Hunter Safety Exam

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Which of the following statements about carrying capacity is TRUE?

It can be changed by nature or humans.

Which of the following statements about firearm safeties is FALSE?

A safety can be relied on totally to protect against accidental shooting.

What should you do when handling a firearm in the home?

Point the muzzle in a safe direction when you pick up a firearm.

Which of the following is a proper way to treat heat stroke?

Get the victim to a hospital immediately.

What is the correct treatment for shock?

Keep the victim lying on his or her back. Loosen any restrictive clothing.

Which of the following is a proper way to treat hypothermia?

Replace wet clothing with dry clothing.

What distance should be used to pattern a shotgun?

40 yards

A paper plate may be used as a target to establish deer hunting accuracy. What size plate is about the same size as the vital area of a deer?

8 inch

Clothing can affect your ability to perform safely and responsibly. How should you choose your clothes for a hunting trip?

Always wear clothing suitable for the weather you expect.

Which statement about arrows is true?

An arrow is as deadly as a bullet.

How should you treat first-degree and second-degree burns with closed blisters?

Immerse the burned area in cold water.

Which statement about a firearm's maximum projectile range is true?

Knowing a firearm's range tells you at what distances the firearm's projectile could cause injury to a person.

Which statement about muzzleloaders is true?

Muzzleloaders are early firearms that are loaded from the open end.

You are unloading your firearm. You start by pointing the muzzle in a safe direction. What is the NEXT step you should take?

Put the safety on.

Three hunters are walking single file. Which of the following would be safe?

The hunter in the middle keeps the gun pointed to the side.

What is one ADVANTAGE of hunting from an elevated stand?

You have a good backstop for shooting.

What should a hunter know to develop an effective strategy for identifying and tracking quarry?

an animal's characteristics

How old must you be to hunt big game in Arizona?

at least 10 years old

Teaching others, working with landowners, and cooperating with game wardens is part of what process?

becoming a responsible hunter

What can you do to help ensure the future of hunting?

behave responsibly

What item is specific to each rifle or handgun?


You are shouldering your shotgun. Where should you bring the stock first?


You need to clear an obstruction from your firearm. What is the proper tool to use?

cleaning rod

What type of bow has a rifle-like stock that shoots shorter arrows?


Aldo Leopold is the father of wildlife management. He once said that ethical behavior is doing the right thing, even in what circumstances?

even when doing the wrong thing is legal

Which type of arrowhead spears fish and secures them until landed with an attached line?

fish point

What is the best way to learn hunting-related safety skills?

from an experienced hunter

You are planning a hunt that involves fairly strenuous activity. What should you begin doing well in advance of the hunt?

get into shape

Hunters help reduce surplus wildlife populations. What additional role do hunters play in wildlife management?

providing wildlife managers with information from the field

Which shot angle offers offers several aiming spots on all big game?


What was the primary reason hunting laws were passed?

to conserve wildlife for future generations

What is the purpose of Operation Game Thief?

to enlist citizen help in reducing poaching

What is the hunter's role in wildlife conservation?

to help control wildlife populations at a healthy balance for the habitat

What can help you learn as much as you can about a hunting area before you arrive?

topographic map

What do open hunting season dates tell you?

when each kind of big and small game may be taken

Which of the following describes safe handling of a muzzleloader?

Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.

Which is NOT a proper procedure for sighting-in a rifle?

Rest the barrel of the firearm on a sandbag to sight-in.

Which of the following is legal in Arizona?

hunting from an elevated stand

What is more likely to happen when a hunter drinks alcohol before or during the hunt?

The hunter is involved in a hunting accident.

Why does loading a muzzleloader present special concerns?

The muzzle must be pointed upward.

What are the four primary rules of firearm safety?

Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. Always keep the muzzle in a safe direction. Be sure of your target and beyond. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

You are getting ready to carry a firearm on a boat. What should you do first?

Unload the firearm and open the action.

You are carrying a firearm. What should you do before crossing a fence?

Unload the firearm.

How should you approach a downed animal that appears to be dead?

Wait a short distance away and watch for any rise and fall of the chest cavity.

When shooting in the field, which position is the safest and most accurate?

a rest

What is the best way to purify water?

boil it

How can hunters make a positive impact and improve their image?

by putting in time to improve wildlife habitat

How can you show respect for non-hunters?

by transporting animals without displaying them

What parts of your body should have protection whenever you fire a handgun?

ears and eyes

What should be worn at all times while climbing a tree and when in a tree stand?

fall-arrest system

What is the number one concern to keep meat from spoiling?


What is good marksmanship?

hitting the target accurately and consistently

There are four main causes of hunting accidents. Which cause is most likely to lead to mistaking another person for game?

hunter judgment mistakes

You have killed a big game animal. When must you tag it?


What chokes are best for hunting small, fast birds?

improved cylinder or modified

How should a firearm be stored to be safe?

in a locked location, separate from the ammunition

What is the point to which a compass always points?

magnetic north

Aside from being a good marksman, what is the key to making a clean kill?


Which is one of the four standard rifle-firing positions?


The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson Act) provides funds for which of the following?

restoring and improving wildlife habitats

What should you do to prepare for a hunt?

scout the area where you plan to hunt

Which of the following is a key factor in making a clean kill?

shooting accurately

If you get lost and find yourself in a survival mode, what should be your priority after shelter and fire?


What are the two basic styles of firearm actions?

single-shot and repeating

What should be used to screw on broadheads?

specially designed wrench

A hunter is still hunting. How much longer should the hunter spend being still and observing than walking?

ten times

What is sight alignment?

the process of lining up rear and front sights

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. What is the focus during the trophy stage?

the quality of the game rather than the quantity

For safety purposes, what is the largest number of hunters that should hunt in a group?


Why must you learn to recognize key characteristics of the animal you're hunting?

to avoid taking illegal game or non-game animals

What is an example of safe and ethical operation of an off-highway vehicle?

using an OHV to haul an animal from the field

What might cause a shotgun to explode?

using the wrong shotshell in your shotgun

There are several ways to carry a gun. When is the shoulder carry a good choice?

when all other hunters are in front of you

What is the method of shooting where you point a shotgun at a moving target, swing with the target, increase the speed of the gun so that the muzzle passes the target, and then fire?


What have hunter education programs always taught young hunters?

the practice of firearm and hunting safety

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