Individual Influences ATI RN

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A nurse is documenting a cultural assessment of a client. Which of the following information should the nurse include?

Primary language

AACNS five core competencies of cultural competence with a newly licensed nurse. Nurse identify as one of these competencies.

Promote achievement of safe and quality outcomes.

A nurse in a community clinic is assessing a client who is from a different culture tha the nurse and reports having painful urination and a fever for 7 days. Which of the following comments should the nurse make when caring for the client (Select all that apply)

"How can I help you today?" "What seems to make your symptoms better?" "What have you done about your problems?"

A community health nurse is teaching of newly licensed nurses about the concept of culture. Which of the following statements should the nurse use to define culture?

A culture is the beliefs, values, traditions, and customs that are shared by a group of people.

Who is going to distrust the health care system based on past abuses.

Black American

A charge nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses about ways to increase quality of care for diverse populations based on the AACN's Core Competencies of cultural Competence. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Advocate for social justice on behalf of vulnerable populations.

A nurse is discussing cultural competence theories with another nurse. Which of the following models should the nurse identify as having a five-step process?

Campinha-Bucote's model

A charge nurse changes nursing assignments to accommodate the request for a female nurse for a Muslim client who is female. Which of the following qualities does this action by the charge nurse demonstrate?

Cultural Awareness

Phases as part of Leininger's sunrise model

Culture care maintenance/preservation Culture care negotiation/accommodation Culture care restructuring/repatterning.

Reduce health disparities

Demonstrate culturally competent practices and protocols Maintain a diverse workforce is correct Cultivate cross-cultural communication and awareness.

A nurse is discussing cultural competency with a newly licensed nurse. The nurse should include that nurses should have the ability to communicate with clients across which of the following sociocultural barriers to be culturally competent?

Different sexual orientation.

Which of the following cultural domains should the nurse include from this model

Family Roles and organization

A nurse in a community health clinic is reviewing statistics of recent population growth in the United States. Which of the following racial and ethnic populations should the nurse identify as having the largest recent growth rate?

Hispanic and Latino

A nurse executive is incorporating the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate services (CLAS) to achieve better outcomes for clients of the facility. The nurse executive should identify that which of the following is a function of CLAS?

Increasing awareness of diverse cultural identities.

Which of the following can occur when there is a lack of cultural understanding

Ineffective communications

Barrier to creating a diverse workforce

Nurses of color making up less than 28% of the national workforce

A nurse manager in a community clinic is using Healthy People 2030 to plan care for clients. Using the Healthy People 2030 guidelines, which of the following interventions should the nurse use to reduce health disparities?

Provide access to language services to clients.

A nurse manager of public clinic is evaluating health disparities among diverse groups in the community.

Race Ethnicity Residential Location Income

Which of the following responses should the nurse make?

Racism can negatively impact the mental and physical health of communities

A nurse manager is preparing a presentation on components of cultural competence. Which of the following definitions should the manager provide for the concept of cultural diversity?

Recognition of differences in race, color, ethnicity, or nationality that exist among individuals.

Cultural humility should the nurse include in the teaching.

Self-awareness Openness

The manager provide for the concept of cultural safety

Self-reflection and critique of power imbalances that allow health inequities.

Leiningers Sunrise Model

This dimension includes spiritual practices and beliefs.

A nurse is preparing a cultural assessment for a client who is from a different racial and ethnic background that the nurse. In completing the cultural assessment, which of the following pieces of data should the nurse collect about the client's culture practices? (Select all that apply).

Values Beliefs Lifestyle behaviors Language

"You know how all those people are, so noncompliant in their health.


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