Humanities final study

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The only paintings to survive in good condition from the early Medieval Era are in _______________________ produced in monasteries.

illuminated manuscripts

Italy was the best at using the Gothic style of architecture.


Throughout time, only the faiths of Christianity and Islam have contested the possession of the city of Jerusalem.


there are seven pillars of islam


Charlemagne's government was an early version of ______________, a legal and social system developed in Western Europe in the eighth century.

feudalismb neumec. monasticismd. tympanic

The Israelite prophets did NOT _____________________________.

foretell the future

The first building on the site where the Louvre now stands was a(n) __________.

fortress surrounded by a moat

Stained glass is an ______________ decoration.


In each chapel of the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis, there are two large windows. This introduction of _____________ was a new concept of the Gothic era.


A ___________________, the name actually coming from a corruption of the Latin world meaning occupation, was a medieval drama form based on biblical narratives.

mystery play

Under a series of powerful rulers, called sultans, the Ottomans conquered the Byzantine city of ___________________ in 1453.


The term _________ was actually a negative term in the beginning. The Italians thought this style was barbaric and identified it with the most notorious of the barbarian tribes.


After 1930 Constantinople is known as ______________.


Paul wrote that _________ became human so he could suffer and die for the sins of humankind.; his suffering atones for human beings' sins and redeems mankind.


"Children of Israel," the Israelites, or Hebrews later became known as ______________.


Islam, from the Muslim perspective, is seen as a fulfillment of _____________________.

Judaism and Christianity

During the later Middle Ages, ________________ was king. He made an effort to be a king to all his people and became something of a peacekeeper among other European powers. He became associated with fairness and justice.

King Louis IX

For most of its history, chant was the official music of the Catholic Church, just as ________ was its official language. With the Vatican reforms of 1965, both the Church's official language and its official music was changed.


The scripture of Islam is also called the _____________________.


The words of the __________ are the first words Muslims hear when they are born and the last many hear before they die.


The number __________ assumed special importance for the builders at Chartres.


Muslims, Jews, and Christians all lay claim to the ___________________.

Temple Mount

On top of Mount Sinai, God is said to have given Moses the Decalogue, or the _______________.

Ten Commandments

_______________ is the language of symbols. This was especially useful in an era when few people were literate.


Books written by hand on parchment and elaborately decorated with paintings are called __________________.

illuminated manuscripts

When Christianity was made an official state religion in ancient Rome, the need for _________ arose.


The hundreds of ________________ in the interior of the mosque at Cordova in Spain are one of its most notable features.


when people of the new stone age settled down and raised crops, they also

domesticated animals

In Britain, the Anglo-Saxons quickly suppressed the indigenous Christian inhabitants, _________. By 550, Christianity had disappeared from all but the most remote corners of Britain, and the culture of the country had become distinctly Germanic.

the Celts

The Gothic style began at __________.

the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis

The Notre-Dame, Chartres was dedicated to __________.

the Virgin Mary

Upon what is Dante's Paradiso based?

the seven planets of medieval astronomy

During the Gothic era, tapestries were used for insulation as well as decoration.


Medieval art includes many images of Mary and the infant Jesus.


The common language spoke in a particular country or region is referred to as ______________. This is what Boccaccio used in The Decameron.


To __________ was the chief purpose of a pilgrimage.

worship relics of the saints

The evangelists are the ___________________ as expressed through the translation of the word from the Greek.

"bearers of the good news"

Islam was first proclaimed by Muhammad in the town of Mecca, in about the year _______________.

610 C.E.

The _______________________ in Granada, Spain is one of the finest examples of Islamic Architecture. It remained under Islamic control until 1492 when the united armies of Catholic Spain, under the leadership of Ferdinand and Isabella, chased the last Muslim rulers out of the country.

Alhambra Palace

The Islamic name for God is ___________.


_________________ was the most important expounder of Christian doctrine after Paul.


The greatest of the Anglo-Saxon Germanic epics is __________.


Who wrote The Decameron?


The __________ is the finest gospel book of the Early Middle Ages still in existence and is an illuminated manuscript written and decorated by Irish Monks that dates to c. 800 C.E.

Book of Kells

During the reign of ___________________, Gregorian chants, which had formerly been passed down orally, were codified and written down in a rudimentary form of musical notation.


Those who believed Jesus when he preached the Kingdom of God was imminent and who saw that Kingdom as represented in Jesus became the first ______________________.


The agreement between God and his people, known as the _________________, was passed down to the patriarchs who followed Abraham. In this, God agrees to be the Hebrew deity if the Hebrews agree to be his people and follow his will.


Which king sent one of his soldiers to the front line of battle so that the soldier would be killed? This action allowed the king to marry the wife of the fallen soldier, Bathsheba.


The 1st Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II. What was its outcome?

Disastrous results

The Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris is an example of the __________.

Early Gothic

In 313 C.E., Constantine issued the _________________ which granted tolerance to those who practiced Christianity.

Edict of Milan

In the Hundred Years' War, even though the French soldiers greatly outnumbered the ____________ invaders, the French lost most of the battles.


Although there were social and economic consequences, there were NO religious effects from the Black Death.


All mosques are oriented toward Medina.


Judaism sought converts just as Christianity sought converts.


The French were the clear winners of the Hundred Years' War.


The Hundred Years' War involved __________.

France and England

The monks from Rome brought the _______________ tradition of Church music to other Christian areas.

Gregorian Chant

During the Middle Ages, ___________________ were associations of artisans and craftspeople that regulated the quality of work produced in their own trade and the prices that individual shopkeeper or tradesperson could charge.


The Church of the Holy Wisdom in Constantinople is also known as the ______________.

Hagia Sophia

The main mosque of Constantinople (Istanbul), the Mosque of Sultan Sulayman, reflects the influence of _______________.

Hagia Sophia

While there were other reasons for the _______________, English claim to French lands was the major reason for the war.

Hundred Years' War

The icon, or a painted image of a religious figure or scene used in worship, was at the center of the _________________that ended the First Golden Age of Byzantine art.

Iconoclastic Controversy

The __________, which King John was forced to sign by barons outraged at the cost of his campaigns against France, was among the first documents to set limits on royal authority.

Magna Carta

From the late 11th century on, many churches, cathedrals, religious orders, and brotherhoods were dedicated to ______________.


__________ is NOT one the "Five Pillars" of Islam.

Memorizing the Quran

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a belief in a single god and are therefore _______________.


After Constantinople was captured by the Turks in 1453, it became a __________ city.


Christians dealt with much persecution from the ancient Romans. In fact, ___________ even blamed Christians for a fire that burned down the imperial capital of Rome.


It was during ___________________ when Muhammad received his initial call as a prophet and made his historic light from Mecca to Medina.


________________ is the Islamic holy month.


By the middle of the 13th century, a new _______________ style of Gothic architecture had begun to emerge. The name means "to shine" or "to radiate."


__________ is the architectural style of the great pilgrimage churches.


King Louis IX held religious relics in what chapel?


The Kingdom of Israel was established by 1000 B.C.E. with King ______________.


Which King of Israel was famous for his wisdom and the Temple of Jerusalem?


Among the earliest monastic guidelines were those provided by __________.

St. Benedict

__________ is the most elaborate church of the Second Golden Age of Byzantine art.

St. Mark's in Venice

__________ combined Aristotelian philosophy and Catholic religious thought.

St. Thomas Aquinas

According to the textbook, what was the most celebrated literary work of the Middle Ages?

The Divine Comedy

The literary work __________ exemplifies the values of French feudal society.

The Song of Roland

The Arabian Nights is also known as ________________________.

The Thousand and One Nights

A rose window is a circular window that forms a roselike symmetrical pattern.


According to the text, Islam is the youngest of the world's major religions.


According to the textbook, the three elements that define Gothic architecture are: pointed arches and vaults, ribs, and flying buttresses.


Although by 675 Britain was again predominantly Christian, there is little trace of Christianity in some of the earliest artifacts from this period.


Ancient Hebrews believed human beings were ultimately responsible for their own actions.


Aquinas saw no conflict between the demands of reason and the claims of faith.`


Calligraphy pervades Islamic art and is, in part, a reflection of traditional Muslim iconoclasm.


Catacombs are the underground cemeteries of the Christians in and around Rome.


Christianity leaned heavily on Jewish traditions and beliefs.


During the Gothic era, stained glass had two functions: decorative and instructive. Previously, these functions were the job of murals.


In 330 C.E., with the Roman Empire in severe economic and political decline, the emperor Constantine established the trading city of Byzantium as his new Eastern capital, renaming it Constantinople in the process.


Islam and Christianity share many beliefs.


Islam means submission to God.


Islamic art is not the art of a particular group of people nor that of one country. Rather, it is the art associated with the life of one person, Muhammad, and the teachings of one book, the Quran.


Jesus taught through parables which are stories that illustrate essential Christian principles.


Medieval art includes many images of Mary and the infant Jesus.


One of the most notable features of Dante's Inferno is the law of symbolic retribution, which suggests how a punishment should fit a sin.


One positive outcome of the Crusades of the Middle Ages was that they did aid in stimulating East-West trade and in accelerating the exchange of ideas.


The "Dark Ages," a time from the sixth to the eighth century, can only be considered dark in that few documents survive to shed light on the era. Actually, it was a time of great cultural accomplishment.


The Decameron is a collection of 100 short stories, told by 10 Florentine who leave plague-infested Florence, Italy for a neighboring hill town.


The French Gothic spread outside France.


The Hijrah (Hegira) refers to Muhammad's flight to Medina and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.


The New Testament is as for Christianity what the Hebrew Scriptures are for Judaism and the Quran is for Islam.


The city of Jerusalem has been captured or destroyed numerous times throughout history.


The crusades were military expeditions organized with the principal aim of "recovering" the Holy Land in Palestine, especially Jerusalem, from its Muslim occupiers.


The emperor Justinian brought about the First Golden Age of Byzantine art.


The first of the Biblical patriarchs was Abraham, regarded as the ancestor of the Jews.


The items venerated by pilgrims were placed in containers called reliquaries.


There is no such thing as an "Early Christian style" of art.


Whereas the Greco-Roman tradition was rational, practice, and dedicated to the arts, the Hebrew tradition was spiritual, mystical, and founded on faith.


Who was the 1st Norman king of England?

William the Conqueror

The Hebrew religion had one God known as __________________.


Before receiving his message from God, Muhammad was ___________________.

a merchant

The basic tenets of Islam concern the nature of God, creation, humankind, and the _______________.


Arguably the greatest of Muslim scholars, Al-Khwaismi, invented __________________.


At first, Islam did not encourage _____________ because Islam opposes idol worship.


The "Leaning Tower of Pisa" is the campanile or __________ of the cathedral group in Pisa.

bell tower

The word "Hebrew" means _______________________.

nomad or outcast

According to the textbook, Islam spread rapidly because ___________________.

of its commercial magnetism economic opportunites of its spiritual appeal of military conquest its basic teachings are simple

Because ____________________________, carving was scarce in the early Christian era, and sculpture was always secondary to painting and mosaics.

of the disdain for the worship of idols

The word "Muslim" literally means ___________________________.

one who surrenders

Among the most devastating calamities to befall Europe during the Middle Ages was the ____________, which caused the deaths of more than a third of Europe's 70 million people.


Humans, as portrayed in Byzantine mosaics, __________________________.

possess big dark eyes have long noses all of the above are not necessarily intended to be recognizable portraits of specific individuals

In Islam, Muhammad is revered as a ______________________.


As the Middle Ages progressed, the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church toward _______________________ began to change.

secular learning

Islamic scholars, following the instructions of Muhammad to _____________________, preserved numerous Greek manuscripts of Plato, Aristotle, Ptolemy, and others.

seek knowledge

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