hunter license practice test

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What is the main difference between centerfire and rimfire ammunition?

Centerfire ammunition is used for muzzleloaders. Centerfire ammunition is limited to low-pressure loads. Rimfire cartridges are reloadable. Rimfire primer is in the rim of the casing...

Three hunters are walking side by side hunting pheasants. Which of the following is a safe and proper practice?

Each hunter's zone-of-fire remains exactly the same throughout the hunting trip.

You are hiking into unfamiliar terrain. What is the best way to keep your bearings?

Follow the contour lines on your topographic map.

Which safety guideline for using bows is unique to the crossbow?

Follow the safety rules for both firearms and bows.

What is the proper way to start a fire?

Gather more firewood than you think you will use. Then light your fire.

What is the correct treatment for first-degree or second-degree burns with closed blisters?

Immerse in cold water.

Which group is a primary supporter of hunter education?

International Hunter Education Association

How would a responsible hunter show respect for a landowner?

Leave all gates the way they were found.

What should you do if you catch a non-target animal in a trap?

Release it quickly and without causing the animal harm.

Choose the true statement about steel shot versus lead shot.

Steel shot weighs about two-thirds as much... Steel shot produces a larger pattern. Steel shot is softer. Steel shot is more unstable in flight.

When a shotgun fires, a sequence of events takes place. After the hunter pulls the trigger, what is the next event in the sequence?

The firing pin strikes the primer.

Three hunters are walking single file. Which of the following would be safe?

The hunter in front uses the elbow carry.

You need to haul your firearm into a tree stand. What is the first step you should take?

Unload the firearm, and open the action.

When turkey hunting, where should you sit to protect yourself from being mistakenly identified as a wild turkey?

With your back against a large tree, rock, or other natural barrier.

You get lost in extremely cold weather. You are unable to start a fire. Which of the following is the best way to survive?

Wrap up in a thermal foil blanket.

What is one ADVANTAGE of hunting from an elevated stand?

You have a good backstop for shooting.

One way of shooting a bow is the instinctive aiming method. What is true about this method?

You look at the target with the right eye closed. You look at the target with the left eye closed. This method is less versatile than the bowsight method. This method takes longer to perfect than the bowsight method...

Which of the following would be a good spot to store ammunition?

a cool, dry location

Which part of the firearm loads, fires, and ejects shells or cartridges?


How often should a firearm be cleaned to keep it in top condition?

after each use

How can you show respect for other hunters?

by sharing your knowledge and skills with other hunters

A firearm safety:

can be bumped from the safe position

A hunter is planning a strategy for identifying and tracking quarry. To develop an effective strategy, this hunter needs to understand the animal's:


Which of the following is a device that could be used to safely cock a crossbow?

cocking harness and the hand crank

Which type of bow uses wheels and cables, and is the most popular bow for hunting and target shooting?

compound bow... recurve bow longbow crossbow

What parts of your body should have protection whenever you fire a handgun?

ears and eyes

When sighting-in a rifle:

examine the target and adjust the sight after each shot

You're ready to shoot a rifle. You should draw a deep breath and then:

exhale half-way

An example of safe and ethical operation of an all-terrain vehicle is:

getting out of the vehicle before taking a shot

Wild animals are commonly divided into groups with similar characteristics. The two categories used for mammals are:

large mammals and small mammals

What should be used to screw on broadheads?

needle-nose pliers gloves thumb and forefinger only specially designed wrench...

Which type of sight is most accurate and give the best view of the target?


To make sure a bolt-action firearm is unloaded, you must check the:

open action and magazine

Hunting loses respect as a sport when hunters:

participate in hunting while ignoring the arguments of critics

Which of the following is a building block of good marksmanship?


The basic components of cartridges and shotshells are similar. Shot pellets and a bullet are examples of which basic component?

primer case projectile... power

There are four standard rifle firing positions. Which position is best for learning the fundamentals of shooting?


You are unloading your firearm. You start by pointing the muzzle in a safe direction. What is the NEXT step you should take?

put the safety on

A bowhunter's quarry is antelope, deer, black bear, or other big game of similar size or smaller. Which shot offers a good chance for a clean kill?


Don't panic if you get lost. Never leave camp without fire-starting equipment. Always bring a map and compass. Always tell someone where you are going. These are:

rules of survival

Which of the following is a key factor in making a clean kill?

shooting accurately

When you go on a hunting trip, you should leave a hunting plan with someone you trust. What information should the plan include?

the names of any hunting partners

Hunting laws preserve wildlife. Hunter ethics preserve:

the opportunity to hunt

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. What is the focus during the method stage?

the process of the hunt

Why were hunting laws passed?

to conserve wildlife

You nock an arrow with the bow parallel to the ground. The cock feather should be pointing:

to the right to the left straight up straight down

A true hunter:

understands safe gun handling

Which method is recommended for climbing a tree to enter an elevated stand?

using a fall-arrest system (safety harness)

What part of the game animal is the most effective place to shoot?

vital organs

What is the sight picture?

what you see when a firearm's sights are aligned correctly with the target

When should a firearm be unloaded?

when crossing a fence

Which part of a modern firearm has the same function as the lock on a muzzleloader?


After spending several hours outdoors, your skin is pale and clammy. You feel weak and have muscle cramps. These are symptoms of:


You are planning a hunt that will involve strenuous physical activity. Well in advance of the hunt, you should begin to:

get in shape

You are shooting at a moving target. You estimate the length of lead necessary to hit the target. You maintain that lead as you swing with the target. You fire and continue the swing. This method of shooting is called:

sustained lead

How long can you survive without food?

two weeks or more

Which of the following statements about hunting is true?

Hunting is an effective wildlife management tool.

When you shoulder your shotgun, what part of your body should fit snugly against the stock?


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