India Study

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The "Emergency"

Because Indira had no political visions or programs, she was unable to lead the nation and her political standing fell. As the situation grew worse, Indira was convicted of electoral malpractice, but rather than back down, she declared a state of emergency. Indira had opponents arrested, censored the press, and postponed elections in order to stay in control of the nation.



Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) came into power in 1959. She had dropped out of college and had no former experience in a government position. Originally used as a figurehead, in 1971 she found allies in socialists and ex-communists and managed to win the election. However, she had no political agenda and lost the 1977 election, an election she called herself. Her next rule was full of poor decisions and after operation bluestar, was assassinated.

Indian National Congress

Founded in 1885, founded in order to try and unify India, and ironically was originally leaded by an englishman (Allan O. Hume). First officials were elected in 1909, members included Motilal Nehru and his son Jawaharlal as well as Gandhi, who helped transform this organization into one of mass following. They were a Hindu Majority


Partition was brought around by the Muslim League in hopes of creating Pakistan and later vaguely confirmed by the British to hand power over to India on August 15, 1947. These announcements brought an upheaval of confusion regarding Pakistan's borders, causing widespread violence in wars for territory and ethnic cleansing. Both the Hindus and Muslims were both deeply scarred from this, but managed to successfully form Pakistan and create independent governments on both sides.

Rajiv Gandhi

As Indira Gandhi's elder son, Rajiv Gandhi(1944-1991) was reluctantly drafted into power as Prime Minister hours after his mother's death in 1984 and was in power until 1989 when he was not voted back into power. He lived until 1991 and then at age of 46 he was assassinated by a bomb blast. He was a pro west, technocrat (rule by technology) who wanted to move India into the modern age, wanted to 'shed socialist dogmas',. Rajiv brought the congress to a major a victory in the 1884 elections, and remained president of the congress (therefore the INC) until his assassination, but "His actions strengthened the country, but undermined his party.". other things: Was initially loved by the population but then was outed as being corrupted (Swedish arms manufacturer deal).

Operation Bluestar

In 1977, Indira sent armed troops into the Golden Temple in Amritsar, a sacred place for sanctuary and prayer for the Sikh people, to kill a group of terrorists lead by extremist, Singh Bhindranwale. Indira had originally encouraged him to help her with the Sikhs, but he soon left her and began working alone. Also killed in the temple were civilians. It's because of Operation Bluestar that she was assassinated.

Amritsar Massacre

On april 13, 1919, Brigadier-General Dyer ordered his troops to fire on a group of partially armed civilians, he trapped them into an enclosure and ordered his troops to fire, which killed over 400 and injured 1000. This angered many politicians and civillians and only set fire to the independence movement as people saw the british becoming lawless and not accountable for their actions.

The Punjab

A region between Northern Pakistan and India in which the Hindus and Muslims fought over to claim as their land.The punjab, has a Sikh minority that has been fighting for independence. Punjab is the region where operation blue star took place, this only fueled sikh independence.


A small state on the border of Pakistan that, in 1947, the Punjabis, some militias of former INA officers, and Hazaras launched a rebellion after the Maharaja hesitated his accession. Indian troops were sent to Kashmir and fought frontier men backed by the pakistani army. The UN came an announced a ceasefire in 1949

Lisence Raj

A socialist economic policy which was enforced during the Nehru legacy between British India and globalized India (1947-1991). It was based off of the economic policy enacted in the USSR, especially on self-reliance. Fueled politically by the memories of British occupation, especially the exploitation of the East India Trade Company, it had negative effects on the Indian people and ended up encouraging red-tapism, corruption, and inefficient economics. It was enacted by Nehru who said that he saw "no way of ending the poverty, the vast unemployment, the degradation and the subjection of the Indian people except through socialism."

Gendercide in India

Because Women were considered unvaluable, even undesirable because of the all around cost of having a daughter such as dowry costs, less and less people wanted to give birth and provide for girls. This lead to many pregnant women having (illegal) sex determination tests to determine the sex of their child. If it was a boy they would keep it, if it was a girl, the outcome was more dark. The result of this missing gender was that there were less and less women for indian men to marry, and a promotion of dowry-anger related violence. ·More info: because more women could afford sex tests and abortions more were having them and basing the future of their child on the outcome of the sex test.

Muslim League

Founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah in 1905, the Muslim League became a political party of India representing the Muslim minority in fear of the Hindu majority and the Indian National Congress. The league later demanded to create Pakistan with a Muslim majority. The creation of Pakistan on August 15, 1947 caused many feuds with India and the chaotic migration of 12 million people, bringing many refugees to both countries. India and Pakistan still managed to run independent governments and boost their nationalism through these endeavors.

Gahndi's Idea of Swaraj

Gandhi believed that swaraj, true peace, would be the ideal state. To achieve swaraj, he believed that they would have to make voluntary, nonviolent means based on democratic values. This peaceful and unified ideal would be emphasized by both Gandhi and Nehru in their influence upon India.They would fight to achieve swaraj by unifying the Hindus and Muslims despite the arrival of Pakistan and the tensions it brought.

Assassination of Gandhi

Gandhi was shot January 30, 1948 by a Hindu nationalist because of his desire for peace with Muslims and Pakistan. The assassination helped unite India, as people all over the country gathered together to mourn his death. The death of Gandhi allowed Nehru's ascendancy and caused minorities to fear of discrimination by the government.

Political Corruption in Contemporary India:

In many cases, bribing the police to get out of tickets, or really any person with power was the only way to get what people needed. The outright corruption in India was the product of lots of politicians abusing their power and taking all they could, this left india without many public services (for lack of supplies).

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Jinnah (1887-1948) was a western educated man, a member of the Indian National Congress before becoming leader of the Muslim League (1905) as a Muslim nationalist. He had much influence in the development of Pakistan and was very critical of the INC throughout, setting up expectations in which they were to respect and protect the Muslims.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) starting his political career in South Africa, had socialist ideals, anti-western and anti violence ideals, he was the (hindu) pioneer for a independent India. He was assaisnated by a Hindu extremist. He was imprisoned multiple times for his political opinions and believed unification of Hindus and Muslims, he did not believe in the partition of India. His political and philosophical ideas remain at the cornerstone for politics in India, he influenced many people.

Syed Abu'l-Ala-Maududi

Maududi (1903-1979) was a great influence on Pakistan and making it an Islamic state. He was greatly opposed of western nationalism in Pakistan. Despite his attempts, western influence politically enslaved the Muslims and suffered the consequences. They lost touch of their Islamic ideology and culture.

The Flat World

The 'Flat World' is a theory that 'The global competitive field [is] being leveled.' and so now countries, such as India, are 'able to compete for global knowledge work' such as production of computers, phone help centers and other work (some thanks to outsourcing). There is (more) equal opportunity for people globally. Outsourcing has been a source of 'flat worlding' moving opportunity from the us to india. The equal opportunity was helpful in the globalization movement.

Government of India Act, 1919

The government of India act allowed for indians to be elected to parliament, though people who owned property could only be elected (3% of population was eligible to be elected).

Government of India Act, 1935

The government of India act was the longest statue in British history enlarged franchise modestly while it also allowed for legislators to deal with internal affairs, but also magnified the separation between english and indian powers. It showed bias to property owners. The indian people did not see this as a step towards self governing.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Was the first prime minister of India (1947-64), he had socialist ideals and was a committed democrat. He was protege of Gandhi and started the Nehru Dynasty. He helped set the stage for democrat and socialist ideals and was a member of INC. He was able to kickstart India's democratic system.

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