Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables
Drinking Red Bull increases hyperactivity in children
IV: Red Bull consumption DV: rate of hyperactivity
UV light decreases the growth of mold
IV: UV light DV: mold growth
People will become shy if they are in a crowd
IV: crowd (number of people around) DV: shyness
Eating sugar impairs performance on a memory task
IV: eating sugar DV: memory level
More sleeps help students move to class more quickly
IV: hours of sleep DV: time it takes for students to get to class
Eating lemons causes students to have higher test scores
IV: lemon consumption DV: test scores
Having longer football practice increases touchdowns during games
IV: length of football practice DV: number of touchdowns during games
Listening to a radio broadcast of a sports event while studying for a test decreases performances on the test
IV: listening to a radio DV: test performance
Smoking cigarettes while driving a car increases lung cancer
IV: smoking cigarettes DV: rate of lung cancer
Too much stress causes stomach aches
IV: stress level DV: rate of stomach aches