IELTS 4000 part 2snn

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(adj.)(n.)h based on assumptions; supposed that option is merely ** at this juncture Finn talked in **s, tossing what-if scenarios to Rosen


(adj.)(n.)h philanthropic; one devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms groups sending ** aid My thanks go to those aforementioned **s in the town, the skilled hospital staff and, especially, to all my thoughtful friends and neighbours for their gifts and many good wishes.


(adj.)(n.)i existing in idea or thought; conception; intellectual; mental; imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless the swimming pool is ** for a quick dip you're my ** of how a man should be


(adj.)(n.)i having power command or control; critically importance; some duty that is essential and urgent immediate action was ** free movement of labor was an economic **


(adj.)(n.)i not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others the study is totally ** of central government In fact, most were published by university presses, the federal government or small **s .


(adj.)(n.)i not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever our mortal bodies are inhabited by ** souls The fusion of ancient **s then dutifully turned to the task of easing the transition of those that reached the end of corporeal life and fearfully joined the fusion of immortality.


(adj.)(n.)i suggestive; implying; serving to indicate having recurrent dreams is not necessarily ** of any psychological problem Thus, if a language has long-distance reflexivization with **s , then it will necessarily have it with (if relevant) subjunctives, infinitives, small clauses, and NPs.


(adj.)(n.)i uncultured; uneducated; not able to read or write his parents were ** This reminds me of a quote from Italo Calvino (who was most certainly literate): 'The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is constant, but now the **s can read.'


(adj.)(n.)i usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another; event; happening the changes ** to economic development several amusing **s


(adj.)(v.)h low or inferior in station or quality; modest he was ** about his stature as one of rock history's most influential guitarists I knew he had **d himself to ask for my help


(adj.)(v.)i combine something into a larger whole; unite Paul displays a profound understanding both of the ** person of Christ and of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate vessel. he has **d in his proposals a large number of measures


(adj.)(v.)i tending or leaning toward; bent; having preference or tendency he was ** to accept the offer


(adj.)(v.)i useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; given rest and ease; avoiding work or employment; lazy assembly lines standing ** for lack of spare parts four men were **ing outside the shop


(adj.)h containing a high amount of water or water vapor a hot and ** day


(adj.)h employing or showing humor; funny; amusing a ** and entertaining talk


(adj.)i deceptive; misleading; based on or having the nature of an illusion that ** haven


(adj.)i difficult to believe; incredible; skeptical an ** gasp


(adj.)i duplicate; alike; being the exact same one four girls in ** green outfits


(adj.)i enormous; boundless; so great as to be beyond measurement the cost of restoration has been **


(adj.)i having existence only in the imagination; fanciful; visionary Chris had ** conversations with her


(adj.)i having no particular interest or concern; being neither good nor bad they all seemed ** rather than angry


(adj.)i having the nature of an idiom; characteristic of a given language distinctive ** dialogue


(adj.)i incapable of being read; unclear; not legible his handwriting is totally **


(adj.)i inharmonious; impossible to coexist; not easy to combine harmoniously cleverness and femininity were seen as **


(adj.)i lacking education or knowledge; unaware he was told constantly that he was ** and stupid


(adj.)i making a strong or vivid impression; producing a strong effect an ** view of the mountains


(adj.)i morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; under a legal obligation to someone heavily ** countries


(adj.)i near at hand; close in time; about to occur they were in ** danger of being swept away


(adj.)i not biased; fair; showing lack of favoritism independent and ** advice


(adj.)i not deferred by an interval of time; present; occurring at once; instant the authorities took no ** action


(adj.)i not moral; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest an ** and unwinnable war


(adj.)i not sufficient to meet a need; insufficient; poor these labels prove to be wholly **


(adj.)i not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs she telephoned frequently, usually at ** times


(adj.)i something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward there is no ** for customers to conserve water


(adj.)i tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope the price is **, with few incidentals


(adj.)i unbelievable; beyond belief or understanding an almost ** tale of triumph and tragedy


(adj.)i unclear; vague; lacking precise limits they may face ** detention


(adj.)i unreachable; not available; unattainable a remote and ** cave


(adj.)i unwise to implement or maintain in practice; theoretical ** high heels


(adv.)i by chance; accidentally **, it was many months before the whole truth was discovered


(adv.)i endlessly; incessantly; for a long time, no end defined; forever talks cannot go on **


(adv.)i proximately; directly; without interval of time; without delay; promptly; instantly; at once I called ** for an ambulance


(n.)(v.)(adj.)h strong desire for something; feel the need to eat she was faint with ** all actors ** for such a role This trial in fact, as a matter of record in this Court, was a retrial following a hung jury.


(n.)(v.)h bustle; cause to move furtively and hurriedly the ** and bustle of the big cities they **ed him into the back of a horse-drawn wagon


(n.)(v.)h song of praise or adoration, especially, a religious ode, a sacred lyric a Hellenistic ** to Apollo Johnson's reply **s education


(n.)(v.)h use economically; conserve; save she and her ** are both retired the need to ** his remaining strength


(n.)(v.)i anything which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses; prologue indicating what follows; second digit Endnotes, bibliography, and an ** of names and subjects facilitate scholarly use and quick reference. the list **es theses under regional headings


(n.)(v.)i bring in from another country It could then export the surplus of this commodity in exchange for **s produced by other countries with respective comparative cost advantages. Japan's reluctance to ** more cars


(n.)(v.)i cause to lean, slant, or slope; deviate from the horizontal or vertical the road climbs a long ** through a forest he was **d to accept the offer


(n.)(v.)i enrage; infuriate; cause to be extremely angry Instead, they burn ** and other sweet odors and light candles. the aroma of cannabis **d the air


(n.)(v.)i forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly there was the sound of a third ** the shell **ed twenty yards away


(n.)(v.)i nick; set in from margin; impress or stamp While typing text, this program automatically **s for you. It begins with a line containing 'help', followed by a number of lines of help text that are **ed two spaces from the help line.


(n.)(v.)i process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent the inmates' pay can escalate in five-cent **s to a maximum of 90 cents an hour The average person would think Intel would just ** the family code.


(n.)(v.)i put into effect; supply with tools agricultural **s the regulations ** a 1954 treaty


(n.)(v.)i visual representation; representation of a person Abstract paintings abandon **s of the external world, speaking instead directly to people's internal thought processes. artworks that i**d women's bodies


(n.)h a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas We know that the Moon is low on certain chemicals such as ** and carbon.


(n.)h assumption; theory professional astronomers attacked him for popularizing an unconfirmed **


(n.)h behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic; mental disorder the mass ** that characterizes the week before Christmas


(n.)h cleanliness; sanitation poor standards of food **


(n.)h dampness; moisture Of course, keeping beautiful amid the heat and ** is no easy task, so the Shanghai Star brings you some new and effective ways to help you look your best in the hot weather.


(n.)h kindness; virtue; all of the inhabitants of the earth appalling crimes against **


(n.)h practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold; falseness; expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction The way society views the whole drug scene is riddled with ** and double standards.


(n.)i a disorder of digestive function; difficulty in digesting Occasionally these drugs have side-effects such as ** and muscle pains.


(n.)i act of applying force suddenly; an impelling force or strength I had an almost irresistible ** to giggle


(n.)i act of designating or identifying something; condition of having your identity established each child was tagged with a number for **


(n.)i confinement; putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment he was sentenced to two months' **


(n.)i emulation; copying the actions of someone else an ** diamond


(n.)i exact sameness; distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity he knows the ** of the bombers


(n.)i expression whose meaning differs from meanings of its individual words; distinctive style India has had a longer exposure to English than any other country which uses it as a second language, and its distinctive words, **s , grammar, rhetoric and rhythms are numerous and pervasive.


(n.)i foolish or stupid person; unlearned, ignorant, or simple person And he is not coming into court acting like an ** and being stupid on the stand.


(n.)i gain from labor, business, property, or capital he has a nice home and an adequate **


(n.)i image used for worship; image of divinity; representation or symbol; false notion or conception These were, we must remember, unbelieving Gentiles, worshipers of **s and knew very little of the Jewish religion.


(n.)i lack of ability, especially mental ability, to do something his ** to accept new ideas


(n.)i lack of knowledge or education he acted in ** of basic procedures


(n.)i migration into a place; moving into a place patterns of ** from the Indian sub-continent to Britain


(n.)i misleading vision; being deceived by a false perception or belief the ** makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background


(n.)i one who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there; non-native Another theme running through the huge demo was solidarity with refugees and **s .


(n.)i picture; drawing; showing by example an ** of a yacht


(n.)i preference; tendency; inclined surface; slope John was a scientist by training and **


(n.)i something hinted at or suggested; act of implying; condition of being implied the ** is that no one person at the bank is responsible


(n.)i state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness ** between his expressed attitudes and his actual behavior


(n.)i unconcern; disinterest; lack of enthusiasm she shrugged, feigning **


(v.)(n.)h make silent or quiet; keep from public knowledge; suppress mention of he placed a finger before pursed lips to ** her a ** descended over the crowd


(v.)h cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of you'll ** me in front of the whole school!


(v.)h throw with great force; cast; toss rioters **ed a brick through the windshield of a car


(v.)i beg for urgently; make an earnest appeal he **d her to change her mind


(v.)i bring upon oneself; become liable to; acquire or come into I will pay any expenses **red


(v.)i copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic; use or follow as a model his style was **d by many other writers


(v.)i demand; force; compel to behave in a certain way the decision was theirs and was not i**d on them by others


(v.)i express or indicate indirectly; signify the salesmen who uses jargon to ** his superior knowledge


(v.)i kindle; cause to start burning; set fire to furniture can give off lethal fumes when it **s


(v.)i move into another country to stay there permanently the Mennonites **ed to western Canada in the 1870s


(v.)i plunge into anything, especially a fluid; sink; dip ** the paper in water for twenty minutes


(v.)i point out; direct to a knowledge of dotted lines ** the text's margins


(v.)i provide or brighten with light; clear up or make understandable; enlighten a flash of lightning **d the house


(v.)i recognise; say or prove what some/one/thing is; find out; discover the judge ordered that the girl not be **ied.


(v.)i refuse to pay attention to; disregard; overlook; neglect he i**d her outraged question


(v.)i represent; demonstrate; depict; clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons the guide is **d with full-color photographs


(v.)i reveal or tell; grant a share of; bestow teachers had a duty to ** strong morals to their students


(v.)i start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony he **d a new policy of trade and exploration

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