ICP Old Test Questions

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Forces always occur as an interaction between two objects. (True or False)


In ___ heat is transferred by the collision of molecules in direct contact with warmer molecules.


If all the forces of an object cancel, the object will ___.

continue in motion at a constant velocity

Hot air balloons work by ___.


Using a mixer to stir water causes the temperature to ___.


Wavelength is ___ proportional with frequency.


What color is on the far left side of the visible light spectrum?


When two objects of different temperatures come in contact with each other, they always try to make their temperatures the same. This is the ___ law of thermodynamics.


What is a contact force?

A force that occurs when two objects are in contact

If you are in a car that is rear-ended, your head snaps "backward" because ___.

A force was applied to the car pushing it forward, but the inertia of your head kept it in the same place, making it appear to snap "backward".

Which has more heat? (a) a lit match (b) A giant chunk of ice (c) They both have the same amount of heat

A giant chunk of ice

Explain to a 2nd Grader why the sky is blue:

All objects have the ability to either absorb or reflect light. That determined their color. An object will absorb all colors, except for the color that it appears to be. It will reflect the color it appears to be. The sky is blue, because it absorbs all colors of light, except blue, and reflects blue instead.

Which has more heat? An iceberg or a pot of boiling water?

An ice berg

In a free body diagram, arrows are used to show only the direction of the forces (True or False)


Which is not a contact force?


If I were to slide a hockey puck along a totally frictionless ice rink, what would happen?

It would continue moving in a straight light because of inertia.

___ are good conductors of heat.


Put the waves in order of the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest energy to highest energy.

Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light Ultraviolet X-Rays Gamma Rays

Order the following from lowest energy to highest.

Red, green, blue

Since the action and reaction are exactly equal and oppositely directed, how can there be a net force on an object?

The reaction force doesn't act on the same object as the reaction force

Gravity is an "at distance" force. (True or False)


Order the following from shortest to longest wavelength.

Violet, Yellow, Red

Can a rocke operate in a vacuum of space?

Yes, there would be no air resistance to reduce its speed

Spring Force (Fspring) is ___.

a force created by stretching or compressing an object

Applied Force (Fapp) is ___.

a force that is applied to an object by another object

Tension Force (Ftens) is ___.

a force that is caused by pulling a rope, wire, or cables tight

What does a wave with a short wavelength have?

a high frequency

A wave with a long wavelength will have ___.

a low frequency and a low energy

A massive fast moving car collides head on with a light slow moving car. The force of impact is greater on the ___.

actually, the force is the same on each

If variables are directly proportional, when one variable gets larger, the other variable ___.

also gets larger

What is the distance from a wave's midpoint to the wave's top (or bottom) called?


Gravity Force (Fgrav) is ___.

another word for weight. Always points doen on a free body diagram

Your voice sounds higher after inhaling helium because ___.

as sound travels faster through helium

Why is the grass green?

because it absorbs all light except green

What is the higher frequency, red light or blue light?


Ultrasonic sound waves are used to ___.

break apart kidney bones

What are waves NOT used for?


There is a bucket of 50 degree water and a cup of 100 degree water. Where is there more heat?


A rocket is able to accelerate in the vacuum of space when it fires it's engines. The force that propels the rocket is the force ___ (page. 59)

by the exhaust gases on the rocket

In ___ heat is transferred by the buoyancy of warm (less dense) fluids.


What is the top of a wave called?


There is a bucket of 50 degree water and a cup of 100 degree water. Where are the water molecules moving faster?


Increasing the frequency of a wave ___ the wavelength.


The equation 3z=y is ___ proportional.


Increasing the amplitude of a wave ___ the wavelength.

does not affect

This is the range of electromagnetic waves extending in frequency from radio waves to gamma rays.

electromagnetic spectrum

Heating up an object usually causes it to ___.


When most objects are heated, they ___.


If a bicycle collides with a tree, the force of the impact on the bicycle is more than the force on the tree (pg. 55).


Sound waves are examples of transverse waves. (pg. 214)


Sounds waves do not require a medium (air, water, steel, etc...) to be transmitted


Friction produces heat by making molecules move ___.


What is the key external force that allows a man to push a wheelbarrow?

friction force of the man's shoes against the ground

For sound waves, greater frequency means ___ pitch.


Violet light has a ___ than red light.

higher frequency

In a harse cart system, when would there be the smallest amount of acceleration?

horsepower is small, load is heavy, road is rough

Heat always flows from ___ to ___.

hot to cold

Why is an apple red?

it absorbs all frequencies of light except red

Heat will continue to flow from one object to another until ___.

it achieve thermal equillibrium and both objects are the same temperature (both of the above)

Concerning visible light, mark ANY answer that is true for the color violet.

it has the highest energy, it has the shortest wavelength, it has the highest frequency

The unit of measure for heat is ___.


Where can waves be found?

just about everywhere

An unbalanced force is required to do all of the following except ___.

keep a moving object moving

Depending on the object itself, the color of an object is the color of the ___.

light it reflects

What best describes a sound wave?

longitudinal, compression

The amplitude of a sound wave determines the ___.


The longer the wavelength of light, the ___.

lower the frequency

Wave, by definition, must:


Count Rumford theorized that you could get heat from ___ and ___.

movement, friction

Nellie Newton holds an apple in her hand. If action is the Earth pulling on the apple, then reaction is (pg. 57) ___.

neither of these

Which of the following is NOT part of the family of electromagnetic waves?

none, they all belong to the same family

Order the following from lowest to highest frequency.

orange, green, violet

In a longitudinal wave, in what direction are the vibrations relative to the direction of the wave travel?


In a transverse wave, in what direction are the vibrations relative to the direction of wave travel?


The simplest definition for force is a ___ or a ___.

push, pull

In ___ heat can be transfered through electromagnetic waves.


Which of these types of electromagnetic radiation has the lowest energy?

radio waves

What are the primary colors of light?

red, green, and blue

The force exerted on the tires of a car to directly accerlerate it along the road is exerted by the ___.


Sound travels ___ in the cold.


Does visible light make up a relatively large part or a relatively small part of the electromagentic spectrum?

small part

Which of the following is not a wave?


Which of these is NOT a transverse wave?

sound waves

Sound waves cannot travel in ___


What is Earth's primary source of radiant energy?


If a coffee cup were left on the counter, the cup would be the ___ and the rest of the universe would be the ___.

system, surroundings

Absolute zero is ___.

the coldest temperature you can get -273 degrees Celcius the point where all molecular movement stops (all of the above)

Heat measures ___.

the energy in an object because of its moving molecules

Metals are good conductors of heat because ___.

they have free electrons

What is the bottom of a wave called?


Any time you touch an object, it is touching you with the same amount of force.


Heat likes to even itself out.


Sound waves are by far the most familiar example of logitudinal waves.


The soure of all waves motion is something ___.


Sound is created by ___.

vibrating air molecules

What is the highest energy visible light?


What do you call the distance between two identical portions of a wave?


What do you call the distance between two wave crests?


What color do you get when all colors of light are mixed together?


When you mix all the colors of light together you get ___ light.


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