Individual Prophets (Major)

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Jeremiah tells people what they should do...

People should submit so that the Temple would not be destroyed and remain the center of Judaism, where the people could repent of their sins (especially idolatry and disregard for the poor)

Isaiah 56-66 probably written by...

Probably written by disciples of the Isaiah of 1-39 as a "tribute"; may have been written from Jerusalem and the diaspora (dispersed Jews) after the exile;


Prophet quoted the most in the OT

Isaiah 40-55

Second, unnamed prophet wrote this; probably lived end of Babylonian Period (1260, 1030, 922, 722, 587, 539...)

As Isaiah had warned, the nation of Assyria waged war against Judah. In 701 B.C.E., the city of Jerusalem was besieged by the Assyrian king named


In four places (Is 42:1-4, 491-6, 504-11, and 52:13-53:12), Deutero-Isaiah refers to a

Servant of the Lord

The Valley of the Dry Bones (Ez 37) (message)

The message from this vision is that restoration is possible. Even the devastation of the destruction brought down on Israel as a result of the conquests of Assyria and Babylon can be overcome in the plan of God.

Isaiah 56-66 message is...

The message is hope; looks forward to a New Jerusalem, when God's light will attract all to God

Isaiah received his call to be a prophet in 742 B.C., the year which king died?


In a time of great political trouble, King Ahaz intended to ask the country of Assyria for help. Isaiah warned Ahaz not to seek Assyria's help but rather to trust the Lord. What will be the sign of God's protection , according to Isaiah ?

Young women that is pregnant will have a son named Emmanuel

Jeremiah refers to the Temple as...

a den of thieves; and says it will be destroyed;

Jeremiah walked around with...

a wooden yoke around his shoulders Jews in Judah did not like him

Isaiah 56-66 emphasized...

emphasis on the Temple and inviting others to be part of Chosen People

Jeremiah was in Jerusalem during...

events leading to the Exile

Jeremiah grew up in a...

grew up in a priestly family(Priests in charge of Temple worship)

Second Isaiah preaches to people about...

people to bring about a more loving and peaceful world

They did not like what Jeremiah was preaching they wanted to...

resist King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (634-562 b.c).

Jeremiah from a...

suburb of Jerusalem (Anathoth)

Second writer of Isaiah probably witnessed...

the fall of Babylon to the Persians (mentions Cyrus of Persia). Knows that Cyrus will be more tolerant of the Jews and allow them to return to homeland.

(Isaiah 66:18-19, 23)

"From one moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, all mankind shall come to worship before me, says the Lord"

Isaiah sometimes is referred to as the aristocratic prophet or the statesman prophet. He was counselor to kings of the time. Two kings he counseled were (Is 7:3-17) and ....

Ahaz and Hezekiah

Although the Assyrians had King Hezekiah's forces surrounded and outnumbered, they could not enter Jerusalem. What happened?

Angel of the Lord went thriugh camp and struck thousands of troops

"But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins; Upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed" (Is 53:5)

At the time, these words comforted people and were understood at the time to refer to the Jewish people themselves: the Jews are the "Servants of God."

Chapter 40 begins the section of Isaiah known as the Book of Consolation. It deals with events in Judah's history from, 587 B.C.E. 538 B.C.E. This the period of great strife in Jewish history known as the

Babylonian Exile

Who wrote about Jeremiah?


Jeremiah spoke his prophecies, but who wrote them down?

Baruch (his scribe)

The Valley of the Dry Bones (Ez 37) (what they represent)

Ezekiel is set among a valley of bones. One theory is that he is in a battlefield and the bones represent the fallen of Israel during the battles/exile. Ezekiel is seeing a vision of a restored Israel.

The Valley of the Dry Bones (Ez 37) (what Ezekiel saw)

Ezekiel sees the bones being drawn together, filled with flesh and skin and restored to life.

The Call (Ez 1-3) (what Ezekiel sees)

Ezekiel sees the throne of God in Heaven (accompanied by strange creatures/equipped with wheels and wings)

Four Servant Songs will bring...

Messianic Servant of God will bring righteousness; however, will suffer and be killed Later, read by Christians as the kind of Messiah Jesus will be

Jeremiah stayed as long as he could in the ruins of Jerusalem, but was later forced into exile in the land of Egypt and according to an old tradition, Jeremiah was


This author is known as Deutero-Isaiah (from the Greek meaning "second") and is given this This section of the book of Isaiah was probably not written by Isaiah, but perhaps by one or more disci- title because we don't know his real


The third section of the book of Isaiah begins in chapter 56 and continues until the last chapter, chapter 66. The primary message in this section is,to remind the Jews that now that they are back in their homeland, they must

Observe what is right to do and do what is just

According to Isaiah, God does not want sacrifices that are insincere, but rather wants people to

Learn to do good

How is Isaiah purified for his job as a prophet of the Lord?

Lips were touched with a hot ember

Chapters 40-55, besides comforting the people in exile,, try to encourage them to stay faithful to the wor- ship of the one true God. They are in danger of falling into

A loss of faith (idolatry)

The Call (Ez 1-3) (purpose)

Ezekiel is called to be a prophet by the end of the vision even though many people may resist his preaching

Jeremiah says if they listened...

God would reward them, liberate them from Babylonian rule

Jeremiah preaches...

Judah is paying the price for its sins against God, its unfaithfulness Judah should submit to Babylonian rule rather than be destroyed He believed this was God's punishment

Issue: Must have been two prophets because...

King Cyrus is mentioned in 45:1 but Cyrus defeated Babylon in 539. Same Isaiah couldn't have preached from (740-539)

Jeremiah isn't in the Bible after


When did Jeremiah first begin preaching?

609 B.C.

Isaiah 56-66 message (quote by the Lord)

"I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come and see my glory. I will set a sign among them; from them I will send fugitives to the nations... that have never heard of my fame, or seen my glory; and they shall proclaim my glory among the nations."

Isaiah 49:6

"It is too little, he says, for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore survivors to Israel; I will make you a light to all nations, that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth"

Isaiah asked the Lord how long he would have to preach the Lord says...

"Until the cities are desolate; without inhabitants, Houses, without a man, and the earth is a desolate waste. Until the Lord removes men far away, and the land is abandoned more and more (Is 6:11-12)

Isaiah hears the voice of the Lord say...

"Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? "Here I am," I said; "send me!"

Jeremiah preached against three sins or corruptions which were:

(Jer 1:16, 2:11): idolatry (Jer 5:2-3): Dishonesty Jer 5:31: Prophets/ Priests tell false truths

When did God choose Jeremiah to be a prophet

13th year of King Judah

In fact, the Israelites did Jeremiah bodily harm. List the ways that the people brutalized Jeremiah

20:2 Struck Jeremiah put him in the stocks at the Upper Gate of Benjamin 32:2 Imprisoned 37:15 Princes had Jeremiah beatened and imprisoned in the House of Jonathan 38:6 Threw Jeremiah into cistern(well)/Jeremih sank into the mud

In chapter 31, Jeremiah preaches his most eloquent theological statement on the future of God's relation- ship with his people . Jeremiah refers to this as the rep vencn What makes this covenant different from the covenant made at Mt. Sinai?

Blank=new covenant A. lasts forever B. It's law is written in human rights C. Gives everyone true knowledge of God

Isaiah sees God as the ultimate cause for this destruction of the Assyrian army, but more than likely the immediate cause of the destruction was probably what?

Bubonic Plague

This Servant of the Lord, however, will not appear glorious. In fact, Isaiah 53:1-3 says that this servant will have no stately bearing to BLANK nor appear- ance that would BLANK Indeed, he will be spurned and BLANK

Catch our eye Draw us to him Avoided by men

The Vineyard song...

Chosen People are vine of God. Picked up in the new testament

Jeremiah chosen...

Chosen before birth

Whereas before Isaiah's words were ones of warning, now the words of Isaiah become words of


The Call (Ez 1-3) (actions)

Ezekiel was told by God to eat a scroll he was so overcome by this experience he sat stunned for seven days.

Why did Jeremiah go on preaching in the face of such harsh treatment? (Jer 20:9)

Fire is burning in his heart he is forced to keep preaching

Four Servant Songs

Four Servant Songs (Is 42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12)

Jeremiah is smuggled to Egypt by Jews who wanted to align with Egypt rather than Babylon

He is not mentioned after this

In doing the work of the Lord, Jeremiah angered the people and received what in return? (Jer 20:7-8)

He recieves reproach/derision/mocking/he is an object of laughter

Jeremiah agonized over his message but...

He stayed true to God

Why was his name Isaiah?

He was named for Isaiah of Jerusalem

Isaiah Preached about...

He went to the Jews and told them about their stubbornness, he tells them that it could lead to the fall of Jerusalem

Isaiah 's ministry covered the reigns of 虫three kings who were

Hezekiah, Jothum, Ahaz

For Tsaiah, the outstanding quality of God is God's


Jeremiah preached during the reign of...

King Josiah c. 626 BC

Who reigned when Isaiah preached?

King Uzziah (died 740 B.C.) 1:1

Perhaps the greatest of all the major prophets is the prophet


Isaiah's message is characterized by the overwhelming sense that he had between the holiness of God and humankind's own...


Isaiah 1-39 Vision

Stories about Isaiah In Temple, vision of the Lord Isaiah said, "I am unworthy." An angel touches his mouth with an ember (piece of coal) This removes his sinfulness

Jeremiah is an example of how much a prophet, in preaching God's word, must sometimes


Isaiah reccived his call while he was in the


Jeremiah 7 recorded his teaching...

Temple sacrifice not sufficient to remedy sin; must resolve not to sin further Jerusalem not immune to God's destruction even though Temple is there Sins of pagan worship and "oppression of aliens, widows, orphans" are condemned

They did not listen to Jermiah

The Jews revolted; the Temple and all of Jerusalem was destroyed; many Jews killed

Christians believe...

The suffering servant prophecies are fulfilled through Christ

The Call (Ez 1-3) (theme)

Theme appears to be movement: the creatures are moving and the setting for the throne of God is moving.

How is Jeremiah's message recpived by the Israelites? (Jer 7:27)

They will not answer or listen to him

Answer to Issue of Isaiah

Thus, there must have been two different writers writing at two different times.

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