identifying the subject, compound subjects and compound predictes

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althea (works,work) hard during the week but (relaxes,relax) on saturday sunday

works and relaxes

The hotel guests either (reads,read) or (naps,nap) in the afternoon. name the compound predicates

read and nap

rita dove and robert frost (is,are) two famous american poets. name the compound subjects and what form of verb is used singular or plural

rita dove and robert frost plural

She was the first female governor in the united states. write the simple subjects and the predicates.

she subject and predicate was

lawyers prepare their cases and defend their clients in court.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.


the school bus stops at the corner of my street. write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

simple sentence

what has one subject and one predicate

simple sentence

When simple subject are joined by (or, either, neither, nor) the verb must agree with the near what?

simple subject

Neither her sisters nor charlotte was outgoing.Charlotte is the nearer subject to the verb so what form is used singular or plural?


neither charlotte nor emily is my favorite author. emily is the nearer subject to the verb. What form is used singular or plural?


through the mountains sped the trains. write the simple subjects and the predicates.

subject mountains and trains predicates are sped

in 1925 nellie tayloe ross became the governor of wyoming. write the simple subjects and the predicates.

subject tayloe ross became predicate

Have kawa and tyrone studied american history this year? write the simple subjects and the predicates.

subjects kawa and tyrone and predicates studied

in 1842 pioneers and their animals traveled on oregon trail. write the simple subjects and the predicates.

subjects pioneers and animals predicate traveled

did serena prepare this meal by herself, or did her brother help her?write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


i made an outline for my report then i wrote the introduction.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


jake and sally grilled hot dogs and made a salad.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


my mother works as a dental assistant, and my father drives a truck.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


perry makes his bed every morning sandra always leaves her room in a mess.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


seventy-six trombones led the big parade. write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


several aunts and uncles and all my grandparents live in other states.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


the dog barked and growled, the thief turned and ran.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly


the chef or his assisants (bakes,bake) and (decorates,decorate) the wedding dress

bake and decorate

many students read and enjoy novels.the words read and enjoy are what?

compound predicate

Cars and trucks stream across the bridge and disappear into the tunnel.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

Did george washington really chop down his father's cherry tree, or is that story just a legend?write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

Latoya missed the basket but laura caught the rebound.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

Ms.martin class made the posters and mr. rossis class sold tickets write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

Silvia lost her watch, but jeremiah found it and returned it.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly

compound sentence

The engine sputters and coughs, the cars jerks forward and then stops. write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

mr. and mrs. montoya raise Irish setters, and their son daughter feed and exercise the animals.write simple, compond or run-on sentence. if an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly

compound sentence

the wind howls, and the hikers huddle in their tents and drink hot soup.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

we went to a movie then we stopped for a snack.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

compound sentence

what has a sentence that contains two or more simple sentences joined by a comma and a coordinating conjuction(and,but,or) or by a semicolon

compound sentence

charlotte bronte and emily bronte were what type of words the charlotte bronte and emily bronte are they.

compound subject

a compound predicate

consist of two or more simple predicates or verbs that have the same subject. the verbs may be connected by (and, but,both or,neither, either

compound subject

consists of two or more simple subjects that have the same predicate. subjects may be joined by and, or, both, either, or, neither, nor

dad washes dishes by hand mom puts them in the dishwasher.write simple, compound, or run-on sentence. If an item is a run-on, rewrite it correctly.

dad washes dishes by hand, and mom puts th

Name another female governor. write the simple subjects and the predicates.

female subject name predicate

both owls and raccoons (hunts,hunt) at night.


Neither charlotte nor her sisters were outgoing. Sisters is the nearer subject to the verb so what form is used singular or plural?


when the two simple subjects are joined by (and) or by (both) the compund subject is plural or singular?


then came the railroads write the simple subjects and the predicates.

railrods subject and came predicate

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