Human Evolution

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Which explanation is most likely the reason for the evolution of a larger brain in humans?

A larger brain allows humans to solve complex problems.

Which series correctly lists the order of species (from A to E) that belong on the timeline?

A. afarensis, A. africanus, H. habilis, H. erectus, H. sapiens

The fossil record indicates that the earliest hominids most likely originated on which continent?


An anthropologist finds a fossil that is 4 million years old. Its pelvis suggests it walked upright. Which species could the specimen belong to? Australopithecus africanus Australopithecus afarensis Homo habilis Homo erectus

B. Australopithecus afarensis

Which statement is supported by the fossil record?

Chimpanzees and modern humans shared a common ancestor.

Which adaptation makes bipedalism possible? opposable digits large brain foramen magnum in back of skull pelvis rotated inward

D. pelvis rotated inward

Which statement helps explain why humans have a highly developed forebrain and midbrain compared to other primates?

Humans have the ability for rational thought.

In 1998, paleoanthropologist Rick Potts published an article in The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, a peer-reviewed journal. The article was titled "Environmental Hypotheses of Hominin Evolution." Which statement would discredit Potts's objectivity if it was included in the article?

I believe the human race is capable of great things.

In 1998, paleoanthropologist Rick Potts published an article in The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, a peer-reviewed journal. The article was titled "Environmental Hypotheses of Hominin Evolution." Which statement about Rick Potts would most increase his authority?

Potts is the director of the Smithsonian's Human Origins Program.

Which statement is supported by the diagram?

Some ancestors of Homo sapiens have not yet been identified.

Which best describes the lower body structures of humans and chimpanzees? The big toes of humans and chimpanzees are enlarged. The human foot has two arches, but the chimpanzee foot only has one. Human knees are very mobile, but chimpanzee knees are stabilized by tendons. The blades of the human pelvis are not rotated inward like those of the chimpanzee.

The human foot has two arches, but the chimpanzee foot only has one.

A skull from the genus Homo that dates from approximately 750,000 years ago is discovered. Where would the foramen magnum most likely be located?

at the bottom of the skull

An anthropologist finds a fossil in Africa that is 100,000 years old. To which species could the specimen belong?

homo sapiens

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