HUM 325 Exam 2

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Hall "My Son, My Executioner" Cultural focus on gendering of family lineage in 1950s and the way it is represented in this poem

"Our" is mentioned which implies that the father acknowledges the importance of the mother's representation in the family honor. The legacy their son will carry on is not just the father's name, rather it is shared between the mother and father. Birth also reminds us that there is no way of getting out of this life alive.

Are college majors gender segregated?

* Petroleum Engineering: 87% male * Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration: 48% male * Mathematics and Computer Science: 67% male * Aerospace Engineering: 88% male * Chemical Engineering: 72% male Electrical Engineering: 89% male * Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering: 97% male * Mechanical Engineering: 90% male * Metallurgical Engineering: 83% male * Mining and Mineral Engineering: 90% male ***Meanwhile, nine of the 10 least remunerative majors were dominated by women: * Counseling Psychology: 74% female * Early Childhood Education: 97% female * Theology and Religious Vocations: 34% female * Human Services and Community Organization: 81% female * Social Work: 88% female * Drama and Theater Arts: 60% female * Studio Arts: 66% female * Communication Disorders Sciences aiyu Services: 94% female * Visual and Performing Arts: 77% female * Health and Medical Preparatory Programs: 55% female

What are the things the speaker tells the girl to do? (You don't need to know every specific thing - what are the larger categories they fit into?)

- How to clean, cook, wash, sew, and even smile - The ideal gender roles of a woman

7 types of divisions of labor in families and the issues that characterize each type

- More likely in higher income families/ 1 person can make a "family wage" - Most likely to end in divorce - Working moms more happy Also in lower income families due to cost of child care 3. Outsources - Pay non-family members to do domestic tasks 4. Tuming Away From Work Together - Seen as :" dual-nurturer" families Works best when mom does 60% of UNPAID labor(domestic) and dad 60% of PAID labor 5. Divorced Parents - Conflict in who's doing housework that'sus one of the top reasons for divorce Divorced men are less happy than married men Divorced women are happier than married women (on average) - 83% of single,divorced custodial parents are moms - about % of all mothers will spend time as a single parent 6. Going it Alone 7. Childlessness - Intensive mothering is one of the leading reasons Previously, only educated women were childless, now it's common among uneducated % of American women over the age of 40 are childless - % of gen x and y are projected to not have a child by the age of 40 - 2012 the birthrate was lowest recorded in U.S. history - Choice to remain childless is relatively recent - 60's and 70's birth control became reliable and federal right to pregnancy only since 1973 - Because women choices, sought other ways of making their lives meaningful

In the video lecture, I discussed three possibilities for who the speaker might be and how that changes the way we read this story. What are they?

1) Her mom/or elder; this means they care or are trying to protect the girl from the real-world 2) Messages from larger society: it's not her mom, but societies norms telling her what to do 3) It's in her head: these norms are so internalized within her that even as she does regular activities they echoe in her head

Men/women and housework performed compared to 1965

1. Men do 2x as much houseworks and 3x as much child care. 2. Women are working outside the home 3x as many hours. 3. Women do 50% of the housework

7 types of divisions of labor in families and the issues that characterize each type

1. Supermom and Neotraditional Dad: 2. Modern Breadwinner/Housewife Outsources Turning Away From Work Together 5. Divorced Parents 6. Going it Alone 7. Childlessness

Have we broken the glass ceiling in politics-representation of women in U.S. state legislatures and ranking of U.S. globally in the number of women leaders:

28.9% female in state legislatures 23.7% in congress U.S. is ranked 76/193 countries in the world for women in government

What is gender complementarity?

A cultural model of how women should achieve economic security that relies on a co-constructed paring of traditional femininity and masculinity. That is, men were to be economic providers and women supportive homemakers.

Loss of bargaining power in what areas and why?

Because of domestic work, in all areas

Panning "The Mother" What are the stereotypical expectations for motherhood?

Common expectations of women were to be in charge of the household and to be nurturing and caring for the children, etc (Victorian like)

Comparable worth measures:

Compensate for worth of job Access to jobs How we measure skills, effort and responsibility Valuation and skill

Division of labor and "doing" gender (appropriate roles in work and home post industrialization)

Doing gender o NOT roles, NOT inherent/natural o Unavoidable, product of interactions- what we "do" to show we are categorized right Socialized early then "do" the behaviors o Hegemonic masculinity o Emphasized femininity Accountable for gendered actions based on our category-norm violations

4. What are the benefits associated with parental care?

Empirical research has shown that providing care benefits parents by increasing offspring survival and increasing their reproductive success.

Care work/income


Gender pay gap/statistics-Biggest predictor of the pay gap??


Gendered work and theoretical explanations of sex segregation:


Human capital examples of human capital:


Rossetti "Goblin Market" What is the role/duty of women when another woman falls?


Rossetti "Goblin Market" · How are women able to participate in the literary economy?


Rossetti "Goblin Market" · What happens to her when she does not follow the expected norms?


Rossetti "Goblin Market" · What is the function of women in the "goblin" economy?


Sinking Floors and temp work:


Structural effects: discrimination/networks/ Glass (job) ceilings and sticky floors:


What does the shift of education as a public good to a private commodity mean?


4. What is the definition of food insecurity?

Food insecurity = Reflects the uncertainty of having or the inability to acquire adequate food intake for all household members and it stems large part from the lack of sufficient resources to obtain food in socially acceptable ways. Often associated with poverty and low income

6. What was the association between female gender and food insecurity

Given their contribution to food production and preparation. Female roles In society as child bearers and caregivers, the increasing number of female-headed households worldwide, and their disproportionately poor economic status, women need special consideration in discussions of food Insecurity and its effect on health, nutrition, and behaviors.

Mukherjee "Fathering" What kind of a father is Jase to his sons? How is this different from the way he fathers Eng?

He did not fulfill his role as a father to his sons. In a way, he is redeeming himself by being a father to Eng now that he is given a chance to be a father,

Hall "My Son, My Executioner" • How Is the father of this newborn child characterized?

In this era, men were expected to be strong and be the provider of the family (work). Gender roles of the 1950s resembled the Victorian era. The father in the poem embraces his son, he is showing emotion and affection for his newborn son which was considered unusual since men were not expected to display emotions.

5. Why is it difficult to measure food security?

It is difficult to measure food insecurity because food insecurity is a multidimensional concept that encompasses aspects of availability, access, and utilization. (National, community, household, or individual)

Depictions of dads/moms in popular culture

Let us know that while males come first usually, when it comes to parenting, Mom is the primary parent and Dad is the secondary one. This is also confirmed by popular culture, especially advertising and parenting magazines and websites. this is also true with websites, magazines, blogs, etc., about parenting Situation Comedies Situation comedies: Dad = incompetent parent; Mom =competent OR Dad is reluctant/Mom enthusiastic parent

Linguistic conventions of gendered work/division of labor in the home/second shift

Linguistics conversations: • Let us know that while males come first usually, when it comes to parenting, Mom is the primary parent and Dad is the secondary one. This is also confirmed by popular culture, especially advertising and parenting magazines and websites

8. When do males provide parental care in birds?

Males tend provide care when the fitness derived via offspring survival is greater than the benefits of abandorng young to seek out new mates - it males do not help raise young, some (or all) the young chicks perish

Mommy tax/wage stats of moms/dads/over a lifetime

Mommy tax - Around the world, moms make significantly less money paid labor force than dads. • Over a lifetime o Women college-educated w children lose about $1.31 million in order to be mothers. (Crittenden). o Mothers who took less than aryear off had decreased incomes of 11%. o Mothers who were out for three vears or more had decreased incomes of 37%. • Wage stats of moms ?? o Full time working mothers make "$0.77 for every $1.00 men make. o Childless women make $0.90 for every dollar men make. o Full-time working fathers make 20% more than men without children. o So the economic disadvantage in the workplace accrues to mothers

1. What is parental care?

Parental care has been most broadly defined as any parental trait that appears likely to increase the fitness of a parents offspring, and that is likely to have originated andlor is currently maintained for this function or any form of parental behavior that appears likely to increase the fitness of a parents offspring.

What are the different forms of care and how do they relate to vertebrate evolution? (refer to the outline posted and your slides for the details)

Preparation of the physical rearing environment- Right or wrong way to prepare- Defense of offspring- Privisioning outside the parents body-

3 4 5 VT 6 6. What are the different forms of care and how do they relate to vertebrate evolution? (refer to the outline posted and your slides for the details)

Preparation of the physical rearing environment- The simplest form of parental care is the preparation of a territory to receive eggs or young. Species differ in terms of whether they merely occupy an existing structure to receive young, or they modify these structures, or even create new structures de novo. Regardless of the preparation and construction this basic but important aspect of parental behavior strongly influences the survival probabilities of young. These structures provide insulation and protection for young from adverse environmental conditions and may prevent predation. Building these structures can be costly to the parent in terms of energy, time, and predation risk. Females in many species have been shown to prefer males that build big, elaborate or particularly well constructed Nests. Some reptiles, amphibians, and fish construct nests. Female iguanas can spend a considerable amount of time as well substantial energy excavating a burrow in hard compact soils into which they deposit fertilized eggs. Turtles and crocodiles make burrows where they hide their eggs.

1. What is public policy?

Public policy: Is a set of actions the government decides to take when approaching a problem that affects society as a group, rather on an individual level. Public policy refers to policies that the government makes on the public's behalf to resolve a specific issue.

How is it different than domestic policy?

Public pollcy is concemed with the public at large, domestic policy issues typically Involve people from specific religions, cultures, or personal bellefs.It's more specific! Issues covered under domestic policy: LGBTQ+rights Cultural diversity in employment and education Healthcare

8. What was the main issue surrounding the IAAF 2018 new testosterone level (5nmol/L)?

Scientific inaccuracies in the study used in support of the IAAF's DSD regulations • They only apply it to the 400m, 800m, and the 1500m/mile

Mukherjee "Fathering" How does Sharon and Jase's parenting disrupt gendered expectations for parental behavior?

Sharon is not very fond of Eng and Jase takes on the nurturing figure to Eng since he protects her and defends her. This opposes the expected gender roles of society by having a man/father take on the maternal role.

Duffy "Mrs. Rip Van Winkle" What's the basic story? How does represent Mrs. Van Winkle's life after her children have grown and left the house?

She is enjoying her life without her husband.

Ortiz Cofer "The Changeling" How does this affect the girl -how does she see herself as a result of her mother's expectations for her behavior?

She sees herself as invisible when she is dressed as a girl

2. What are possible explanations for the wage/pay gap?

Some possible explanations for the wage/pay gap are -woman choose lower earning college majors -women are more likely to have unpaid family responsibilities (women leave workforce to raise and care for children) -women are less likely to negotiate wages -old fashioned gender discrimination

What is Right or wrong way to prepare?

Studies suggest that an evolutionary trajectory towards fewer, higher quality offspring has been associated with increased selection for extensive prenatal nest preparation. Because larger offspring represent a greater love for predators and a greater proportion of a parents lifetime reproductive output that is too valuable to leave to chance.

Panning "The Mother" What does the blurry picture at the end of the story tell us about her feelings as a mother?

The blurry picture shows that the way she represents herself in the world does not match with who she is as a person.

What are the three distinctive characteristics of human parental care behavior that is rarely observed in other mammals?

The exceptionally long period of parental care, the considerable amount of male care, and kin support in rearing young

1. What is the gender wage/pay gap?

The gender wage gap is a measure of pay disparity between men and women It is calculated by dividing women's wages by mens wages and this ratio is often expressed as a percent or in dollar terms this allows you to see how much woman is paid for each dollar paid to a man

What is the ideology of intensive motherhood?

The ideology of intensive motherhood is that mothers should be the primary caretaker of their children. Child-rearing should include copious amounts of "Time", "Energy", and "Material" resources. Giving children these things takes priority over all other "interests", "desires", and "demands".

What is preparation of the physical rearing enviroment ?

The simplest form of parental care is the preparation of a territory to receive eggs or young. Species differ in terms of whether they merely occupy an existing structure to receive young, or they modify these structures, or even create new structures de novo. Regardless of the preparation and construction this basic but important aspect of parental behavior strongly influences the survival probabilities of young. These structures provide insulation and protection for young from adverse environmental conditions and may prevent predation. Building these structures can be costly to the parent in terms of energy, time, and predation risk. Females in many species have been shown to prefer males that build big, elaborate or particularly well constructed Nests. Some reptiles, amphibians, and fish construct nests. Female iguanas can spend a considerable amount of time as well substantial energy excavating burrow in hard compact soils into which they deposit fertilized eggs. Turtles and crocodiles make burrows where they hide their eggs.

Panning "The Mother" • How do the glasses (small brown vs. big orange) for how she sees herself?

The small brown glasses in the beginning were used for her to see her child when she gave birth to it. This allowed her to see clearly (prescription) indicating that this is her true identity. The big orange glasses were purchased in California but they did not let her see (no prescription) which implies that she is not really seeing her true identity/world.

2. Why is studying parental care important?

The study of parental care is also important because its evolution is closely linked with that of other key traits and evolutionary biology. Co-evolution of parental care, sexual selection, and meeting systems remains an important topic in evolutionary ecology. The evolution of parental care has important implications for understanding of life history evolution, sex allocation, sociality, cooperation and conflict within families, phenotypic plasticity, and the genetic and epigenetic inheritance of traits expressed in social interactions.

3. How does the Food and Agriculture Organization Nations define food security

The term food security refers to the availability of and access to food Since the term arose in the 1970s the definition of food security has expanded to increasingly acknowledge in the concept the importance of availability, access, utilization, and stability and contribution of vulnerability of individuals A working definition from food and agriculture organization of the united nations (foa) is that food security exists when all people at all times have physical social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs

Panning "The Mother" Why is the mother so excited about her trip to California?

This is her "escape" from her identity as a mother. She is going on this trip on her own.

3. What are the costs associated with parental care

Three potential costs: 1) A decrease in survival. 2) A decreased growth and associated fecundity reduction. 3) Fewer remating opportunities.

Why does the speaker repeat "slut"? Is she peing cruel or is there further meaning to this word choice?

To prepare the girl for real-world situations

5. When does parental care begin?

When parental care begins is debatable. Some researchers prefer to use the term, parental care, only to refer to post mating behaviors such as care of eggs. There are, however, some behaviors that occur before during mating, such as nest building, egg provisioning, provisioning of the female with nuptial gifts or courtship feeding, are often still regarded as parental care as a lead to higher offspring survival.

2. What is intersectionality?

Women of different race/ ethnicities do not necessarily experience being women in the same way. (same for men and anyone in between).

What does that mean and specific examples of the way marriage and family is experienced for women and men. Male and female marriage views/perspectives

Women: Less eager to marry More likely to file for divorce More likely to believe child doesn't need to have both parents Happier after divorce Most likely to say they'd never marry again Men: More likely to believe in a "soul mate" Happier as married person Sadder after divorce

7. Be familiar with the IAAF female regulations timeline

in 1966 it was physical exam, • 1967 it was chromosome verification • and then in 2011 it was testosterone levels)

What is Defense of offspring?

many species protect and defend the young by keeping them in or attached to the body. Like Kangaroos. Internal brooding is an extremely effective method of protection because the only way a predator can capture or kill the young, is to injure or kill the parent or force the parent to eject or drop the young. Provisioning of Gametes- Eggs very wildly across species in terms of their size, yolk, albumin hormones, and nutrient composition. Species that provide intense care for longer periods tend to have only a few, large eggs, well species that do not provide care or that provide less intense care for more young tend to produce smaller eggs Provisioning inside the parent and the evolution of life birth- in viviparous animals The embryo develops within the mother's reproductive tract and the mother gives birth to live young as opposed to the young developing in an egg outside of the body known as oviparity. Viviparity Has the benefits of incressing offspring survival but carries the associated costs of reducing fecundity and mobility and increasing metabolic demands due to caring offspring within the female. It's been argued that it has evolved

Whag is Provisioning outside the parents body?

most energetically costly of parental behaviors as feeding of newly hatched or born young. Increased food availability results and young that emerge earlier, grow better and have better survival rates. Female mammals secrete milk.

• Second Shift consequences

o Consequence of the Second Shift is a leisure gap. o Not gender-neutral. 50% of married fathers and 75% of married and single mothers say they have too little time for themselves. o 33% of married dads and >40% married and single moms say they always feel rushed. O Difference in numbers has to do with gendered meanings

* top 10 segregated jobs for men

o Crane operators 99% o Highway maintenance 99% o Mechanic 98% o Carpenter 98% o Firefighter 97% o Pest Control 97% o Construction 96% o Maintenance/repair 96% Truck Driver 95% o Welder 95%

* top 10 segregated jobs for women

o Dental hygienist 98% o Preschool and K teachers 98% o Medical transcription 98% o Hairdresser/cosmetologist 95% Childcare 95% o Secys/admin assistants 94% o Medical assistant 94% o Receptionist 92% o Nurse RN 90% o Nutritionist 90%

What are the institutional pressures toward neo-traditionalism?

• "Greedy institutions": take up incredible amounts of time/energy • Struggling-many couples find easier to specialize • If both part-time, the economic penalty is too high. • Part-time work usually low-wage work Health insurance likely in full-time employment. • Commutes between work, home, school, and child care long due to zoning laws. Tax advantages for one spouse working, compared to two spouses.

Traditionalists one income earner families and prevalence in the U.S.

• 12% American families have breadwinner husband/stay-at-home wife/mother • Most women (80%) are in the paid labor force, including mothers of preschoolers (65%).

Ortiz Cofer "The Changeling" What's the basic story?

• A story of a little girl who goes in her brothers closet and dresses up as a boy

9. What was the ruling on Caster Semenya's appeal?

• Denied

Name the Greedy institutions

• Economy or the workplace • Family Health insurance likely in full-time employment Commute between work, home, school, and child care long due to zoning laws Tax advantages for one spouse working, compared to two spouses.

3. What is an issue related to parental leave and FMLA? •

• Family and Medical leave act of 1993(FMLA) offers 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave for reasons including birth / adoption • Any parent - mother or father - can use the leave to take care of their new child • This leads to a surprising inequality: Female reproductive biology (gestation and birth ) is not recognized over and above the need for time to parent • Policies can apply equally by gender but inequality by sex

Single parenting-childcare issues, poverty rates, feminization of poverty

• Feminization of poverty o This refers to the trend where the poor are increasingly female. A single mother is more than twice as likely to live in poverty with her children than a single father is. o 17 single mothers go to food banks. o 1/5 receive food stamps. o 1/10 receive welfare; far more qualify but do not apply. o Motherhood is the single strongest predictor of bankruptcy in middle age and poverty in old age.

Ortiz Cofer "The Changeling" How does her father respond to his daughter's transformation Into the figure of Ché?

• Her father is amused by this and actually gives her attention

Division of labor in the home:f

• Homemaking and breadwinner 12% American families have breadwinner husband/stay-at-home wife/mother o Most women (80%) are in the paid labor force, including mothers of preschoolers (65%). o How to handle all the housework and childcare that waits for us after work? The Second Shift

Why/how housework/childcare%3feminized labor and why low status

• In 1800s pressure to not nurture children so much b/c threat in Victorian society to importance of middle/upper class women • Spheres of "Virtuous Domesticity" • Work in Industrial Era required • The intensive motherhood introduced by Victorian women is still problematic today • Housework and childcare considered low-status tasks. Women who have had successful careers/decide to become stay-at-home moms feel loss of status profoundly

6. What were the issues surrounding Ewa Klobukowska?

• In 1967 she failed the chromosomal testing • She was banned from competing as female despite having pass the female exam the year before

What is the correlation between the mode of fertilization and parental care?

• In fish there are two pathways to male vs. female care with Mode of fertilization (meaning external or internal) Depending on external fertilization or internal fertilization explains parental care. External (female lays eggs outside of body) means No parental care But sometimes males will guard eggs. With Internal fertilization maternal care is provided. •Recent studies suggest that there's a correlation between the mode of fertilization and the pattern of parental care. In fish there are two distinct pathways to male versus female care in fish with the mode of fertilization (external versus internal) being the diverging starting point.

The same amount of work-time women and men spend on paid/unpaid work

• Mothers: 53 hours a week; Fathers: 54 hours a week

Mukherjee "Fathering" How is "old" Sharon different from "new" Sharon when it comes to how she views mothering (think about how she prepared for Eng's arrival and how she behaves when Eng comes to live with her and Jase)

• Old Sharon encourages Jase to come to terms with his past, find out if your daughter is alive, She can handle being a stepmother, and a fresh start with his orphaned daughter. New Sharon treats the daughter like a deaf mute by muttering mean things under the quilt. She thinks Jase is being manipulated and Eng is faking being sick just to get Jase's attention. Sharon tells Jase to send Eng back if he really loves her.

Downside of outsourcing-social identities of care workers

• Outsourcing, lets class-privileged women reduce their disadvantage in the workplace by replacing themselves in the home with a poorer woman. This, however, places the worker in a disadvantaged position. These few privileged women can compete with men, but at the expense of another woman. This does not solve gender inequality; it is, in fact, a bargain of the privileged few with patriarchy.-(patriarchal bargain)

4. What is "sex testing"?

• Policies about who can compete as women are often called "sex testing" or "gender verification" through they apply only to women

Ortiz Cofer "The Changeling" How does her mother respond?

• She is not amused and tells her that she is not allowed to sit at the dinner table till she changes

Duffy "Mrs. Rip Van Winkle" What does she do while Mr. Rip Van Winkle sleeps?

• She is painting, exploring, traveling, and eating good food.

11. What is G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board about?

• Student Gavin Grimm used a boys bathroom for weeks with no incident but his school banned him from doing so because he is transgender. • Other Parents complained that allowing Grimm to used the boys bathroom would allow cisgender boys to dress as girls and used the girls bathroom for sexually predatory behavior against girls • Gavin's parents then filed a case against the school board citing that it violated Gavins rights under the 14th amendment.

Duffy "Mrs. Rip Van Winkle" What does this tell us about parents' gendered expectations for life after their children have left the house?

• That women need to be submissive to their husbands because once the husband has viagra she has to have sex. Women are objectified and seen as a possession/sex object of their husband.

10. What's the problem with not testing every "female" athlete?

• The biais that are shown ex. If They are not fitting into the judges idea of what a woman should look like

In what ways are they gendered?

• They are gendered because the mother is telling the daughter to do domestic chores that women are expected to do. The poem has a lot of household and domesticity work and transgression.

What is the rug rat race?

• Virtuous Domestics of the 1800s were middle and upper classes • And like today middle and upper classes and perfection • Women disinvest in their careers • Not spending every minute developing their children- then fall behind in the "rug rat race"

5. What other factors besides testosterone play a role in an athlete's performance?

• Vo2 Max • Heart size • Nutrition • Coaching • Equipment

Cult of domesticity or true womanhood and its significance understanding of separate spheres

• women for hearth; men for the plow all else chaos • cult of democracy or cult of true womanhood o concept developed by historians of what they thought were society/household systems new ideas of femininity separate spheres o private sphere of the home I women inhabit this sphere for the heart intellectual work took women away from this public sphere of the family . the outside work - work outside the home

How does the providing of parental care in birds relate to anatomical and sex specialization?

•Typically birds provide parental care by building a nest, incubating eggs, and then defending and feeding the chicks. •There are little anatomical or physiological sex specific specializations (in contrast to mammals) that would predispose one sex to provide parental care over the other sex •Simple biparental care with identical care roles, which is common in birds. may ensure that each parent can replace the other should the one die or leave.

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