HR Reviewer Chapter 3 (Recruitment of Employees)

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Parmelee Eastman

"Know BEFORE You Go (or Apply)" series of articles by Job-Hunt's research expert ________ about choosing the best potential employers, and gathering necessary information to prepare a cover letter, and how to impress interviewers with your knowledge of them and their organization

A leading Dubai job site which has categories like Search Jobs, Job Seekers Login, Career Tools, and Post resume. Browse jobs by keyword, experience, location, and functional area. It is among the fastest growing job web sites in the gulf.

Provides greater motivation for good performance, Provides greater promotion opportunities for present employees, Improves morale and organizational loyalty, Enables employee to perform the new job with little loss of time, Familiar with the organization on how it operates

Advantages of Promotion from Within

Subcontracting/outsourcing, Overtime, Temporary Help, Employee Leasing

Alternatives to Recruiting

Maintaining an applicant pool

Applicant pool consists of individuals who have expressed an interest in pursuing a job opening and who might be feasible candidates for the position

Screening applicants

Applicants should be screened to eliminate individuals who are obviously unqualified


Attracting qualified people

applicant pool

Before an organization is able to hire an individual, it must locate qualified applicants who are looking for jobs -- known as establishing an

Best Jobs Philippines, a Philippine job listing site with mostly local, but also overseas jobs


Choose them carefully. The trend is not to include the references on the resume. It is better to use every precious inch of space to promote yourself. Initially, you can just place there that references are available upon request.

Current construction job vacancies in the Gulf region

Name, Address, and Telephone Number, Job Objective, Education, Skills, Work Experience, Communication Skills, References

Different Parts of Your Resume

recruitment sites

Different ________ can provide you with statistics such as how many people looked at your job posting, how many people submitted their resumes, as well as where your job ranked with other organizations recruiting for the same position

Promotes inbreeding (narrowing of thinking and stale ideas), Creates political in-fighting and pressures to compete, Requires a strong management development program, Creates a homogenous workforce

Disa dvantages of Promotion from Within


Employers want to know what skills you have. Highlight the main skills required of the position you are seeking. By doing so, you increase your chances of creating a match in the employer's mind. Use STAR --- Situation, Technique, Action, Results - as a guide and template. Positive results create positive reactions. If you can quantify your results, you are talking in a language employers understand.

Excellent web site for Filipinos to find English teaching jobs abroad

Provides new ideas and new insights, Allows employee to make changes without having to please constituent groups, Does not change the present organizational hierarchy

External Hiring (Advantages)

Loss of time due to adjustment, Destroys incentive of present employees to strive for promotions, No information is available if the applicant can blend with the rest of the group.

External Hiring (Disadvantages)

Job advertisement, Employment centers or agencies, Campus Recruitment, Internships, Job fairs/special events recruiting, Online recruitment/e-recruitment

External Sources

screening device

For employers, the resume is a

It is a one-stop destination for the job seekers and the employers across Emirates and Middle East. The site is divided into sections: Job Search by Company, Advanced Job Search, My Account, Career Tools, etc.

It is the largest job site in UAE. It features the latest jobs in Dubai which include IT, Marketing, Administration, and many more.

It is the top source for jobs in the Middle East. The job site has sections like My Workspace, Find Jobs, Post CV, Career Resources, Employers, etc.

It lists the job openings in Dubai and Gulf. You can search jobs by company or agency. The section of Hot Jobs is very helpful to the users or the job seekers.

Pick Your Next Employer

Job-Hunt's ________section has links to how-to articles, directories of employer Web sites, and list of potential employers

Work Experience

List in reverse chronological order. Play up your work if it is career-related or requires skills you want to emphasize. Whenever possible, use job descriptions that are results-oriented.

Identify the jobs, employers, and locations that interest you, and then find out where you can submit your application based on your qualifications, Read the "Know BEFORE You Go (or Apply), you need to create your resume, learn how to complete online forms, and customize your LinkedIn Profile or your personal resume Web page with "keywords" for recruiters to find, Establish an email account

Online Job Search for Applicants

Overseas jobs for Filipinos posted by Philippine recruitment agencies licensed by POEA

Professional jobs in Dubai and other Middle East regions

Formulating a recruiting strategy, Searching for job applicants, Screening applicants, Maintaining an applicant pool

Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan

Internal Sources, Referrals, External Sources

Sources of Applicants


The _____ is a treasure of useful information

Searching for job applicants

The application search may involve traditional recruiting methods or through the use of e-recruitment

The official government site for Philippine jobs sponsored by Department of Labor and Employment, with significant number of job listings in the Philippines.

The official web site of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration which contains overseas job vacancies

The site of JobStreet Philippines which is part of JobStreet Network. You can expand your job search out of Philippines by going to other JobStreet sites.

Name, Address, and Telephone Number

These should be on top for companies to remember your name. If possible, use a font size larger than what is used on the rest of your resume.

Formulating a recruiting strategy

This is a choice between internal and external recruiting strategy

This is a leading job site of Dubai. The job seeker can browse jobs by industries like banking, customer service, finance, healthcare, technology, and many others. The site features Your Searches, Your Jobs, Resources, Link To Us, etc.

Job Objective

This is crucial because it informs the employer if there is a match between the job vacancy and what you can offer. If you can offer what the employer is looking for, he/she will read on.


This job site has categories like Urgent Jobs, Jobs in Dubai Search, etc. It offers job listings in the categories like Information Technology, Hospitality, Administration, Accounting, etc.

This job site includes teaching jobs, jobs in hospitality industry, and other entry-level professional jobs.

This job site mostly posts U.S. jobs. Occasionally, it posts professional jobs in the Philippines recruited by multinational companies.

Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan

This plan is an effort to quickly fill the HR request with an individual who first satisfies the job specifications

Do not apply at recruitment agencies not licensed by POEA or the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, Do not deal with licensed agencies without job orders, Do not deal with any person who is not an authorized representative of a licensed agency, Do not transact business outside the registered address of the agency, Do not pay more than the allowed placement fee, Do not pay any placement fee unless you have a valid employment contract and an official receipt, Do not be enticed by ads or brochures requiring you to reply to a post office (P.O.) box, and to enclose payment for processing of papers, Do not deal with training centers and travel agencies, which promise overseas employment, Do not accept a tourist visa, Do not deal with fixers.

Tips to Job Applicants to Avoid Illegal Recruitment

Situation, Technique, Action, Results

Use STAR as a guide and template

a. Job postings on a Web site are very different from typical newspaper ads where you are paying per word posted in the spread, b. You are not restricted by the number of words you can use in your description, and most employment sites have search engines for applicants to use in finding job postings, c. You can offer as many ways as possible for the applicant to reach you, e.g., phone, fax, email, and "snail mail" with your complete address, d. You can respond immediately with an acknowledgment, personalized if possible, to the applicant via email

Using Employment Sites to Post Your Job Openings


Using the _____ is the fastest, simplest, and most convenient or most cost effective way to reach hundreds of thousands of qualified candidates, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week


We now have the ability to do virtually everything from our computers and _______! is one of them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DubaiJobs.Net,,

Web Sites for Philippine and Overseas jobs


_______ have always wanted detailed job descriptions

Responses, measurable

_________ occur instantly and the results are _________

Campus recruitment

a primary source for entry-level job candidates. This is usually coordinated with the university or college placement center.

Employment centers or agencies

agencies that charge a fee for each applicant they place


can be a big help to recruiters


for students with practicum or on-the-job training, this can help them in honing their business skills, check out potential employers, and learn more about their likes and dislikes when it comes to choosing careers

curriculum vitae

is a document that describes your qualifications, including but not limited to your profile, goals, skills, education, and professional experience


it represents one of the major responsibilities of the HR manager

Job Sites by Location

job sites with a geographic focus to help you find an appropriate local resource for your postings.

Job fairs/special events recruiting

joining or sponsoring employment fairs


list your educational experience in reverse chronological order. Include a high GPA and any honors and awards received. List the key courses relevant to the job you are seeking.

Job advertisement

placement of help-wanted advertisements in newspapers, trade and professional publications, or on radio and television


present employees are asked to encourage friends and relatives to apply. This is the most often used recruiting tool in small organizations


provides a list of employment sites with different categories

Employee leasing

similar to temporary help agency employees are not temporary. Leasing companies issue the workers paychecks, take care of personnel matters, ensure compliance with workplace regulations, and provide the required employee benefits.

Specialty Employment Sites

sites that provide category listings depending on the vacant position

Employment Super Sites

sites that provide visibility in all kinds of media.


subcontract work to another organization wherein the organization loses some of its control over work that is outsourced. The company takes full operational responsibility for performing that function rather than just supplying the personnel. This is now the trend for most companies to avoid recruitment of additional employees.

Internal Sources

the use of promotion from within taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages

Temporary help

use of temporary help services to fill the needs of companies on a temporary basis. When the company is downsizing, temporary employees create a flexible staff that can be laid off easily and recalled when necessary.


used to avoid the incremental costs of recruiting and hiring additional employees for a short period of time


your resume is the first step in _________ yourself to your perspective employer

ñIt is a premier job site of Dubai and claims to be the largest e-recruitment service. Browse the jobs and also go through the categories featured in the web site like Employers, Career Centre, Login, etc.

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