Human Relations Final Exam

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Identify Wovoka and the "Ghost Dance."

John Wilson (Wovoka) was a prophet who prophesied God would come down, fight, kill the men; The Ghost Dance was a new religious movement in the 1890's, which incorporated many Native Americans belief systems.

According to the instructor's change-agent paradigm, Ill-conceived, pie-in-the-sky, "Let's just all get along" approaches to race relations have the potential to do damage. Explain why this may be true.

covers the bad stuff, but doesn't solve the problems. Often just make things worst; Does not address the problems that need to be solved. ?????

According to information provided by the film, at what point in life do most Native Americans cut their hair?

death in family, punished by tribe, or mourning; when they do, dispose of hair in ceremonial way

Familiarize yourself with the lecture on the classroom teacher's legal obligation to a child he/she suspects was abused.

a. Safety #1 priority b. Document everything verbatim c. Report suspected cases to principal or supervisor d. Demand a written summary of actions e. Obligated to take to higher power f. Talk to counselor g. Confidentiality is law, only share with people directly involved

According to the Linguistic Society of America and most multicultural experts, what view should professional educators take towards working with Ebonic speaking students?

acknowledge Ebonics so children know that respected, but expect students to read and write in school English; let them know that it is allowed sometimes

According to the authors, which drug or substance has the greatest negative impact [numbers wise] on adolescents?


Most experts agree that sexual orientation is established at what age?

as early as 6; feel sexually different from peers

According to your instructor, what are some of the ways to impact borderline and hard-core at-risk students?

don't ignore or throw them away; Say things like failure is not an option on my watch, Give hugs and reassurance; Work w/ them one on one; Mentor them; Listen and allow students to vent

According to the instructor, students often resist participating in discussions about race and racism because of what kinds of reasons?

don't want to offend anyone, feel like minority in their views; stigma, b/c people want to pretend it doesn't exist. a. Race considered taboo b. Many students think of US as just society c. Deny personal prejudices d. Having a black president, saying everything okay e. Think that since treat everybody right, everybody else is doing the same

According to your textbook authors, what is the view of the overwhelming majority of American Muslims towards terrorism? Is this group given a fair shake by the average American?

embarrassed about it; don't support it; want it ended; feel as if it portrays them poorly; not given fair shake

What was the main thesis of the (1991) Jonathan Kozol findings? What was he able to reveal?

examined school funding and quality of school districts with large minority populations; found facilities in these districts were dreadfully inadequate and compared to suburban districts, huge funding inequalities existed. (Book is titled Savage Inequalities - great read)

In actuality, standardized achievement test scores measure what? The myth, on the other hand, makes what claim?

exposure to the material, how assimilated into dominant culture, how affluent family may be

Historically speaking, where did we get the phrase "Indian Giver" from? How did Whites and Natives differ in their views about land transfer and ownership?

first European ancestors came and began to settle on land; Some white settlers claimed when they took gifts from natives, later wanted the gifts back; term was created describing when someone gives you something and then they try to take it back; Indians thought they would get there land back

According to most historians, how can the first 15-year period after slavery be compared to other 19th and 20th century Black-White eras?

first break was "reconstruction period" which really began the civil rights era. -Start out republican second break period was civil rights era #2 where most blacks think democratic ideas started from -Start to move and become Democrat -1920's was the worst time since 1880 -Had rights, but then were all taken away in the 1920's?????

Define, describe, and discuss the concept of Critical Race Theory.

focuses on racism in challenging racial oppression, inequalities and white privilege; old school one basically said how whites hate blacks; new one more complex; already have an advantage when born; sees ethnicity and race as social constructs whose practical utility is determined by a particular society or social system

What are the various reasons Americans should rethink the issue of using Indian mascots for sports teams. (b) Is it really all that hard to listen to native concerns on the issues, or are we just being hard-headed and stubborn? According to your instructor, what is the bottom-line that explain why we have ignored their pleas?

inaccurate, disrespectful, disgraceful to what they believe in; not receiving due credit

Define, describe, and discuss the concept of Colloquialisms.

informal or conversation speech in a community; regional language; ex. "I like to got hit by that car" means "I was almost struck by that car." in Texas

How is the usage of a language such as "Spanglish" or "Ebonics" a deceiving indicator of intelligence?

just because someone can't speak this language doesn't mean that they are unintelligent, just that they don't know enough of one of the languages to communicate their ideals

In the year 1998, California passed Proposition 227. Explain this law.

law required elimination of bilingual education in state's schools; subjects could only be taught in English; programs were replaced with an intense 1-year English immersion program that in hopes would eliminate the ESL program. -drop out rates have increased

What is meant by the term "underclass"? How is it different than the traditional lower class group?

lowest social stratum, usually composed of disadvantaged; below core body of working class-not being productive-want to find the easy way

Which gender suffers the most loss of social prestige for crossing gender lines and behaving like the other gender? Why?

men experience most; appear more threatening than lesbians; suppose to be tough, etc

According to Banks (and many others), does the educational multicultural mandate require a teacher to discuss every ethnic group, or does it require that classroom resources and instruction not focus solely on the dominant group? Is it an equal time issue, or is it about understanding general patterns that can be applied to many disempowered groups?

more about general patterns; then applying it specifically to each group; can't talk about everyone

What is meant by the phrase, "it is important to apply multiculturalism age appropriately?"

must apply multiculturalism to age levels in terms that they understand and can comprehend.

According to the educator's professional code, what position should teachers take towards a student who might be gay or lesbian?

neutral approach; learn to present LGBT w/out embarrassment, condemnation; guarantee respectful treatment for all; put political views aside and treat kids w/ respect; you can never counsel kid to not be gay

According to contemporary anthropologists, is race a stable category for organizing and differentiating the people of our world?

no; race only counts for 1%, we are all one human race

According to several experts, why do many Whites believe that segregation and discrimination no longer exist?

not blatant/written into laws; aren't looking closely at hidden racism

According to the instructor, is it wise for educators to officially adopt the concept of "color blindness" as a professional model to emulate?

not wise, because color of person's skin affects them on so many levels; important to keep that in mind to adapt to their needs

What are the various negative outcomes of lead poisoning on children? Describe the problem in Omaha.

one of highest lead poison concentrations in US, top 10% east of 52nd street; most impacted is minorities, poor whites -shouldn't surprise Omaha achievement gap so wide; lead damages children's brains -kids in east Omaha has 5x the lead blood content of kids from Gretna

What does Banks say about using ethnic foods and dress as your main emphasis for a multicultural lesson?

only as curriculum supplement and not as the main teaching foundation

According to the GC authors, the rate of teen pregnancy is most correlated with which contributing factor?

poverty (fairly equal across all races)

Which of these was more trying psychologically for most (A) common Black Americans, (B) highly educated Black Americans: Slavery laws, or Jim Crow laws? Explain your answer.


According to the authors, what factor(s) has led to the recent decline in overall suicide rates for adolescents?

restrictions to access firearms; more drug control; MAIN REASON- more friendly to LGBTQ students

School districts are becoming more and more re-segregated: what is the court's stance towards things such as busing and forced integration?

school was all black or white, were required to bus to desegregate; Now some are stopping busing due to cost; has to be opportunity for students to attend; realization there's going to be schools that have a majority of students from one place

What view does Banks take towards ethnic groups being included only during a unit or a week focusing on a particular group?

shouldn't be included only during special times; any chance a connection can be made to any group it should be; should be spread across the year;

According to research, what is the number one school related correlate (apart from safety issues) that determines the quality of knowledge and lessons learned by students?

teachers ability to teach; qualities of the teacher

What is the difference between assimilation and acculturation?

terms are very similar; leads to people sometimes believing they are the same.; assimilation as process whereby a minority group and dominant group gradually become integrated into a common culture; Acculturation is when minority group member can't remain in only their culture and must adopt some customs from majority culture; minority group loses its identity in assimilation while they are able to retain customs in acculturation.

How does your instructor respond to the "All White people are bad" theories that float around from time to time?

theories make little sense; easiest example that deals w/ fact that white people played a major part in freeing the slaves; Therefore, all white people can't be bad.

According to the instructor, the stereotypical conservative White educator's missing link regarding a proper understanding of minority peoples is what?

troubles they went through; lacking depth of knowledge; especially miss that they can't just say slavery is over b/c have a black President; Lacking scar inside of black people; Deprogram Reprogram, Educate

What are the various damaging media stereotypes of Arabs?

turbans, terrorist, all hate America, Women forced

At what point is it advisable to use token economies (i.e., immediate rewards) when attempting to shape student behaviors?

used initially to gain interest, participation, and to get students to do things normally wouldn't do; shortly start to wean off; want to build internal motivation to succeed and not rely only on external motivation

According to the authors, are there significant overall differences among racial groups to explain substance abuse rates?

would think crack/meth/alcohol use is worse at South high than at Millard, but are relatively equal -race, side of town don't make difference

What did Frederick Douglass say about the treatment of Black males who attempted to show themselves educated and confident?

"It was appalling because they were discriminated and disliked more because of their knowledge. They were not supposed to attain knowledge".

Center for Disease Control [CDC] statistics reveal that Native Americans compare how to other racial and ethnic groups?

-twice the national average of suicide rates -similar level of teen pregnancy as other races -only 1% of Native Americans have HIV/AIDS

According to the instructor, what is the first multicultural step for educators to make?

1) children before beliefs; 2) willing to say are there some unintentional things I'm racist about; 3) stop trying to microwave the world; become aware and educated on cultures dealing with; realize racism exists and that, if teachers are white, they have benefited

What does your instructor say is the correct and healthy attitude one should take towards a White person feeling guilty about what has happened in history?

1) don't feel guilty b/c of past; now should try to be change agent/question status quo 2) not just a white disease; a human disease (power and privilege) 3) Minorities had problems too -ie whites did set the slaves free -Rwanda, Hutus and Tutsis

What are the 13 multicultural dispositions?

1) not about me, its about lives of people I serve; 2) all people can learn, and deserve my best effort; 3) ethnic and cultural differences should be celebrated, not feared; 4) many truths exist simultaneously in the world; 5) relying on foods/festivals approaches will make it hard to cause an impact;6) critical analysis of power and privilege is what is needed; 7) disagree w/out being disagreeable; 8)need to stay on top of various psychological and political factors w/in society that makes it easy to justify status quo; 9) allow students, friends, and adversaries an opportunity to hear facts about living in society from multiple perspectives and then proceed to trust your audience to arrive at their own world views; 10) acquire a thicker skin; 11) good intentions are not good enough; 12) best social change starts by first helping hurting people to heal from inside out, then helping get education, jobs, and equal access; 13) become change my community seeks

How did African Americans view the Black Power Movement of the 1960s? How did most Whites of that time view it? Be specific.

Blacks- self improvement, going power base; Whites- scared and worried for their safety, thought it would be reverse racism

Miscegenation laws in many states legally prevented the marriage of Whites to members of other races until what incident or law in what year?

1969: U.S. Supreme Court in VA declared remaining anti-miscegenation laws in 16 states to be unconstitutional; all U.S. couples eligible to marry in any state, as long as they consisted of one woman and one man; court reached conclusion even though vast majority (72%) of American adults opposed to legalizing interracial marriage at time; also a near majority (48%) favored criminal punishments for interracial couples who married;

According to the instructor and many other education authorities, when does the White/Black gap in learning and achievement begin to show up?

4th and 5th grade

What percentage of LGBT students surveyed report that they are physically harassed at school?


Other than the fact that schools can and should always strive to improve, what is the bottom-line message derived from the 1966 Coleman Report?

A lot more goes into how well a student performs than just the quality of the school. Factors in the home play a larger part in the student's success than the quality of the school (ex. urban or rural, parents' education).

How and why did Black dialect develop? What are the various reasons given by the instructor and Farley as to why it still exists today?

Africa during slave trade, many different tribes created languages to communicate w/ each other; exists today b/c parents, surrounding people use it; Defiance or enveloped in that language. "Gullah"; Af. grammatical rules and superimposed it upon English language

As of 2000, which group is the largest non-White ethnic group in America?

African Americans

Although African Americans comprise only 15% of the adolescent population, they account for how much of the arrested-for-violent-crimes rates, incarceration rates, and percentage of young people who have AIDS?

Approximately 40%

According to the authors, the majority of the world's Muslims are Arabs who live where in the world?

Asia- Indonesia, not arabian pensinsula

Assertiveness is different than aggressiveness in what ways?

Assertiveness does not have to be rude or mean **more rational, logical, respectful Aggressiveness can often be rude **intimidate; American way; negative impact on all people involved

Are there any significant differences between the behaviors of at-risk and high-risk youth? Explain.

At Risk: Regular, but special needs; Poverty, obese, free lunch program, wear same clothes everyday **disadvantaged living status: poverty, discrimination, family instability, genetic, parental neglect or abuse, or major traumatic events b. High Risk: Experiments with drugs, weapons, gangs, cults, Suicide **youth engage that make them or others vulnerable to physical, social, or psychological harm or negative outcomes; don't necessarily engage in high risk behaviors (alcohol or drugs, sexual behaviors leading to unwanted pregnancy or STDs)

Describe and explain the 5 positions of conflict management. Which position is the ultimate goal to attain?

Avoidance-lets not face the issues Accommodation-I'll let you win at my expense Competing-I win at your expense Compromise- We both give up something and meet half way as means of breaking a deadlock Collaboration- Let's put ourselves in each others shoes and arrive at something we both can agree on - ultimate goal

What was the pre and post W.W.II view of assimilation amongst the majority of Black people? How was this view changed by activity in the 1960's?

Before WWII they were trying to fit in; went to France and realized being treated badly here; fitting in wasn't working

Contemporary researchers scratch their heads over why Black male stats are so much worse than everyone else including Black female and Latino male or female stats. What are some plausible reasons given to explain this phenomenon?

Black males were targeted; Black men and women living in a house together and trying to figure out who is dominant. The guys usually leave to get out of the situation.????????????????

Be able to list several reasons why violence and militancy became more feasible or popular than passive resistance among Black youth during the 1960's.

Black power, may have enforced (Black Panthers); Many were getting arrested for non-violent protests; it got more attention, seemed to make more of an impact

List and be able to give examples of Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy of higher learning, and how it must be applied to multicultural education. Know this material well! Be able to listen to typical "teacher talk" and match up the levels appropriately.

Bloom's Levels: Knowledge, Application, Analysis (compare/contrast), Synthesis(create/invent), & Evaluation. Teacher Talk - ex: "They're poor, Parents don't care, Not enough books, Not enough parents, Come to school w/o breakfast. Level 1: knowledge -lists, label, recite, name, find, and memorize Level 2: Comprehension- paraphrase, discover, translate Level 3: Application- apply, transfer, generalize, relate, operate Level 4: Analysis- deduce, distinguish, dissect, audit, inspect Level 5: Synthesis- create, hypothesize, invent imagine, assemble Level 6: Evaluation- appraise, evaluate, interpret, predict, justify

Identify and describe Emmet Till and The Little Rock Arkansas 9? Significance?

Chicago boy visits Mississippi; called local white woman "bye baby". Beaten to death and found in a river. Two men who did it found not guilty by an all-white jury. Significant b/c his mother ordered the coffin be left open at his funeral so all could see the horror of what they did. Sparked the Civil Rights Movement; Little Rock Nine- nine black school children that were the first black students to be allowed enrollment to a high school; yelled at, spit on, and followed by angry white people; Showed again how young people were taking racist feelings out on

Define, describe, and discuss the term Vernacular.

Dialect of the majority of black Americans; Separates among ethnic lines; ethnically divided

What are the reasons why young people join gangs?

Family stress, protection against victimization, money received through illicit dealing; sense of family; community status

What impact has federal and congressional immigration non-action (aside from building a border fence) had on a few local and municipal governing bodies?What city in Nebraska has taken action?

Federal-dragging their feet; Some states like Arizona and Alabama pull you over to see citizenship; Fremont, Ne actually did it-say you can't rent or hire an illegal person that you know is illegal-can get a fine;Some states and locals are saying if federal won't do it we will; Shouldn't be local, should be a state issue

What terrible misfortune befell the Indian Winnebago Tribe at the hands of the U.S. government?

Government made them move 6 times

How have many Muslim and non-Muslim believers misrepresented the term known as "Jihad?"

Holy war- which then evokes images of Bin Laden and 9/11??????

Be able to cite a minimum of three resilience strategies that help at-risk kids overcome life's obstacles related to (a) the home, (b) the school setting, and (c) character strengths that must be fostered on the inside of the kid.

Home: Daily routine with chores, High expectations/business before play, Parental involvement School: Caring supportive teacher or counselor; Open invitations to make decisions;Community service (help others) Internal/Personal: Engage in honest thought provoking dialogue; Good work ethic-show that nothing good comes easy: High sense of ethics morality

Why did economic and social gains of the 60's and 70's slip for Blacks in the 80's and 90's?

In 90's and 2000's they started attacking AA b. Factories started going out to suburbs from ghettos c. Robots and computers now doing work d. School districts closing tech schools-just look at mico not macro e. Structuring society to privilege

List several differences between Black Slavery and Indentured Servancy?

Indentured servants: Committed initial crime; time amount in slavery; prison slaves Slavery: way of life, not punishment

According to the authors, the majority of the world's Muslims are people who live where in the world?

Indonesia, Pakistan, India

Study and know James Banks' four levels of multicultural instruction. Be able to give examples of each.

Level 1) The Contributions Approach: focuses on heroes, holidays, and discrete cultural elements **let's spend the next few minutes talking about....contributions Level 2) The Additive Approach: content, concepts, themes, and perspectives are added to curriculum without changing its structure **show support by instituting....month Level 3) The Transformative Approach: structure of curriculum is changed to enable students to view concepts, issues, events, and themes from perspectives of diverse ethnic and cultural groups **let's rewrite the textbooks correctly and teach multiculturalism in every grade Level 4) The Social Action Approach: students make decisions on important social issues and take action to help solve them

According to most experts, poor, inner-city, and low achieving students are more likely to be assigned what quality of teachers?

Low quality, inexperienced teachers

What religion were the majority of Arab immigrants when they first came to America in the beginning?

Mainly Christian

Which of the states was the first to allow gay marriage?


Prior to the 1990s, what was wrong or/and inadequate with most high school social studies textbooks?

Minorities rarely, unfairly mentioned; Ex: book didn't show whole truth about Africa. Transformed it; underneath white folk; pictures false; Unjust

What is the difference between being Arab and being Muslim?

Muslim belongs to the religion Islam; Arab from Arabian Peninsula who likely speaks Arabic.

In America, which specific group is the most at-risk, economically speaking?

Native Americans, single head of household females, who are poor, raising children

Does America help refugees from all countries on an equal basis?

No! don't have oil, and don't need them for a military base; want something in return they don't have

Is there a connection between telling a group of people they are stupid and worthless for 400 years, and that group having self-esteem, academic and legal problems in contemporary society? Is that legitimate psychology or just a lame minority excuse?

No, not an excuse; very valid in many cases, but right now it is crucial for minority groups to try to overcome the feeling in order to succeed

Just because the topic of race and racism is controversial and can sometimes cause stressful moments in a classroom setting, does that give the teacher permission to avoid or water-down the topic?

No; it's serious problem and doing so will only pass on silent message that it's okay to treat and act on a lower level than it should be; keeping it real

How did the early American government account for Blacks when taking the census count?

Only counted as a fraction-3/5th of a person; for legislative purposes

Describe and explain Farley's paternalistic, rigid, and fluid pattern of race relations theory.

Paternalistic- one's race in large determines status for life and children's life; complex system "racial etiquette" which defines manner in which minority group members can speak to majority group member's supports roles and status. (Penalty for anyone to break rules)-only white president Rigid- similar-but minorities and majorities often compete against each other; makes dominant group demand for more discrimination; Majority groups feel more threatened under this group-conflict; Social and structure- If you marry my daughter, you are going to die. If you were 1/16th black you were black.-can't date my daughter Fluid- more competition and conflict because minorities are free to compete w/ majority and given opportunity to reveal frustrations; problems, and more social; If you have a black dad, and white mom, you could pick which group you wanted to be in; okay, can live in my neighborhood, marry my daughter if you're one of the GOOD Mexicans *all racist, but not as ridiculous; still problems to address

According to media experts, what were the implications of each one of the following negative images of African Americans? Sambo -- Uncle -- Mammy -- Zip Coon -- Pickaninny -- Urban Coon -- Savage Brute.

Sambo-Jolly slave who laughed Zip Coon-Educated fancy dressed Mammy- Strong, not sexually appealing Pickaninny- little child with big lips getting into trouble Urban coon- little zip coon but more street savvy Savage brute- angry black man

What was the primary goal of Banks wanting new multicultural curriculum to not replace, but rather coexist with Euro-centrism and traditional learning?

Sequentially build upon and have interplay between the various forms of knowledge; all are equally important ??

The rate of adolescents giving birth to children in the United States is ranked how compared with other industrialized countries?

Significantly higher

What factor best helps those who contemplate suicide but do not follow through?

Someone to tell them that they are important and voices concern for them

What was the reaction of many southern states to the 1954 and 1955 Brown v. Topeka Board of Education cases? How did Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas respond?

Southerners appalled and stood protest outside school; natl guard stood outside school to prevent Little Rock Nine from entering and attending; 1) their ethnicity (belief structure), even more so than race (physical) 2)gender 3) socioeconomic -poor ppl have certain culture, middle class, upper class, etc 4) other things, likes and dislikes, athlete, musician

What event or incident sparked the 1969 Stonewall Inn Riot in Greenwich Village?

Stonewall inn refuge for gays not welcome in other bars; mostly male and drag queens of different ages and economic; police closed bar, arrested employees and pushed patrons outside; outside patrons starting throwing bottles and bricks at police, which led to riot

Identify, define, and describe Farley's concepts of minority adaptive strategies.

Strategies that meet violence with counter violence: Slave revolts, Large uprisings, Call to violence Acceptance Strategies Critical acquiescence- whites are better, we'll stay in our place-God's will Passive aggressive Acceptance-I'll tell the whites exactly what they want to hear as long as I achieve my goal Dissonant Reality- No I don't believe _______ are inferior, but there is little we can do about it Avoidance concept: Substance abuse-drown my sorrows; Psychological distance-emotional running away from hard things; Escape living the real life-social isolation or moving Supra ethnic identity- I'm so involved in my culture I don't have time to think about the white people Displaced Aggression Concept: Minority vs. Minority crime quick fix to get ahead; Scapegoating-white man 100% of blame; Substance Abuse #1- I hate me so much going to harm myself Higher than normal homicide, suicide, drop out rates

Define and describe the Trail of Tears? What took place?

Trail of Tears name of forced relocation of Native Americans (Cherokee); Many died along their journey; walked from places in south to an "Indian territory" across Mississippi River.

How can it be said that White supremacist groups created the phenomenon of radical minorities in this country? Explain your answer.

The white supremacists would announce or come up with false actions or theories of minorities to then make others afraid of them or angry to stop them; ???????????

According to your instructor and many historians, which country did the best job of psychologically promoting slavery? Explain your answer.

United States; Jim crow and lynching; played psychological mind games with selves; saying black ppl less intelligent, thinking of them as less than human, etc

What terrible race incident happened in Omaha, NE in the summer of 1919 that made the national news? What was the main character's name and what was he charged with? Where in Omaha did the incident take place?

Willie Brown, black man was falsely accused of raping white woman -in trial, downtown, 18th and Farnam -mob rushed in, took out of court, lynched him, mayor tried to stop, he was lynched but saved, drug Brown's body around town, posed for picture after got back -3 days of rioting required use of natl guard -8yrs ago, a man wanted to give salute of Willie Brown, but couldn't find grave -guy from CA raised money for tombstone

What percentages of young people actually join gangs? What impact does this population have on the masses?

a. 10% actually join gangs b. More than 75% are usually involved in violent crimes ??????

What is the basic difference between a typical at-risk student versus one that is high-risk? Would you attempt to motivate at-risk and high-risk students the same? Explain.

a. At risk Student In hardships often because they can't control it; Poverty; Learning disability; Abuse b. High risk children Drugs; Alcohol; Runaways; Gangs need to attempt to motivate these students in various ways, most importantly, getting the know child and earning their trust; Many high-risk students do not have great home lives, so having an adult who will listen is imperative. At-risk students can have wonderful home lives, but there can be other hardships that the school could possibly help with (breakfast and weekend food programs, helping with basic needs, medical care, support systems for parents, etc...)

Familiarize yourself with the lecture on the classroom teacher's ethical obligation to a child he/she suspects was abused.

a. Be flexible with attendance, make up assignments c. Don't let students drift without guidance d. Be a mentor outside of class e. Visit, letters, emails, f. Notice "loners" to get them involved g. Be careful w/ opposite sex mentoring h. Some touching may be therapeutic, but be wise

What were the 5 components of the failed 2007 congressional attempt at immigration reform?

a. Increase border security with fences and barriers b. Provided path to permanent residence c. Create a guest worker visa called Y-Visa-stay and work for 2 years d. Eliminate preference for family members outside of spouses and children e. Incorporated the Dream Act- path for immigrant children who go to college and graduate or serve in the US military-they could gain citizenship

In some parts of the world, entry into adulthood comes right after childhood. How do various cultures differ on the concept of adolescence [defined as ages 13-19]?

a. Jewish- Bat Mitzvah age 13 b. Serbia- they grow up fast c. Saudi Arabia-13 already a woman, married at 14 d. Some cultures skip teenage years

The view of religious groups towards homosexuals is often predicated on where they lie on the political continuum. Describe how that might play itself out.

a. More liberals are for it b. Christians are more conservative i. Stereotypes may fog peoples perception

According to the authors and your instructor, what are the different categories of child abuse?

a. Neglect abuse (failure to provide for basic needs) b. Emotional abuse (chronically belittled, humiliated, or rejected) c. Sexual abuse d. Physical abuse (non accidental injury) **Physical and sexual get the most noticed

Regarding affirmative action: Be able to discuss how some reverse discrimination charges are legitimate, whereas others are not.

a. Preferential treatment of minorities is not most unfair; those against affirmative action say it undermines quality of work force b. Unfair quota system-Goals and timetables end up as quotas that must be filled regardless of qualifications. Courts will not allow quotas (dollars if you have x amount of minority people), but they will allow minority teachers because it will benefit kids.

When looking at those adolescents who do commit suicide, which factors contribute to pursuing the final solution?

a. Previous attempts b. Mental disorders/substance abuse c. Family history d. Stressful event/job e. Easy access to weapons/substances f. Exposure to suicidal behaviors g. Incarceration **ethnic differences (NA twice average, Hisp and Af. Am. lower than Caucasion); LGBTQ;

According to the authors, what percentage of juveniles in institutions report regular illegal drug usage? What percentage was under the influence of drugs at the time of arrest?

a. Regular illegal drug usage-45% b. Influence of drugs at the time of arrest- 25%??????

A person's cultural identity is determined by what factors?

based off of ethnic background, being American (or whatever nationality), and where they live (like in suburban areas and whatnot) a. Ethnicity-belief structure b. Male or Women c. Social Economic d. Likes/ Dislikes

What ethnic group did President Johnson's War on Poverty program have the positive effect on? Any backlash from other ethnic groups?

black helped most first 50 yrs, then NA and Hispanic felt overlooked; last year, Hispanics helped the most; make up for fact that a few groups got overlooked

Can it be historically shown that African Americans as a group didn't always want to raise hell or drop out? Give evidence for your answer.

bus boycott, Little Rock Nine, Martin Luther King ideologies-these were all non-violent acts of importance that showed people that they were not dropping out; whites caused the whole drama to be bigger than it actually was

As a result of Plyer v. Doe [1982], educators must take what stance towards suspected illegal immigrant students and their parents?

can't require students or parents to declare immigration; can't make inquiries about such status; if born here, citizens; not born here, but brought here can't turn away from getting education- same at a hospital; need to know: teacher, counselor, principal legally cannot ask "Are you legal" -police, social worker, INS can ask -b/c duty is to be kid centered, kid first -at school, hands off

What two factors rank higher than suicide as the main killers of young people?

car accident and homicide

In the beginning, school integration centered on what factor? Today, it centers on main principles?

changed from physical integration of students w/in school building using busing; now know are dominant races in schools; busing expensive; as long as have an open policy, equal funding and equal access for opportunities/the achievement of equal learning opportunities and outcomes for all children

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