HR Exam 2

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A Full time _________ is calculated based on the number of hours worked. For example, a person working 20 hours per week=.5 FTE.


A criterion of job analysis process should be trusted by the job incumbents. Otherwise they will not trust any HR practice that comes from the job analysis


A hiring _______ is when we do not bring in any new hires in either now or existing positions. This is a longer term solution to overstaffing


A process of terminating a group of employees, usually due to some business downturn or perhaps a technological change, with intent to impose organizational efficiency and effectiveness


A secondary data source that you can use to help you sketch out the framework for a job analysis


A type of forecasting in which we use nonquantitative methods; this is usually based on the knowledge of a pool of experts in a subject or industry


Competencies are _____ than K, S, A, or O


Consistency of job analysis results -Example everyone in class conducted a job analysis for professor jobs and agreed on the essential functions and KSAOS


Employees can come in and leave early or come in and lave late as long as everyone works the core hours of 10:00-2:00


Evidence shows that companies typically do ____ financially after a large


HR _____ and labor requirements planning are the core of human resource manager's ability to analyze future employment needs for our organizations. #randomization


HR _____ identifies the estimated supply and demand for the different types of Human Resources in the organization over some future period, based on analysis of past and present demand

cognitive ability

Haley requires all applicants take a paper and pencil test with logic and math problems on it. Haley is giving her applicants a _______ test.


If our demand exceeds our supply, we will be this


If our supply is expected to exceed our demand, we will be this


If we need people for a year or less and we do not need them to have specialized skills, we might consider using this type of worker


In HR forecasting, this refers to "availability" or the numbers and types of employees we expect to have on hand


In HR forecasting, this refers to "requirements" or the numbers and types of employees we expect to need to fulfill our business objectives


In class, we discussed these tables to estimate supply. They are like a "photo" in that they show the number of employees over time, but they do not show how people moved from one job to another or out of the organization


Job _____ is the process of eliminating or combining tasks and/or changing the work sequence to improve performance


Job _____ is the process of identifying tasks that each employee is responsible for completing, as well as identifying how those tasks will be accomplished


Job _____ is when we allow 2 or more people to coordinate a whole job, including the workload and benefits. The people doing the job are interchangeable.


Job ______ involves performing different jobs in some sequence, each one for a set period of time. This allows the company to be more flexible in dealing with absenteeism


Job ______ is the process used to identify the work performed and the working conditions for each of jobs in our organization


John receives this job characteristic; he can tell from his customers how he is performing his task. This knowledge of results further motivates him.

workflow analysis

Lauren and Juan are working to identify the work processes that create Acme Global's products. They are beginning with the organizational output. Next they will identify the tasks and inputs. The tool they are using is ________.


Layoffs involve terminating a _____ number of people


Layoffs result in _______ employee morale and job satisfaction


We can address a shortage issue by forcing employees to work this


We might offer people a deal to leave if they have worked a certain number of years for us. However, it must be offered to all who are eligible, not involve discrimination, and the employees need a reasonable time to think it over.


We use this method of calculating employees when we want to be more precise in our estimates. It takes into account the number of hours each employee typically works

Do you have any disabilities that would prevent you from performing the job?

What application form question can a company legally ask?

job enlargement

Willie found he did not have enough work to keep him busy throughout the work day. His boss found some more tasks for him so that he had plenty to do. This is an example of _______.


The degree to which the employee has discretion to make decisions in planning, organizing, and controlling his/her work


The job ____ identifies the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are components of a job


The job _____ identifies the qualifications of a person who should be capable of doing the job tasks


The job ______ Model is a conceptual framework for designing or enriching jobs based on core job characteristics

create a reasonable pool of candidates

The main goal of the recruiting process is too _________.


The people who are needed in a particular production process, both quantity and types

promotion from within and employee referrals

The two most common sources for internal recruiting are _______ and _________.


There is some significant evidence that, at least in personality based honesty or integrity tests, applicants have trouble ______ answers to the test


These functions are important because they help define whether employees are qualified or not (disabled candidates are not qualified if they cannot perform these functions with or without accommodation)


These types of forecast help us determine numbers needed or on hand, but they don't tell us what TYPES of people we will need/have


________ recruiting occurs when hiring managers have a need to fill a position and they communicate that need to Human Resources. Human resource recruiters will then search the organization's files for people who have the requisite skills and qualifications and send a list of such individuals to the hiring manager.


how many and what types of peoples are needed

workflow analysis

identifies what has to be done within the organization to produce a product or service. For each product or service, the tool identifies the series of tasks that need to be completed to take the work from initiation to completion.


one of the disadvantages of this type of recruitment is that it might create an entitlement culture


skill variety, task identity, and task significance combine to affect perceptions of this


the capital that must be spent to perform our processes


Acme Global uses four different selection tests: an honesty test, a skills test, and an interview. Each test is worth 25 points. To become a finalist, a job candidate must get an average score of 75 on the four tests. Acme Global is using an _____ selection model.


Also known as ergonomic, this type of job design reduces physical strain and effort, such as lowering conveyor belts so that workers do not have to repetitively reach above waist level


An example of job _______ is when you are given more tasks to do at the same level (horizontal expansion). You have greater skill variety but not more autonomy.


An example of this is when the employee sees what his/her job accomplishes -ex. puts together an entire TV vs. just installing several bolts to attach the screen


An example of this is when we have an outside company perform our computer programming functions instead of doing this within our company. This helps address labor shortage.


An example of this job design would be when a worker in a manufacturing facility attaches the desktop to its base using 6 fasteners and then goes to the next desk to fasten another identical top to another base


An example of this type of forecasting method is when we ask managers to estimate how many/what types of people will be leaving and how many/what types of people they will need in the future


An example of this type of forecasting method is: "We have grown by 3% each year in the last 5 years. We expect that we will need to increase our FTEs by 3% again next year"


An example of this way of counting employees is when we add up the number of people working for us, regardless of how many hours they work


An observable characteristic, such as typing


An option for lowering labor costs without terminating employees can be done with a job _____ arrangement, in which we split one job up among workers without terminating any workers


As we discussed in class, job analysis is the _____ of HR practice


As we discussed in class, this analysis helps us examine the differences between estimates of supply and estimates of demand

task identity

In the job characteristics model, ______ is the degree to which an employee performs a whole identifiable task. For example, does the employee put together an entire television or just place the screen in the set?


In this job analysis method, the employee writes down the tasks he/she is doing while performing the job -its useful for jobs the are hard to observe, but the data aren't in standard format, which makes quantifying the data difficult


Instead of layoff, companies can immediately lower labor costs by implementing a pay ___


Someone who is familiar with the job. Usually the job incumbent people currently in the job


Suppose that 2 HR forecasting techniques give us about the same value. We don't know that the values are correct, but we know that they are consistent. This is known as:


Suppose that we identify high potential employees we would like to develop in our organization. All of the developmental activities we provide them (along with using the replacement chart) makes up this type of planning


Sysco uses this type of recruitment message when, in its videos, it shows warehouse employees dealing with heavy merchandise, stressful pace, and long working hours


The JCM suggests that certain job characteristics influence employees' _______ states, which can lead to work related outcomes


The Transition Probability Matrix (Markov) helps us forecast this


The capacity to do something, even if not yet developed


This analysis is the tool that we use to identify what has to be done within an organization to produce a product or service


This is a depth chart that we use in the organization that helps us determine the next people in line for a job and how ready they are to take on the responsibilities of the job


This is a job analysis method that is generally a quick and cost effective way to gather data from many sources, but no follow up questions are included, responses may be hard to interpret, and low responses rates are likely


This is a recruiting metric that simply tracks what is done, such as the number of people hired last quarter


This is a type of inventory that helps us forecast the types of people we will have on hand. Employees are asked to regularly update their profile with classes they have taken, languages they have learned, etc.


This is the stage for a new recruit where expectations don't match the realities of the organization. The recruit either changes to the organization or leaves


This is vertical expansion of the job; you are given more autonomy


This probability matrix (also known as a Markov Analysis) uses how people moved among jobs in the past to predict future movement among jobs


This quantitative method helps forecast demand by finding the line of best fit between a business factor, we can use an equation to determine the size of the workforce we will need


This refers to how accurate our HR forecasts are. We must have reliability to have this


This saves the company money because it can reduce office space; it also increases autonomy for employees


This type of analysis is the process of reviewing historical data and calculating specific proportions between a business factor (such as production) and the number of employees needed


This type of forecast utilizes mathematics to forecast future events based on historical data


This type of planning helps organizations plan for smooth transitions from one key employee to another in order to minimize disruption of the organizations work


This type of work week is used by many city governments -employees work 4 10 hour days instead of 5 8 hours days

targeted recruitment

When Ayako received a promotion, the human resource management director asked her to privately nominate her successor. Ayako nominated her star employee, Kevin, for the job. This recruitment method is known as ________.


When _______, an organization must first consider the supply and demand factors in a particular category of jobs.

work sample

When hiring forklift, drivers, Acme Global provides a test that involves driving a forklift to move pallets from one place to another. This would be an example of a ____ test.


Whether or not we measured what we thought we measured


accuracy of the job analysis results -for example if a professor job analysis left out research (40% of the job), it would not have a high level of this


job seekers who aren't actively searching for a job, but will review job postings regularly in the event that something interesting is available are called _______- passive job seekers


managerial _______ is when we ask managers to support and individual before we will consider the person for promotion through the internal recruiting process


physical resource (wood, paper, buildings) used in production


this is a rating that evaluates the individual for fitness for higher level jobs in the organization


this is a workflow input: it is any physical resource that we use in production


tools, equipment, used to complete work


what we examine first in a workflow analysis


when people naturally leave the organization; we may choose not to fill the jobs so that we can address overstaffing issues, although this is a long term solution

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