Human Relations: Chapters 1-3

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What is real self?

The way you are actually when nobody is around

The stronger or higher a person's self-esteem is, the weaker the effect other people's negative statements will have on his or her behavior.


What is unconditional positive regard?

acceptance of individuals as worthy and valuable regardless of their behavior

What happens if you have high self esteem?

better attitude, job morale, and overall quality of life


chiche convo is called non conversation


keeping secrets often causes the keeper to suffer emotional pain

self concept

the way you picture yourself to be

Pygmalion Effect

used only for positive expectations that others hold for you. Self-filling prophecies can be negative or positive expectations robert Rosenthal

What is ideal self?

way one would like to be or plans to become

conditional positive regard

your parents love if you if you act a certain way



theory y and theory x

2 different types of managers x management that sees workers as lacking ambition and dislike work and just want job security y is managers who see workers as emjoying working, being able to assume responsibilities and being creative

The managerial grid is a composite of four panes that shows you ways of relating to others: the open, blind, hidden, and unknown.


What is the Hawthorne Experiment?

It was conducted by Elton Mayo and his colleagues. They found that workers performed better when someone was paying attention to the, and relationships are formed naturally in the workplace which are made up the informal organization

A justifiable motive for withholding personal information is:

To protect other people's feelings

What are group dynamics?

Ways in which groups operate

the open pane of the Johari Window gets bigger

after a relationship has been developled what happens

wagner act

aslo called the national labor relations act, made it illegal for employers to use scae tastics or other techniques to prevent employees form forming or joining unions

What is reporting facts about others?

no real self disclosure takes place, hint of self disclosure can take place from choice of topic

What is internal locus of control?

people who feel they are in control of the events in their own lives

What is self fulfilling prophecy?

tendency for a prediction to actually occur it is believed

self esteem

the regard in which an individual hods himself or herself to

What is the Knights of Labor?

Bad working conditions and unfair treatment

Who is Abraham Maslow?

Did the hierarchy of needs

Max Weber is known as the pioneer of scientific management.


One of Taylor's best- known victories was the discoveries based on the Hawthorne studies.


Self-disclosure is the knowledge of how you are being perceived by others.


What is self esteem measured as?

High and low

What is lower self-esteem?

Individual are unable to see themselves as capable, sufficient, or worthy

What is scientific management?

Management system based upon scientific engineering principles

What is theory Y?

Managers see workers as happy to work, able to assume responsibility and are quite creative

What is theory X?

Managers see workers as lacking ambition, disliking work, and wanting security above everything else

What is organizational perspective?

Monitor and maintain the relationships among members to succeed

The unknown pane in the Johari Window contains all of the experiences, feelings, fantasies, and possibilities that people:


What are some steps to have high self esteem?

Self respect, mentor, role model, positive self talk

The skill or ability to work effectively through and with other people is known as human relations



how much one should self-disclose is relative in terms of differing cultural climates


if you hidden pane is large you must be sneaky and dishonest

What is cliche conversation?

least amount of self disclosure

What are risks of self disclosure?

losing control of a conversation or relationship, becoming trapped or controlled by someone else, facing something unpleasant within yourself, losing self respect, appearing a loser to others, being rejected or being belittled

What is looking glass self?

the self one assumes others see in him/her

ideal self looking glass self real self self image

4 parts to self concept

1. peak communication 2. the gut level 3.expressing ideas and judgents 4. reporting facts about others 5. cliche conversation

5 Levels of disclosure

What is self awareness?

Ability to see yourself realistically without a great deal of difference between what you are and how you assume others see you

What is conditional positive regard?

Acceptance of individuals as worthy only when they behave in a certain way

What is a mentor?

Acts as a guide for leading other people

What can happen if you have low self esteem?

Alcoholism, depression, anxiety

Who coined the term inferiority complex?

Alfred Adler

How can you decrease the size of your hidden pane?

By increasing your trust in someone

Who is Fredrick Taylor?

Came up with scientific management, which managers should carefully select and train workers for specific tasks, and managers should try to motivate workers to increase productivity. Created the optimum shovel

How does a conditional positive regard affect children?

Children may become confused on what constitutes good or bad behavior

What are the five levels of communication?

Cliche conversation, reporting facts about others, expressing ideas and judgement, expressing feelings and emotions on the gut level, and peak communication

Non conversation is a way to describe the amount of actual conversation in:

Cliché conversation

What is peak communication?

Complete openness and honest self disclosure, rarely happens, can be triggered by unexpected events

What is self efficacy?

Confidence an individual has in his or her ability to deal with problems

What are internal customers?

Department's employees or employees in other departments within an organization

Who is Carl Rogers?

Development of personality, group dynamics, and conflict management

What is the sandwich generation?

Elderly dependent and dependent children depend on the parents

What is the blind pane?

Everything other people see about you but you can't see them

The blind pane of the Johari Window can be very disturbing to those who believe that the personality traits that they don't see in themselves cannot be perceived by others as well.


The hidden pane of the Johari Window contains information that you know about yourself and have no reason to hide from most people.


When Delilah got a D grade in one of her papers, she said to herself, "I should have studied instead of watching movies all night long with my friends; I'll do better next time." From this comment we can conclude that Delilah has an external locus of control.


Why do people withhold information?

Feel all powerful, feel superior, believe they are perfect, have everyone's approval, feel safe from people who might challenge them, deny that have any problems

What is self esteem?

Feeling of confidence and worth as a person and how a person holds him or herself

What is motivation?

Force that gets people to do their tasks

What is bureaucracy?

Formal organization in which each person has specific duties and responsibilities and is assigned one superior

Who is Eric Berne?

He created the transnational analysis method of understanding interpersonal communication

Who is Douglas McGregor and what did he do?

He influenced thinking in both management and human relations. Made Theory X and Y

Who is Max Weber?

He proposed bureaucratic approach that focused on being impersonal and rational

Who is Robert Owen?

He proposed that treating workers better, increase productivity and profit

Who is Andrew Ure?

He wrote a detailed study of manufactures and their management processes

What is expressing ideas and judgement?

Ideas and judgement-expressed though conscious thoughts, opinions, and theories

What is lower self worth?

Individual believes him or herself to have little value to offer the world

What is expressing feelings and emotions on the gut level?

Individuals uniqueness is communicated and gut-level communication is expressed honestly

Who is W. Edwards Deming?

Introduced Total Quality Management, made the idea that held the process of whatever happens is more important then the product

self disclosure

Is letting another person know what is real about your thoughts desires and feelings

What is a pathological inner voice?

Negative inner voice that attacks people and negatively judges their worth

What are entrepreneurs?

Organize and assume the risks of beginning a business enterprise

What is higher self esteem?

People have healthy feelings about themselves

What is external locus of control?

People who feel they have no control of the events in life

What is mutual respect?

Positive consideration or regard that two people have for each other

What is self disclosure?

Process of letting other people know own thoughts and feelings

What is total quality management?

Quality must be present in the product or service produced and in all support activities related to it

What is communication?

Sending ideas and thoughts and having them received in the intended way

Who is Mary Parker Follett?

She taught three concepts, 1. She thought workers should be allowed to be involved in decisions, 2. stressed that the workplace is dynamic, and 3. she believed that the main job of managers was to maintain positive relationship with workers

What is human relations?

Skill or ability to work effectively thorugh and with other people

how mush you know about yourself and how much you show others

The Johari Window deals with

What is a unconditional positive regard?

The acceptance of individuals as worthy and valuable regardless of their behavior

In the workplace, the key to top performance and high- quality work is healthy self- esteem.


Internal customers can be defined as a department's employees, or as employees in other departments within an organization.


Most people who always need to tell about their accomplishments are actually compensating in some way for low self-esteem.


Overdisclosing often happens when a person feels socially awkward and is trying to make conversation.


Parents who present their children with a picture of how the children must act to win approval are said to hold "conditional positive regard" for their children.


What is the unknown pane?

Unknown talents, abilities, and attitudes. Often represses memories and want to block off memories

What is self concept?

Way you picture yourself to be and is the foundation of all your thoughts about yourself, including your self esteem

What is locus of control?

amount of control you feel you have over events that happen to you

What is the hidden pane?

info hidden from other people

What is the open pane?

info that you know about yourself and have no reason to hide

open pane blind pane hidden pane unknown pane

panes in the Johari Window

negative inner voice

pathological critic

What is a role model?

person to a individual can look for guidance but isn't actively interacting with the person

people want to be liked and accepted feel all pewerful control feelings of others believe that they are perfect feel safe avoid the fear that they aren't loveable avoid feelings in inadequacy

reasons people self disclose

self efficacy

the confidence an individual had to deal with problems when they occur

frank and lillian Gilbert

the optimum shovel and stricter child labor laws pioneers in time and motion study. Lillian first lady of management

Carl rogers

the sense of self is a guiding principle that structures the personality. In young children self-esteem is just a reflection of the esteem that parents and others have for the child

Loss of social skills

the textbook mentions four outcomes of failing to self-disclose. Which of the following in NOT one of the four

What is self image?

the way one honestly feels about oneself

What is real self?

the way one really is when nobody is around to approve or disapprove


there is never a legit reason for withholding self-disclose

What is compensating?

use of strength to make up for a real or perceived weakness

unconditional positive regard

your parents love you know matter what carl rogers

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