ICS 100

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Position Titles

Common terminology helps to define: P________: ICS management or supervisory positions are referred to by titles, sush as Officer, Chief, Director, Supervisor or Leader.


Common terminology helps to define: ______ Functions: Major Functions and functional units with incident management responsibilities are named and defined.

Resource Descriptions

Common terminology helps to define: __________: Major resources (personnel, facilities, and equipment) are given common names and are "typed" or categorized by their capabilities. This helps to avoid confusion and to enhance interoperability.

leadership changes

Formal transfer of command occurs whenever ________

functional areas

Groups are used to describe _________ of operation

measurable strategic operations

IAP include the _________ to be achieved and are prepared around a time frame called an Operational Period.

management and operations

ICS consists of procedures for controlling personnel, facilities, equipment, and communications. It is a system designated to be used or applied from the time an incident occurs until the requirement for _____ and ______ no longer exits.

span of control locations and facilities. resource management

ICS helps ensure full utilization of all incident resources by: -Maintaining a manageable _______ -establishing predesignated incident _____ and _______ -implementing _____ practices -ensuring integrated communications.

management system emergency incidents

ICS is: -A proven _______ based on successful business practices - The result of decades of lessons learned in the organization and management of _______.


ICS resources can be factored into two categories: ______ Resources: Personnel and major items of equipment that are available or potentially available to the Operations function on assignment to incidents are called tactical resources.


ICS resources can be factored into two categories: _______ Resources: All other resources required to support the incident. Food, communications equipment, tents, supplies are examples of this.


Management by _______ is an approach used to communicate functional actions throughout the entire ICS organization.

small incidents large incidents

On _______ and events, one person, the IC, may accomplish all five management functions. In fact, the IC is the only position that is always staffed in the ICS applications. However, ______ or events may require that these functions be set up as separate sections within the organization.

IC Deputy

Organizational Level Title Support Position for Incident Command is ______

Single Resources

______ may be individuals, a piece of equipment and its personnel complement, or crew or team of individuals with an identified supervisor that can be used at an incident.

Task Forces leader

_______ are combination of mixed resources with common communications operating under the direct supervision of a _______.

Strike Teams Strike team Leader

_______ are set number of resources of the same kind and type with common communications operating under the direct supervision of a ________.

Span of control

________ pertains to the number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can manage effectively during emergency response that one supervisor can manage effectively during emergency response incidents or special events.

Chain of command

___________ means that there is an orderly line of authority within the ranks of the organization, with lower levels subordinate to, and connect to, higher levels.

Unity of Command

____________ means that every individual is accountable to only one designated supervisor to whom they report at the scene of an incident.

geographical location

Camps are designated by ________ or number. Multiple Camps may be used, but not all incidents will have Camps.

Incident Facilities

Common terminology helps to define: I___________: Common terminology is used to designate incident facilities


A _____ is the location from which primary logistics and administrative functions are coordinated and administered.


A _____ is the location where resources may be kept to support incident operations if a Base is not accessible to all resources.


A ______ is the location from which helicopter -centered air operations are conducted.

economy and our health and safety

A poor managed incident response can be devastating to our _____ and our ______and ______.

- ICP - Base or Camps - Staging Areas - Helibase - Division/Group Supervisor (for direct assignment).

Check-In at the Incident CHECK IN ONLY ONCE. Check-in locations may be found at several incident facilities, including: - I__ - ____ or _____ - _____ Areas - H_____ - ______ Supervisor (for direct assignment).

on-scene operations

Although the EOC uses ICS management principles, it does not manage ___________.

oral or written plan

An Incident Action Plan is an ______ or ______ containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident.

terminology and clear text.

An essential method for ensuring the ability to communicate is by using common ______ and _______

prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or the environment

An incident is an occurrence, either cased by humans or natural phenomena, that requires response actions to _____ or _____ or damage _____ and/or ______.


Another way to add supervision levels is to create _______ within the Operations Section.

-Fire -Natural disasters, -Search and rescue missions -Hazardous materials incidents -Criminal acts and crime scene investigations -Terrorists incidents, -Planned events,

Application for the use of ICS include: -______,both structural and wildland -______, such as tornados, floods, ice storms, or earthquakes. -______ missions -______ incidents -______ investigations -______ incidents, including the use of weapons of mass destruction -______ events, such as parades or demonstrations.

functional responsibilities

As incident complexity increases, the organization expands from the top down as ___________ are delegated.

-What do we want to do? -Who is responsible for doing it? -How do we communicate with each other? -What is the procedure if someone is injured?

At the simplest level, all IAPs must have four elements: -What _________? -Who ________? -How do we ________? -What is the procedure if ________?

kind or size management structure logistical and administrative

Designers of the system recognized early that ICS must be interdisciplinary and organizationally flexible to meet the following management challenges: -Meet the needs of incidents of any ________ - allow personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into common ________. -Provide ______ and _____support to operational staff. -Be cost effective by avoiding duplication of efforts.

at an equal level

Divisions and Groups are _________ in the organization.


Divisions are used to divide an incident ____________


Each of the Section Chiefs may have a _____, or more than one, if necessary. They: -may assume responsibility for a specific portion of the primary position, work as relief, or be assigned other tasks -Should always be as proficient as the person for whom he or she works.

-Modes -Planning -Networks

Effective ICS communications include 3 elements - ______: the hardware systems that transfer information -______: Planning for the use of all available communications resources -______: The procedures and processes for transferring information internally and externally.

1 supervisor to 5

Effective span of control on incidents may vary from 3 to 7 and a ratio of __________ reporting element is recommended

Unified Command ICP

If a _______ is needed, Incident Commanders representing agencies or jurisdictions that share responsibility for the incident manage the response from a single ____.

incident Commander

If no Planning Section is established, the _______ will perform all planning functions. It is up to the Planning Section Chief to activate any needed additional staffing.


If the number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control, it may be necessary to establish another level of organization within the Operations Section, called _____________

- radio/telephone procedures - Using plain English - essential information only. - secure communications

Important considerations related to communications include: - Observing strict _______ procedures - Using ______ in all communications. Codes should not be used in radio transmissions. - limiting radio and telephone traffic to _______. - Following procedures for ______ as required

Liaison Officer

In ICS, these personnel make up the Command Staff and consist of the: ________, who serves as the primary contact for the supporting agencies assisting at an incident

Public Information Officer

In ICS, these personnel make up the Command Staff and consist of the: _________, Who serves as the conduit for information to the internal and external stakeholders, including the media or other organizations seeking information directly from the incident or event.

Safety Officer

In ICS, these personnel make up the Command Staff and consist of the: __________, who monitors safety conditions and develops measures for assuring the safety of all assigned personnel.

- Ensuring incident safety - internal and external stakeholders - liaison

In addition to having overall responsibility for managing the entire incident, the IC is specifically responsible for: -Ensuring _______ -Providing information services to _______ and ______ stakeholders -establishing and maintaining _____ with other agencies participating in the incident.

radio codes, agency-specific codes

In an Incident management system, use clear text. DO NOT use ______, _______, or jargon.

- work assignments -Brief replacements - subordinates - check-out procedures - follow-up contact information

Incident Demobilization General demobilization guidelines for all personnel are to: - Complete all ______ and required forms/reports -Brief ________, subordinates and supervisor - evaluate the performance of _______ - follow incident and agency ________ procedures - provide adequate _____ information

-incident-issued equipment -Complete post-incident reports - all payment/payroll issues - Contact demobilization unit - notify the home unit

Incident Demobilization General demobilization guidelines for all personnel are to:(cont) -Return any ______ equipment or other non-expendable supplies -Complete _______ reports, critiques, evaluations and medical followup. -Complete all _______ issues or obligations -Contact demobilization unit to obtain _______ -Upon arrival at home, notify the _______ of your arrival and ensure readiness.

- situation assessment - job responsibilities - Location of work area - eating and sleeping arrangements - supplies, services, and personnel. - Operational periods/work shifts. - personal protective equipment (PPE)

Initial Incident Briefing Briefings received and given should include: - Current ________ - Identification of your specific ________ - Location of ______ - identification of _____ and _____ arrangements, as appropriate - procedural instructions for obtaining additional _____, _____, and ______. - Operational _______ shifts. - Required safety procedures and ____ as appropriate.

-Risk assesments -Medical intelligence -Weather information - Geospatial data -Structural Designs -toxic contaminant levels -Utilities and public works data

Intelligence includes not only national security or other types of classified information but also other operational information that may come from a variety of different sources, such as: - _____ assesments - ______ intelligence - ________ information - ________ data - _______ Designs - _______ levels - ______ and ______ data

written IAP

Resource Unit plays a significant role in preparing the _______.

-Categorizing -Ordering - Dispatching - Tracking - Recovering

Resource management includes processes for: - C______ resources - O______ resources - D______ resources - T______ resources - R______ Resources

personnel and equipment tactical assignments.

Staging areas are temporary locations at the incident where _____ and _____ are kept while waiting for ________.


Tactical resources are always classified as one of the following: ________: available resources are assembled, have been issued their equipment, and are ready for immediate assignment.


Tactical resources are always classified as one of the following: ________: resources are working on an assignment under the direction of a supervisor.


Tactical resources are always classified as one of the following: _________: out-of-service resources are not ready for available or assigned status.

agency policy and direction incident situation Establish incident objectives Perform tactical direction Provide necessary followup (Changing strategy or tactics, adding or subtracting resources)

Th incident action planning process includes the following steps: Step 1: Understand ______ and ______. Step 2: Assess ________ Step 3: Establish incident ________ Step 4: Select appropriate strategy or stragegies to achieve objectives. Step 5: Perform _______ (Applying tactics appropriate to the strategy, assigning the right resources and monitoring their performance). Step 6: Provide necessary followup (Changing strategy or tactics, adding or subtracting resources)

Check-in Incident Action Plan

The Following guidelines must be adhered to: 1. ______: All responders, regardless of agency affiliation, must report in to receive an assignment in accordance with the procedures established by the IC 2. ______: Response operations must be directed and coordinated as outlined.

Unity of Command Span of Control Resource Tracking

The Following guidelines must be adhered to: 3. _______: Each individual involved in incident operations will be assigned to only on e supervisor. 4. ______: Supervisors must be able to adequately supervise and control their subordinates, as well as communicate with and manage all resources under their supervision. 5. ________: Supervisors must record and report resource status changes as they occur.

Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration

The General Staff is made up of four sections: O_______, P_____, L_____, and F______

Deputies Deputy ICs IC

The IC may appoint one or more _______, if applicable, from the same agencies or from other agencies or jurisdictions. ______ must be as qualified as the ___

the name of the incident

The ICP will be designated by ________(ie Trail Creek ICP)

hazard zone maintain command.

The ICP will be positioned outside of the present and potential _______ but close enough to the incident to ______.

Planning Section Planning Section Chief

The Incident Commander will determine if there is a need for a ______ and designate a _________.

- intelligence and information. - IAPs - contingency plans - demobilization - resources

The Major Activities of the Planning Section may include: -Collecting, evaluating and displaying incident ______ and ______. -Preparing and documenting _____. -Conducting long-range and/or ________. -Developing plans for _______. -Tracking ______ assigned to the incident.

tactical field work

The Operations function is where the ______ is done. Therefore, most incident resources are assigned to the Operations Section.


The Person in charge of each Section is designated as a _______.

Resources Unit

The Planning Sections can be further staffed with four Units: 1. _______: Conducts all check-in activities and maintains the status of all incident resources.

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

The _______ is a multiagency coordination entity that provides support and coordination to the on-scene responders.

-Ensure personnel accountability -Track resources - in case of an emergency - personnel time records and payroll documentation -plan for releasing personnel - demobilization process

The check-in process and information helps to: - Ensure ______ accountability - Track ______ - locate personnel in ________ - establish personnel ______ and payroll documentation - plan for _______ - organize the _______ process


The command function may be carried out in two ways: As a ____ command, in which the IC will have complete responsibility for incident management.


The command function may be carried out in two ways: As a _____ Command in which responding agencies and/or jurisdictions with responsibility for the incident share incident management.

divide an incident into geographical areas of operation

The important thing to remember about ICS Divisions is that they are established to _____________

General Staff

The people who perform the other four management functions are designated as the ________.


The person in charge of each Branch is designation as a ___________.


The person in charge of each Division is designated as a _____________. How each area is divided is determined by the needs of the incident.


The person in charge of each Group is designated as a _____________.

Transfer of Command

The process of moving the responsibility for incident command from one IC to another is called __________


The resources in the Staging Area are always in _______ status

more qualified person legal requirement incident complexity.

Transfer of Command may take place when: -A _______ assumes command - The incident situation change over time, resulting in a _______ to change command. - Changing command makes good sense (incident Management team takes command of an incident from a local jurisdiction unit due to increased ________)

turnover of personnel concluded

Transfer of Command may take place when:(cont) - There is normal _______ on long or extended incidents -The incident response is ______ and incident responsibility is transferred back to the home agency.


______ are used to divide an incident geographically.

Multiple jurisdictions multiple agencies multi-agency

Unified Command Unified Command may be needed fro incidents involving: - M_______ - A single jurisdiction with ________ sharing responsibilities -Multiple jurisdictions with _______ involvement.

confusion at the incident seniority Standardized position

Using specific ICS position titles serves 3 important purposes: - titles provide a common standard for all users. for example, if one agency uses the title Branch Chief, another Branch Manager, etc, this lack of consistency can cause __________. - The use of distinct titles for ICS position allows for filling ICS positions with the most qualified individuals rather than ______. - _________ titles are useful when requesting qualified personnel. For example, in deploying personnel, it is important to know if the positions needed are Unit Leaders, clerks, etc.

* Accountability * Communication * Planning process

Weaknesses in incident management were often due to: * lack of ___________, including unclear chains of command and supervision. * Poor ____________ due to both inefficient uses of available communications systems and conflicting codes and terminology. * Lack of an orderly, systematic ___________.

* management structure * interagency

Weaknesses in incident management were often due to: (Cont) *No common, flexible, predesignated __________ that enables commanders to delegate responsibilities an manage workloads efficiently. * No predefined methods to integrate ______ requirements into the management structure and planning process effectively.

- Multi-discipline Incidents - Multi-jurisdictional incidents - Very Large Incidents

While span of control is a common reason to establish Branches, additional considerations may also indicate the need to use these branches, including: - _____ Incidents - _____ incidents - _____ Incidents

Rank, grade and seniority

____, _____, and ______ are not the factors used to select the IC. The IC is always a highly qualified individual trained to lead the incident response.

Branches geographical or functional.

_____ are used when the number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control and can be either _____ or ______

Divisions and Groups

______ and _______ can be used together on an incident.


______ are used to describe functional areas of operation

requirements and complexity

facilities will be identified and established by the IC depending on the _______ and _______ of the incident or event.

Incident Command System

the ________ is a standardized, on-scene, all hazard incident management concept.

- Incident Command - Operations

the five major management functions are: - _______: sets the incident objectives, strategies and priorities and has overall responsibility at the incident or event. - _______: Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. develops tactical objectives and organization and directs all tactical resources.

Planning Logistics Finaince/Admin

the five major management functions are:(cont) _________: Prepares and documents the ICP to accomplish the objectives, collects and evaluates information, maintains resource status and maintains documentation for incident records. ______: Provides support, resources and all other service needed to meet the operational objectives. ______: Monitors costs related to the incident

one Logistics Section

there is only ____ Base per incident, and it is designated by the incident name. The Base is established and managed by the _______.

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