humanities chapter 3 quizzes

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Which pairing is an example of opposites in a cycle of regeneration, a core belief of Egyptian "being and becoming"?

flood and sun

The symbolic purpose of funerary sculpture, to ensure the continued existence of a deceased king in the afterlife, is emphasized by the Egyptian word for sculpture, which also meant

giving birth or rebirth.

Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun to

indicate a return to more traditional gods

MENTUEMHET, from Karnak, Thebes, Dynasty 25, ca. 660 BCE. Granite, height 54". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. The pose of Mentuemhet, who was probably the most influential official of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty,

is similar to conventions found in the Old Kingdom.

The Books of Going Forth by Day (also known as the Books of the Dead) contain

magical texts and spells buried with the deceased to help them survive the ritual of judgment.

In Egyptian belief, the creation of the world was associated with

marsh lands where animal and plant life were abundant

"He made their bodies according to their wishes,Thus the gods entered into their bodies,Of every wood, every stone, every clay,Every thing that grows upon himIn which they came to be."This passage from "This It Is Said of Ptah" explains which concept term?


The Teachings of Khety is shaped by two main purposes: to instruct and to

satirize daily life

The extent of Egypt's trade practices is revealed by recent archeological evidence found in Mycenae, particularly the discovery of which objects?


In Egyptian belief ka refers to a person's


The Kushites came from Kush, the Egyptian name for the

southern region of Nubia.

The Amarna style of the New Kingdom is notable for its

startling realism.

The Egyptians believed that the gods manifested themselves on earth through


The ancient Egyptians called Egypt "Kemet," meaning "Black Land," because

the Nile River floods deposited black fertile soil.

The Hyksos were foreigners who lived in Egypt and were important for introducing

the horse-drawn chariot, which served military purposes.

PRIEST KA-APER (also known as the "SHEIKH EL-BELED") from his mastaba, Saqqara, Dynasty 5, ca. 2450 BCE. Plaster and painted wood, height 3'7". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Which feature of this representation distinguishes the priest from a figure of higher nobility?

the naturalistic treatment of his paunchy stomach and chest rather than an idealized shape and musculature

The mathematical precision of Egyptian construction and understanding of astronomy is demonstrated by

the orientation of Khufu's pyramid to the cardinal points of the compass.

SEATED STATUE OF KHAFRE, from the valley temple of Khafre, Giza, Dynasty 4, ca. 2500 BCE. Diorite, height 66". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. The essential relationship between the king as protector of his people is conveyed through which element in this depiction of Khafre?

the positioning of the eagle, representing Horus, and its opened wings behind his head

In Egyptian funerary sculpture, kings are represented with idealized anatomy, regardless of their actual age and body, because

the sculptures were intended to mirror the perfection of the gods

BACK OF TUTANKHAMUN'S "GOLDEN THRONE," from his tomb, Valley of the Kings, western Thebes, Dynasty 18, ca. 1335 BCE. Wood, gold, faience, and semiprecious stones, height of entire throne 41", height of detail approx. 12 1⁄4". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Which pictorial elements of this artifact from Tutankhamun's tomb underscore a connection to Aten?

the sun rays shaped as elongated arms and hands reaching towards him

In The Teachings of Khety, the father's creative descriptions of common professions are filled with double meanings to cast them in the most negative light. Which line illustrates that device?

"And the maker of pots is under earth, though standing up with the living."

The term pharaoh derives from the Egyptian word for

"great house."

Which statement is true concerning the significance of the heart in the Egyptian ritual of "last judgment"?

It encompassed a duality of good and bad aspects of an individual's life.

Possibly the work of Imhotep, STEPPED PYRAMID AND FUNERARY COMPLEX OF DJOSER, Saqqara, Dynasty 3, 2610 BCE. Limestone, height of pyramid 197'. Which statement is true regarding this structure?

It is the earliest known use of cut stone in architecture.

Which statement is true regarding the initial relationship between Egypt and Nubia?

It was mutually beneficial by fostering trade through sub-Saharan Africa.

The largest statue ever made in the ancient world depicts

Khafre in the form of a Sphinx.

At the time that Egypt fell to Assyrian invaders, it was ruled by

Kushite kings.

Almost all of the conventions of Egyptian art were established in the

Old Kingdom.

How did the cultural production of the Middle Kingdom differ from that of earlier Egyptian periods?

Secular literature was written.

NEBHEPETRE MENTUHOTEP II, from his funerary temple at Deir el-Bahri, western Thebes, Dynasty 11, ca. 2000 BCE. Painted sandstone, height 72". Egyptian Museum, Cairo. How is the identification of the king with Egypt itself emphasized in this representation?

The black soil of the Nile Valley is reflected in the darkened skin, set off by the white dressing associated with depictions of the god Osiris.

NUBIANS BRINGING TRIBUTE, from the tomb of Amenhotep Huy, the Nubian viceroy under Tutankhamun, Qurnet Murai, western Thebes, Dynasty 18, ca. 1330 BCE. Painting on plaster. Editions Gallimard, Paris. How is the theme of continuity and stability of culture evident in this image?

The composite view of figures despite mixed ethnicities reflects older Egyptian pictorial conventions.

The primary capital of the Middle Kingdom was


To the Egyptians, Alexander the Great represented

a divinely prophesized and, therefore, accepted ruler for followers of Amun.

The unification of Northern and Southern Egypt in the Middle Kingdom is symbolized in pictorial representations by

a double crown worn by the king.

The term fresco secco refers to

a type of painting produced by pigment applied to a dry wall.

The name of the hieroglyphic sign that means "life" is


The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak was a metaphor for

birth and creation

The carved or sculpted tops of architectural columns are called


PYLON GATE OF RAMSES II with obelisk in the foreground, at Luxor, Thebes, Dynasty 19, ca. 1279-1212 BCE. Ramses's Pylon Gate at Luxor may be considered an early example of art used as propaganda because it

celebrates a battle that was not an unqualified military success.

NEBAMUN HUNTING BIRDS, from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Dynasty 18, ca. 1400 BCE. Fresco on dry plaster, height approx. 2'8". © The Trustees of the British Museum. Nebamun is depicted in a marsh, spearing fish, or hunting fowl. His hurling of a spear is thought to relate to

ejaculation, and thus sexual procreation

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