of Henry VII -Queen for 9 days then her support ran out+ she= executed for treason -She= made queen because Mary= Catholic+ Elizabeth= baster + they needed a queen who= Protestant + related to Henry *shows hesitancy for Mary to= Queen*

Peace of Augsburg

1555 Allowed princes to decide which religion would= followed in his land -Charles V tried to force Lutheran princes back into Catholic Church, but couldn't + after a # of brief wars, they signed the peace of Augsburg -*most of N Germany- Lutheranism + S= Catholic*


1556 Charles V abdicated (gave up) his crown because he= doing to much- France, Ottomans, Sack, Luther, etc. -Gave son (Phillip II)- Spain/ New World -Gave Brother (Ferdinand)- HRE

Phillip II of Spain

1556-1598 -Son of Charles V- kingdom= Spain, New World, Portugal, + Philippines -moved capital from Toledo to Madrid + made Plaza Mayor -built Escorial -dealt with runaway inflation -dealt with Elizabeth + tried to invade England with Spanish Armada -left Mary- didn't annul, just left

Elizabeth's events

1584- Raleigh (Virginia)- failed colony (*English spread to America*) 1588- Spanish Armada (Drake who defeats them) 1599- Globe Theater opens (Shakespeare) 1600- East India Company= founded (*English spread to India*)

Thomas Hobbes

1588-1679 -English philosopher -wrote *"Leviathan"* ^in book, he believed that gov should= big+ strong because all men= evil + selfish + gov needed to protect against selfish people - argued there= no such this as a selfless act - *believed in strong gov/ king*

Oliver Cromwell

1599-1658 -Head of Roundhead Army (called New Model Army) -ruled during *Commonwealth* time period -called Lord Protector instead of king + ruled through the army -called *Ax of God by Ireland* because of cruel rule (tried to "Tame" the Irish- took harsh measures/ slaughtered Irish Catholic majority) -ignored Parliament, taxes heavily, + had strict rules -Calvanized England (Roundheads= puritans) *ex:* STRICT rules- banned X-mas, no cake, no sports, no dancing/theaters, no gambling, Church every Sun., etc.

East India Company

1600-1874 -set up for trade -did most of business in India -started as trade company then it ruled parts of India *how English got involved in India*

What= the important events during James reign?

1604- James declares tobacco bad for lungs so he taxes it 1605- Gun powder plot 1607- Jamestown founded (during age of exploration?)(named after James I) 1609- Ulster settlements in Ireland 1611- King James Bible published 1620- Mayflower sails from Plymouth England to cape cod (then plymouth)

Ulster plantation

1609 -James looked at Ireland + thought it= place that needed to= settled -So to settle area+ make his Scottish/ English? noble friends wealthy, he gave his friends fiefs in N Ireland, colonizing N Ireland

King James Bible

1611 -Since there= so many Bibles (presbyterians, calvinist, etc.) in the regions he united he made 54 scholars translate a bible that mended the different religious ideas of UK. (Bible= Protestant) -each sec= translated separately then translations= compared -by mid 1600s, it replaces all other Bibles in UK -*most published Bible in world*- what we use today

Admiral Penn

1620-1670 -English admiral (military rank) -Hero of Dutch Wars -Since he= hero, Charles II promised him rewards, but Charles= unable to pay these rewards so he= debt with Penn. When Penn died, debt went down to his son William Penn

John Locke

1632-1704 -English philosopher -tabula rasa- blank slate (everyone= born with blank slate+ learn from experience -wrote Two Treaties of Gov ^in book believed... - natural rights of man- all men= born free - social contract - representative gov - gov job= preserve your prop - *gov= weak* *similar to US gov because people read his work*

William Penn

1644-1718 -Father= Admiral Penn -Friend of George Fox- Quaker -The debt Charles II owed his father= passed down to him+ Charles payed debt by giving him Pennsylvania -1681, last colony chartered (PA= authorized?)

Charles II

1660-1685 -Came to= king through *Restoration of Monarchy* -Ruler of England during Dutch Wars -During his reign, England took over New Netherlands 1664 (becoming New York) -Gave William Penn Pennsylvania -During his reign, *Great fire of London took place in 1666* -Established Royal Society -shared father's faith as *absolute monarch* but wasn't as harsh with Parliament -Popular ruler + un-Calvanized England - reopened theaters, etc. - restored official Church of England BUT tolerated Presbyterians, Quakers + Baptists


1685-1759 -famous German/ British? composer -from N Germany which= Protestant -wrote songs for Luther Church *spent a lot of time in London because after war, Germany= poor state+ London= rich* *Works:* Messiah

Issac Newton

1687 -Published theory of gravity

Glorious Revolution

1688-1689 -When James II was overthrow + replaced with the joint monarchy of his Protestant daughter Mary+ her Dutch husband William (from house of Orange) -Since James II flaunted Catholic faith, Parliament was afraid that he would restore the Roman Catholic Church -bloodless - Parliament made Mary+ William sign the Bill of Rights

Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart)

16th century (1500s) -granddaughter of Margret Tudor, Elizabeth= cousin -claimed crowns of 4 nations- Scotland, France, England, Ireland -physically beautiful+ had kind heart -lacked political skills to rule successfully in Scotland -*Catholic*

Adam Smith

1723-1790 -Scottish Economist -*most important Scott because he wrote the book "Wealth of Nations" in *1776* -Ideas= Laissez-faire, Invisible hand, Division of labor ^we use ideas today

Immanuel Kant

1725-1804 -most famous German philosopher in 1700/ of the enlightenment -focused on ethics- what= right=right + wrong= wrong *Works:* Critique of Pure Reason

Frederick II (the Great)

1740-1786 -most famous leader in Prussia/ King of Prussia -comes in 100 years after war so shows nothing great= happened in 100 years -"enlightened despot"-leader who= influenced by enlightenment/ exercises power for benefit of people rather than just themselves -put $ into music, art, philosophers + education -modernized Prussia economy -made infrastructure improvements-*started building a road way system which= finished by Hitler* ^influenced US highways -involved in Partition of Poland, War of Austrian succession, + 7 year war (French+ Indian War)


1749-1832 -famous German writer *Works:* Faust- book where Faust sells his soul to the devil (*considered most famous piece of German lit)

George III

1760-1820 -known as Mad King/ Farmer George because he= crazy/ got involved in agriculture -King of England during 7 years wars (French+ Indian wars) + Am Rev (he= king who US broke away from)

Richard III (play)

2nd longest play by Shakespeare - play about Richard killing and deceiving anyone he has to in order to become king

Coptic Church

3rd type of Church next to Orthodox and Roman Catholic -Christian Church of Egypt (10 % of Egypt, 6-11 million people) -founded by St. Mark

Important Dates

800- Charlemagne= crowned HRE 1066- William the conqueror= crowned, *most important date in English history*, start of modern England 1215- Magna Carta- *1st time king agree to share power* 1492- Columbus, Jews= out, reconquista end *modern Spain* 1347- Black plague, Notre Dame= finished 1453- end of 100 year war (Battle of Castillon), end of MA, Muslims take Constantinople

France 1000-1500

800- Xmas Day- Charlemagne 1095- Council of Clermont "God Wills it" Pope Urban II (start of 1st crusade) 1137- Louis VII+ Eleanor of Aquitaine come to power 1226- Louis IX comes to power (St. Louis) 1300s- Avignon Papacy 1347- Notre Dame= finished Sorbonne established 1337-1453- 100 Years War - 1415- Battle of Agincourt - 1428- Siege of Orleans (French major victory) - 1429- Charles VII= crowned king of France by Joan of Arc - 1431- Joan of Arc= burned at stake - 1453- Battle of Castillon (last battle of 100 year war) 1515- Francis I

Domesday Book

A book that was created by William the Conqueror with info on pop, castles, farm animals, etc. of villages in England. -William sent officials to travel through England writing these things down so he could know what to tax. *Important because historians can figure out diet, growth, etc.*

Tomb of Julius II

After Michelangelo carved David, Julius II said he wanted a tomb + made M do it because he= greatest sculptor -M worked on it on+ off for rest of his life -*M thought it= going to= his masterpiece* BUT when Julius died, other popes hated him+ *downsized* the project (supposed to= 40 different sculptures but it= downsized) -Julius= supposed to= buried in St. Peter's but popes put him in *St. Peters in Chains* (smaller church on other side of town) -Moses sits in middle + *M says Moses= his masterpiece* however no one goes to see it in present day - Moses had horns because of mistranslation of bible - tomb= has slaves on it

Florentine Pieta

Another copy of Pieta by Michelangelo in city of Florence -*famous because carved HIMSELF holding Christ's body* -*shows how religious Michelangelo was (VERY)

Baroque Artists/ Musicians

Artists: 1) Bernini 2) Caravaggio 3) Rembrandt- artist of low countries 4) Vermeer- artist of low countries 5) Velazquez- 1 of top 10 best Spanish painters 6) El Greco- 1 of top 10 best Spanish painters Musicians: 1) Bach 2) Handel 3) Vivaldi -start of Opera

Spread of Calvinism

Calvinism spread because reformers from all over Europe visited Geneva + then returned home to spread Calvin's ideas -by late 1500 Clavinism= taken root in Germany, France, Netherlands, England, + Scotland -*his ideas= popular because they taught that a person's work= part of his/ her religious life+ because its strict rules made Geneva seem like a model community* -*made there= more protesters to church which= more fighting/wars*

Hampton Court

Cardinal Woolsey offered Henry VIII his house in an attempt to make up for not getting an annulment for Henry, but Henry took the house and executed him anyway -*all events of Tudor England= here* -*Tudor's lived here*

Castel Sant'Angelo

Castle Pope Clement VII fled to through a tunnel

Who was Henry VIII 5th wife?

Catherine Howard

Edict of Worms

Charles V declared Luther an outlaw, making it a crime for anyone in the empire to give him food/shelter


Charles the Great, King of Franks *united most of the W regions of fallen Roman Empire by building his empire across France, Germany, and part of Italy. (his empire= largest in Europe since Roman Empire) *first major figure since Roman Empire *Crowned Holy Roman Emperor due to relationship with Pope Leo III He... 1) valued education (his lack of/ others) and started programs in hope to bring it back 2) built capital city in Aachens making it the center of N Europe (picked Aachen because near hot spring and C loved swimming) 3) Converted pagans (non-Christians) to Christianity. *Christianized N Europe* 4) Conquered many reuniting much of the old Roman Empire - fought Muslims in Spain- Moors (Failed) - fought Saxons in North - fought Avars+ Slavs in east - fought Lombards in Italy 5) After death, Treaty of Verdun divided the Holy Roman Empire between Charlemagne's 3 grandsons (3 parts) -> soon split France+ Germany causing disputes


Church court which rooted out deviance+ heresy from within the Church - If accused you= arrested + thrown in prison + property= confiscated - after interrogation, if guilty, you= punished/ burned at the stake

St. Mark's Cathedral

Church in Venice -*mix of all styles* because merchants brought back stolen things from trade + threw it in the building -*can= considered Ren style because 2-3 stories + symmetric* -St. Marks bell tower= tallest building -St Marks sq.= major meeting place -In church= 4 horse statues that= stolen from Constantinople in 4th Crusade

Christmas Day 1066

Day William= crowned king of England *wanted to link himself with Charlemagne* *crowned at Westminister Abbey, Christmas Day, 1066

What= the usual penalty for heresy?

Death/ execution -2 methods for execution "Without the shedding of blood"= 1) burning 2) drowning

Monks and Nuns

During Middle Aged, both men and women withdrew from worldly life to become monks and nuns. -Monks and nuns devoted their lives to spiritual goals (poverty, chastity (virginity), obedience) -(they= like knights in feudal system because they= like soldiers of God in Catholic Church)

What did Charles I taxes cause? How?

English Revolution (Civil War) -as Charles set more taxes, many people= angry + questioned king's authority because they= poor + couldn't pay taxes

Star Chamber

English court of law that dealt with judicial, civil, + criminal matters

What did Elizabeth do about the Spanish Armada? Who did she inspire to support her?

English= heard of Armada coming + Elizabeth refused to leave and she gave a speech+ rallied people to fight against the Spanish -Protestants supported her because she= protestants too -Some Catholics supported her because she stood by them and didn't leave


Everyday language of ordinary people

Which= more important feudalism or Church?

Feudalism because it= political basis for medieval society/middle ages. So, without a political system, there= chaos and no structure to even build a church or hold religious practices. *Feudalism= political *Church= spiritual (+ social)

Gothic substyle

Flamboyant (from French flamboyant- "flaming") -name given to a florid style of late Gothic architecture in rogue in France from 1350- early 16th century


France -*locations of many coronations of the king of France* -*famous for Joan of Arc story- where King Charles VII= crowned*

Major events in 1700/ Frederick the Great's reforms

Frederick II= part of them 1) Partition of Poland- Russians, Prussians+ Austrians (nations that= strong) took part of Poland (weak nation due to bad gov.) until there= nothing left 2) War of Austrian succession- war fought over who= next leader of Austria 3) 7 years war- (French+ Indian War) fought in Europe, Caribean, NA, + India

Estates General

French gov set up by Philip IV -body= had rep from all 3 classes: clergy, nobles, and townspeople -tricameral -didn't develop same role as English Parliament- *ONLY called in times of emergency*

Martin Luther

German monk+ professor of theology who triggered a full- scale revolt against the Catholic Church with his 95 Theses+ additional writings -as a young man, he prayed + fasted + tried to live a holy life, however, he cont. to believe that he= doomed to go to hel_ -after went to Rome he saw the Church as corrupt + worldy -*he wrote 95 theses against indulgences to start convo/ share ideas, but printing press spread it around causing controversy* -he asserted+ defended truth+ took on Catholic Church knowing it might bring death -*developed the protestantism movement+ Protestant Church*


German state -habsburg fam= rule here -Vienna= capital of Hebsburg fam -Famous Habsburgs= 1) Charles V 2) Marie Theresa 3) Marie Antoinette

Johann Gutenberg

German who printed the first complete edition of the Bible in 1456 using the first printing press + printing inks in the west -*developed the printing press?*


Germany - 515 ft tall - Construction= 1248- 1880 (600 years) - Gothic

St, Francis name change

Giovanni -> Francesco -his mother Christianized him Giovanni, but his father renamed him Francesco ("french-man") because her didn't want his son a man of God (wanted a man of business like himself) and he loved the country where he met his wife

what is the most important city in Scotland?


How was Charles I similar to his father?

He also behaved like and absolute monarch and had troubles with Parliament

What did Brunelleschi do after he lost?

He left Florence, went to Rome with friend Donatello +studied architecture (became greatest engineering person in Ren) - Donatello would discover nude sculptures in Rome+ make 1st nude in Florence (David)


In Latin Quarters in Paris (left side of river) -was the university of Paris - built by Louis IX

Palaces in England

In London there= a building boom because Henry VIII wanted buildings

Henry V- Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's play "Henry V" Henry talks to men about fighting and says, "We few, we happy few, we bond of brothers for he today that sheds his blood with he shall be my brother. " *from St. Crispin's day speech*

Doge's Palace

In Venice Italy -middle= like city hall in Venice ^there- buildings surrounding -Ren style

Leonardo as artist/ scientist

Interested in science+ painting - he studied anatomy+ disected dead bodies to find out how bones+ muscles work which resulted in him drawing the human body precisely, being able to paint diversity (old, bald, young, etc.) anatomically correct, + got him in trouble because others thought it= gruesome *Put perspective + emotion in paintings + made 3D* - drew things bone out- can see bones in unfinished painting of Adoration of Magi + St. Jerome -wrote down what he learned about anatomy/ sketches of humans in *notebook*

Simon Stevin

Introduced the decimal system

Swedish Phase

King of Sweden= decides to jump in on Protestant side+ as a nation thought Sweden= better off if Protestant (2 motives) -most famous event= king orders ships to= built *ex:* Vasa Ship (names after Swedish Royal Family) - thought ship= unsinkable (like Titanic) - put tons of $ into it *ex:* 3 levels of canons, HUGE - After 10 min on the water, the wind knocked it over+ it sunk to the bottom of Stockholm harbor - ship= recovered+ made a museum around it *Sweden= dream of= big power, but Vasa ship foreshadows what= happen to Sweden*


LARGEST monastery in all of Europe (in E Europe) -at one point as large as the King of Prussia Mall

"Address of the German Nobility"

Luther appealed for reform to the German nobility because he wanted to get the support of the powerful nobility by basically asking them why German $= going to Rome (focus on $ because nobles care about $) -It said... 1) Romanists (pope+ cardinals)= created 3 walls to protect their position 2) Pope= living in worldly pomp 3) Cardinals= created to get things in hands of Rome *4)* used to "tax" Germans to fight against the Turks + protect Christendom, but now $= go to Rome

Protestant/ Lutheran Church

Luther started Protestant Church which= later fractured into 4 parts + then his part= known as Lutheran Church -In Lutheran Church, music= very important + many pieces= written by Luther who loved music + wanted it in the Church ^need for music= need for composers + musicians *ex:* Bethovan, Bock= Germans who wrote for Church -priests could= marry - Luther married Katherine (nun who escaped) -*anti-sematic*- didn't like Jews

Michelagnelo's slaves

M made for tomb of Julius II

Mount St. Michel

Monastery on a piece of rock that at low tide can walk to and high tide it= island

St. Francis and St. Dominic

Monk and Spanish Priest who battled corruption and worldliness -promoted reforms (like setting up order of friars to preach to the poor) -started own orders

700 AD

Norse attacks began 1)*Caused destruction*- went Viking (killed people to take food, raided looted and buried communities along coast/ rivers in Europe. <-traveled there on their long ships) 2)*Left influence*- went viking places like Great Britain and some decided to stay, spreading their influence. - Also settled in England, Ireland, N France, and parts of Russia 3) Since they= constantly attacking, *France gave them land* known as Normandy (one of most important regions in France)

Battle of Hastings

Oct. 14, 1066 -After marching to Hasting, the tired English army faced William the Conqueror's Norman army at the Battle of Hastings *Harold (Eng.) VS William (Normandy)* *Anglo-Saxons VS Normans* 1) In battle, William fake retreated causing the English army wall of soldiers to= broken when 1/2 ran after retreating army. 2) Normans attacked English army and fired at them 3) Harold= killed from arrow in the eye 4) After, William= crowned king and called William the Conqueror because conquered England *Most important battle in English history because it brought the Anglo- Saxon rule of English history to an end and established Normans as rulers of England, bringing major cultural transformations* *ex:* feudalism, Domesday book, mix of lang. creating modern English, etc

The Last Supper

One of Leonardo's most famous paintings - shows Christ + his apostles on the night before the crucifixion+ divides people into 5 groups with different depth+ Jesus in middle so eye always goes to him -*religious painting+ masterpiece of perspective* -now in a church outside of Milan -*Leonardo= experimenting with new types of paint instead of frescoes but didn't work + painting= decayed* -recently= been restored -*one of the most famous paintings= failed fresco

Merchant of Venice

Play/ story written by Shakespeare -about revenge, tolerance, + what you= do for love -Characters= Shylock (banker), Portia (girl), Antonio (friend) + Bassanio (princess's lover) -*takes place in Venice* -*3 different sub stories* (P+B, B+A, A+S) *STORY:* Portia= wealthy girl+ to impress her/ look wealthy, Bassarnio asked his friend Antonio for $. Antonio said he would lend Bassanio $ but then realized his $= on trading ships, so he asked a Jewish banker Shylock for $. Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio= bully him. However, he makes a deal that if he isn't repaid, he= get 1 lb of Antonio's flesh. Antonio agrees confident his ships will come in. Ends with B+P= falling in love, Antonio ships= being destroyed in storm, + Shylock taking 1 lb of flesh from his heart

Motives to go on Crusade

Pope Urban II hoped crusades would... - increase his power in Europe - heal the schism between Roman and Byzantine churches - keep Christians from fighting themselves. People= motives =... - all sins= forgiven - escape troubles at home - hope to win land or wealth - yearned for adventure

Alexander VI

Pope of Ren Papacy from 1492-1503 -*thought of as evil man*- "Flee we are in the hand of a wolf." -*famous for murder*- if someone= enemy, he had them killed (usually by poison) - In Borgia family (Lucrezia= daughter, Juan+ Cesare=sons) -Cesare= murdered Juan because thought he= threat to power ^example of evil+ why Cesare= perfect prince according to Machiavelli -*family goal= make Italy unified under fam name (Borgia empire)* -fam= close- Alexander- affair with daughter WHILE pope+ mistresses= several including a 19 yr old when he= 59 -*bought Papacy*- he became pope by bribing the Sforza cardinals with 4 mule loads of golf for vote -there= bull fights to celebrate conclave -*Savonarola affair*- said Alexander= evil+ Alexander excommunicated him -made the line in the *Treaty of Tordesillas*


Portuguese word for irregularly shaped pearls

Who= significant monarch after William and Mary?

Queen Anne- last of the stuarts

James I of England

Rule= 1603-1625 -believed in *divine right* of king -created King James Bible -Guy Fawkes+ Gunpowder plot= conspiracy against him -dealt with Puritans in England who differed with the Church of England (they= Calvinists+ wanted it to= simpler) -Protestant -wanted to united the Kingdoms (Scotland and England) - formed what come to= known as UK (Scotland, England, Wales, N Ireland)

Divine Right of King

Said that rulers= sent by God + anything they say should= listened to - said rulers= absolute power - said they= like God *ex:* drop of king's blood= heals


Saladin was a Muslim leader during the Crusades, who led a campaign against the Crusader States. - Arch rival was Richard the Lionhearted. - Salah al-Din

who rebuilt london after the great fire of 1666?

Sir Christopher Wren

How did English spread to America+ India?

Sir Walter Raleigh= America, East India Company= India

Scotland Writers

Sir Walter Scott

Mary Boleyn

Sister of Anne Boleyn + who Henry VIII had an affair with

lesser noble

Social class in aristocracy with a high social status, but not one higher than lords


Society of Jesus/ soldiers of Jesus *new religious order recognized by Pope Paul III in 1540* -Founders= Xavier +Loyola -*purpose= spread Catholic faith* -They... 1) tried to combat heresy + spread Catholic faith - traveled all around the world to spread Catholic faith -*why there= Catholics in Africa, Asia (China, etc), + America* 2) taught/ set up schools- wanted Jesuits to= educated and wanted teachers to teach in Jesuits so students would stay Catholic


Spanish writer of Spanish Ren (which= in early 1600s) - best known for Don Quixote

95 Theses

Tetzel+ indulgences caused Luther to write up a document which majority= concerned about *INDULGENCES* -posted on the door of Wittenberg Church on *Oct. 31, 1517* -argued that indulgences weren't basis in Bible, pope had no authority to release souls from purgatory, + Christians= only saved through faith -*caused outrage because it...* 1) criticized pope/church 2) was VERY popular


The Knight Templars were a group of very religious warriors that defended people going on crusades/ traveling to the Holy Lands and fought next to them. - They set up prosperous networks of banks and gained enormous financial influence. Their banking system provided religious pilgrims or crusader with deposits in their home country and the ability to withdraw funds in the Holy Land. *one of the 1st international banks* - They ended when Muslims re-took Jerusalem. They were forced to relocate several times one being Paris where King Philip IV of France brought down the order.

Children's Crusade

Thousands of young people took Crusading vows and set out to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims. -lacked official approval and ended in failure -None of the children reached the Holy Land, and many were said to have been sold into slavery -excited help to start Fifth Crusade -one of the first European youth movements.

High Renaissance

Time off all the big wigs *were in ROME*(Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Bramante) -*Peak of Ren* (around 1500s? -Jewel of high Ren= St. Peter's Church which= paid for by Julius who= sold indulgence

Paolo Verenese

Venetian Painter -*piece= Wedding at Cana*


Venetian musical composer -most famous piece= 4 seasons which represented the seasons *ex:* winter= crackle of wood

Venice trade Monopoly

Venice= salt/ spice trade -*trade expanded even more when Constantinople= sack in 4th Crusade* - because scholars fled to Italy? -*Venice became richest city state in ALL of Europe* - When black plague hit, wanted to protect Venice so ships put trade stuff in warehouse + stuff= quarantined for 40 days


What we call mardigraw -wear crazy outfits+ masks -celebration in Venice that = time before Easter/ when give things up for Lent -*People celebrate+ indulge right before they give things up for Lent*

Catholic Counter-Reformation

When the Catholic Church examined what they= doing wrong + set out to revive moral authority, end corruption in papacy, + roll back the Protestant tide -it= reaction to people breaking away from the Church (made them think- "Why are people leaving?") -*Results:* slowed the Protestant tide+ returned some areas of Catholic Church, but created a divided of religion in Europe (S= Catholic + N=Protestant) -leader= Pope Paul III -*major event= Council of Trent*

Where do all events of Stuarts take place?

Windsor Castle

Printing Revolution

Within 20 years of Gutenburg printing the first complete edition of the Bible, the development of a movable type of printing press made book production even easier. -*Printing revolution= begun + transformed Europe* -It caused... 1) Printed books= cheaper + easier to produce than hand- copied works 2) more books available= more people learned to read 3) Readers gained access to a broad range of knowledge 4) Printed books exposed educated Europeans to new ideas, greatly expanding their horizons

Delta 32

Wondered why some died and others didn't, so did research on it... -All people who survived= had weird mutation- CCR Delta 32 *ex:* someone who had to clean up dead bodies (because no one wanted to, but someone had to or they= attract more rats) survived because he or she had Delta 32 -Today, scientists= theory that Delta 32= protect from aids (So, scientists= looking at science/ genetic mutations to cure things and found out that further N= higher chance of Delta 32) *Plague and discovery of Delta 32= helping US today/ possibly in future*

Benedictine Rule

a collection of rules or guidelines for monks in monasteries created by a monk, Benedict, who also organized the monastery of Monte Cassino. -Under rules... monks and nuns took 3 vows 1) obedience- to head of monastery 2) poverty 3) Chastity- purity (virginity) -each day= had periods of worship, work and study -worked in fields because Benedict believed in the spiritual value of manual labor


a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church. -similar to a fief in feudal system

Rose Window

a large, circular window with intricate stained glass


a legislative body with 2 houses (Bi=2, tri=3)


a lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord

Peter the Hermit

a monk who began to preach the Crusades. - appealed to all Christians and increased their eager to go on the Crusade. - led Peasants Crusade?- unorganized crusade full of people Peter inspired that went before First Crusade and only made it to Constantinople before being annihilated by the Turks


a nobleman ranking above a Baron but below an Earl


a nobleman ranking above a viscount but below a marquess.


a nobleman ranking above an Earl but below a Duke


a nobleman ranking below a Viscount -last (5th) level of noble rank.

Fresco paintings

a painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colors penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries 1) put wet plaster of surface (ex: wall) 2) put tissue paper (cartoon) with charcoal + drew drawing on paper/ cut with exacto-knife like thing (like transfer paper we use today) 3) take off cartoon and see imprint/ outline 4) paint


a person of mixed white and black ancestry *ex:* 1 parent= African, 1= European


a person who provides financial support for the arts


a pirate (originally off the Spanish-American coasts)


a powerful new weapon wielded by English archers which took years to master -discharged 3 arrows in time French crossbow fired 1 -arrows pierced all but heaviest armor


a raw material/agricultural product that can be bought and sold *ex:* copper or coffee


a region in central Italy -*Capital= Florence*


a style in European art that emerged in the later years of the Italian High Ren (around 1520) -exaggerated qualities of proportion, balance, + ideal beauty creating asymmetrical, unnaturally elegant, or enlarged/ longated figures


a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority

St. Peter

also known as Simon Peter of Cephas -began as one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus -Jesus ordained him the "Rock of my church"/ "the rock I will build my community" -*considered 1st Pope* -died by being crucified upside down because thought he= "not worthy" of dying like Jesus -buried on Vatican hill -in pic, he= holding keys because he opens up Church/ path to heaven (pope= considered this too)


an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church -usually only contact people had with Church Priests... 1) cared for souls of his parishioners by celebrating the mass+ administering the sacraments (people believed faith in Christ+ participating in sacraments= lead them to everlasting life with God) 2) preached Gospel+ teaching of Church 3) guided people on issues of value+ morality 4) offered assistance to sick + needy 5) married others, baptized children, buried dead 6) ran schools


another work by Botticelli -Primavera= spring in Spanish, so it= pagan story of spring+ includes Lorenzo who= Botticelli's patron


architect + sculptor -considered Michelangelo of Baroque -*one of most famous architects of Baroque* -did most of things in Rome *ex:* 1) made Piazza+ interior of St. Peters - Interior= built a solid bronze baldachino (canopy) over altar of St. Peter + the throne of St. Peters 2) had small part in Theui Fountain, fountain of 4 Rivers, and fountain at the bottom of Spanish Steps *Works:* Ecstacy of St. Teresa, Apollo + Daphine, David, Louis XIV


artistic technique used to give drawings + paintings a 3-D figure - did by making distant objects smaller that those closer to the viewer + by shading + by linear perspective

What happened to Catherine Howard's marriage to Henry VIII?

as a young bimbo, she= found guilty for cheating (adultery) -marriage= annulled + she= executed

Philip II (Philip Augustus)

before death, he= most powerful ruler in Europe 1) *strengthened royal gov.*- used paid middle-class officials to fill gov. positions 2) *Quadrupled royal land holding* - ex: defeated King John and brought English ruled lands in Normandy, Anjou, etc. under French control


born in Portugal - first explorer to lead an expedition around the world + he named the Pacific Ocean *sponsored by Spain (Charles I) who got loan from Jacob the Rich (Fugger)

William Shakespeare

born in Stratford-upon-Avon -*English poet+ play writer whose plays vastly enriched the English lang.* <- intro new words - plays= performed frequently today - his theater= Globe (org globe= burned down but it= rebuilt)

Bridge of Sighs

bridge from the jail in Venice to the Doge's Palace (court house) -when found guilty in trial, you walked across this bridge to go to jail -*called "of sighs" because you looked over grand canal + view= so beautiful that you sigh*

Impact of Moors on Europe

brought many things into Europe from Spain *ex:* oranges, lemons, spinach, asparagus, algebra, Arabic # (10), architecture

Notre Dame (Paris)

built 1163-1350 (200 years) - towers= 225 ft tall - 3 doorways+ middle= rose window *famous for Rose windows, gargoyles, and facade (outward appearance)*

Fountains in Rome

built to increase life in Rome so more people= come *ex:* Theui Fountain- one of land marks of Rome, HUGE(1 city block) *ex:* Fountain of 4 Rivers in Piazza Navona in Rome *ex:* Fountain at the bottom of Spanish Steps

Vitruvius Man

by Leonardo da Vinci -Vitruvious= Roman scholar who studied human body+ said body= in proportion *ex:* arm length= height *Leonardo recreated this man Vitruvious described*

"Roman" Pieta

by Michelangelo -captures sorrow of Mary cradling Christ's lifeless body in her lap after his body= taken of cross-- -*body= extremely detailed with muscles, viens, etc* -*ONLY piece Michelangelo signed*- because upset by another person claiming his work -*established him as sculptor of his day*


by William Shakespeare *it dramatizes the damaging effects of political ambition on those who seek power for their own sake - about a brave Scottish general (macbeth) who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he= king of Scotland. He= consumed by ambition so he murders King Duncan+ takes Scottish throne. He= wracked with guilt that he commits more murders to protect himself from suspicion. He then becomes a tyrant king+ Civil war takes him+ his wife into madness+ death

Cardinal Woolsey

chief advisor/ cardinal of Henry VIII - *promised a quick resolution to the "Great Affair"* - Henry VIII said he didn't try to get the annulment so he= guilty of treason - tried to offer Henry his house (Hampton Court) but Henry VIII still sent him to= executed - Woolsey died on way to punishment

A Midsummer's Night Dream

comedy+ one of the most popular works of Shakespeare *4 interconnecting plots - portrays events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens (Theseus) +former queen of the Amazons (Hippolyta) - 4 young Athenian lovers who= have own conflicts= escape to forest where they= controlled by fairies - King+ Queen of fairies (Oberon+ Titania) put a potion on 2 of the lovers fixing the love square


council that evolved into a 2- house body -comes from French word parler "to speak" - Bicameral *brought common people into gov decisions* 2 houses= 1) House of Lords- made of nobles and high clergy 2) House of Commons- made of common people (knights and middle class) 2 parties= 1) Consenative (like Republican in US) 2) Labour (like Democrats in US)

Leonardo military career

designed weapons for 2 people as a military engineer 1) Ludivco Sforza (II Moro) 2) Ceasre Borgia - drew/ designed tanks, flam throwers, + collapsing bridge ^*even though he= pacifist*(believes war= unjustifiable)

James Cook

discovered New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, and Cook islands


dominant figure/ chief officer in Venice

Price Revolution

during runaway inflation in Spain due to gold + silver, the prices climber 500% in 150 years

Sir Walter Raleigh

established colony near Roanoke Island (present day North Carolina) which he named Virginia -his attempts to colonize Virginia failed? -*English= starting to spread to America*

Feudal Contract

exchange of pledges between lords and vassals that established the relationship between them


famous Muslim palace in Granada, Spain - had air conditioning by cooling stones which cooled rooms

United Kingdom

formed by James I of England who united Scotland and England -Scotland, England, Wales, N Ireland -flag= Union Jack

Swiss Nation

formed from Peace of Westphalia -famous for its cantons (regions) -famous for neutrality- didn't want to= involved in wars/ disputes. *stayed neutral* ^because of this, there= lots of banks, etc.


founder= George Fox -most famous= William Penn *Ideas:* 1)*S*implicity 2)*P*eace- yet many hated them 3)*I*ntegrity-treat others with respect/ honesty 4)*C*ommunity- connect with all members of community 5)*E*quality- Women+ men= spiritual equals (everyone= light of Christ in them) 6)*S*tewardship- protect/ care for earth


gov district of London -where 10 downing street is (where Prime minister lives)


gov. run by religious leaders

Project Moses

idea to save Venice from sinking by trying to block water by having a wall rise up + block high tide - still not done + very costly


investment in stock, property, commodities, etc. in hope of gaining $ with the risk of loss *ex:* buy oil (commodity) today+ wait till price increases then sell it to make a profit *ex:* invest in stock in hope that company= do well


lessening of time a soul spent in purgatory/ pardon for sins -In MA, indulgences= granted for good deeds (crusading) -During Luther's time, indulgences= SOLD by Church to put $ back in Rome -*popular because it= easy forgiveness* -Julius II started indulgences to build St. Peters -> Leo X= made them= sold to dead + hired Tetzel in Germany -In general, $= used to... 1) build St. Peters 2) let pope live lavish life 3) pay back people (including Charles V who gave Leo X $ so he could bride the cardinals to elect him pope) 4) fight intruders/ fight to protect Papal states


long-term lending agreement between a borrower + lender -*lender (s) give $ + borrower repays $ + interest *ex:* to build new school, get bonds to finance the project + repay bonds over course of say 30 years. -*less risky because you= basically guaranteed the $ you put in*


longest play+ one of Shakespeare's most popular works -Set in Denmark -Prince of Denmark (Prince Hamlet)= called upon by the ghost of his father to seek revenge on Hamlet's uncle (Claudis) who murdered his brother (King Hamlet) + seized the throne and married his dead brother's widow

Mourning of Christ

made by Giotto *Medieval pic but added COLOR* - halos - religious (Madonna and child) - not anatomically correct - gold leaf *flat but= a little dimension*


means "rebirth" -began 1300s + peak in 1500 (1300-1600) -*began in Italy (specifically Florence) and spread North to the rest of Europe **MAJORITY= ITALY* *period where there= rebirth in interest in learning and classical cultures of Rome and Greece after what= seen as disorder and disunity of the medieval world* -time of creativity and change in... 1) many areas (political, social, economic, + cultural) 2) way people viewed themselves and their world *ex:* people explored richness and variety of human experience in here and now VS focus on life after death AND explored new worlds *didn't break completely with medieval past*- monks and nuns preserved writings on MA+ Latin survived - heart of Italian Renaissance= intellectual movement known as humanism *attained most glorious expression in its paintings, sculpture and architecture.


members of the Dominican order


mock battle in which knights would compete against one another to show off their fighting skills -early tournaments= as dangerous as real battles+ captured knights= held for ransom

absolute monarch

monarch that holds supreme authority and is not restricted by any written laws


monastery in Spain 1/2 mile up a mountain


monk who made a list of rules of how monks should act (Benedictine Rules) -organized the Monastery of Monte Cassino in S Italy


monk who traveled throughout Europe's growing towns to preach to the poor -what the disciples of St. Francis were called

How did Cortes+ Pizarro conquests/ Spanish wealth cause inflation?

more $= going into Spain from conquests, but the economy wasn't growing because... 1)*Poor had no money*, so couldn't afford anything when prices went up - 25%= king+ queen - 10%= Church (Tithe- Church tax) - Some= nobles - 0%= poor 2)ONLY trade economy increases, but didn't make anything for themselves, had to buy everything, but poor= no money

Catherine Parr

more of a nurse to Henry VIII than a wife -last wife of Henry before he died

Ludwig II

most famous king of Bavaria -known as "mad king Ludwig"- he= obsessed with German composer (Wagner's" operas+ spent his $ on building castes from the opera. He= arrested for bankrupcy (because spent all $ on castles) but since he= king they said he= mad so it didn't look bad

Louis XIV

most famous king of France


most powerful of feudal system


mountain chain that separated France and Spain -Muslims couldn't cross??


name of early stock market (in N Ren)

English Navy

navy= STRONGEST *ex:* defeated Spanish Armada -*Port smith*= major base of operations -*Mary Smith*= fam ship

How did Cortes + Pizarro conquests cause slave trade?

needed people to work the mines + Spaniards didn't want to, so brought in slaves to do it -*starts slave trade from Africa to SA/ New World*

Baroque Art

new kind of art of 1600s -*started in Rome then went to France (climax= in France)* -funded by church because people love pretty things so the church= put Baroque art in church to make people want to go to the churches -*used gold+ silver because there= a lot due to Cortes/ Pizarro* -Art= supposed to blow people away due to its size + amount of gold + silver - supposed to make you say *wow*

El Cid

nickname of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar 1043-1099 -Hero of Spain- fought in Reconquista against the Moors -bold and fiery Christian lord who battles Muslims in Spain -Poem of the Cid= him calling his warriors into battle.

St. Catherine of Siena

nun who convinced pope and cardinals to leave Avignon and move back to Rome

Describe an ideal female in "The Courtier"

offers balance to men, graceful and kind, lively but reserved, and beautiful (thought outer beauty= true sign of inner goodness)


one of Loyola's closest friends - Founder of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) - met Loyola at University of Paris + joined Loyola in becoming a priest + in his trip to Rome - served as a secretary of the Society until leaving for India in 1541 - traveled all around the Asia/ world as missionary converting many to Catholic- went to India (Goa), Molucca+ Banda Islands, Malay Peninsula, Japan, and China

The Lady and the Unicorn

one of most famous pieces of art/ tapestry (besides bayeux tapestry) - made in 1400s - made of silk and wool - depicts 5 senses

Romeo and Juliet

one of the most popular works of Shakespeare -*Setting= Verona, Italy* -Romeo and Juliet fall in love at a party but they= from rival families (R= Montague, J= Capulet) -They marry in secret with help of Friar Lawrence. -Romeo kills Juliet's cousin in a duel+= forced to leave her - Juliet's parents tell her she must marry Paris so she fakes her own death -Romeo visits tomb+ thinks she= really dead so he kills himself. When Juliet wakes up from her sleeping potion+ finds Romeo dead, she kills herself

Battle of Anghiari

painted by Leonardo -*actual painting= massive + disappeared in history* - WAS in town hall in Florence, but when renovations= done in town hall, painting disappeared

Hans Holbein

painted wife of king of England (this pic= only time king saw his wife before marriage)


painters+ sculptors (ex: Michelangelo+ Leonardo) studied anatomy + drew from life models in order to portray the human body more accurately


part of the Divine Comedy where you= put through 9 levels of hel_


part that cuts across the cross

Social Contract

people give up things to benefit society+ if gov doesn't protect us, then people can= overthrow gov


people who follow Luther -because PROTEST church

Swiss Guard

people who guarded the pope -*Michelangelo= designed their uniforms*


people whom God= chosen to accept Christ+ thereby achieve redemption -*God= chooses BEFORE they do good * they do good because God planned it for them


period of high unemployment + high inflation

The School of Athens

pic of an imaginary gathering of great thinkers+ scientists - includes: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, etc. -*Since didn't know what they= look like, used present day masters as models* - In one of Raphael's 4 Rooms in the Vatican Palace (where popes lived?) *ex:* Plato= Leonardo de Vinci, Euclid= Bramante, Apelles= Raphael

Wedding at Cana

piece by Paolo Verenese -*largest painting in the Lourve* - life size figures - so big couldn't send back to Venice from France where it was after Napoleon stole it -In same room as Mona Lisa but opposite wall so it= barely looked at


place where souls too impure to enter heaven atone for sins committed during their lifetimes

Gothic arch

pointed arch -stronger than rounded arch

Religious toleration

policy of allowing people to worship as they choose


poor farmer who worked and lived on a lord's manor -tied to lord by mutual rights and obligations -made up majority of the population in medieval society -needed permission to go anywhere - had to pay fees when things occurred like marriages

Clement VII

pope form 1523-1534 - Son of Giuliano (Lorenzo bro) - became pope because Lorenzo bought position by simony - will do great things

Ulrich Zwingli

priest+ admirer of Erasmus who lived/ did most of his work in the Swiss city of Zurich - broke away from the Catholic Church+ slowly turned Zurich into a Protestant center *Ideas:* 1) rejected elaborate church rituals because they weren't in the Bible 2) laws must agree with Bible/ Scripture 3) preaching + reading Bible should= more frequent 4) no biblical foundation of purgatory 5) marriage= lawful 6) *Holy Scriptures doesn't say that Christ bodily isn't present in bread+ wine at Lord's Supper*

Nicolaus Copernicus

published theory of solar systems with sun at the middle- heliocentric

"Promise given= necessity of past + word broken= necessity of present"

quote from "The Prince" - If ruler wants to break a promise, break a promise

Realization at Wittenburg

realized that *salvation only can take place between you and God*- so don't need Church, or its rituals, ONLY need God + yourself


senior member of clergy (people with religious duties) who= typically in charge of a diocese

Why was Mary nicknamed Bloody Mary?

she tortured + burned over 300 Protestant


sickness that goes all around the world (pan= all)


someone who claims to be pope but is NOT

Renaissance man

someone who is good/ educated at a wide variety of things (usually at least 3 things) - went to school + got a WIDE education on many things (especially art)

Christian Humanists

specific branch of humanism used in N Ren - Christian humanists closely studied classical texts (like Italians) but they sought to give it Christian context *ex:* Erasmus+ others= committed to religious piety (devotion) + institution reform


split/ permanent division in a church

Flying Buttresses

stone support that stood outside the Church and allowed for tall buildings and more windows (stain glass)


study of subjects taught in ancient Greece and Rome, such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history

Herringbone Style Brick

style of laying brick in a zig-zag pattern used in Brunelleschi's dome -*Stronger that line pattern because cracks don't run/ cont. through every brick

Coup + ex

sudden overthrow of gov/ power *ex:* Glories Rev

Sir Christopher Wren

the architect who helped to rebuild London after the great fire -he wasn't trained as an arch *most famous building he rebuilt= new St. Paul's - built St. Bride Church - most famous architect - one of founders of Royal Society

Why was it called "War of the Roses"?

the symbol of the House of Lancaster (Henry VII) was the Red Rose while the symbol of the House of York (Richard III) was a White Rose

What was the Golden Age?

time period where culture exploded in England during Elizabeth's reign -like Ren in England


tissue paper used to make frescoes (combing with charcoal + act like modern day transfer paper?)


to buy or sell Church positions *ex:* Pope could create new position + sell it to highest bidder

Piazza del Campidoglio

town hall M built in Rome - now used as a museum *considered perfect public sq.*


town in Italy (middle of Italy)


town in region of Flanders in country of Belgium -*Like Florence+ Venice but in N* - had economy of Florence + was most important city in N Ren like Florence was of Italian Ren - had canals like Venice - *Florence= to Tuscany as Bruges is to Flanders* - most famous person to live there= Albrecht Durer -*Bruges Madonna (made by Michelangelo)= focal point of N Ren art ^example of why Bruges= known for art

Columbian Exchange

transfer of ideas, goods, disease, etc between Americas + Europe -*caused a lot of now popular things in America/ Europe to not= native*

William Tyndale

translated Bible into English because he believed that people should= able to read Bible in their own lang. -this=heresy

Why was Mary Queen of Scots beheaded?

treason -Elizabeth thought since she= Catholic she= plotting to overthrow England


treasury -in charge of $

Treaty (Peace) of Lodi

treaty between Venice and Milan ending war *Sforza fam= in charge of Milan* -balanced power among 5 states: Venice, Florence, Milan, Papal States, and Naples *led to 40 years of general peace in Italy because all states= same strength as each other. -*peace allowed people to focus on learning+ art*


used to make objects look round + real

Latin Cross

way Gothic Church= set up

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