HRM Course 2.2

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QN=52 Based off the lecture, what are the best ways to attract passive candidates? Select all that apply. a. Job Postings b. Employment Branding c. Social Media Presence d. Cold Calling


QN=53 True or False: Having a positive candidate experience can be a strategy to attract passive candidates a. True b. False


QN=54 True or False: There is no law against using social media in the recruiting process a. True b. False


QN=55 Which of the following competencies were talked about in the lecture that recruiters should analyze when selecting candidates? a. Team-Based b. Firm- Based c. Job- Based d. All of the above


QN=56 At which step is the background check part of the recruiting process? a. First b. Second c. Last d. A background check is not part of the screening process.


QN=57 Which of the below options is NOT a type of interview? a. Technology b. Panel c. Automatic d. Structured In Person Phone screen


QN=58 Personality Inventory and Cognitive Ability Test can be used in the selection process. a. True b. False


QN=59 Certain characteristics of a recruiter don't have an influence on the attitudes and behaviors of the applicants. a. True b. False


QN=60 True or False: 46% of reference and credential verification revealed a discrepancy a. True b. False


QN=61 Failure to obtain information that could have been easily been accessed during the hiring process could result in a. Disparate treatment b. The employee suing the company c. Negligent hiring


QN=92 Individual development plans must be designed for each individual, even when all your team members are working on the same projects and outcomes, true or false? a. True b. False


QN=93 A sample Individual Development Plan (IDP) was discussed in this lesson. What was NOT one of the four parts of that sample IDP? a. Goals b. Strategies c. Action Steps d. Planning e. Resources/Support


QN=51 What percentage of job seekers use their mobile device to search for a job once a week or more? a. 56% b. 68% c. 88%


QN=62 What is the definition of disparate treatment? a. An intentional act that discriminates against an individual based on protected class b. Neutral policies and practices that adversely affect protected classes (that could not be justified by business necessity). c. Accidentally making minorities feel excluded


QN=63 Select all that are protected by the EEOC a. Race b. Sex c. Pregnancy d. Age


QN=65 "Tell me about a time when you made a mistake" is what type of interview question? a. Situational b. Behavioral c. Knowledge


QN=66 True or False: Structured interviews can be valid predictors of job performance a. True b. False


QN=67 What is the #1 ability needed for interviewing? a. To be able to listen b. To be a people person c. To be welcoming d. To be organized


QN=68 What is the number one step to a good hire? a. Job analysis, Identify KSAO, and job description b. Just job analysis c. Determining the selection method d. None of the above


QN=69 True or False: Validity is only situation-specific a. True b. False


QN=70 What are the pros of metrics? a. Provide a snapshot in time b. Insightful c. Good for dashboards and KPIs


QN=71 You should discuss candidates between interviews to make sure everyone is on the same page. a. True b. False


QN=72 What does the offer package consist of? Check all that apply a. offer letter b. employment agreement c. job description d. Training Manual


QN=73 Employers will require applicants to pass each station before moving on if they are using this type of selection: a. Multiple Hurdle Model b. Compensatory Model c. Standard Interview


QN=74 True or False: Metrics are the measurements of efficiency, performance, progress or quality. a. True b. False


QN=75 What is employee engagement? a. How happy employees are at their jobs. b. How long an employee has worked at his or her job? c. How hard employees work for an organization and how long they intend to stay. d. How much an employee likes the manager and co-workers.


QN=76 Being clear about the culture of your organization is an important part of socializing a new hire, true or false? a. True b. False


QN=77 What is one stage of the new hire socialization process? a. Going out with co-workers. b. Understanding where you, as a new employee, fit in the organizational context. c. Completing all new hire paperwork. d. Doing well on the first performance review.


QN=78 There is a good return on investment for having higher employee engagement in your organization, true or false? a. True b. False


QN=79 Which one of these is NOT a cost when replacing an employee? a. Separation costs b. Vacancy costs c. Replacement costs d. Training costs e. Performance costs


QN=80 We know a good onboarding program should be about a year, more or less depending on the position. But when should a manager make sure to check in with the new hire? (Check the one that isn't correct.) a. First Day b. Day Five c. Ninety Days d. One Year e. Two Years


QN=81 When beginning the process of creating your onboarding program, with whom should you start the discussion? a. Your manager b. The new hire c. Human Resources d. Your team


QN=82 When should onboarding begin? a. On the new hire's first day. b. At the time of the offer for the position. c. During the new hire's first week. d. Timing isn't that important, just get it on the new hire's schedule soon.


QN=83 We want onboarding to be individualized. So it's best to make sure that the new employee is signed up ahead of time for all the appropriate groups to which the new hire belongs (like the women's leadership group, or the LGBT employee group, etc.). True or false? a. True b. False


QN=84 It can be difficult to create an individualized onboarding process. But what is the most important thing to think of as you create your onboarding program? a. Make sure you get the new hire paperwork done. b. Introduce the new hire to the organization's leader. c. Be intentional about designing the human relationship. d. Make the process super fun.


QN=85 What is the first step in getting ready for your new hire's first day? a. Prepare yourself. b. Talk with the new hire. c. Get your team ready. d. Set up a welcoming environment. e. Talk with HR about paperwork.


QN=86 Is it important to pre-schedule time with your new hire during the first week of employment? a. Yes, put it on both your calendars. b. If possible, but if emergencies come up try for some time in the first month. c. No, just make sure you have a meeting with the new hire in the first month.


QN=87 It is important that the new hire not make mistakes as that will reflect poorly on his or her first performance review, true or false? a. True b, False


QN=88 You want your team to be involved with the new hire onboarding process. But if there are concerns your team has with the new hire, they should do the following: a. Keep it to themselves, this is a new employee and things are bound to get better. b. Talk with the other team members about the concern to see if the concern is shared. c. Bring the concern to you so you can help resolve it. d. Talk directly with the new hire and explain how things are done on the team.


QN=89 What is the best way to be sure that you are ready for the new hire's first day? a. Ask others to help. b. Create and use an onboarding checklist. c. Talk with human resources. d. Ask the new hire what they need.


QN=90 Job satisfaction and employee engagement are the same thing. a. True b. False


QN=91 A strong driver for both job satisfaction and employee engagement is: a. Pay and benefits b. The team of people you work with c. Where the job is located d. The employee relationship with the direct supervisor


QN=94 Which of the following are reasons why you should talk with your new hire about your organization's performance review system during the early days of onboarding? a. Such a discussion will help the new hire know what is expected in the position. b. Such a discussion will create a communication channel for you and the new hire. c. Such a discussion helps both you and the new hire to think about what documentation you will want to collect d. for the review. d. Such a discussion creates a sense of longevity with the organization for the new hire as they begin to think of the future early on in their career. e. All of the above.


Qn=64 A test cannot be valid if it is not reliable a. True b. False

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