Indigenous cultures test 1

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definition and an example of Native world view

World view describes a particular philosophy of life. It comes from German philosophy meaning all inclusive "vision of the world". It contains a collection of attitudes, values, stories, and expectations about the world around us. People in the same ethnic group or culture usually share the same or similar world views. Worldviews can be expressed in ethics, religion, scientific ideas and more. The Andean world view is based on male-female pairing because duality and complimentary are a fundamental value. Collective complementary is an important part of their labor relations and is a key dimension of community life. Apache people believed in the supernatural power of nature and that nature was the explanation for everything. The Tachi is an Indigenous tribe that values land, elders, and traditions. They view land as sacred and give thanks to resources that are provided for them. When they hunt animals, they use every part of it. They would eat their meat, use their fur for clothing and blankets, and use their bones to create sewing needles, games, tools, and hunting devices. Valuing land is a common Indigenous value.


Wovoka was a prophet in 1889 who spread his word to Lakota. He claimed that God appeared to him and revealed to him a bountiful land of love and peace. He prophesied that there would be a banishment of all evil and that remaining Native tribes would unite. They took this very well and so began the Lakota Ghost dance in 1890. His words spread quickly and gained much support which made the reservation authorities nervous. He told people that in order for things to change they had to dance traditional dances for 3-5 days. Many leaders visited him including Sitting Bull.


An Indigenous movement in Ecuador. Pancha means time/space. Kutik means change/ transformation. Pachakuik was the 9th Inca emperor. Support for Indigenous identity, land reform, the creation of a pluricultural states, and bilingual education. CONAINE formed in 1986 and was important in Ecuadorian politics.

Emiliano Zapata

An indigenous leader in the Mexican revolution who is from Morelos, 1910. His followers were mostly indigenous farmers or haciendas workers. They had been forced off their land and made to work as peons. They were fighting for their land. This land was taken away during Diaz efforts towards modernization and progress. Diaz ruled over Mexico for over 30 years. A quote from Zapata is "its better to die on your feet than live your life on your knees."

Ghost Dance

Began amongst the Paiute in ab 1869 with a series of visions from elders. Indigenous people of the western plains called upon their gods to restore power to defeat their enemies and redeem, their world. Ghost dance followed a time where many people died due to contact with Europeans. Dancing is a common practice in indigenous practices and is used for healing and other ceremonies. The prophet Wodziwob said he saw some great cataclysm that wiped out all Europeans as well as everyone else and allowed those who faithfully practiced the spirituality of their ancestors to return.

Rusell Means

Born in pine ridge Indian reservation. As a young man he joined his father and other Lakota in the occupation of Alcatraz Island. He met Dennis banks and joined AIM and became its director. He planned the Wounded Knee occupation in 1973. He was tried by the gov for his role in Wounded Knee.

Chief Luther Standing Bear

He attended the Carlisle Indian school, which aimed to assimilate Indigenous children to Western views. Despite this he clinged to Indigenous ways. They could force him to physically conform to western standards, but they could not take his spirit away. After he graduated, he became an advocate for indigenous rights and sovereignty. He also went back to his indigenous culture, this was referred to as going back to the blanket. In 1879 he successfully argued that native Americans were persons under the meaning of the law and therefore were protected under the constitution.

Tupac Amaru ii

He was a chief In the Tinta region of southern Peru. Lead a large rebellion against the Spanish in Peru. There was taxes and impositions against indigenous people that they wanted to abolish. He had thousands of supports. He ended up being murdered with his wife in front of their son as a spectacle. He became a symbol for Peruvian independence

Jim Thorpe

In 1912 king Gustavo V said that Thorpe was the greatest athlete in the world. He won 2 Olympic track and field goals and won the pentathlon. He also played baseball, American football, and basketball, all at the highest level. Despite a successful career in sports, he died in poverty. He struggled with alcoholism which damaged his health and impacted his finances, he ended up dying of a heart attack at 64 years old. He had attended the Carlisle Indian school and was mestizo

Comandanta Ester

Leader of EZLN, negotiated with Mexican gov. Addressed the Mexican congress ab racism, legacy of colonization, and efforts of globalization. Congress refused to listen to Native women, so it was half empty. Many reports left after finding out a native women would be speaking. Rigoberta Menche represented the new indigenous women, ready to fight the persistent poverty and racism.

Micaela Bastidas

Micaela Bastidas: Was Tupac Amaru wife and one of his top lieutenants. They both fought to rise up against the Spanish. She advised that they should attack Cusco before the city could stregthen after they defeated the royalist forces in the battel of sangarara. He decided not to, resulting in horrific consequences. They were both dragged behind horses with their hands and feet tied. Executioners then cut Micaelas tongue off before strangling her. While she was being executed her husband was stretched by 4 horses. Their youngest son Fernando had to watch this horrific spectacle.

Gerald Vizenor

Native American writer. " the postindian warriors encounter their enemies with the same courage as their ancestors once evinced on horses, and they create their stories with a new sense of survivance. These warriors counter the manifest manners of domination." Survivance, in native survivance, was about more than survival, endurance, or response. These stories of survivance are still active today. " survivance is an active repudiation of dominance, tragedy and victimry.

Taki Onqoy

Taki Ongoy means "dancing sickness". It was a revitalization movement in the 1560s in the Andes, where people rebelled against Spanish colonial laws and practices. Taki Ongoy preached against anything Spanish and advocated to a return of pre-Hispanic practices and worship. The main practices were ritual dancing and drinking in specific spaces as a form of cleansing. Other practices associated with T.O was the use of red paint, music, chanting, and they sacrifice of rams.

AIM and Zapatista movement

The American Indian movement was formed in 1968, driven by poverty and police brutality against indigenous people. They occupied the Pride Ridge Reservation which was the site of the 1890 massacre. AIMs leaders spoke up against high unemployment, slum housing, and racist treatment, and fought for the reclamation of tribal land. AIM grew rapidly in the 1970s and became the driving force behind the Indigenous civil rights movement. "people where in the gutter and wanted to get up." Some changes were made but they did not accomplish equality, however they were able to shed light on the repeated injustices that the federal government did to Native people. 1994 there was a movement created from the words of Emiliano Zapata. NAFTA came into effect, people were afraid they would lose more land, this wasn't in their best interest, so they rebelled. They wanted to change the way they were viewed in the world. Wanted to change using cultural terms instead of focusing on political terms. They used modern media at that time to publicize their movement and get recognition and support. Using media like cameras helped stop some violence because people didn't want to be caught on camera. Women had important rules in the revolution. Ideas of the movement spread and can be used outside of their original location.


originated in biblical tradition and was a driving force behind many Native movements. It is a cultural expectation of supernatural peace and abundance for a prolonged period of time. Latin millenaries mean containing 1000 years. This is supposed to be a divine justice that promises an end to existing institutions and authorities in power. Many indigenous movements use characteristics of millenarianism. An example of nativist millenarianism is when Gaiwiio said he was revealed the existence of heaven and hell by three spirits, and the preached the good message. Another example is that In the early 1900s Tecumseh and his brother lead people to reject European ways and return to their old traditions

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