Huck Finn, Chapters 13-15

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After a long night, Jim has fallen asleep on the raft. So, Huck quietly sneaks aboard and then, when Jim awakens, Huck pretends that the whole separation drama was all a dream. Tries to convince Jim it was all just a really vivid dream.

. Explain the trick Huck tries to play on Jim once they're reunited after the fog:

Nothing. Just sit around all day.

According to Huck, what do kings do all day?

Jim Turner's Money

Bill and Jake, the two robbers, are about to get into their boat and escape when they remember they forgot something and go back to get it. What did they forget?

That Solomon was going to chop a child in half. Neither of them remembers the part of the story that showed wise old King Solomon used this threat as a test to determine which woman was the real mother of an infant. You might want to cover this one with your class; most of my students don't know this story, either.

Both Huck and Jim have misunderstood the story of King Solomon. What particularly bothers Jim about the story?

In the canoe, Huck tries to tie up the raft's lead-line to a sapling that was too small to hold the weight. The sapling ripped out of the mud, roots and all, sending Jim drifting alone down the river on the raft. Huck tried to paddle the canoe to catch up to the raft, but lost sight of Jim in the thick fog.

Explain how Huck and Jim get separated in the fog:

A cat and a cow

Jim and Huck argue about Frenchmen and Jim can't understand how a man from France would speak an entirely different language. What two animals does Huck use in his analogy that fails to win Jim's agreement?

The raft and oar are a bit beat up; there's debris, leaves, and rubbish on the raft from the rough travel through the fog.

What physical evidence does Jim see that makes him realize Huck was trying to make him look like a fool?

The Walter Scott

What's the name of the broken steamboat?

For money. The ferryboat captain thinks that Miss Hooker is the niece of the richest man in town, Mr. Hornback.

Why does the ferryboat captain agree to help Huck and go back to fetch Huck's fictional family and Miss Hooker off the wrecked steamboat?


a cruel, rough, or violent man

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