III. The Practice of Globalization

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Second World

A term from the Cold War era that describes nations with moderate economies and standards of living.

Globalization as Competition: Chinese Goverment

Chinese government initiated a system of economic liberalization through opening its market to the world. Its membership in the World Trade Organization in 2001 signaled the beginning of a more competitive and uncertain global market. The aggressive economy of China is seen as an alternative source aside from the one being offered by the United States in terms of its capital and investment in international market. In 2017, its economy was ranked number two most powerful economies in the world. It has surpassed giant economies in Europe and Japan.

Peter Bauer

Economist ____________________ offers a different characteristic describing those belonging to the Third World as having governments that demand and receive aid from the First World. It cannot be denied, problems like poor health care, high poverty incidence and mortality rate, environmental pollution and substandard facilities are known social constraints confronting communities of the Third World.

Victim of Globalization

Even Osama Bin Laden who decried the imperialism of American government in the Middle East was an obvious "_______________" of _______________. When he had his speech televised on Al Jazeera, the world noticed bin Laden's version of fragmentation and cross-fertilization. He was wearing traditional contemporary military and traditional Arab fabrics with a Russian-made gun, probably a product of illegal arms smuggling. Another observation that while he was facing his global audience, Bin Laden was using a Timex stylish sports watch, a leading US accessory brand.

World Capitalist Economy

Giddens identified the ___________________ as the primary force of globalization. Needless to say, capitalist states are the main engines of global production and distribution of goods and services. These capitalists engage in transnational operation maintaining pool of resources such as labor and capital. As a result, large enterprises today are successfully generating profits from its worldwide operation. Multinational Corporations for example, is very powerful in controlling domestic and foreign market because of its rich market base and infrastructure support capability.

First World

In practice, _______________ fits to describe powerful economies having stable governments, robust financial markets, advanced and modem infrastructures, low poverty rates, and high standard of living. United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore and some countries in Europe are considered First World. These countries have high industrialized economies, modernized resources and democratic regimes. The wealth and economic stability of a First World country could be used in influencing the global economic operation as well as influencing key decisions in international arena like the United Nations and World Trade Organizations.

Globalization as a Venue of Competing Forces

Kukreja (2008) characterized globalization as a venue of competing forces. Global economic competitions and interdependencies began to dominate in the early 1990s where three critical stages came to light.

Second World during Cold War

Soviet Union, China and allies were parts of the Second World during the period of Cold War. The eastern bloc or the former industrial states like Estonia, Lithuania, half of Germany which was occupied by Stalin's Army was identified as part of Soviet aggression. This case of aggressive nature of Soviet Union, as explained by historians, caused cold war. The alliance formed supporting the Soviet power like China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba was perceived as the Second World. This idea of world order s associated with the role of political and military power during Cold War. Soviet Union's aggression coupled with communist ideology was evident in its actions of producing nuclear armed ballistic missiles and transporting it to Cuba leading to missile crisis in the Americas. The communist countries of the Second World are found be trapped between poverty and prosperity.

First World during Cold War

The United States was found to be an aggressor too, blaming the Americans as culprit of the Cold War. Its government centers on expanding its economic base as far as Europe through the promotion and implementation of Marshall plan. It was proposed to integrate West Germany as part of European economic cooperation and to offer loans to war-torn economies in Europe. This economic aggression of the US signaled countries in Europe and the Soviet Union on the returning US interests in world affairs through using the idea of capitalist imperialism. Such event prompted other countries to be aligned with the Western powers of the US. United Kingdom, Japan, and Western European nations joining the forces supporting the United States. However, not all countries belonging or nonaligned with Soviet Union are considered First World. From the time Cold War concluded, this terminology provided contrasting definitions.

Globalization as Competition: USSR and Eastern European Nations

The collapse of the communist governments of USSR and the departure of eastern European nations marked the increasing players of emerging markets. The stable government and economies of some countries in Europe are viable markets for expanding national and international market.

The Cold War of United State and Soviet Union

The concept of "First World," "Second World", and "Third World" was a construct of the Cold War era. This period of bloodless conflict lasted forty-five years between the United States and Soviet Union. There were number of interpretations on the origin of Cold War: 1. The conflict was caused by the aggressive behaviour and domestic policies of Soviet Union prompting other countries especially the US to react. Henry Kissinger, a known realist described it as "Russia on the march". 2. The Cold War was a result of the United States economic system of expansionist-capitalism. 3. The war was a consequence of security response from the two countries on the power vacuum and threat of central Europe. United States eventually won the competition through an arms race and deterrence that bankrupted Soviet Union (Nau, 2009).

Third World during Cold War

The neutral and non-aligned countries during the Cold War.

Nation-State System

The second dimension of globalization is the ____________________. The sovereignty of states in the period of modernization has been emphasized as a primary part of independence and autonomy. The concept of sovereignity in a globalized world is understood as the best form of asserting the existence and operation of a state in order to become recognized. Since the seventeenth century, this has been used as a major political unit in international relations (Balaam and Veseth, 2008). As sovereign entities, nation-states have the right to make their own collective objectives.

Globalization as Competition: India and some parts of Asia

The series of government-initiated reforms in India and some parts of Asia turned its strategy in developing its heavy sources and engines of economic development which compete against giant markets in the West. With India's booming economy, this country has the stake to join the ranks of most powerful economies in the world. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and telecommunications are key drivers of India's economy with an increasing demand of market in the coming years.

Third World

The use of this category of world order is less appealing now because scholars prefer to describe countries as less developed and developing economy or global south as part of the political and economic condition of the world. Countries had have colonial history are seen as part of the World like South and Latin America and Asia. Third World countries that have experienced colonialism in the hands of Western powers are described as poor economies. Having common historical backgrounds, the Third World has challenges in the political spectrum of institutional-building; these include human rights, freedom and democracy, dictatorship and repressive regimes.

Third World

There is unclear and no-agreed upon interpretation of the Third World. Countries like Brazil, India, China, and South Africa are classified as Third World but are actually parts of the developing economies with the inclusion of Russia forming the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). These countries are the newly industrialized economies and are predicted to become superpowers in the next 20-25 years.

Third Phase of Globalization 3.0 (1950-2000)

This period was marked by the immense influences of technology and internet. Information age is the major driving force in this phase as this was collaborated by the development of Multinational Corporations, active consumerism, innovations in healthcare, labor migration, and intensification of trade worldwide. New players and prominent economic actors emerged in this period like China, ASEAN, European Union coupled with the competitiveness of economic ties among nations. Sociologists described the third phase of globalization as part of modernity and the strong influences of individuals to dictate the operation of global economy.

Second Phase of Globalization 2.0.

This was marked by the conclusion of World War Il as this was also identified by some scholars as the age of Pax Brittanica. The key contributor of this period was the formation of market integrations '-e institutionalizations of major economic activities in the global What occurred during this phase covered the following: 1. The establishment of the League of Nations. 2. The global effect of Cold War and the rise of the Third World in international arena. 3. The increased attention to humanitarian works and development aid. 4. The introduction of global icons and American consumerism.

First Phase of Globalization 1.0. (1492-1800)

This was the period of mercantilism and the immediate rise of British economy during the age of industrialization. The inventions of steam engine, printing press, railway system were common symbols of this era. Such growth of town in Europe was coupled by the development of some social systems and institutions like government, education and exchange of goods and commodities within the region.


____________ believe that powerful countries and economies gain higher share on the benefits of globalization. These superpowers like Europe, United States, and Japan do not only provide operational framework but they also provide mechanisms and instruments in managing the international system.

Anthony Giddens

_______________ described globalization as an intensification of worldwide social relations. The global economic activity is the most obvious face of this phenomenon where economic activities have an immense effect to other global operations such as governments, education, and technology. Three Dimensions of Globalization: >> World Capitalist Economy >> Nation-State System >> World Military Order

Osama Bin Laden

_______________ was the most wanted person of the world in that year. American sentiments were high and pledges of cooperation from other countries blossomed. Tagged as an international terrorist hiding in mountainous places of Afghanistan yet he was captured on TV's worldwide wearing and using global brands. Deconstructing the images of bin Laden's speech seems easier to understand the dynamics of a borderless world. Afghanistan has a longstanding struggle of conflict and issues of security but, this country has no exemption from the entry of capitalist world. No doubt, like other countries, it has accepted the uncontrollable global, economic, technological, and cultural interconnections.

World Military Order

____________________ is the third dimension of globalization. Most states in the world have shifted its focus in strengthening the military capability. Enhancing the military strength of a particular country is not just only within the priority of most powerful and first world countries. Developing and third world countries have strategically developed its military program competing with that of the western and developed countries.

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