Hunter's Safety

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1. handle of the firearm 2. made of wood or synthetic material


1. holds all other ammunition components together 2. made of brass, steel, copper, paper, or plastic

What are four shotgun shooting techniques?

1. stance - stand with feet spread about 2. shoulder-width apart and your knees bent slightly 3. pointing - bring gun to your face, stock snugly against your cheek, eye by the gun should be above the center line 4. shouldering - stock shoulder be brought back to your shoulder 5. pulling the trigger - slap the trigger

describe four hunting strategies

1. still hunting - standing low for long periods of time to scan and listen for game, quiet walking 2. stalking - following tracks to lead you to the type of game you are hunting 3. grounds blinds - temporary structures located on the ground that conceal the hunter, sheets that generally look like your surroundings 4. Elevated stands - tower or tree stands, above the quarry, hunters are generally concealed

what are the seven rules for safe and ethical operation when hunting with an all - terrain vehicle?

1. wear a helmet approved by the Department of Transportation 2. Wear protective clothing 3. carry firearms unloaded, cased, and on a proper gun rack 4. stay on the main road or trail 5. pick your route carefully to minimize damage from terrain 6. don't drive over crops or planned fields 7. don't shoot from ATV 8. use ATVs only to get to the hunting area or to haul the animal from the woods

why should you only use black powder or a synthetic substitute in a muzzleloader?

Smokeless powders can cause serious injury if used in muzzleloaders


The metal tube that the projectile travels through

Explain the danger of mixing different gauges of shot shells

The smaller 20 gauge shells can drop down the barrel, thereby allowing a 12 gauge shell to be loading behind it. When the shotgun is fired it essentially becomes a hand held pipe bomb; causing serious personally injury

what are five functions needed for hunting that are impaired if the hunter consumes alcohol or drugs?

1. Coordination 2. Hearing 3. Vision 4. Communication 5. Judgment

When would you use each shotgun choke?

1. Improved Cylinder - goose, duck, pheasant, grouse, woodcock, rail, snipe, dove, quail, rabbit 2. Modified - goose, duck, pheasant, grouse, woodcock, rail, snipe, dove, quail, rabbit, squirrel 3. Full - Pheasant, Squirrel

What are four rifle-firing techniques that will help you improve accuracy?

1. aim carefully, aligning your sights 2. take a deep breath, and then release about half of it 3. squeeze the trigger slowly 4. follow through

what are the safety practices for bow hunting?

1. only release arrow when path and beyond to the target is clear 2. Avoid shooting an arrow in the direction of another person 3. don't shoot straight up 4. never nock an arrow or draw a bow if someone is in front of you

what are the five primary requirements for survival?

1. preparing a shelter 2. starting a fire 3. signaling for help 4. drinking enough water 5. finding food

What are the three fundamentals of good marksmanship?

1. proper sight adjustment or patterning 2. proper shooting 3. technique 4. practice

what are the basic parts of an arrow?

1. shaft - long spine of an arrow 2. fletching - feathers on the arrow 3. Arrowhead - arrow point or tip 4. nock - located Attached three v rear end of the arrow, right behind the fletchings

what are the five stages of hunter development?

1. shooting stage - the priority is getting off a shot, rather than patiently waiting for a good one 2. limiting-out stage - success is determined by the bagging limit. spend time with mature hunters 3. trophy stage - hunter is selective and judges success by quality rather than quantity 4. method stage - process of hunting becomes the focus 5. sportsman stage - success is measured by total experience -- appreciation of the outdoors and animal being hunted

what are three examples of what you can do to be involved in making hunting a respected sport?

1. teaching proper knowledge and skills to others, working with landowners, and cooperating with wildlife officials 2. join conservation organizations dedicated to improving habitat and management efforts 3. young hunters can get involved by joining girl or boy scouts

firing pin

A pin that strikes the primer of the cartridge, causing ignition

what are the safety rules that should be followed when using a crossbow?

Gun rules apply, never travel with a loaded or cocked crossbow

good marksmanship is...?

Hitting your target consistently and accurately, critical for clean kills

proper handgun shooting stance and grip

Hold the gun high on the grip so that the recoil is directed back to the hand and the arm in a straight line. hold it out at arm's length.

what are three different ways to signal for help when lost in the outdoors?

If after hunting hours, fire a gun three times. during the day, blow a whistle three times or use a reflection mirror


Inside of the firearm barrel through which the projectile travels when fired

why the correct identification of wildlife is crucial for hunting?

Not all animals are game and not all genders are able to bed hunted


Rear end of the barrel

What three hunting-related projects for which the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act funds are used?

The act provides funding for the selection, restoration, and improvement of wildlife habitat and for wildlife management research

why is hunter education important?

They have been expanded to produce responsible, knowledgeable, and involved hunters--hunters who understand the importance of complying with hunting laws and behaving ethically

What are the basic parts of rifles, shotguns, and handguns?

action, stock, and barrel

how do you transport firearms safely?

always unload and case firearms, with action open or gun broken down. they should not be displayed in window.


expelled from the barrel (bullet, slug, shot)

How should firearms be stored?

firearms should be stored unload and in a locked location, and separate from ammunition

what are the five essential elements type a wildlife habitat?

food and water, cover, space, attachment, and edge effect

what are the t the main causes of meat spoilage?

heart, moisture, and dirt

what are the for main causes of hunting incidents

hunter judgment mistakes, safety rules violations, lack of control and practice, mechanical failure

what is the role of hunting in wildlife conservation?

hunters help control the populations at a healthy balance, provide information from the field managers need, help game and noon game species recover


ignites the gunpowder

what should you do if someone breaks a bone?

immobilize three joint above and below, splint the it the way you found it, place blanket or thick padding around the broken limb

why should hunters wear daylight florescent orange clothing?

makes it easier for one hunter to spot and recognize another because nothing in nature has that coloration


measure related to the diameter of the smooth shotgun bore and the size of the shotshell designed for that bore


metal housing for the working parts of the action

explain swing-through

point your gun at a moving target, and swing with it. Increase the speed of the gun so that the muzzle passes the target, and then fire. Good for beginners.

Four proper positions for rifle-firing

prone, standing, kneeling, sitting

what is the first thing you should do after you are sure your game is dead?

report and record the kill, tag the animal (if required by state law) immediately and indicate the date of the kill

steel shot

slightly lighter than lead shot, but the same size, harder than lead, pellets stay around, keeps the pattern hunter

lead shot

small round pellets of lead, used in cartridges

What are the three hunter's education funding sources?

state wildlife agencies, International Hunter Education Association, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


stores ammunition that has not been fired

what are symptoms of heat exhaustion, and how do you prevent and treat it?

symptoms include pale and clammy skin, weakness, nausea, headache. muscle cramps. prevent it by drinking plenty of water, take frequent breaks, dress in layers and she'd layers as physical activity increases

what are the causes and symptoms of hypothermia, and how do you prevent and treat it?

the cause is cold weather. symptoms include uncontrolled shivering, slow speech, memory loss, lack of body movements, sleepiness, unconsciousness. find shelter, remove any possible wet clothing, give warm liquids, eat quick energy foods.

carrying capacity

the number animals the habitat can support all year long

what is slight alignment?

the process of lining up rear and front sights

why is it important to know where to place vital shots?

true sportsman try to inflict the least amount of suffering on the game

how to sight a rifle

try to shoot a bullseye from 100 yards away

what is one example off a large mammal and some off it's distinguishing features?

typically include horns, usually off cat or dog family, hooves

what is wildlife conservation?

wise use of natural resources without wasting them

What are the four different shotgun chokes?

1. Cylinder - shot spreads quickly, unconstricted 2. Improved cylinder - shot spreads fairly quickly, slight constriction 3. Modified - Pellets stay together longer, moderate constriction 4. Full - shot holds together even longer, constricted

what are five reasons we have hunting laws?

1. Establishing hunting seasons that limit harvesting and avoid nesting and mating seasons. 2. Limiting hunting methods and equipment. 3. Setting "bag" limits on the number of animals that can be taken. 4. Setting up check stations and game tag requirements to enforce laws. 5. Creating enough funding for wildlife programs by collecting license fees.

why is self control, target identification, and accuracy critical for hunting safety?

1. Only shoot when you know the target is legal game and that no people, domestic animals, buildings, or equipment are in the zone-of-fire. 2. Some hunters may become overly anxious or excited on a hunt, which can lead to careless behavior. They may fire at sounds, colors, movements, or unidentified shapes, or simply shoot too quickly. In the excitement after hitting their target, they may swing a loaded firearm toward their companions or run with the safety off toward a downed animal.

how do you check safely to see that the barrel of a firearm is free of obstruction?

1. Point the muzzle in a safe direction 2. Open the action, and make sure the firearm is unloaded. 3. Check for debris in the barrel. If the firearm is a break action, look through the barrel from the breech end, or use a barrel light to inspect the barrel for obstructions. 4. Remove any obstructions with a cleaning rod. 5. Check the barrel again to make sure no debris remains.

how do responsible and ethical hunters show respect for landowners?

1. ask landowners for permission to hunt 2. follow their restrictions on when and where you may hunt 3. treat livestock and cross as your own 4. offer to share part of the harvest with the owner 5. leave all Gates the way you found them 6. if you notice something wrong, notify the landowner immediately 7. never enter private land that is cultivated or posted unless you have obtained permission first

what are for ways to prepare for hunting? BKPT

1. be ready 2. know your location 3. prepare for safety 4. tell others

what are the four types of shots and when should they and shouldn't be used?

1. broadside - shoulder and chest area, break shoulder bone and enter the lungs or heart 2. quartering-away - just behind the shoulder for direct hit to viral organs 3. quartering-toward - clean shot to viral organs, aimed at the front of the shoulder of the near front leg 4. head-on - head shot, doesn't usually result in clean kill

what are the different Arrowheads and what are their uses?

1. bullet point, blunt point, field point - used for target shooting and small game hunting 2. JUDO point - used for "stump" shooting and small game 3. fish point - spears fish and secures them 4. Broad head - big game hunting

Why is it important to know your firearm's range?

1. determine whether or not you're able to make a clean kill 2. know at what distances your firearms could cause injury

How do you pattern a shotgun?

1. fire one shot at the center of the target from the distance that you expect to be from your quarry, repeat with a new target each time 2. On three targets draw a 30-in circle around the densest part of the shot pattern 3. when done shooting, count the number of pellet holes in the circle 4. calculate the percentage load that is expected to land in the circle

how do responsible and ethical hunters show respect for other hunters?

1. follow safe firearm handling practices, and insist your companions do the same 2. refrain from interfering with another's hunt 3. avoid consuming alcohol, which can impair you to the point of endangering others 4. share your knowledge and skills with others

what are the eight basic survival rules?

1. give a responsible person your hunting plan as discussed previously 2. don't travel or hunt alone 3. take enough food and water to last for several days in an emergency 4. bring a map and compass, and always orient yourself before leaving camp 5. wear layered clothing, and take extra clothing, wool and polyester, with you 6. plan your outings so that you can return to camp before dark 7. never leave camp without taking fire starting equipment and a full blanket 8. don't panic off you become lost

what are additional precautions that must be practices when using broad heads?

1. keep them covered in a quiver when traveling 2. a broad head may remain in the animal, use caution until all parts are found

how do responsible and ethical hunters show respect for natural resources?

1. leave the land better than you found it 2. adhere to fair chase rules 3. strive for a quick, clean kill 4. ensure the meat and usable parts are not wasted 5. treat all animals ethically 6. Abide by game laws and regulations 7. cooperate with conservation officers 8. report game violations


1. made of paper or plastic separating the powder from the slug or shot in a shotshell 2. prevents gas from escaping through the shot and holds the shot together as it passes through the barrel

what are five examples of wildlife management practices, and how does each help?

1. monitoring wildlife populations - both and death rate of species to determine hunting regulations 2. habitat improvement - managers may cut down and burn forested areas to promote new growths and slow down succession 3. hunting regulations - protect habitats and preserve populations 4. hunting - keep populations in balance 5. predator control - predators sometimes need to bed reduced to keep other populations stable

how do responsible and ethical hunters show respect for non - hunters?

1. transport animals discreetly -- don't display them 2. keep firearms out of sight 3. refrain from taking graphic photographs of the kill and from vividly describing the kill while within earshot of non - hunters 4. maintain a presentable appearance while on the street -- no bloody or dirty clothing

four rules if firearm safety

1. treat every firearm as if it is loaded 2. always point the muzzle in a safe direction 3. be certain of your target and what's beyond 4. keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot

what are the basic steps for field - dressing game?

1.Keep the animal clean. 2. Don't allow hair, dirt, flies, etc., on or into the animal's carcass. 3. Keep the animal cool. Gut the animal immediately after tagging. 4. Remove the hide as quickly as you can to promote cooling. 5. Keep the animal dry. 6. Don't allow the carcass to get or remain wet. Wipe off blood with a dry cloth. Get the carcass into a dry area.

explain sustained lead

Estimate the length of the lead necessary to hit the target, and maintain that lead as you swing with the target, fire, and continue the swing.

what are the three conditions that affect a hunter's physical ability to perform safely and responsibly?

allergies, asthma, excess weight

what should you do when approaching a downed game?

approach downed game from above and behind the head; wait a short distance away, watching for any rise and fall off the chest cavity

Why is a riffle different from other firearms?

barrel is long and has thick walls with spiraling groove cut into the bore pattern is called riffling

What are the different types of sights?

bead, open, aperture, telescopic, dot

What are the six different firearm actions?

bolt, lever, pump, semi-auto, break action, revolving

how do you recognize first, second, and third degree burns, and how do you treat them?

burns are best treated with cold water. second and third degree burns with open blisters should be wrapped by lose, dry dressing

what are the vital zones for different games at different angles?

deer - head or lungs turkey - head or neck, lungs or heart ( bow hunters) elk - broadside

Define safety

device that blocks the action to prevent the firearm from shooting until released or pushed to the off position located around the receiver of the firearm are are usually easy to spot

What are the factors that limit wildlife population?

disease, starvation, predators, pollution, accidents, hunting, old age

what are the for basic animal characteristics to use for identification?

distinctive markings, sounds, movements, group behavior

how does the " father of wildlife management " define ethical behavior?

doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal

what is the accessory you should wear at all times when climbing a tree and when on a tree stand?



heart of the firearm load, fire, and eject the shells or cartridges

what are the advantages of hunting from an elevated stand?

it can improve a hunter's field of view at the same time that it reduces the chances of being detected by game. There are also risks, the most serious of which is the risk of falling from the stand.

why is it important to know your quarry?

it's necessary to ensure you're shooting legal game

What are the behaviors of a responsible hunter?

knowing your equipment, know how to use it safely, know the hunting laws, and clean firearm properly

what are there five groups commonly used to divide wildlife

large mammals, small mammals, upland birds, waterfowl and wetlands birds, birds of prey

What is the accessory you should wear at all times when hunting from a boat?

life jacket

what are the practices for handling and storing firearms safely at home?

lock funds where 1. children cannot reach them 2. store ammunition in a separate location 3. basic rules apply be sure friends and family understand the difference before showing them

what are the common bow types?

longbow, recurve bow, compound bow


measured as the diameter of the bore from land to opposite land and is expressed in hundredths, thousandths of an inch and millimeters

Define firearm

mechanical device that uses pressure from a burning powder to force a projectile through and out of a metal tube

what should you do immediately if a person suffers a chest wound?

use your hand to cover the wound until a bandage is found, cover the wound with sterile gauze, clean cloth, plastic or foil, make s sure wrappings create and airtight seal, transport victim to three hospital with injured supposed down

how do you dress for hunting in cold weather?

wear layers, take them off one at a time as you get warmer

where would you find more information on identifying characteristics, habitat, and range of common wildlife species?

wildlife agency websites

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