HW XI 3455

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When we change from a supine, or a seated, to a standing position we observe specific cardiovascular adjustments with an initial phase and then a second phase where we adjust back towards normal. Which of the following do NOT contribute to the drop in blood pressure during the initial phase of this response?

all of these answers DO contribute to the initial drop in blood pressure when we stand up

The sympathetic nervous system's effects on the arterioles are acheived through binding of sympathetic neurotransmitters with ________.

alpha-adrenergic receptors

In our rebreathing experiment, we had our subject put a bag over their mouth and nose and observed changes in heart rate and MAP. Which of the following stimuli likely initiated these cardiovascular responses?

an increase in pCO2 in the arterial blood

The changes in TPR and MAP observed during the diving reflex are related to:

an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles have started filling.

P wave D. 1st active filling of ventricles E. 2nd ventricles depolarize A. 3rd ventricular pressure begins to increase C. 4th period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction B. 5th

During the cold pressor test, what causes the change in blood pressure after the initial phase. Please put the following events in order:

baroreceptors detect elevated blood pressure E. first increase in parasympathetic nervous system activity D. second decrease in heart rate C. third decrease in cardiac output B. fourth decrease in blood pressure F. fifth increase in sympathetic nervous system activity A. Not involved in this reflex

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure atrial diastole we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer)

h. from S1 k. to the beginning of the P wave

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive). Which of the following receptors are involved the intial cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test?


Match the heart sounds below:

s4 Abnormal, late filling of the ventricle s2 Normal, Semilunar valves closing s1 Normal, AV valves closing s3 Abnormal, early ventricular filling

In subjects with healthy blood pressures, there are two phases to the blood pressure response to the cold pressor test, What causes the initial change in blood pressure. Please put the following events in order:

signals are sent to the medulla oblongatta D. first increase in sympathetic nervous system activity B. second widespread vasoconstriction E. third increase in total peripheral resistance A. fourth increase in blood pressure C. fifth

The cardiovascular response to the Valsalva maneuver is multiphasic. In lab we tried to observe what happens during the first phase of the valsalva. The increase in MAP during the first phase of the valsalva maneuve is most likely related to which of the following?

the increasein thoracic cavity pressure pressing on the aorta, which is continuous with the systemic arteries

The cardiovascular response to aerobic exercise, like cycling or running includes an increase in heart rate even before we start to exercise. Which of the following is/are true about this response? ?(try it at home, put on your exercise clothes and see what happens to HR)

this is an example of feed-forward control

Many adults experience constipation. This means that they might absent-mindedly perform a Valsalva maneuver in the bathroom. What concerns would you have about this if you were working with a patient with several cardiovascular disease risk factors?

three of these answers

The cardiovascular (CV) response to isometric exercise, like a wall squat or isometric handgrip exericse, is slightly different from the CV response to aerobic exercise. Which of the following is/are true about the blood pressure response to isometric exercise?

SBP increases

The cardiovascular response to aerobic exercise with a large muscle mass, like cycing or running, would be most likely to include which of the following changes in BP?

a slight decrease in DBP

The cardiovascular response to large muscle mass aerobic exercise (like cycling) includes which of the following. Select all that apply

a. Diastolic blood pressure stays the same or decreases a little b. pulse pressure increases c. mean arterial pressure increases a little d. HR increases due to both an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity and a decrease in parasympathetic activity to the heart g. systolic blood pressure increases

The cardiovascular response to aerobic exercise, like cycling or running, and isometric exercise have some simmilarities and differenes. Which of the following is/are true about similarities in the cardiovascular response to aerobic and isometric exercise?

two of these answers

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles have started filling.

1st SA node depolarizes 2nd increase in arterial pressure 3rd start of QRS complex 4th s1 5th volume of blood in ventricles stays constant (at end diastolic volume)

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the AV valves close.

1st beginning of ventricular ejection period 2nd second heart sound 3rd start of passive filling of ventricles 4th start of QRS complex 5th closing of the AV valves

put the following events in order. Describe a mechanism by which the muscle pump would increase cardiac output?

1st increase venous return 2nd increase end diastolic volume 3rd increase stroke volume 4th increase cardiac output

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles have started filling.

1st ventricles begin to contract 2nd start of the period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction 3rd opening of semilunar valves 4th ventricular ejection period 5th ventricles finish repolarizing

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. After the electrical impulse spreads through bundle branches and Purkinje fibers, what wouldd be 5 of the next events in the cardiac cycle? (not all answers will be used)

1st ventricular muscle cells depolarize 2nd pressure in the ventricles begins to increase 3rd the AV valves close 4th pressure in the ventricles exceeds aortic pressure 5th ventricles begin to eject blood

Put the following events of the cardiac cycle in order. These events take place after the ventricles depolarize.

1st ventricular volume begins to decrease 2nd Ventricular pressure begins to fall 3rd ventricular volume stays constant (ventricle filled with end systoliv volume of blood) 4th ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure 5th passive filling of ventricles begins

During the diving reflex, what causes the changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Please put the following events in order:

1st. signals are sent to the medulla oblongatta 2nd increase in sympathetic nervous system activity 3rd widespread vasoconstriction 4th increase in total peripheral resistance 5th increase in blood pressure not a part of this reponse increase in cardiac output

Which of the following is/are true about the ventricular ejection period?

: a. the pressure in the aorta initially increases b. the volume of blood in the ventricle is decreasing c. The T wave would start somewhere during this period e. the semilunar valves are open i. the AV valves are closed

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive), but is a little different for those who have hypertension (or those destined to develop hypertension). Which of the following is true of the cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test in hypertensive subjects?

BP goes up and then remains elevated

Which of the following is/are correct?

During the ejection period, the left ventricular volume is decreasing

How were the BP changes similar/different with isometric versus dynamic exercise?

With dynamic exercise, there is more local vasodilation in active muscles

In our rebreathing experiment, we had our subject put a bag over their mouth and nose and observed changes in heart rate and MAP. Which of the following is least likely to be involved in these cardiovascular responses?

a decrease in pCO2 in the arterial blood

The diving reflex is observed in all vertebrates. This protective response helps us to stay alive while submerged. Which of the following is/are related to the diving reflex?

a. the parasympathetic nervous system slows heart rate c. slowing the heart rate reduces the rate of oxygen use by the heart and thus helps to preserve limited oxygen supplies while submerged e. there is a widespread vasoconstriction throughout most of the body - this reduces oxygen use by much of the body and preserves oxygen for the tissues that need it the most h. the sympathetic nervous system causes widespread vasoconstriction throughout much of the body

You are about to do a session of aquatic physical therapy with your patient and because your facility does not have a small, warm, therapy pool, you are doing your PT in a local university's pool (kept around 76 F). This patient also has some cardiac risk factors and a history of various ventricular arrhythmis. You remember learning about the diving reflex a long time ago in a physiolgy class when you were an undergraduate student; what concerns might you have, that relate to this reflex, in this situation?

all of these answers

When we are at rest and relaxed, sympathetic nervous system (SNS) tone decreases througought the body, how would this decrease in SNS activity influence blood pressure?

all of these answers ARE true

When we change from a supine, or a seated, to a standing position we observe specific cardiovascular adjustments with an initial phase and then a second phase where we adjust back towards normal. Which of the following mechanisms best explains what happens during the secondary response to bring blood pressure back towards normal after standing up?

baroreceptors detect ↓MAP → medulla oblongatta → activation of sympathetic nerves → vasoconstriction of arterioles → ↑ TPR → ↑MAP

The cardiovascular response to the cold pressor test usually has two distinct phases in normotensive subjects (neither hyper- nor hypotensive). Which of the following sequences best describes the secondary (2nd phase) cardiovascular response to the cold pressor tes in a hypertensive subject?

baroreceptors fail to detect increase in pressure → no signal to medulla oblongatta → no change in autonomic activity → MAP fails to move back towards normal

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measurethe period of isovolumetric ventricular contraction we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer)

c. from S1' i. to the beginning of the increase in aortic flow

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To measure ventricular ejection period we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer)

e. from the beginning of the increase in aortic flow c. to S2

Which of the following events occur when the pressure in the atria is higher than the pressure in the ventricles?

filling of the ventricles

In lab we measured several periods of the cardiac cycle. To best estimatee the ventricular filling period (like we did in lab) we would measure from where to where? (select one from answer and one to answer) NOTE: in lab this time period included both the ventricular filling period and the period of isovolumetric ventricular relaxation because we usually do not have a marker of where IVR ends.

from S2 to S1

Note: some events have been skipped and in some cases the question involves events from the end of one cardiac cycle and the beginning of the next cardiac cycle

ventricular volume begins to decrease D. 1st isovolumetric ventricular relaxation period C. 2nd ventricles depolarize B. 3rd ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure A. 4th ventricular volume stays constant with about 140 ml of blood E. 5th

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