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Dutch East India Company

An example of indirect rule. They allowed local aristocrats to control local government. There local elites maintained law and order and collected taxes in return for a payment from the Dutch East India Company.

British East India Company

Given power by the British gov't to become involved in India's political and military affairs. The company sent soldiers to India and hired Indian soldiers called sepoys to protect the companies interest. The Indian revolted.

France -- Vietnam

France was nervous that Great Britain was trying to monopolize trade. The French government forced the Vietnamese to accept French protections. The French occupied the city of Saigon and during the next 30 years, extended their control over the rest of the country. In 1884, Vietnam was made a French protectorate (a political unit that depends on another government for its protection).

Benefits of British Rule

-- Britain brought order -- fairly honest government -- new school system -- trained Indian children to work in administrative system and the army

Costs of British Rule

-- only upper class Indians got educated; 90 percent remained illiterate -- Economic problems: manufactured goods destroyed local industries --British disrespected Indian culture

Why imperialize?

1. Natural resources 2. spread Christianity 3. for naval bases 4. more markets for trade 5. to gain an advantage over rivals 6. the belief that particular races are inferior (Social Darwinism)

Cause of the Indian revolts

A rumor spread that the British were passing out bullets greased with cow and pig fat. The cow was sacred to the Hindus and the pig was taboo for he Muslims. The sepoys refused to use these new bullets so the British arrested them. The Indian them went on a rampage killing over 50 men, women, and children from Europe.

economic change in Latin America

After 1870, Latin America exported wheat, beef, coffee, bananas, sugar, and silver, which brought about a lot of prosperity for Latin America. They also increased their own industrialization by building textile, food processing, and construction material factories. This lead to a growth in the middle class.

The US in the Philippines

After the US kicked Spain out of the Philippians, the Filipinos haoped to become an independent nation. However, the US refused to grant their independence. American President William McKinley wanted to "civilize" the country and also wanted to turn it into an American colony to prevent the area from falling to the Japanese. For 3 years, the US and the Filipinos fought in a bloody war but finally the US established control. The US now had an overseas empire.

Rise of African Nationalism

By the 1900s, a new class of educated westernized African leaders began to emerge in Africa. Many of them resented the foreigners because they exalted democracy, equality, and political freedom, but did not apply these values in the colonies. These new leaders hated colonial rule and were determined to led their countries to become independent. In the years to come, this resentment turned to action.

Great Britain -- Burma

Current day Myanmar. The British next advanced to Burma. GB wanted control of Burma to protect their possessions in India. British activities in Burma led to the collapse of the Burmese monarchy. GB established control over the entire nation.

Indian National Conference

Formed by a small group of upper class and English educated Indians. They called of a share in the governing process in India. Had trouble because of religious differences between the Muslims and the Hindus. Neither religion wanted to be ruled by the other.

France and Italy in North Africa

France gained control of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. Italy tried to take over Ethiopia, but was defeated, making it the only European state defeated by an African state. They later took over Libya.

French Missionaries in Vietnam

France had missionaries in Vietnam who had been persecuted by the Vietnamese authorities because they viewed christianity as a threat to their Confusion doctrine. However, Vietnam failed to stop their Christian missionaries. Vietnamese internal rivalries divided the country into two separate governments in the North and in the South.

Europe colonies

GB annexed the west coastal states and established a protectorate in Nigeria. France added the huge area of French West Africa which left France in control of the largest part of West Africa.

Suez Canal

In 1869, the Suez Canal was completed, which connected Ciaro, Egypt to the Mediterranean and Red Seas. After the canal opened, the British took interest in Egypt. They thought it was their life line to India. In 1875, Britain bought Egypt's share in the canal. Egyptian armies revolted and the British suppressed them. Egypt became a British protectorate in 1914 and they also gained control of the Sudan.

Revolts in South America

Jose de San Martin of Argentine and Simon Bolivar of Venezuela are considered the liberator of South America. San Martin believed the Spanish had to be removed from all of South America if any South American nations was to be free.

Boer War

Rhodes action began a war between the British and the Boer's. This lasted for over 3 years. The British burned crops and herded about 120,000 Boer women and children into detention camps where a lack of food caused over 20,000 deaths. Eventually, the British army won.

peasant revolts

Sometimes resistance to Western control took the form of peasant revolts. Peasants were often driven off the land to make way for plantation agriculture. This happened in Burma. These peasant revolts failed because the western powers were too strong.

Colonial Indian Culture

The British domination in India led to a cultural and political revolution. A british college was established in Calcutta, a local publishing house was opened, and textbooks were issued on different subject, including Western literature. New dictionaries and grammar books were published in Indian languages.


The British government ruled India directly through a British official known as a viceroy - a governor who rules as a representative of a monarch. He was assisted by a civil service staff of about 3,500 officials.

The Filipino Insurrection

The Filipinos fought for their independence. Emilio Aguinaldo was the leader of the independent movement. He revolted against the Us and set himself up as President of the Republic of the Philippines. Led by Aguinaldo, the guerrilla forces fought against the US for 7 years. The US eventually beat the guerrilla forces and gained control of the Philippines. The gained their independence in 1946.

Spanish-American War

The US defeated Spain in the Spanish American War. As a result, the US acquired the former Spanish territory of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippians.

US in Hawaii

The US wanted control of the sugar industry in Hawaii. As more Americans settled Hawaii, they tried to gain political power. When Queen Liliuokalani tried to keep the island under her control, the US government sent military forces to the islands and the queen was deposed. In 1898, Hawaii was annexed by the United States.

inequality in Latin America

The elites dominated society in Latin America. They ran the governments, controlled courts, and kept a system of inexpensive labor. Made big profits by growing single crops, such as coffee, for export.


The exception. After the French and British's conquest through Asia, Thailand was the only remaining free state in Southeast Asia. This was because of the two rulers, King Monghut and King Chulaonghorn, both promoted Western learning and maintained friendly relations with the major European powers. They acted as a buffer state between Asia and Britain.


The extension of a nations power over other lands.

the Caudillos

The new nations begins as republics, but soon strong leaders known as caudillos came to power. They ruled by force, and the landed elite supported them. Mexican rule Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. American settlers in Texas revolted against his rule. Texans gained their independence in 1836 and became a state in 1845. This led to a war between Mexico and the US and Mexico lost.

Great Britain -- Singapore

The process of imperializing began with Great Britain. They founded a new colony on the Malay Peninsula called Singapore. Because of its location on the sea, it became a refueling point for ships going to or from China. Was founded by Sir Thomas Sanford.

the Sepoy Mutiny ("Great Rebellion")

The revolt spread quickly and within a year, the British crushed the rebellion. The Indian outnumbered the British by almost 200,000 men but they were unorganized and did not work well together. As a result of uprising, the British Parliament transferred the powers of the East India Company directly to the British government. India became a colony of GB.

European West African

The slave trade was made illegal in US and GB in 1808. As slavery declined, Europe's interest in other forms of trade in Africa increased. Europeans wanted West Africa's natural resources such as peasants, timer, hides, and palm oil. The British began to set up settlements along the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone. This lead to tension.

the Boers

They were descendants of Dutch settlers, who had occupied Cape Town in the 1600s. This land, however, was seized by the British and renamed Cape Colony. The Boers were forced northward, to the regions between the regions of the Orange and Vaal rivers. In these areas, they formed two independent republic, the Orange Free State and the TransVaal Republic. The Boers put many of the native people in the area on reservations .

indirect rule

Western powers governed their colonies through either direct or indirect rule. Indirect rule, local powers were allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status. This made it easier to gain access to the regions natural resources and also lower the cost of government because fewer officials had to be trained. It also had less effect on local culture.

Monroe Doctrine

When US president James Monroe heard that the Spanish wanted to restore their control in Latin America, he signed the Monroe Doctrine. This doctrine guaranteed the independence of any Latin American nations and warned against European intervention in the Americans.

Mohandas Gandhi

While working at a law firm in South Africa, Gandhi became aware of radical exploitation. Gandhi turned Indian independence movement into one of nonviolent resistance. The aim was to win aid for the poor and independence.

colonial economies

colonial power did not want the colonists developing their own industries so they stressed the export of raw materials. This often led to plantation agriculture where peasants worked on plantations owned by foreign investors. The colonial governments did help build a modern economic system in these countries. They built RRs, highways, and other structures that would help the natives.

Panama Canal

in 1903, the US supported a rebellion that enabled Panama to separate itself from Columbia and establish a new nation. In return, the US was given control of a strip of land running from coast to coast in Panama. There the US built the Panama Canal, whcih opened in 1914.

Cecil Rhodes

in the 1880s, Cecil Rhodes founded gold and diamond companies in South Africa that made him a fortune. He gained control of territories North of the TransVaal (boer territory) and he named in Rhodesia after himself. One of his goals was to create a series of British colonies "from the Cape to Cairo" all linked by railroad. This eventually led to his downfall because he planned to overthrow the Boer government to take their land without his government's approval. He was forced to resign as Prime Minister of Cape Colony.

French Indochina

in the 1880s, France extended its control over Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos. All of these new possessions became known as French Indochina.

nationalist revolts

led by people who wanted to defend the economic interests or religious beliefs of the nations. This also happened in Burma where students formed an organization to protect against persecution of the Buddhist religion and the British lack of respect for local religious tradition.

Muhammad Ali

seized power in Egypt and established it as a separate Egyptians state. He modernized the army, schools, and industries.

direct rule

when the local elites were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials from the mother country. GB did this is Burma. Mother countries did this to educate the natives in the democratic process and to civilize the nations.

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