Human Growth and Development Final (Chapter 15-20)

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slower perceptual speed

Older adults have more difficulty determining the time required to step on the brakes when a traffic light suddenly turns red. This is because they have

10; 15

On average, today's workers in the U.S. will spend ________ to ________ percent of their lives in retirement.


When he was interviewed at 80 years of age, Arthur Rubinstein said that he spent more time at practice than earlier in his life. This helped maintain his status as an admired concert pianist. Which aspect of Baltes's theory does this reflect?

Viagra, Levitra, Cialis

Treatment for ED not associated with low testosterone is medication which increases bloodflow, such as:

testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

Treatment for low testosterone is


True or False: There is an increase in remarriage among older adults


Uncle Roger tells you that he is a member of the "oldest-old" club when asked about age. Without knowing his exact age, you would know that Uncle Roger is at least ________ years old.


Upwards of _______% of elderly adults suffered impaired touch.

wrinkles; age spots; thinning, graying hair

What are some visible changes in middle age?

extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism

What are the Big Five factors of personality?

romantic and affectionate

What are the two major forms of love?

rising divorce rates, increased longevity, better health

What are three factors of increasing remarriage among older adults?

They don't address individual variations in development.

What is a major shortcoming of stage theories of adult development?

generativity vs stagnation

What is the Erikson stage associated with middle adulthood?

Integrity vs Despair

What is the Erikson stage associated with middle/late adulthood?

78.7 years

What is the average life expectancy for individuals born today in the United States?


What is the leading cause of infant death in the United States?

Older people keep elevated levels of stress hormones in their system longer

What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress?


What percentage of US adults say that religion is important to them?

It can insulate the dying from intense feelings of anger

What useful benefits does denial have to offer the dying?

restoration-oriented stressors

A changing identity, such as from "wife" to "widow," is an example of


A condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve due to a buildup of fluid in the eye.


A cross-sectional study by Ursula Staudinger found that for adults from 55 to 65 years of age, _____ became most important in terms of personal investment.

Empty Nest Syndrome

A decrease in marital satisfaction that occurs after children leave home.

increased between middle and late adulthood

A longitudinal study of individuals from their early 30s through their late 60s/early 70s showed that spirituality

2-4 months

At which age do infants have the highest risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?


3-month-old Marco has died unexpectedly while sleeping in his crib during the night. He seemed healthy at birth, and his doctor did not detect any major health issues during his regular checkup 2 weeks ago. The doctor concludes that Marco had stopped breathing during the night and died with no apparent cause. Which of the following is mostly likely the reason for Marco's death?


A person's knowledge about the world is called ______ memory.

a societal timetable

A social clock is

making sense

A study of more than 1,000 college students by Currier, Holland, and Neimeyer found that _____ was an important factor in their grieving of a violent loss by accident, homicide, or suicide.

shrinkage of neurons

Aaron is a healthy, 65-year-old man. Compared with his 24-year-old son Harry, Aaron has much less brain volume. What is the most likely the reason for this difference?

denial and isolation

According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, what is the first stage of dying?

integrity vs despair

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages of development does an individual experience in late adulthood?

faced fewer challenges and did not develop as fully as the other women.

According to Helson's Mills College Study, women who did not commit themselves to one of the lifestyle patterns (family-oriented, career-oriented, and those who followed neither path)


According to Levinson, the transition to middle adulthood lasts about _____ years.

a transition from dependence to independence

According to Levinson, which of the following should occur at the end of one's teens?

growth of dendrites increased

According to a study by Coleman that compared the brains of adults at various ages, from the forties through the seventies, the:


According to a study by Donnellan, Larsen-Rife, and Conger (2005), individuals high in _____ were more likely to have satisfying romantic relationships.

older adulthood

According to aging expert Laura Carstensen, at what stage of life do people tend to experience less intense positive emotions with new friends and equal levels of positive emotions with established friends?

High levels of wisdom are rare

According to research by Baltes and his colleagues, on wisdom:


According to the Big Five factors of personality, which of the following personality supertraits describes an individual as either secure or insecure?


According to the cellular clock theory, after about 70 or 80 replications, the cell no longer can reproduce and the _____ are dramatically reduced.

the back and legs

Age-related loss of muscle strength is especially marked in

50; 1-2; year

Age-related muscle loss begins around the age of _______, and occurs at a rate of _____% per ______.

separation anxiety

Along with pining for the lost person, what is another dimension of grief over death?


An example of _____ attention is the ability to focus on one voice among many in a crowded room or a noisy restaurant.

the Netherlands; Belgium

Assisted suicide is legal in several countries, including

the need for purpose

Caroline, a 25-year-old professional, has been dating Mike, her colleague, for the past 6 years. She wants to get married to him by the age of 30 and have kids with him before she turns 35. She feels that getting married to Mike and raising a family with him are her main goals in life and that these goals will show her the meaning of life. In the context of the four main needs for meaning proposed by Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs, which of the following needs is highlighted in this scenario?

the yellowing of the lens of the eye.

Color vision declines with age due to:


Contrasting the care of the dying today with that of 1900, exposure to death has ___________

the US; the Hopi of Arizona; Bali

Cutting ties with the deceased is the cultural norm in cultures such as:


DNA sequences which cap chromosomes

hot flashes

Diana is 50 years old and has recently started experiencing a few symptoms of menopause. Which of the following symptoms is Diana most likely to experience?


Diana is fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate with all her friends and acquaintances. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes this aspect of Diana's personality.

Levitra and Cialis

Douglas is diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. He consults his doctor to know about the treatment options available for his condition. What drugs that are similar to Viagra will the doctor most likely prescribe to treat Douglas's condition?

back pain

Ellie is 75 years old. According to your text, she is MOST likely to complain about what physical ailment:


Empty nest syndrome is _______, despite media representations.

type 2 diabetes

Exercise is linked to the prevention or delayed onset of chronic diseases, such as:

6 or fewer months

For hospice services to be covered by Medicare, a patient must have ____ to live


For humans, the life span is approximately

the same

For sexual behavior such as kissing, hugging, touching, and oral sex, levels of engagement for females was ________, compared to males.


Frank, aged 67, recites a poem that he learned in grade school, much to the amazement of his grandchildren. This is an example of Frank's ________ memory.

children, work, culture, teaching, leading, community involvement, service

Generativity can take the form of


George Vaillant concludes that _____ is a time for detecting parental flaws and discovering the truth about childhood.


Hearing and vision begin to decline around ______ years old.


Helen's knowledge of calculus and statistics is a part of her ______ memory.

the advantages of controlling pain for dying individuals

Hospice advocates emphasize

cohort effects

Identify a possible reason for the changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence of different age groups in John Horn's cross-sectional study


In Erikson's theory, _____ encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation.

being young vs being old; being constructive vs destructive; being masculine vs feminine; being attached to others vs separated

In Levinson's "seasons" middle aged men must resolve:

feelings of control and self-determination

In a classic study, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer found that an important factor related to health, and even survival, in a nursing home home is:


In a recent study on children's conceptions of death, it was concluded that children as early as _____ years of age understand the irreversibility of death and that it involves the cessation of mental and physical functioning.


In general, maintenance of ties with the deceased is an accepted practice in

height; weight

In middle age, _________ decreases and ________ increases.


In middle age, marital satisfacation


In older adulthood, color vision in the ____ spectrum is most affected

magic and demons

In the Gond culture of India, death is believed to be caused by


In the context of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying, after accepting the certainty of death, a period of _____ or preparatory grief may appear.

47; 79

In the past century, the average life expectancy has risen from from _____ to ______.

conscientiousness; neuroticism

Individuals high in ________ are more likely to live longer, whereas individuals high in __________ are more likely to die at a younger age.


Kübler-Ross describes the _____ stage as the end of the dying struggle.


LDL is often referred to as _____ cholesterol.

diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Landon is 45 years old, and he is obese and suffers from hypertension. He was recently diagnosed with a condition called metabolic syndrome and was advised to exercise every day as well as eat small and healthy meals. In this scenario, which of the following is Landon most likely to suffer from because of his condition?

erectile dysfunction (ED)

Low testosterone can contribute to _______.

nearly 50%

Lung capacity drops by ___ between 20 and 80 years old


Lung tissue becomes less elastic around ____ years old.


Many psychotherapists prefer not to work with older patients, labeling them as

make the end of her life as free from pain and anxiety as possible

Martha, who is 80 years old, has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Over the last few weeks, her pain has increased tremendously. Her doctor is trying his best to cure her illness, but the cancer cells have spread and chemotherapy is taking a toll on Martha's overall health. Considering her age, Martha is reluctant to be admitted in the hospital for long as she wants to die peacefully surrounded by her family. She has been advised by her family to consider hospice as it would

mid-late 30s

Maximum bone density occurs by _______.

decrease; testosterone; 1; year

Men do not lose the ability to father children, but suffer a _______ in _________ production at the rate of ______% per _______.

2; 30-70

Men typically lose _______ inches in height between ________ years old

late 40s, early 50s

Menopause usually takes place between _________.


Michelle's blood test reveals that her level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is very high and that it makes the LDL stick to the sides of the blood vessels, thus causing the arteries to harden. In this scenario, Michelle is most likely to suffer from a condition known as

40-45; 60-65

Middle adulthood begins at approx _______, and ends at approximately _____.


Most psychologists emphasize that _____ is the best strategy in discussing death with children.

Parkinson disease

Mr. Dalton has been complaining of irregular and involuntary movement in the right part of his body. The doctors noticed that Mr. Dalton has been showing signs of slow movement and partial facial paralysis. The chronic and progressive nature of the illness was revealed in the pathological findings. Which of the following conditions does Mr. Dalton most likely suffer from?

middle age

Muscle loss begins in ____.

Quiet, Ugly, Old, Indigent, Dissimilar

QUOIDs stands for

slightly higher risks of breast cancer

Recently, HRT has become linked to ____

cognitive decline

Recently, researchers have found that visual decline in late adulthood is linked to


Reductions in ______ have been linked to small declines in memory functioning and to the severe memory loss associated with Alzheimer disease.


Regular binge drinking can change blood flow, and it can be a precursor for developing _____, which refers to hardening of the arteries.

search for meaning

Religion offers adults a way to

want sex; think about sex; masturbate

Research suggests that middle age men ______, _______, and ________ more than middle age women.


Researchers are exploring _____ buffering strategies, such as exercise, in an effort to find ways to attenuate some of the negative effects of it on the aging process.

a restricted calorie diet

Researchers have found that ________ reduces the oxidative damage created by free radicals.

difficulty viewing close objects

Sandra is turning 50 this year. At this age, she can expect certain age-related conditions, such as loss of strength in her legs and back and difficulty in viewing objects and hearing clearly, to affect her. Of the vision-related issues that affect individuals, which of the following is Sandra most likely to experience because of her age?


The type of care that is designed to reduce pain and suffering and help individuals die with dignity is known as _____ care.

a source of stress

Social clocks can provide guidance but can also become

cognitive mechanics

Speed and accuracy of the processes involved in sensory input, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization are components of

increased health; lower resting pulse rate; lower stress symptoms; longevity

Spirituality and religion are linked to what physical outcomes?


Studies on the Big Five factors of personality found that transition into late adulthood was characterized by increases in the aspects of impulse control, reliability, and conventionality. To which Big Five personality factor do these aspects belong?

an invisible epidemic

Substance abuse among older adults is __________.

stops breathing and dies without apparent cause, usually during the night

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) occurs when an infant

identity vs confusion

Teena, a 14-year-old who joins a new school after her family's relocation from California to Texas is most likely to face which of Erikson's conflicts?

65-74; 75-84; 85+

The "young-old" are ___________, the "middle-old" are _______, while the "oldest-old" are _________.

generational equity

The _____ issue raises questions about whether the young should be required to pay for the old.


The brain loses ______% of its weight since the individual was 20 years old

hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

The common treatment for menopausal symptoms

they are healthy or not

The decline of smell and taste in the elderly often depends on whether:

life expectancy

The expected number of years a person born in a given year will live.

sexual activity

The gradual decline in men's testosterone levels in middle age can reduce their

an increase in the likelihood of illness

The hormonal stress theory argues that continuous stress can cause a wearing down of biological systems because of constant activity, causing

loss-oriented coping and restoration-oriented coping

The main dimensions of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement are

irregular, involuntary movement; slow movement; partial facial paralysis

The main symptoms of Parkinson's disease are

life span

The maximum number of years a being can live

decay in the mitochondria cause aging

The mitochondrial theory of aging states that

premature ejaculation; erectile dysfunction

The most common sexual problems for middle aged men are

lack of sexual interest; lubrication difficulties

The most common sexual problems for women are

working memory

The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in _____, where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language.

Free-radical theory

Which biological theory of aging states that people age because their cells' normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules?


Which of the following is an example of a nonfatal chronic disorder? -stroke -bursitis -cancer -cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease

Which of the following is the leading cause of death in the 75-84 and 85 and over age groups?

Choice in Dying

Which organization created a legal document that reflects a patient's advance care planning?

life expectancy; life span

While _____ changes over time and can increase with improvements in medicine, nutrition, health, and lifestyle, the ______ for humans remains steady

religious and spiritual beliefs

Widowed individuals, following the death of a spouse are likely to intensify what area of their life?


Women are especially vulnerable to _____ , which is the leading cause of broken bones in women.

2; 25-75

Women typically lose ______inches in height between _________ years old.

Young, Attractive, Verbal, Intelligent, Successful

YAVIS stands for


Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _____ attention.


_____ is the emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of a loved one.

80; 60

_____% of osteoporosis occurs in women, and _____% of women over 60 are affected by it.

Macular degeneration

______ is a condition in which individuals may have relatively normal peripheral vision but are unable to see clearly what is right in front of them.

Calorie restriction

______ is likely to delay biochemical alterations such as the age-related rise in cholesterol and triglycerides observed in both humans and animals.

Life expectancy

______ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live.

Cellular clock

________ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing.

Prospective memory

_________ involves remembering to do something in the future.

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