HRM Exam 3

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Describe the process of On-the- Job training.

*Tell* the learner how to do the task - Explain, illustrate, and question the worker make sure the worker understands how to do the task. *Show* the worker how the task is to be performed: - As you demonstrate the task emphasize key points. Now the learner is using two senses, hearing and visual. *Do* let the learner do the task: - Employees need a chance to demonstrate and practice immediately after learning. This helps them test and assimilate the information. Have the employee explain each step just before they do it and provide feedback as they go. At this stage the learner is using at least three senses, touch, hearing and visual. *Review* the work they have just done: - Provide feedback that reinforces good work habits. Encouragement is extremely important!

What are some training guidelines?

- All employees CAN learn .They just need to be motivated and have a clear picture of the desired behavior. If employees can't seem to learn, then ask yourself which of the two pieces are missing. - Learning methods should be varied to avoid boredom, and reach all types of learning. - Learners should gain satisfaction from learning by seeing the training as useful. - Learning is an active process! Have them physically do stuff, writing, participating, questioning. - Time must be allowed to absorb the learning. It takes time to assimilate, test, and accept new information or practices. - Learning has not taken place until the behavior has changed!

What are key aspects to performing a performance appraisal review?

- The annual review should not substitute for frequent meaningful feedback when issues arise. - Preparation signifies importance. If you don't require preparation and prepare yourself, then you are indicating it is not important. Without preparation you cannot set objectives and the conversation can stray. - Reviews need to be done every 6 months. - Reviews must state objectives ahead of time. This is not only true reviews but for all meeting. Without clear objectives, people have no reason to listen.

Describe the Not Extreme principle of supportive communication.

- avoid specific extreme statements. Words like Never, Always, No, Yes, Wrong, Right leave no room for discussion and don't lead to positive conversations.

Describe the types of rating errors. (book)

- mgrs give higher evals to emp most like them, contrast error (comp. emp to emp), distr. err - leniency, halo/horns err

Describe the Listened to principle of supportive communication.

1. Advising- This response provides direction. It helps clarify things for a communicator in need of direction. 2. Deflecting- This changes the focus from the communicators problem to a different subject. The listener may talk about a similar experience they had for the purpose of letting the other person know they understand. Be certain to link your situation with theirs and don't give the impression that yours is more important. Otherwise your deflective story just becomes form of superiority or disjunctive communication. 3. Probing is all about questions. It allows the listener to get more information and have the communicator answer some of their own questions. This is very empowering to the communicator. Use- "What causes you to feel that way" 4. Reflecting is simply restating back the information that you heard and maybe even what you think it means. This was the speaker know you have understood their message. the first response was toward the employees emotions. 5. Attention & Time - schedule a time, do NOT text while speaking with someone

What is a job performance guide and what are the two tools it provides?

1. An employee who wants to do well can do well. They can refer to the guide, follow it, and know they can do it. They can have confidence doing the task this way because that is exactly what the manager wrote down. 2. It can be used during an evaluation. You are no longer critiquing the employee with a conversation between you and employee. Instead you are a coach asking why they chose to not do step #?. The focus is then on the operating procedure and the employee. This make the criticism less personal. To top it off the employee now has an exact picture of how to do the job correctly next time.

Describe the 4 types of training from lecture.

1. Apprenticeship training is one of the oldest types of on the job training. This allows a worker to earn wages while learning a specialized trade. 2. Job rotation is a common practice for manager trainees. This involves moving around within the organization so every task/aspect is learned. 3. Simulated training involves training employees on simulated or actual equipment off the job. This is useful when a mistake from a new employee could be disastrous. 4. Continuing Education Training option for small business includes taking employees to extension seminars or professional conferences for team buliding, feeling of compensation and motivation for promoted employees

Compare behavior, comparison and results based performance measures.

1. Comparison- Top is best, bottom is worst. 2. Attribute- knowledge, judgment, interpersonal skills, creativity, ingenuity, loyalty 3. Behavioral- # of customer contacts, fert/pest application, Vaccination technique. 4. Results- Profit, # of sales, Yield, mortality ratio.

Explain the Vision element of change.

1. Create a Vision of Change: - This vision must include emotions, inspiration, and be realistic. 2. Plan: - Mangers must have a plan to reach the targeted change. This plan must be reasonable yet challenging with short term goals. People like to be proud winners. A plan that is impossible will be avoided by employees who don't want failure on their record. 3. Not a Perfect Plan: - Too much time and effort spent on planning the change will cause employees to be tired, disinterested, and demoralized by lack of progress.

Explain the Shared need element of change.

1. Establish a need: - A reason or "NEED" for change must be clearly established. This need it what drives the vision and builds momentum among change agents. The real costs of continuing on the current path need to be explained. 2. A Lasting Need: - A lasting change is driven by outside forces such as customer expectations, new competitors, and industry changing technology. Employees can be shown these types of needs will not go away. 3. Listen: - Mangers need buy-in from employees. Listen to employees concerns and ideas for improvement. Start the change from there. By getting employees involved in the process less time will need to be spent on convincing them that change is necessary. 4. Timing: - Timing the required change is crucial to success. Pushing for change during holidays, busy times of the year, or when other distractions are present is a set up for failure.

What are the rules of engagement for resolving conflicts?

1. Focus on the facts- Agree on common facts that there is no debate over. If a fact is questioned then move away from it and refocus on the issue. 2. Develop multiple ideas to enrich debate- Don't discuss ideas until all have been laid out otherwise the idea process will be stifled. 3. Share commonly agreed upon goals- Find a common goal. Profit or end of arguing. 4. Inject humor into decision making 5. Maintain a balance of power- Everybody should get a say. Step in and allow less assertive team members to be heard. 6. Resolve issue without forcing consensus- Allow team member to say, I disagree with the solution, but I'm willing to implement it if that is what the manager wants.

What are the 5 basic strategies to approach conflicts?

1. Forcing- One person asserts their needs using formal power or threats to get their way. 2. Accommodating- One person satisfies other groups requests while neglecting their own. The end result is failure of both parties. One group losses self esteem from being walked on and eventually backlashes at the other group. 3. Avoiding- The issue is sidestepped of solutions are postponed. Frequently done by managers ill prepared to handle stress and confrontation. Frustration occurs as nothing get done and leadership roles is challenged. 4. Compromising- Both parties get half of what they want. This easy approach is overly used. Both parties always end up losing half way. 5. Collaborating- Both parties work together to find solutions to the cause of the conflict and develop the best solution. This strategy provides the most benefit because it encourages teamwork and problem solving without the manager.

Explain the Leader element of change.

1. Identify Change Agents: - Certain employees are more likely to accept change. Know your staff well enough to know who is looking to take on exciting new projects. Select those who have the time and passion to put in the extra effort. 2. Identify social leaders: - Social leaders are those whom others go to for guidance or see as having the same values as themselves, but more information on an issue.

Explain the Finishing the Change element of change.

1. Implement: - At this stage employees have recognized a change is going to occur, the work has been performed, but nothing has happened yet. 2. Train: Use effective training to target your largest audience first. Once employees realize that the unchanged are in the minority there will be a strong desire to be caught up. 3. Beta: Before going 100% live with the new process allow some beta testers a chance. These employees will be able to shake out the bugs of the system. Beta testers must be made aware they are working with an imperfect process. 4. Reward Failure: Implementation and results are made possible by attempts. At the beginning reward attempts nearly equally with results.

Explain the attributes of ineffective teams?

1. Individual recognition- By rewarding individuals with MVP's or special treatment for their contribution, all members become self motivated to receive individual rewards. The result is wasted energy on competition among team members. 2. Instability- Why should a member sacrifice for a team today if they will not be around to receive the rewards later? 3. Forced consensus- Not allowing individual members to create their own thoughts and be autonomous when desired can causes resentment. 4. Failed orientation- Clearly expressing the groups norms, values, and goals can cause confusion. New members can feel unimportant if the values they bring to the group are not acknowledged by others. 5. Decision processes- Taking too long to make a decision or forcing out effective action with groupthink can cause frustration.

Explain the attributes of effective teams?

1. Interdependence- Productivity of the entire group is dependent on the coordination and efforts of all the members. 2. Synergy- Collective efforts of the group outperform individual efforts. Two people collaborating can produce the work of three; 3. Magnetism- Outsiders desire to be affiliated with the team because of the advantages of membership. 4. Protection- Members care for each other and all are appreciated. 5. Encouragement- Those bearing the load of the moment are driven forward by the support of other members. 6. Trust- Members trust each other and understand the success of one individual promotes the entire team including themselves.

Explain the Commitment element of change.

1. Management: - Beyond giving a rousing speech and hanging posters, the manager must allocate additional resources. Manager should begin with their personal time and effort. 2. Stakeholders: - Identify who is to gain, lose, and or be affected by this change. This includes political ties with employees that are not directly affected. Give these stake holder particular attention to gaining commitment. 3. Resistance: All change will bring some resistance. A manger must acknowledge resistance openly and ask for doubts without trying to negate them.

Explain the Monitored Progress element of change.

1. Monitor: Mangers cannot fix what they don't know is broken. Create methods of feedback, and checkpoint. Feedback empowers stakeholders and change agents with the ability to influence the process. Checkpoints allow managers to if teams are on track for goal completion and identify problems early. 2. Prepare to compromise: The change you are trying to manage was probably only accepted after the situation was on the edge of failure or in crisis. Mangers must make compromises in relation to solving the other problems and allocating scarce resources.

What are the 4 main types (sources) of conflict between coworkers?

1. Personal Differences - These are the toughest and can quickly turn from what is factually correct to morally correct. 2. Information Differences - Important messages may be missed or instructions for the boss misread. These are easy to fix, if they don't get out of hand. Simply make sure everybody has the same understanding of your instruction. 3. Role incompatibility - This occurs when two units with different responsibilities have different goals. Quality manager vs. productivity manager. Both parties are usually correct. These are best solved by a mutual supervisor. 4. Environmental Stress- People become very protective when budget resources are scarce or the company is facing layoffs.

Completely describe the steps for performing a performance appraisal review. (Answer should be lengthy and go into detail)

1. Procedure - The manager and the employee need to plan what is going to be discussed. Have the employee do a self evaluation. - To begin the meeting elicit feedback from employees. Let them go first with their explanation of how they met their goals and encourage them to discuss the topics they wanted to bring up. - Communicate your views. Only state facts you can back up. - Reconcile differences. They gave their view, you gave yours, now meet in the middle. Don't spend too much time on the past. - Devise a plan of action together. Tweak their goals so they are appropriate. - End on a positive note. Your last comment to the employee should be on something they did well and encourage them. - Write up a summary of you meeting including outcomes. Place a copy in the employee's folder and send a copy to them.

Completely describe the REACH method of feedback. (Answer should be lengthy and go into detail)

1. Rapport - Build rapport by saying hey how is the weather etc. and putting the employee at ease. <10sec 2. Establish Purpose - State exactly why you are having the conversation. This will focus the discussion of both parties. Only state the topic. This should just be one or two sentences at most 5 seconds. 3. Ask the employee to explain their take on the situation. Most times the employee will bring up what was done wrong so you don't have to. 4. Create a plan for the future. Once the employee has described the situation, then focus on how to handle the situation differently next time. 5. Highlight and Commit - review what the problem was what will be done in the future based on the plan. By having this plan if the event occurs again the conversation can focus on why the employee didn't stick to the plan. This is yet again removing you from the situation and focusing on the employees actions while leaving them in control.

What are the various reasons for giving severance pay?

1. Severance is given in exchange for returning company property by the next day. If property in not returned the employee can be taken to court to recover your costs and be given no severance pay. 2. Use severance pay in exchange for signing a "release of liability". By signing this release they can't sue you for anything that happened in the past. They can't sue for back wages, discrimination (except age), wrongful termination, or just about anything else a disgruntled former employee can think up after they drink up. 3. Retention of company secrets and skills. Corporations often exchange severance pay for an employee agreement not to work for competitors.

When measuring performance using results the goals must be SMART. Explain SMART.

1. Specific- Expectations must be very specific. There should be no grey area on whether or not an employee was successful. 2. Measurable- There in no point on have something due "in the future" or completed "correctly". Employees need to have measurable terms like Tuesday at 9:00am and 98% error free. 3. Aligned with team culture- Goals should relate to the success of the company. 4. Realistic barely- A goal need to stretch an employees abilities. If too easy it is not something to be proud of achieving. If impossible then employees will not try. 5. Timed- All expectations and goals should have a deadline for obvious reasons. One reason that is not so obvious is the performance review.

Similar to candidate selection, performance management has criteria to determine effectiveness. Describe these five criteria. (book)

1. fit with strategy - PMS should aim at achieving employee behavior and attitudes that support the co. strategy, goals, and culture 2. validity - extent to which a msrment tool actually msrs 3. reliability - consistency of results over time 4. acceptability - by emp. & mgr, otherwise useless 5. specific fb - tell emp what exactly is expected of them & how they can meet them

Describe the process of the positive discipline approach. (Do NOT put any your focus on the decision day step)

1.Informal discussion - This is a friendly reminder for a minor issue. 2.Verbal warning - Obviously the employee didn't respond to your polite comments on performance so now you need to set a different tone. > create a formal private atmosphere, address the unacceptable behavior, listen for reasons, communicate behavior changes, express confidence in emp. 3.Written warning - At this stage you know you have stuck to the principles of justice so you can step up the repercussions and be confident in your morality. 4.Decision day 5.Termination - If you have followed the previous four steps this is not surprise to the employee. > select a neutral setting, come prepared, make it clear the decision is final, never apologize, provide with severence term info, collect co. property, state last day, put all in writing

Describe the Flexible principle of supportive communication.

A flexible manager asks for and values the opinions and ideas of their subordinates. Non flexible communication is invalidating and non supportive. A manager thinks they are always right and their word is the way it is. There is no better way then theirs. "My way or the Highway"

Describe the Egalitarian principle of supportive communication.

Avoid superiority. Don't try to out do another person.

What was the main point in the story about judging a persons worth.

Be honest and focus only on ideas, products, concepts and proposals.

Describe behavior based performance measurements.

Behavioral rating: Behavior rating using a critical incident form and a BARS can be very effective for a small business. During the performance appraisal review this can be used as a fact sheet to provide you with specific information to discuss improvements, concerns, promotions, demotions.

Explain the position characteristics necessary to have power in an organization.

Centrality- Access to information via communication networks. A managers social capital is based on who they know. Flexibility- The more freedom a manager has to exercise judgment, the more power they will have. Visibility- Positions that perform tasks seen by influential people will be quick movers. Relevance- Mangers associated with tasks that are directly related to their organizational priorities will have more power.

What is the difference between a coaching and a counseling situation?

Coaching is usually necessary when a subordinate is lacking Abilities, Skills, or Knowledge. Managers must pass along advice or set appropriate standards for employees to follow. The subordinate must clearly understand the problem is and the information managers pass along must be accurate. A mangers approach should be "I can help you do this better" Counseling is about attitude adjustments, conflictive personalities or other problems related to emotions. This is not always an employee who is lazy. Employees who need counseling often believe they are doing what it best for the company. A mangers approach should be " I can help you recognize that a problem exists."

Describe comparison based performance measurements.

Comparison: This involves rating employees relative to each other. Avoid this type of comparison. Although this makes promotion decisions easy, it doesn't set the stage for team work.

Describe the Congruent principle of supportive communication.

Congruent communication is simply stating what you mean. Make sure your verbal, non verbal and feelings all line up. Congruency is important, otherwise the relationship between two people will be superficial and distrusting. Subordinates will spend time always trying to figure out what the manager means or their hidden agenda.

Describe the Conjunctive principle of supportive communication.

Conjunctive communication means messages flow smoothly between people. A supportive communicator will ask questions based on what a subordinate has said. They will also pause after 3-4 sentences to give the subordinate an opportunity to interject their feelings.

Performance=Ability X Motivation. Ability problems are generally associated with what four things?

Difficult tasks Low individual competence Strong effort by employee Lack of improvement.

Explain the personal attributes necessary to have power in an organization.

Expertise- A person with knowledge is readily given power. Expertise based knowledge can be a great equalizer practically in the world of technology. Effort- A manger who can be counted on to arrive early and stay late will begin to earn the trust of superiors and subordinates. Charisma- An ability to inspire followers that many feel is a characteristic that either manager are born with or not. Legitimacy-A mangers actions must be acceptable in the culture of their particular organization.

Explain the 4 stages of team development?

Forming- At the start a team is simply a collection of individuals with no unity. Most are afraid to interact with no sense of security having been established. Interactions are usually formal, guarded and brief. Speaking out feels risky without knowing the groups boundaries or rules. Norming- After establishing trust and a clarity of purpose the team can begin to develop norms of a unified group. Storming- Once the ground rules have been laid and a sense of security established, conflict can occur. This conflict is either from individual members wanting to expand their role or too much agreement leading to stalling progress. Performing- At this stage the team is fully functioning with all members accepting their roles and working toward the groups vision.

Discuss some non-verbal actions to help with supportive communication.

Location- Don't stand while they sit (superiority issues). Don't place a barrier between you and your subordinate. Facial expression- This is the most important of all. A bad facial expression can override all the good supportive communication you have done. Body position- Try to maintain a very open stance when you are talking and listening. Crossing your arms is a sign that you have shut off and are not open to new ideas. Also maintain a straight stance facing the person. A side stance with one foot behind the other is very aggressive.

Completely discus the Coaching approach to leadership.

Management through clear instructions. Motivation is achieved through both discipline and rewards. There is no doubt who is boss. *Firm but fair.*

Describe some common mistakes made by manager during a performance appraisal review other then judging a persons worth.

Mistakes (by manager) - the review is always bad the employee is upset before they even get there. - They become confrontational. Focus on the behavior not the person. - Manager surprises the employee with Negative behavior review - Only correct a few things. - Don't judge a persons worth. Again focus on the actions of the person.

What was Warren Bennis able to conclude about power?

One significant characteristic all of these individuals had stood out. They made others feel powerful. They used their powers to help peers and subordinates accomplish tasks. A person who obtains their power from brute strength will be able to climb the corporate ladder until eventually they run into someone with more strength. A person who obtains power from their ability to help others will have no limitations on how high they can climb.

Define orientation. Explain why socialization is a critical part.

Orientation is a process of socialization that accomplishes teaching the norms, values, goals, work procedure, and patterns of behavior that are expected in the company. Socialization begins to build the team environment and lets the new employee who you think is a good employee.

Describe the Owned principle of supportive communication.

Owning means taking responsibility for your own words and actions. Saying things like "I" and "me" are effective. If you speak making statements like "They say" or "one might say" then you are disowning. Managers need to encourage subordinates to take responsibility for their words by having them restate disowning remarks.

Why is change so hard to implement?

People naturally resist change. Human nature craves consistency. Change is perceived as bad.

Why is a performance appraisal very important to a small business?

Performance management is important. If done well a average employee can be made great and if done wrong then a great employee can go sour. It is more important because you only have 5 employees. If you mess up with one employee that is 20% of your work force, and it doesn't take much for all of them to get together and quit/revolt. **act like a small co. remain a small co.

Often poor performance is blamed on lack of motivation. What really are all the factors that formulate performance? (Should have 3 formulas)

Performance=Ability X Motivation Ability= Aptitude X Training X resources Motivation = Desire X Commitment

How are personal power and personal performance correlated?

Personal power is correlated with personal performance. A manger with low personal power tends to rely on authoritative power and is bossy rather then a leader.A manger with too much personal power tends to abusive. This also leads to ineffective management.

Describe the process/stages of socialization. Pre-arrival, Encounter, Metamorphosis.

Pre-arrival: each new team member has their own preprogrammed norms and value. The selection process will have eliminated those who are incompatible. Encounter: new team members interact and cofrm they are the same or undergo change to replace standards Metamorphosis - The new employee must change to meet the standards so they may become comfortable in their work environment. If successful new members will feel accepted and trusted by their peers. Their commitment to the company and productivity will be high.

Describe results based performance measurements.

Results- Profit, # of sales, Yield, mortality ratio.

Performance=Ability X Motivation. To enhance ability of poor performers what are the 5 steps you should follow?

Resupply- Ask "Do you have what you need to do this job". Retrain- If resupply doesn't work then try to retrain the subordinate in skills you think they need. Refit- Change some of the components of their job to make the job more meaningful or free up some of their time. Reassign- Place subordinate in job with less responsibility or requires fewer of the lacking skills. Release- If none of the above work then termination should be considered.

Explain the Anchoring the Change element of change.

Stick it! : After all of the great effort to establish a new employee attitude, process, or product; make certain it sticks. The new method must be anchored in the cultural and reinforced by mangers actions.

Describe the Two Way principle of supportive communication.

Subordinates are given "air time" and encouraged to participate. Managers will find areas of agreement between them and a subordinate so they have a common ground to work from.

Why is interpersonal communication so important?

Supportive communication is what builds manager-employee relationships. It is communication that seeks to preserve a positive relationship while tackling difficult problems and criticism.

Describe the Descriptive principle of supportive communication.

Supportive communication should be descriptive not evaluative. Evaluative conversation places labels and makes judgments about people. This allows the subordinate to keep their self esteem. The conversation was focused on an action that can be changed, not the person.

How can you gain power over subordinates in a large company?

Tell your managers/customers the team failed instead of pointing out an individual. You are the manager. If an individual fails you are to blame because you didn't manage them correctly. Since you are not going to gain anything by calling them out, use the opportunity to gain power by protecting them. Recommend good employees for promotions, lower employees will recognize people on YOUR team get promoted and will want to work for you. Make sure everybody stays in the know about new docs, procedures, and big clients. Pay more. Point is: To have power below you need to focus your efforts up. **Spend time with your mgmt

What is a critical incident form?

The basic premise of critical incident form is a tally of good and bad events. It is helpful when giving feedback after time has passed. During the performance appraisal review this can be used as a fact sheet to provide you with specific information to discuss improvements, concerns, promotions, demotions.

Describe the "Conflict Cycle". What is the most important part to focus on?

The most important part of this whole process is finding the source. If real reason for conflict is ignored, then the conflict will escalate.

Completely discus the Directive approach to leadership.

This is high task low support. Best used when the employee first starts or in a crisis situation. The goal is to simply get a task done not too focused on having them be part of the team. This approach is often used with Formal power and Authoritative style.

Completely discus the Supportive approach to leadership.

This is low task high support. Best used when the employee has mastered the task but now needs to build enough commitment and confidence to work on their own. You are training this employee to become an assistant manager. Connection power with a democratic style is often appropriate.

Completely discus the Delegating approach to leadership.

This is low task low support. Best used when the team member has mastered the task and has the confidence to work on their own or begin to be directive to newer team members. You may have promoted this employee to manager. This approach is often used with personal power and a Empowering style.

Explain the appropriate timing and location for feedback.

Timing: Complements and criticism must be done immediately after an event has occurred. Location: Don't ever give criticism publicly. This is the set up for a confrontation not a conversation. You never want to embarrass the employee in front of others. They will be focused on saving face and could publicly criticize you back. ***Give most complements publicly. It gives the employee pride. Other employees will see what a good job is and know that you recognize and appreciate quality work.

What is the main lesson a manager can learn from combining the Herzberg and Maslow motivation theory?

Together these theories have one theme. Lower level of need must be met first. As a manger focus on the basic, physical, safety, and maintenance factors. Once this had been done then and only then will the other stuff will have meaning.

What is training?

Training- An investment in people that will benefit both the employer and the employee. It is an organization's planned efforts to help employees learn job-related A,S,K, and behaviors, with the goal of applying these on the job.

What must a training objective state?

What the employee is expected to do. - specific objectives that an employee can accomplish after the training. ex. Read the student learning outcomes on your syllabus for an example. The level of performance that is expected. - Beyond accomplishing the objective, acceptable correctness must be defined. ex. See grades and grading scale on your syllabus. The conditions the trainee is expected to apply what they have learned. - Conditions could be weather, time, tools that are not available.

Explain the decision day step in the positive discipline approach. Provide great detail.

When an employee continues to perform poorly give them the day off with pay. Explain to the employee that you have already stated their action was unacceptable. They are to go home and spend today deciding if they wish to continue working for your company. If they do, then they must make the changes by the dates written on the document you give them. They are to come back tomorrow with commitment to change or a decision to leave. State that they will be paid for a full days wage. **at this stage the employee still has control. They can still happily continue to work for you if they simply do what you directed. Saves you $ looking for replacement, harder for them to say they were terminated unfairly, peace of mind for you

The BARS performance measurement method is a potential tool for small businesses manager. Describe this method and include the advantages of this tool. (book)

behavioral anchored rating scale - rates beh. in terms of showing specific statements of beh. that describe different levels of performance. They can improve interrater reliability which can also bias the managers memory.

Describe another type of training from the text. (book)

cross training - team members understand and practice each others skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another members place

When measuring performance it is important that the measurement tool if valid. How could measuring a salesmen based on the number of calls they make be a contaminated measurement tool? (book)

making a lot of calls does not improve sales, unless every salesman is making only well-planned calls

State several principles to follow when terminating an employee. Your answer may come from the steps for termination section of the notes just looking for a summary.

select a neutral setting, come prepared, make it clear the decision is final, never apologize, provide with severance term info, collect co. property, state last day, put all in writing

Why do humans have such a hard time working in groups?

there's a universal human need to belong to groups however individual interests often sabotage team spirit. People's competitive instincts end up finding targets in fellow team members.

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